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describe how founders of religious orders often had specific charisms that their followers pursued

Founders of religious orders or congregations often have specific charisms that their followers also pursue. Saint Benedict's charism of combining work and prayer has inspired the spiritual life of vowed Benedictines and their associates for centuries. Saint Francis's charism of embracing a life of poverty and simplicity inspired thousands to follow in his footsteps.


In general, the line of authority in the Church; more narrowly the Pope and the bishops, as successors of the Apostles, in their authoritative roles as leaders of the church

what connection is there between the temple of the old testament and the church as the temple of the holy spirir

In the Old Testament, the Temple was a building in which God was present to the people of Israel in a special or unique way. The Holy Spirit is present in a unique way now in the church.


In the Sacrament of the Eucharist, this is the name given to the action of changing the bread and wine into Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.


- a prayer form in which one asks God for help and forgiveness


-a body of individuals that is unified


Of or relating to Greek history, culture, or art after Alexander the Great

explain how paul made his message more understandable to an urban audience

Paul used examples suitable to his largely urban audience. Some of these images include athletes competing in a stadium, military armor and weapons, musical instruments such as gongs and cymbals, and temples.

What did peter say would happen to those people who repented and were baptized the day of pentecost

Peter said their sins would be forgiven and would receive the Holy Spirit

how can someone become a member of the people of god

Someone can become a member of the People of God not through physical birth but through spiritual birth of Baptism and their faith in Christ, who invites all human beings to be part of this People.


Speaking, acting, or thinking about God, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or the Saints in a way that is irreverent, mocking, or offensive

identify some early martyrs of the church. describe the attitude of the chirstians toward martyrdom

Stephen (and all the other disciples) was the first martyr of the christian faith because he was stoned to death. Peter and Paul were martyred for their faith. St Ignatius of Antioch was executed. The martyrs were honored to die for Christ, convinced that by sharing in the suffering and death of Christ, they would also share in his glorious Resurrection.

where does the Holy Spirit lead the church

The Church carries out its mission to bring all people into union with the Trinity

Why is it appropriate to say that the church is revealed rather than born on pentecost

The Church did not start on Pentecost, but it started when Jesus gave himself fully for our salvation. The Church was not a new entity, but had been part of God's plan since the beginning

how is the church, numbering over one billion people, unified

The Church's unity comes from God. The universal Church is united as a people from the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

how did the holy spirit transform jesus' disciples

The Holy Spirit gave them the courage to proclaim their faith and spread Jesus' word

Why was pentecost the revelation of the holy trinity as well as the church

The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostles and other disciples to share the Good News with Jews and Gentiles

what are the three ways the holy spirit was involved in the missionary spread of Christianity

The Holy Spirit was involved in the missionary spread of Christianity by coming to repentant sinners who were baptized and aided them in making decisions, assigning Paul and Barnabas to a certain task, ruling on what laws Gentile converts to Jesus must follow, and guiding Paul and Timothy to preach only in certain areas.

how does the holy spirit help us to pray

The Holy Spirit, as the master of prayer, not only intercedes for us but also instructs us in our prayer life, inspiring us to express new forms of the basic types of prayer: blessing, petition, intercessions, thanksgiving, and praise.

explain why the church is the bride of christ

Christ is the bridegroom who loves his Church, his bride. Christ gave himself up for his bride in order to make her holy and join her with himself in an everlasting covenant.

explain why the early chrisitans were often persecuted

Christians were often persecuted because some would refuse to offer sacrifices to the Roman Emperor because they thought it was idolatry. But Roman authorities saw this refusal as disloyalty to the emperor, a crime punishable by death.

What is the Church's role in the Father's plan to save us

Even before the church was instituted, the Father's eternal plan of calling together a holy people had already been taking shape in history. The father's call to people of Israel to enter into a covenant relationship with him was the clearest preparation for the church. He wants us to come together as one people of God.

what are the three important elements of the church's mission

The Holy Spirit, given to the Church's members by Christ, builds, animates, and sanctifies the Church. The Holy Spirit animates or gives life to the Church. Saint Augustine said that what the soul is to the human body, so the Holy Spirit is the Body of Christ, the Church. The Church is sanctified or made holy by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works to "build up" the holiness of the Church's members in various ways: through the Sacraments, through the virtues by which we live a moral life, and by the many gifts the Holy Spirit gives to each person. At Pentecost the Holy Spirits's power to build the Church was made known. Once the Apostles had received the Holy Spirit, more than three thousand people were baptized.

why did the apostles and early disciples travel so far and work so hard to spread the good news

The apostles and early disciples traveled so far and worked so hard to spread the word of God because the universal love of God, who desires that all be saved, provided the motivation and energy for the Apostles and early disciples to travel throughout the known world sharing the truth of the Gospel with those who would listen.


