The Skeletal System

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How many digits does each leg in a horse have?

-1 digit

Thoracic Limb Phalanges: Equine

-1 digit with 3 phalanges ----proximal phalanx (long pastern bone) ----middle phalanx (short pastern bone) ----distal phalanx (coffin bone) -Also have sesamoid bones

How many phalanges are in the digit of the horse?

-3 phalanges

Which metatarsal bones are present in dogs and cats?

-4 metatarsal bones (II to V)

Which bones form the tarsal joint?

-7 Individual bones ----talus (tibial tarsal bone) ----calcaneus (fibular tarsal bone) ----central tarsal bone ----fourth tarsal bone ----first, second, and third tarsal bones

What is a Diarthroses?

-A joint that moves freely

Bone Matrix: Inorganic Portion

-Accounts for about half the weight of bone -Significant amounts of bicarbonate, citrate, magnesium, potassium, and sodium ions

What does yellow bone marrow consist of primarily?

-Adipose Connective Tissue

Hinge Joint

-Allow movement in one plane (extends/flexes) -Also called a ginglymus -Elbow joint -Knee joint -Atlantooccipital joint (nodding "yes")

What are Amphiarthroses?

-Allow some degree of movement between the bones

Plane/Gliding Joints

-Allows movement in two planes: mainly flexion/extension with some abduction and adduction -Articular surfaces are nearly flat -Tarsus and Carpus

How do bones grow in diameter?

-Appositional Growth: growth by adding to the free surface of the bone -Can occur at the endosteum or periosteum ----osteoclasts resorb old bone that lines the medullary cavity ----osteoblasts produce new bone tissue -Increases the diameter of the diaphysis and medullary cavity -Remodeling primarily takes place during a bone's growth -In adults, bone undergoes constant remodeling ----injury, exercise, and other activities lead to remodeling

Costochondral Junction

-Area where costal cartilage meets bony ribs


-Articular socket -Where the head of the femur sits, forming the hip joint


-Articulates with the humerus and the ulna -Styloid process articulates with the carpus


-Articulates with the tibia and fibula -Located medially and has 3 body parts --Body ----trochlea ----trochlear ridges articulate with the tibia --Head ----articulates with the central tarsal bone --Connecting Neck

Five Zones of the Epiphyseal Plate

-As cartilage grows, entire structure grows in length and then is turned into bone -Elongation stops once cartilage cannot grow further

Where is costal cartilage found?

-At the ventral ends of the ribs -Join the sternum or the costal cartilage ahead of them

What is another name for C1?

-Atlas -Wing Bone (a)

What is another name for C2?

-Axis -Tooth Bone (b)

What is the Haversian Canal?

-Blood Vessels -Lymph Vessels -Nerves

What are the main functions of endosteum?

-Bone Growth -Bone Repair -Bone Remodeling

What is the splanchnic (visceral) skeleton?

-Bone that develops in soft tissue and is unattached to the rest of the skeleton

Splanchnic (Visceral) Skeleton

-Bone that develops in soft tissue and is unattached to the rest of the skeleton -os cordis: in the heart of cattle and sheep -os penis: in the penis of dogs, cats, ferrets, beavers, raccoons, and walruses -os rosti: in the nose swine

What metacarpal bones are present in cows?

-Bones III and IV that are fused together

Which type of bones develop through endochondral bone formation?

-Bones at the base of the skull -Long bones

What is another name for the sternum?


What is the primary component of the inorganic portion of the bone matrix?

-Calcium Hydroxyapatite

Types of Bone

-Cancellous -Compact

Ball-and-socket Joint

-Capable of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, and circumduction -Hip Joint -Shoulder Joint

Short Bones

-Carpel and Tarsal bones -Small and roughly cube-shaped -Contain mainly cancellous bone, with a thin outer layer of cortical bone

Floating Rib Definition

-Cartilage does not join anything ----often end in the muscles of the thoracic wall

Intervertebral Disks Definition

-Cartilage separating bodies of adjacent vertebrae

What is the pubic/pelvic symphysis?

-Cartilaginous joint between the halves of the pelvis


-Caudal most pelvic bone -Forms caudal portion of the pelvic floor -Ischial Tuberosity: caudal projection

What is another name for a Haversian system?

-Central Canal

Which type of bones develop through intramembranous bone formation?

