Theology Final Exam Review

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What are charisms?

A special grace of the Holy Spirit given to an individual Christian or community, for the benefit and building up of the entire Church.

Define Apostolate.

ANY Christian person's activity that fulfills the apostolic nature of the whole Church, when He or she works to extend the Kingdom of Heaven to the entire world. Individual Christians have their own unique apostolate - similar to one's vocation.

Where do we profess our belief in the Four Marks of the Church?

At Mass, in the Nicene Creed

What are the responsibilities related to the Episcopate?

Bishops are ordained by Papal approval, to oversee a particular Diocese. Bishops are the visible head and symbol of unity of their Diocese. Bishops have the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and may administer all seven Sacraments. Bishops are responsible for sanctifying, governing and pastoring their people.

List the 8 Beatitudes.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

When Christ died on the Cross, a soldier pierced His side: _______ and _______ gushed forth, symbolizing the Sacraments of ______ and ________.


List the 3 aspects of the Holy Spirit's mission in the life of the Church.

Builds up the Church, Animates the Church, Sanctifies (or makes holy) the Church

What is a Cardinal?

Cardinals are Bishops, however, they are "senior officials" of the Church. They are appointed by the Pope to become part of the College of Cardinals, responsible for electing a new Pope when the time comes.

What did Christ ask His followers to do, in order to keep His memory alive in a certain way?

Christ asked His followers to remember Him most especially through celebrating the Sacrament of the Eucharist - the Mass. Christ tells His Disciples at the Last Supper, "Do this in remembrance of me."

What are the six Models of the Church, listed by Cardinal Avery Dulles?

Community of Disciples Herald of the Gospel Community of Grace Institution Basic Sacrament Servant

What happened on the day of Pentecost according to Scripture (Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 1-2)?

On Pentecost, after Jesus' Ascension into Heaven, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Church. The account in the Acts of the Apostles tells us that a "noise like a strong, driving wind" suddenly filled the house where The Apostles were gathered. "Tongues of fire" rested on each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Apostles began to preach in different languages, and all could understand them. Peter proclaimed that Christ Himself poured out His Holy Spirit upon them, fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies, that "It will come to pass in the last days...that [God] will pour out a portion of [His] Spirit upon all flesh..." Peter instructed all who listened, to repent and be baptized, so that their sins would be forgiven and so that they too would receive the Holy Spirit. Three thousand people were baptized that day.

True or False: All the members of the Church have to be the same, in order for the Church to be united as One.


Define Magisterium.

From the Latin magister, which means "master" or "teacher." The Magisterium is the name given to the official teaching authority of the Church: to interpret and preserve the truths of the faith transmitted through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. The bishops in communion with the Pope from this body. Together they are responsible for preserving and passing on the faith handed on by the Apostles.

What is the Holy See?

From the Latin sancta sedes, which means "holy seat." The word see refers to a Diocese or "seat" of the Bishop. The Holy See is the seat of central administration of the whole Church, under the leadership of the Pope (the Bishop of Rome).

What does the "verb" of "Church" refer to?

God's "calling of His People" together

What are the Four Marks of the Church?

One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic

List the hierarchy of the Church's members according to ordination, and according to service (from bottom ---> to top)

Ordination The Common Priesthood (Laity) ; Deacon ; Priest ; Bishop ; Pope ; Christ Service Christ ; Pope ; Bishop ; Priest ; Deacon ; The Common Priesthood (Laity)

The _______ is a symbol of the Church's unity.


Which Pope wrote the Apostolic Exhortation, "Gaudete et Exsultate" ("Rejoice and Be Glad")?

Pope Francis

What are the Three Evangelical Counsels?

Poverty Chastity Obedience

What are the responsibilities related to the Presbyterate?

Priests are co-workers and assistants to the Bishop, and are assigned to a particular Parish community where they function as "elders," as experienced, knowledgeable leaders in the faith. They are called to administer all the Sacraments to their Parish (except for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Orders, which are reserved for the Bishop).

Define Common Priesthood:

Refers to ALL BAPTIZED MEMBERS of the Church

Define Ministerial Priesthood


Describe the relationship between Christ and His Church, utilizing the following images:

Sheepfold- Christ is the Shepherd; we are His Sheep/Flock Vineyard-Christ is the Vine; we are the Branches Temple/House of God-Christ is the Foundation/Cornerstone; we are the Living Stones built into the House of God Marriage-Christ is the Bridegroom; we are His Bride

Define ordinary charisms

Simple and humble graces that build up the Church, contribute to human good, and respond to the needs of the world. These charisms are spiritual graces, often building on natural talents.

What are the Four Vocational States of Life, officially recognized by the Church?

Single Marriage and Family Holy Orders (3 degrees: Deacon, Priest, Bishop) Consecrated Religious (see pg. 168-174 in Church Textbook for descriptions of each form of Consecrated Religious Life) - Religious Orders = brother, monk, sister, nun ; Third Orders - Hermit - Consecrated Virgin/Widow - Secular Institutes - Societies of Apostolic Life

List at least 5 titles for the Pope.

