Three Branches of Government Test Review

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The representative for District 61 in Missouri is?

Eric Shmitt

Which court is the principal trial court on the federal level?

Exclusive jurisdiction

The division of power between the federal government and the state government is called what?


How many branches of government are there in both the federal and state locales?


Which type of jury is also called a petit jury?

trial jury

Each state is entitled to how many Senators on the national level?


What are two things that the President can do when he recieves a bill from Congress?

veto or pass it

What is the law making body of England called?


Who is the President Pro Tempore of the Senate?

Patrick Leahy

The authorization on ths use of nuclear weapons must come from whom?


This executive office is the watchdog agency for the president. They will watch agencies to make sure they are doing their jobs correctly, who is it?

President Intelligence and Oversight Board

Who is the president of the Senate in the General Assembly?

President Pro Tempore

How long is the term of office for a state senator in Missouri?

The senators serve four-year terms

How many times can the President be re-elected?

They can be elected twice

Why was the constitutions convention held?

To find a new form of government/revise the articles

The only crime defined in the constitution is?


When an officail is charged with wrongdoing this is called waht?


The Job of the Judicial Branch is to?

interpret the laws

Who is the President of the USA?

joe biden

Who was the oldest elected president?

joe biden

Along with Roy Blunt, who is the other senator from the state of Missouri?

josh hawley

Article 1 of the US Constitution is dealing with which branch?

legislative branch

Who selects the leaders in both legislative branches?

memebers of the branch

Who is the governor of Missouri?

mike parson

What are the rights called that can not be taken away?

natural rights

The qualifications to be a federal judge are what?


If the president pardons a criminal, he is using what powers?

pardoning power

Representation in the House of Representatives is based on?


This allows the governor to veto one part a bill and allows the rest to go into effect, what is this called?

pre-term veto

The guideline on how similar cases should be decided in the future is called what?


Powers that are given to the states by the constitution are called what?

state power

Who must approve almost all appoinments by the president?

supreme court

Which article states that the constitution is the supreme law of the land?


All judges in the state of Missouri must retire at what age?


How many years can the president serve total in normal circumstances?

8 years

How many judges make up the US Supreme Court?


How many states had to ratify the constitution for it to go into effect?


Who elects the judges to their positions in the state of Missouri?

the people

Which federal court consists of 12 districts located thought the US?

Court of Appeals

John Kerry is responsible for knowing information about almost all countries and in charge of ambassadors and embassies, what is his title?

Department Of State

Which cabinet office is in charge of our nation's military?

Department of Defense

This department is responsible for all the terrorist threats against the US, Secretary Jeh Johnson is the leader.

Department of Homeland Security

The National Park system is part of this department and Sally Jewel is in charge, what department?

Department of Interior

Which cabinet office is the legal office of the US and is in charge of the FBI?

Department of Justice

Which cabinet official is responsible for the minimum wage and unemployment in the US?

Department of Labor

Which cabinet office is responsible for the money that the federal government makes?

Department of Treasury

When they wrote the Declaration of Independence, who did we declare our independence from?

England; king john

How many members are in the United States House of Representatives?


What are the qualifications to be president of the USA?

-35 years of age -natural born citizen of the US -must live in the US for the past 14 years

How many people make up a trial jury?


Which admendment states that slavery is now illegal in the US?


The Constitution of the US went into effect in what year?


How many presidents have been impeached?


How long must a U.S. Senator be a citizen in the US?

3 years

How many districts are there in the state of Missouri for the senate?


How many times can the governor be elected?

2 terms

What is the votes need to convict a person of impeachement and also needed to override a President's veto?


The state secretary of state is?

Antony Blinken

What was the first plan of government for the US?

Articles of Confederation

Which court of the state is the principal trial court?

Circut court

When performing this role, the president is responsible for working with leaders of other countries. What is he when doing this?


Who gets to use the line item veto?


What is the Missouri Legislative Branch Called?