-Certain flat bones of the skull -Some of the irregular bones

Vertebral Regions

-Cervical (Neck) ----C1 (atlas) ----C2 (axis) -Thoracic -Lumbar -Sacral -Coccygeal

Nutrient Foramina Definition

-Channels in may large bones ----contains large blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves

Volkmann Canal Definition

-Channels through bone matrix that contains blood vessels ----joins with blood vessels in the Haversian system

What is another name for the distal phalanx of the horse?

-Coffin bone

What are the components of the organic portion of the bone matrix?

-Collagen Fibers (type I) -Proteoglycans -Glycoproteins (ex: osteonectin and osteocalcin)

Which type of bone is composed of Haversian systems?

-Compact Bones

Haversian System (Osteons) Features

-Concentric layers of ossified bone matrix arranged around a central canal

Bony Features of Articular Surfaces

-Condyle: large, round articular surface -Head: spherical articular surface on the proximal end of a long bone ----joins with the shaft of the bone at the neck region -Facet: flat articular surface


-Connects hindlimb to the body -Two hip bones (ossa coxarum) -Joins together at pubic/pelvic symphysis ----cartilaginous joint between the halves of the pelvis -Meet at the Acetabulum ----ilium ----ischium ----pubis

Vertebrae Features

-Consists of a body, an arch, and processes -Contains several processes: ----spinous process ----transverse processes ----articular processes

Condylar Joint

-Consists of a convex surface (condyles) that sits in a corresponding concave surface -Allows flexion/extension and side-to-side movement -Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

What is another name for compact bones?

-Cortical Bone


-DOGS (C7 T13 L7 S3 Cd20-23)

Endosteum Bone Structure Features

-Delicate membrane that lines the hollow interior surfaces of bones

Compact Bone Features

-Dense and Heavy

Fossa Definition

-Depressed area on the surface of a bone

Where is the primary growth center in long bones that develop during endochondral bone formation?

-Develop in the diaphysis -Cartilage is removed as bone is created

Where is the secondary growth center in long bones that develop during endochondral bone formation?

-Develop in the epiphysis

How does bones develop during endochondral bone formation?

-Develops by replacing hyaline cartilage ----hyaline cartilage serves as a template and is completely replaced by new bone -Takes longer than intramembranous ossification

What is another name for digit I in the dog and cat?


Synovial Joints

-Diarthroses -Joint Capsule: surrounds and protects the joint ----outer layer consists of fibrous tissue -Synovial membrane lines the joint cavity and secretes synovial fluid ----lubricates the joint ----provides nutrition for the hyaline articular cartilage

Thoracic Limb Phalanges: Canine and Feline

-Digit I (dewclaw) ----one proximal phalanx ----one distal phalanx -Digit II to V ----proximal phalanx ----middle phalanx ----distal phalanx -------ungual process

What are the two types of bone formation?

-Endochondral -Intramembranous

What are the two main parts of the medullary cavity?

-Endosteum -Periosteum

Metacarpal Bones

-Extended distally from distal carpal bones to proximal phalanges -Dogs and Cats (5 Digits) ----numbered medial to lateral ----metacarpal I: dewclaw

Bones of the Face

-External ----Incisive bones (2) ----Lacrimal bones (2) ----Mandible (1 or 2) ----Maxillary bones (2) ----Nasal bones (2) ----Zygomatic bones (2) -Internal ----vomer bone (1) ----turbinates (4) ----pterygoid bones (2) ----palatine bones (2)

Bones of the Cranium

-External Bones ----frontal bones (2) ----interparietal bones (2) ----occipital bones (1) ----parietal bones (2) ----temporal bones (2) -Internal Bones ----ethmoid bone (1) ----sphenoid bone (1)

Which long bone forms the thigh?


Which bones form the hip joint?

-Femur ----proximal end

Classification of Joints

-Fibrous Joints: immovable -Cartilaginous Joints: slightly movable -Synovial Joints: freely movable

What is the function of bone marrow?

-Fills the spaces within bones


-Flat, triangular bone -Spine of the scapula: longitudinal ridge on lateral surface -Glenoid Cavity: shallow, concave articular surface

Synovial Joint Movements

-Flexion -Extension -Adduction -Abduction -Rotation -Circumduction

Foramen Definition

-Foramina is pleural -Hole in a bone; may contain blood vessels, nerves

What is the function of red bone marrow?

-Forms all blood cells


-Forms cranial portion of the pelvic floor

What do the vertebral arches line up to form?