Successor of St. Peter Bishop of Rome Head of the College of Bishops Vicar of Christ Pastor of the Universal Church Servant of the Servants of God

List the order in which the 4 Gospel accounts were written down.

Mark, Matthew, Luke, John

What does the Bishop's miter, crozier, and ring symbolize?

Miter: signifies his authority to govern his Diocese Crozier: signifies his role as shepherd or pastor of his Diocese Ring: signifies his devotion to the wellbeing of his people; his "marriage" to his Diocese

What does the "noun" of "Church" refer to?

The Assembly of People (whom God calls together)

Explain how the Church is both Human and Divine

The Church is HUMAN because her members are human beings. The Church is DIVINE because Jesus Christ, her founder, is Divine. Christ shares His Divinity with the human members of His Body (the Church).

What does it mean for the Church to be apostolic?

The Church is founded on the Twelve Apostles: She was and is built upon the "foundation of the Apostles," who lived with and were taught by Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the Church preserves and hands on the teaching of the Apostles through their successors (the Bishops). The Church continues to be taught, made holy, and led by the Apostles through their successors (the Bishops, assisted by priests, in union with the Pope).

Define Indefectibility of the Church.

The Church's remaining uncorrupted and faithful to Christ's teachings, until the end of human history. Christ gave this promise of indefectibility to the Church when He said to Peter: "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it."

What is the Domestic Church?

The Family - because the Family is where the faith is first taught and practiced.

What is the most fundamental level of the Church?

The Family - because the Family is where the faith is first taught and practiced.

Which person of the Trinity was fully revealed on the day of Pentecost?

The Holy Spirit

Define Episcopate.

The Office of the Bishop as "overseer" of his Diocese

Define Diaconate.

The Office of the Deacon in "service" to Priests and Bishops

Define Presbyterate

The Office of the Priest as "elder" of his Parish

What is the Universal Call to Holiness?

The Universal Call to Holiness is a teaching of the Church, that ALL PEOPLE are called to be holy. It is based on Matthew 5:48, when Jesus says, "Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." The Second Vatican Council stated: "All the faithful of Christ, of whatever rank or status, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity, following in Christ's footsteps and conforming themselves with all their being to the glory of God and to the service of their neighbor."

Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement (Counsel), Courage (Fortitude), Knowledge, Reverence (Piety), Wonder and Awe (Fear of the Lord)

Today, the Successors of the Apostles are called


Define Ecumenism

the movement to restore unity among all Christians, the unity to which the Church is called by the Holy Spirit.

Today, the Successor of St. Peter is called

the pope

What is a Parish?

A distinct community within a Diocese.

What is the difference between a person who lives "according to the flesh" vs. "according to the Spirit"?

-According to the flesh: The person who lives according to the flesh focuses on immediate gratification of his/her own needs. As a result, this person's life will be filled, as Paul said, with hatred, jealousy, a lack of self-control, and selfishness. According to Paul, someone who focuses only on immediate gratification and pleasure may well abuse alcohol and be sexually promiscuous. The person who ignored the Holy Spirit is so focused on meeting his/her own immediate desires that he/she has no time to consider other people. -According to the Spirit: St. Paul spoke of the fruits of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control,". Those who live according to the Spirit focus not on themselves but rather on the needs and well-being of others. Saint Paul said, "The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us." This life in the Holy Spirit is a kind of sneak preview of our life in Heaven, where we will share in the perfect love and happiness of the Trinity. People who are filled with the Holy Spirit radiate calm and joy even during tough times.

Describe 2 ways in which the Church is truly catholic.

-Christ is FULLY (completely) present in the Church. The Church possesses the Fullness of Christ, and has received from Him the fullness of the means of salvation (the Sacraments). -Christ has sent the Church on a mission to gather ALL PEOPLE from ALL OVER THE WORLD into the one People of God.

What is the difference between a permanent deacon and a transitional deacon?

-Permanent Deacons are men who will remain a deacon for life (may be married and have children). -Transitional Deacons are men who will eventually become priests, who must first serve in the role of deacon.

Define the Priestly, Prophetic, and Kingly Offices of Christ, which the Laity are called to participate in:

-Priestly Office: The laity share in the [common] priesthood of Christ, through Baptism. Just as the priest offers the sacrifice of the Mass to God, the laity too can offer their daily work, family life, leisure activity, etc. as a spiritual sacrifice to God. -Prophetic Office: The laity are called to share God's Word with all, to be witnesses to Christ in every circumstance of their lives, proclaiming Christ through words and deeds. -Kingly Office: The laity are called to be leaders in the faith; to be self-disciplined in consistently choosing what is good and right; to commit themselves to carrying out God's will in their lives; and serving those most in need.

Name and Describe 3 different forms of Consecrated Religious Life.