The cup used during the Mass that holds the wine before the Consecration and the Blood of Christ after the Consecration. It represents the cup used at the Last Supper and is a symbol of Jesus' sacrifice and eternal life.

contrast a life lived ignoring the holy spirit and one lived in the holy spirit

The person who lives according to the flesh focuses on immediate gratification of his or her own needs. As a result, this person;s life will be filled, as Paul said, with hatred, jealousy, lack of self-control, and selfishness. According to Paul, this person may well abuse alcohol and be sexually promiscuous in relationships. The person who ignores the Holy Spirit is focused on meeting his or her own immediate desires that he or she has no time to consider other people. Paul spoke of the fruits of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control". The person living according to the Spirit is not focused on himself or herself but rather on the needs and well-being of others.

how is the holy spirit the source of the church's life

Through the Holy Spirit Christ is revealed in the community gathered in the proclamation of the Scriptures, in the presider, and in the physical signs of the liturgical celebration. Also through the Holy Spirit, the saving work of Christ is actually made real and present in the liturgy.

describe the events of pentecost

Tongues as of fire rested on each one of them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to preach in different languages. A crowd gathered, formed of Jews from Egypt, Rome, modern-day Turkey and Iraq, Palestine, and other places, who were all in Jerusalem for the Pentecost festival. Miraculously, each heard the message of the Apostles in his own language. This multilingual chorus caused some bystanders to think that the Apostles were drunk. Peter, the Apostles' leader, clarified that these events were fulfilling Old Testament prophecies.

how does belonging to the body of christ make us grow in holiness

We are in communion with Christ, and we grow in love and other virtues. This growth makes us more sensitive to fellow members of the Body as well.

explain how paul's preaching to the jews differed from his preaching to the gentiles

When preaching to Jews, Paul focused mainly on the Old Testament, explaining that the Scriptures prophesied the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus. To Gentile audiences, he preached the good news in a familiar context. For example to the Greeks, he involved their gods.

What does it mean to say that the work of Jesus and the holy spirit are inseperable

Whenever God sends his Son, he also sends his Spirit


a habitual and firm disposition to do good


a non-Jewish person. In the Scriptures the Gentiles were the uncircumcised, those who did not honor the Torah. In the New Testament, Saint Paul and other evangelists reached our to the Gentiles, baptizing them into the family of God


a person who suffers death because of his or her beliefs. The Church has canonized many martyrs as saints.


a prayer on behalf of another person or group


a special gift or grace of the Holy Spirit given to an individual Christian or community, commonly for the benefit and building up of an entire church


aka as a "particular" or "local" church, the regional community of believers, who commonly gather in parishes, under the leadership of a bishop. At times, a doses is determined not on the basis of geography but on the basis of language or rite

what is the subtle difference between charisma and a gift of the holy spirit

charisms express certain skills, and Gifts describe dispositions or prevailing tendencies

Why was God's Covenant w Israel significant for the rest of the world?

gods covenant with is real significant to the rest of the world because the prophets proclaimed a future when all nations would gather together with is real in true worship


having a spiritual meaning or reality that is neither apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; the visible sign of the hidden reality of salvation

How is Jesus' self giving on the cross related to the establishment of the church

he established the church by saving the gift of himself, like he expressed his self-giving in handing over his life for the sake of humanity

How did Jesus establish the Church through his preaching

jesus established the church through announcing the old testament prophets, who looked forward to a coming age when gods will would be done on Earth and saved the gift of himself

How is Jesus the perfect fulfillment of the Sinai Covenant

jesus was the perfect fulfillment because he was born under law, but by take the sins upon himself, he transformed the law engraved on stone and engraved it upon his heart


of or relating to the Trinity or the doctrine of the Trinity


refers to receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. In general, your championship and union w Jesus and other baptized Christians in the Church. This union has its origin and high point in the celebration of the Eucharist. In this sense the deepest vocation of the Church is Communion


the church's living teaching office, which consists of all bishops, in communion w the Pope, the bishop of Rome


the church's official, public, communal prayer. It is God's work, in which the People of God participate. The Church's most important liturgy is the Eucharist, or the Mass

What are the three meanings of the word CHURCH in Christian usage?

the entire community of God's people around the world, the local community which is a diocese or archdiocese, the community assembled for liturgy, especially in mass


the fiftieth day following Easter, which commemorates the decent of the Holy Spirit on the early Apostles and disciples


the gift given by the holy spirit to the Pope and the bishops in union w him to teach on matters of faith and morals without error

Theology of the Body

the name given to Pope Paul II's teachings on the human body and sexuality delivered via 129 short lectures between September 1979 and November 1984.


the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ though words and witness


the word refers to a person gifted with the charism or graces of the Holy Spirit such as healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues. Because self-deception is always possible, the charisms claimed by such a person must be verified by the church


to give life to

sanctify, sanctification

to make holy; sanctification is the process of becoming closer to God and growing in holiness, taking on the righteousness of Jesus Christ w the gift of sanctifying grace


to represent or prefigure a person before his or her life or an event before it occurs

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