-Forms the spinal canal

Types of Synovial Joints

-Gliding Joint -Pivot Joint -Condylar Joint -Hinge Joint -Ball-and-socket Joint

Bone Cells: Osteoblast Features

-Helps control Ca and P levels in the body -Secrete an organic matrix rich in collagen protein -Immature cells formed from osteogenic stem cells -Help regulate bone resorption

What is the long bone of the brachium?


What bones form the elbow joint?

-Humerus -Radius -Ulna

What type of cartilage is found on the articular surface of synovial joints?

-Hyaline cartilage

What is the most cranial-most and largest pelvic bone?

-Ilium (the wing part)

Where is the sacroiliac joint?

-Ilium forms this joint with the sacrum

Where are Osteoclast found?

-In areas of: ----active bone growth ----repair or remodeling ----removal of calluses formed during fracture healing

What is another name for the carpus in hoofed animals?

-In hoofed animals, the carpus is the "knee"

Where is cancellous bone typically found?

-In spaces between the spicules contain bone marrow

How do bones elongate?

-Includes a layer of hyaline cartilage where ossification can continue to occur in immature bones -Diaphyseal Side (closer to the diaphysis) ----cartilage calcified and dies, and then is replaced by bone ----zones of hypertrophy and maturation, calcification and ossification -Epiphyseal Side (closer to the epiphysis) ----hyaline cartilage cells actively divide and produce matrix ---reserve and proliferative zones

Bones of the Ear

-Incus (2) -Malleus (2) -Stapes (2)

Where are osteocytes found?

-Inside the mature bones -Inhabit spaces called lacunae

Bone Matrix

-Intercellular substance that forms most of the bone mass -Has an inorganic portion -Has an organic portion

Meniscus (menisci)

-Intraarticular fibrocartilaginous discs -Stifle joint has two crescent-shaped menisci -Temporomandibular joint between the mandible and the skull -Help increase the range of movement of the joint -Act as "shock absorbers"

What is the caudal-most pelvic bone?


Which bone forms the caudal portion of the pelvic floor?


What is the Ungual Process?

-It is apart of the canine and feline thoracic limb phalanges -It surrounds the claw on the distal phalanx

What type of tissue is bone?

-It is the hardest and most rigid connective tissue -The second hardest substance in the body (1st is Enamel)

Obturator Foramen

-Large hole on either side of the pubic symphysis -Reduces the weight of the pelvic girdle -Provides extra surface area for the attachment of muscles and ligaments


-Large sesamoid bone -Formed in the tendon of insertion of the quadriceps femoris muscle ----main extensor muscle of the stifle -Protects the tendon


-Largest of the hip bones -Projects in dorsocarnial direction -Wing: broad cranial expansion -Forms the sacroiliac joint with the sacrum


-Largest of the tarsal bones -Articulates with the talus and fourth tarsal bone -Small articulation with the central tarsal bone -Tuber Calcanei ----proximal part of the bone ----attachment site for the common calcaneal tendon -Sustentaculum Tali ----bony process on the medial side

Is the fibula the medial or lateral lower hindlimb bone?


Fourth Tarsal Bone

-Lateral and central -Articulates on the medial surface with the central and third tarsal bones -Articulates proximally with the calcaneus -Articulates distally with the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones

Cancellous Bone Features

-Light and spongy -Tiny spicules of bone that appear randomly arranged


-Long bone that forms the thigh -Proximal end forms part of the hip joint -Femoral head faces medially and articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvis ----head joins the shaft at the neck ----round ligament attaches the acetabular fossa and holds the femoral head in place -Greater Trochanter: projection lateral to the femoral head ----site of muscle attachment -Lesser Trochanter: smaller projection on the medial side ----site of muscle attachment -Medial and lateral condyles ----project causally on the distal femur ----articulates with the tibia at the stifle joint -Trochlea Groove: articular groove between the 2 condyles that contain the patella

What is another name for the proximal phalanx of the horse?

-Long pastern bone

What is the purpose of the synovial joints?

-Lubricates the joint -Provide nutrition for the hyaline articular cartilage


-Main weight-bearing bone of the lower hindlimb -Larger, more medial bone -Forms the stifle joint with the femur -Forms tarsus (hock) with the talus -Medial malleolus ----distal protrusion that can be palpated on the medial aspect of the hock -Tibial Tuberosity -Tibial crest ----prominence on the dorsal surface ----attachment site for quadriceps femoris muscle

Bone Cells: Osteocyte Features

-Mature cells formed from osteoblasts -Star-shaped cells with projections

Is the tibia the medial or lateral lower hindlimb bone?