-Religious Orders: make vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; belonging to a specific Order or community - like the Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, Carmelites, etc. -Hermit: separates themselves from the world to focus on prayer and penance, and to be in complete union with God. -Consecrated Virgin/Widow: Women who have either never married, or were married and their spouse died; women who dedicate themselves to a life of celibacy for the sake of God's Kingdom, entering into a spiritual "marriage" with Christ. -Secular Institutes/Apostolic Societies: Communities of lay people who share similarities in their spiritual life; occasionally gather together for prayer, retreats, etc. Institutes and Societies may also include in their membership various Consecrated Religious brothers/sisters, priests, bishops, etc.

In modern English, the word "Church" has at least 4 different meanings. What are they?

A building, a parish, a Christian ecclesial community, the Catholic Church

What is a Diocese?

A certain geographic area governed by a Bishop. The universal Church is the communion of all Dioceses worldwide.

Name 1 strength and 1 weakness for each Model of the Church, given by Cardinal Avery Dulles.

Community of Disciples This model's strength is having an openness to the Spirit; a readiness to grow; a strong faith and trust in God. This model's weakness reveals that communities, when on their own, can tend to be too loosely structured, lacking the sense of direction and leadership Christ intended His Church to have. Herald of the Gospel This model's strength is a focus on God's Word, as being the source of Christian faith and life This model weakness tends to focus too intensely on God's Word that it may lead to a Biblical fundamentalism (sola Scriptura) that ignores tradition and neglects the sacramental dimension of the Church. Community of Grace This model's strength is its focus on the communion of divine life of grace, that unites members to Christ and to one another; this model emphasizes that the Church is the One Body of Christ. This model's weakness tends to focus too much on this communion of life to the point of ignoring the Church's obligation to reach out to those who are not yet members of the Church. Institution This model's strength is its focus on the hierarchical structure of the Church, and the leadership whom Christ has commissioned to shepherd His flock; the Church has a clear identity and is visibly organized throughout the world. This model's weakness is its tendency to become dictatorial, bureaucratic, concerned with rules and regulations only, and tends to esteem the "clerical class" only Basic Sacrament This model's strength is its emphasis on the tangible presence of Christ in His Church, through the tangible nature of the Sacraments. It maintains a respect for our human condition, as individuals with bodies and souls, acknowledging our need for God's tangible presence. This model's weakness is that its use of ritual can quickly deteriorate into formality, and even superstition, if the participating members do not fully understand the deep meaning underlying these rituals. Servant This model's strength is its emphasis on ministry and charitable service/outreach towards others, especially towards those who are in most need; the Church ought to be a "community for others," just as Christ was a man "for others." A weakness of this model is that it runs the risk of espousing charitable causes in a purely secular way, rather than in a Christ-like way; the Church runs the risk of becoming merely an NGO or "non-governmental organization" (akin to a not-for-profit organization alone), removing Christ from its center.

What are the 3 Degrees of Holy Orders?

Deacon (Diaconate), Priest (Presbyterate), Bishop (Episcopate)

What are the responsibilities related to the Diaconate?

Deacons are ordained for ministry and service, to assist priests and bishops. Deacons are called to Liturgical service (assisting in the celebration and distribution of the Eucharist; administer Sacrament of Baptism and witness Sacrament of Matrimony); Deacons are called to serve God's Word (preach the Gospel, teach the faith); Deacons are called to charitable service (ensuring that the corporal and spiritual works of mercy are carried out in their Parish/Diocese)

List the 3 traditional images associated with the Holy Spirit.

Dove, Wind/Breath, Fire

What is the Ancient Greek word for "Church"?


Define Infallibility of the Church.

Infallibility is the Holy Spirit's gift to the whole Church by which the leaders of the Church--the Pope and the Bishops in union with him--are protected from fundamental error when teaching on a matter of faith, morals, and doctrine. The gift of infallibility ensures that the truths of the faith are preserved for all generations, are correctly taught, and are properly observed by the faithful.

Define extraordinary charisms:

Involve spiritual powers beyond normal human abilities. Some people have the extraordinary charism of miraculous healing, prophecy, etc.

God's chosen people of______________foreshadowed the life of the Church


Where does the Church "get" her Four Marks?

Jesus Christ gives the Church Her four marks, and makes her One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.

The Catholic Church was instituted by______________ , when He said: "And I tell you, you are____________; and on this rock, I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven." (Matthew 16: 13-20)

Jesus Christ/ Peter

How did Christ's early followers keep the Gospel alive?

Jesus told the Apostles to "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." The Apostles proclaimed the faith throughout the entire Roman Empire, through both words and deeds, and gave their lives as witnesses and examples of what it means to a disciples of Jesus Christ--many times ending in persecution and martyrdom.

During the first 100 years of Christianity, how many official persecutions of Christians took place?


True or False: God the Father always intended to build the Church on earth from the beginning.


True or False: The Church is Holy, even though her members are sinful.


Name the Mark of the Church that refers to:

Unity: ONE Divinity: HOLY Universality: CATHOLIC Origination: APOSTOLIC

What does the word catholic mean?

Universal; complete.

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