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motu propio

Latin term meaning "of his own accord." Signifies words in papal documents that were decided by the pope personally

What three specific steps have been taken by the popes since the Second Vatican Council to foster reunification with the Orthodox Church?

Lifting of excommunications by both sides (b) St. John Paul II apologized for Roman Catholic involvement in the siege of Constantinople (c) St. John Paul II returned the relics of St. John Chrysostom and St. Gregory Nazianzen

Sola fide

Luther taught that Salvation is found in a person's faith not in their actions (c) Sola Fide "Faith Alone" Description:

List the five results of the Council of Trent

(a) Number and nature of the Sacraments (b) Defined liturgy and theology of the Eucharist (c) Authority of the hierarchy (d) Explained the role of Mary and the saints (e) Reaffirmed the existence of free will

Sola Scriptura

1 The Bible was the only infallible source and rule for Christian faith and practice. 2 Rejected the authority of the Church's tradition. 3 Taught that people could interpret scripture on their own.

The doctrine of the Blessed Trinity models the Church's unity and teaches 3 important truths

1. The Trinity is One 2. The Divine Persons are distinct from on another 3. They share the same divine substance

Hypostatique union

A Greek term employed to describe the union of the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ, the son of God, in the one divine person


A baptized person who denies or stubbornly doubts a dogma of the Catholic faith


A break in Christian unity that takes place when a group of Christians separates itself from the church

Episcopal Synod

A representative body of bishops assembled to advise the pope on important church concerns


A term that means bridge builder, refers to the bishop of Rome or pope

How are the Militant Church, the Suffering Church, and the Triumphant Church each remembered in the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass?

All are gathered together into one Church to glorify the triune God through celebration, rejoicing, and praise.

Protestant reformation

An effort to reform Catholic Church in the 16TH century, which led to the separation of large numbers of Christians from communion with Rome


An obstinate denial after Baptism to believe a truth that must be believed with divine and Catholic faith

What are the three degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

Bishop, priest, deacon

How did the Second Vatican Council reemphasize the role and authority of the bishop in the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

Bishops are to Inspire B. Lead C. Maintain the unity of the community

How is the church United and one (Holy Spirit)

Brings communion of the faithful, unites them in Christ


Calvin's religious theory that God has already planned out a person's life.


Central truths of the catholic faith, defined by the magisterium, that Catholics are obliged to believe

Militant church on _____ Suffering church of ______ Triumphant church in ________

Earth, purgatory, heaven

Ecumenical Council

Gatherings of all the Catholic Bishops of the word. They determine those things which all the local churches will hold in common


Giving worship to something or someone other than the true God.

What did St. Thomas Aquinas mean when he described God as "pure being"?

God is the author and source of all that is God is the creator

What did st Thomas Aquila's mean when he described God as pure being

God is the author and source of all that is God the creator

How is the church United and one (trinity)

God the Father, son, Holy Spirit

What is the fundamental structure of the Mass that is the same throughout the world?

Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist

What did Jesus teach about participating in the love of God?

Love of God and love of neighbor are inseprarable

The 4 ways the church's unity is guaranteed

Love, profession of faith, sacraments, apostolic secession

Sola gratia

Luther taught that God's grace is what gets us into heaven

What is the principal fruit of the Sacrament of Eucharist?

Our Unity with Christ

Briefly explain the three main causes of the Eastern Schism.

Pope Leo the Great condemned the teaching from the Council of Chalcedon that gave authority to the Church of Constantinople to make decisions for the territories of the Byzantine Empire (b) Iconoclasm, Byzantine Emperor Leo III thought that to venerate religious icons was idolatry. The Pope disagreed with him. (c) Filioque, "From the Son", was added to the Nicene Creed by the Western Church without holding an ecumenical council. The Eastern Church does not believe that the Holy Spirit comes "From the Son".

How is the church United and one (Jesus Christ)

Restored humanity among all people, source of Christ's unity, people and God the father, unites them in Christ

What were 4 ways the bishop in the early Church preserved the unity of the local churches?

Sunday Eucharist B. Preaching C. Baptizing D. Forgiving Sins


The denial of Christ and the rejection of the Christian Faith by a baptized Catholic

Deposit of Faith

The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition

How do the roles of the pope, bishops, priests, and deacons differ from the laity in defending the faith?

The laity support what the leaders (bishops, priests, and deacons) do in their everyday lives as apologists and evangelizers.

Sacred tradition

The living transmission of the churches Gospel message found in the church's teaching, life and worship

Why was it incorrect in the early Church to view a local church as an independent congregation?

The local church was in spiritual communion with all other local churches The bishops were united with the one another as descendants of the Apostles


The movement inspired by and led by the Holy Spirit


The name of participants in the one of the ninve armed expeditions by Christians in 1905

How do priests and deacons forge unity with the bishop?

Through Ordination, they both depend on the bishop for their ministry


To bring the good news of Jesus Christ to others

What three parts of the liturgy highlight the Church's unity?

a) Eucharistic Prayer Intercessions (b) The Lord's Prayer (c) Holy Communion


defender of the faith, a Catholic who world hard to dispel the false rumors about Catholicism

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