Central Tarsal Bone

-Medial -articulates with all of the other tarsal bone -acts as a buttress support for the joint

Which part of the bone contains the epiphyseal plate?


Osteocyte Functions

-Molecular Synthesis -Modification -Distant Signal Transmission -Major Regulator of Bone Mass -Endocrine Regulator in Phosphate Metabolism -Destruction can lead to Osteoporosis

Xiphoid Process Definition

-Most caudal sternebra (last)

Manubrium Sterni Definition

-Most cranial sternebra (first)


-Movement of an extremity so that the distal end moves in a circle

Sesamoid Bones

-Navicular bone of horses -Patella (kneecap) -Fabellae -Round or oval bones that develop in tendons -Protect tendons from stress and wear

Is periosteum found on a articular surface?

-No, not present

How are the metatarsal bones numbered?

-Numbered I to V from medial to lateral

How are the pelvic limb phalanges and digits numbered?

-Numbered I to V from medial to lateral -Except dogs and cats usually have only 4 digits (II to V)


-Olecranon Process ----point of the elbow ----site for tendon attachment of triceps brachii muscle -Trochlear Notch: concave articular surface (look for the "U", it is where the humerus sits) -Anconeal and Coronoid Processes

Where are osteoblasts found?

-On the surface of new bones

Metacarpal Bones in Horses

-One large metacarpal bone (cannon bone) ----metacarpal III -Two smaller vestigial metacarpal bones ----splint bones ----non weight-bearing ----metacarpal II and IV

Metatarsal Bones: Horses

-One large metatarsal bone (cannon bone) -Two small metatarsal bones (splint bones)

Pivot Joint

-Only movement is rotation -Atlantoaxial joint (shaking your head "no")

Flexion and Extension

-Opposite Movements -Increases or decreases the angle between two bones

Adduction and Abduction

-Opposite movements -Move an extremity toward or away medial plane

Which bone cell type produces bone?


What cell type is found in the inner layer of the periosteum?


What cell type produces and secretes the organic portion of the bone matrix?


Types of Bone Cells

-Osteoblasts -Osteocytes -Osteoclasts

Which large, multinucleated bone cell type is primarily responsible for remodeling/removing bone?


Which bone cell type maintains bone matrix?


Periosteum Definition

-Outer layer is composed of fibrous tissue -Inner layer contains osteoblasts -Membrane that covers the outer surfaces of bones -Contains blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves -Site of attachment to tendons and ligaments -Anchored and attached to underlying bone by fibrous structures called Sharpey's fiber

Pelvic Limbs

-Pelvis -Ilium -Ischium -Femur -Patella -Tibia (crus) -Fibula (crus) -Tarsal Bones (tarsus) -Metatarsal Bones -Phalanges

Bone Features: Processes

-Projections off of a bone surface -Name depends on location: ----the spinous process of a vertebra ----trochanter on the femur ----tuberosity on the ischium ----spine on the scapula ----wing on the atlas

What is the main function of the periosteum?

-Provide nutrition for compact bone


-Proximal Row (3 Bones) --intermedioradial carpel bone ----most medial ----articular proximally with radius --ulnar carpel bone ----articulates proximally with ulna --accessory carpel bone ----most medial lateral and projects caudally -Distal Row (4 Bones) --numbered medial to lateral --C1 to CIV

What type of cartilage covers the epiphysis of long bone?

-Proximal and Distal ----Covered with a layer of articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage) that allows bones to slide past one another more easily

Which bone forms the cranial portion of the pelvic floor?


What is the main weight-bearing bone of the antebrachium?


What are the types of bone marrow?

-Red Bone Marrow -Yellow Bone Marrow

How does bone develop during intramembranous bone formation?

-Replacement of sheet-like connective tissue membranes with bony tissue

What flat bones form the lateral walls of the thorax?


Epiphysis Bone Structure Features

-Round end of a long bone ----shape facilitates contact and motion with joints -Interior filled with spongy bone -Some are sites of blood cell production in adults

Thoracic Limbs

-Scapula -Humerus -Radius (antibrachium (forearm)) -Ulna (antibrachium (forearm)) -Carpel bones (carpus) -Metacarpal bones -Phalanges

What bones form the shoulder joint?

-Scapula -Humerus (proximal)

What separates the diaphysis from the epiphysis?

