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Plot and conflict, a story revolves around conflicts that are central to the theme ask,

What conflicts did the character face? How are the conflicts resolved?

Theme is the meeting at revealed by the work when we take into account all aspects of the work. It can be fully understood only when the reader has finished the story

It is an aspect of human experience that the author wishes to express

Theme is?

A message, lesson, or truth about life or human nature.

Theme is expressed in only?

A sentence or two not a paragraph or not a single word

Clues to theme

Clues to theme

Symbol, a symbol is an object, activity, place, or person that stands for something beyond itself. A simple can convey a theme because of what it means to the main character. Ask,

Does anything seem to stand for something beyond itself? What might this symbol mean to the main character? What might represent to the Readers?

Settings, settings can connect to the theme because of what it means to be characters or to the reader. Ask,

How does the setting affect the characters or influence their actions? What might the setting represent to the readers? How might the setting affect the story?

A universal theme is a theme that appears again and again in literature regardless of the cultural difference or geographic location

Some works of literature May have multiple themes, but one may stand out more than the others.

Theme is not.

The moral of the story.

A moral is a piece of practical advice that can be gained from the novel to apply to our own lives

The theme however is more complex than the moral it may have more direct advice or philosophical value than the reader can apply.

Example of moral. No someone before you judge them.

This is A moral because it gives you direct advice.

First impressions aren't always right is a theme.

This is a theme because it is a life truth, not Advise

Characters, characters can reflect seen by how they act or what they learn. Ask,

What do the main characters actions and thoughts tell you about him or her? How does a character change? What lessons does the character learn?

Title, the title of the story can suggest an important idea or symbol. Ask,

What in the story does the title referred to? What idea or symbol does the title highlight? Could the title have more than one meaning?

Important statements, the narrator or a character may make statements that hit at theme. ask,

What key statements are made in the story? Good any statement be reworded as an overall theme?

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