-Separated from epiphysis by the epiphyseal line/plate in the metaphysis

Metaphysis Bone Structure Features

-Separates epiphysis and diaphysis -Contains the epiphyseal plate (growth plate) ----a layer of hyaline cartilage in growing bone -Osseous tissue replaces cartilage as the growth phase is completed ----epiphyseal plate becomes an epiphyseal line

Diaphysis Bone Structure Features

-Shaft of a long bone -Long and cylindrical

Where are compact bones typically found?

-Shafts (outer layer) of long bones -Outside layer of all bones

What is another name for the middle phalanx of the horse?

-Short pastern bone

Bones of the Axial Skeleton

-Skull -Hyoid Bone -Spinal Column -Ribs -Sternum

Flat Bones

-Skull -Ribs -Scapula -Thin and usually slightly curved -Typically contain a thin layer of cancellous bone surrounded by cortical bone -Most are located in the axial skeleton -Protect underlying structures

Hyoid Bone

-Sometimes included with the cranial bones -Also called the hyoid apparatus -Composed of serval portions of bone united by cartilage

What are intracapsular ligaments?

-Stabilizing ligaments attached to the articulating bones within the joint -Cruciate ligaments within the stifle joint

Which bone forms the floor of the thoarx?


What bones form the carpel joint?

-Styloid -Intermedioradial Carpel Bone -Ulnar Carpel Bone

Functions of Bone

-Support and Movement -Protection -Mineral Homeostasis -Triglyceride Storage -Production of Blood Cells

What are most of the skull bone joints called?


Fibrous Joints

-Synarthroses -United by dense fibrous connective tissue -Examples: sutures of the skull

What type of joint connects the mandible to the rest of the skull?

-Synovial Joint

Where are menisci found?

-Temporomandibular joint between the mandible and the skull

What is another name for the Scapulohumeral Joint?

-The Shoulder Joint

What is the antebrachium?

-The forearm

What is the point of the elbow?

-The olecranon process

Which vertebrae do the dorsal heads of the ribs articulate with?

-The thoracic vertebrae

What is the diaphysis composed of?

-Thick layer of compact bone surrounding the medullary cavity

What are collateral ligaments?

-Thickened ligaments in fibers of the joint capsule -Provide additional stabilization -Most commonly found on either side of the joint


-Thin long bone lateral to the tibia -Ends in a bony point called the lateral malleolus -Not weight-bearing -Serves as a muscle attachment site

Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton

-Thoracic Limbs -Pelvic Limbs

What is the main weight-bearing bone of the lower hindlimb?


What is the main function of the bone matrix?

-To provide mechanical support for the bones


-Tubercles: processes where shoulder muscles attach -Condyles: articular surfaces ----trochlea: articulates with the ulna ----capitulum: articulates with the radius -Olecranon Fossa: indentation above the condyle -Epicondyles: non-articular


-Twist movement of a part on its own axis

Thoracic Limb Phalanges: Bovine

-Two digits that support the weight -Each digit has a proximal, middle, and distal phalanx -Proximal and distal sesamoid bones


-Two small sesamoid bones behind stifle in gastrocnemius muscle tendons of dogs and cats -Articulate with femoral condyles -Not present in cattle or horses

What are the splint bones in the horses?

-Two smaller vestigial metacarpal bones

What are Synarthroses?

-Type of joint that permits little or no movement

Long Bones

-Typically longer than they are wide -Humerus -Radius -Tibia -Ulna -Femur -Fibula

Which bone contains the olecranon process?


How are cartilaginous joints united?

-United by cartilage -Ex: mandibular symphysis (synarthroses) -Ex: pubic symphysis (amphiarthroses)

Cartilaginous Joints

-United by cartilage -Synarthroses ----mandibular symphysis ----pubic symphysis -Amphiarthroses ----intervertebral disk (allows flexibility of the spinal column

How are fibrous joints called?

-United by dense fibrous connective tissue -Ex: sutures of the skull

What is the brachium?

-Upper arm

Number of Bones in the Skull

-Usually consists of 37 or 38 separate bones

Irregular Bones

-Vertebrae -Pelvis -Bones that do not fit in other categories because they have a range of different characteristics -Cancellous bone, with an outer layer of cortical bone

What is the most common type of bone marrow in adults

-Yellow Bone Marrow -Can revert to red bone marrow if needed

Medullary Cavity Bone Structure Features

-Yellow marrow cavity in adults -Red marrow cavity in infants

Where is red bone marrow found in young animals and in adults?

-Young Animals: majority of the young -In Adults, ----ribs ----sternum ----vertebrae ----ends of long bones

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