General Assembly

What is the total number of people in the Missouri General Assembly?

General Assembly is composed of a 34-member Senate, and a 163-member House of Representatives; 197

Who was the presiding officer of the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington

Who has the authority for calling out the state guard to put down riots?


What type of jury decides if there is enough evidence or not for the case to be tried?

Grand Jury

What was the compromise that set up the bi-cameral system?

Great Compromise

A person must be brought before a judge and told why they are being jailed is called what?

Habeus Corpus

The first representative assembly in America was called the?

House of Burgesses

In order to be this person, you must be at least 24 years old, who is it?

House of Representative

Which house in the General Assembly has 163 members in it?

House of Representatives

This person must have the qualifications of 25 years old, 7 years citizen, and live in the district. What position?

House of representatives

Who was the youngest elected president in US History?


Article three of the US Constitution is dealing with which branch?

Judicial Court

The lawyer for the state of Missouri is?

Jeff Sessions

The court system can look at all laws and declare them unconstitutional or not is allowed because of what?

Judicial Review

The idea that citizens have rights that can not be taken away was written by..

John Locke

Who is the Cheif Justice of the United States Supreme Court?

John Roberts

All Supreme Court Justices or federal judges are appointed for a term of how many years?


If Jay Nixon should happen to die, who takes over?

Lt. governor

If you are 24, 2 years qulified voter, and have lived in the district for one year, you can run for what position?

MO House of representative

The highest court in the state is?

MO Supreme Court

What is the main function of the legislative branch?

Make the laws

What court case allowed the Judicial Branch to use judicial review?

Maurberyy vs. Madison

This established majority rule in America..

Mayflower Compact

Which court hears cases involing city ordinances?

Miniciple Court

Who is David Schatz?

Missouri Senate

The US Speaker of the House is?

Nancy Pelosi

Which state was the one that made the constitution our plan of government?

New Hampshire

The plan of government that favored the small states because they wanted representation to be based on equal vote, what was the plan called?

New-Jersey Plan

What type of jurisdiction is it that allows a court to hear a case for the 1st time?

Original Jurisdiction

Which state court hears cases involving wills, estates, juveniles, and incompetent people?

Probate Court

Article 4 of the consitution states deals with what?

Relation between states

Which House of congress will bring up the charges in an impeachment case?


Which position has a term of 6 years and 33 people are up for election every two years?


Who will try an offical that has been impeached?


he is resonsible for farming information and food stamps, Who is he?

Secretary of Argiculture

This person is responsible for making sure that all elections in the state are legal?

Secretary of state

Who takes over if both the President and Vice President die in office?

Speaker of the House

The idea that each branch is seperate but equal is which principal of the Constitution?

Speration of powers

In what 3 cities are the state and Court of Appeals located in?

St. louis, Kansas City, & Springfield

Which executive office is responsible for making sure that the people in the state of Missouri pay their taxes?

State Treasurer

What is the highest court in the land?

Supreme Court

Who was the youngest President ever in history?

Teddy Rosevelt (41)

As the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden also holds what office in the Senate?

The President of the Senate

The plan of government that favored the large states where representation was based on population is called?

The Virginia Plan

Who did most of the writing on the Deleration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Along with the president who is the only other person mentioned in the executive branch in the constitution?


Who are the personal and political advisors to the president?

White House Office

This directs a lower court to send records of the case to the Supreme Court for review

Writ of Certiorari

In which article of the constitution will one find information about the Executive branch?

article 2

Each state is guarenteed how many House of Representatives?

at least one

In order to be the Governor of Missouri, one must be how old?

at least thirty years old

What are the qualifications to be the Lt. Governor?

at least thirty years old. a citizen of the United States for at least fifteen years. a resident of Missouri for at least ten years.

What are the qualifications to be governor of Missouri?

at least thirty years old. a citizen of the United States for at least fifteen years. a resident of Missouri for at least ten years

What position does Eric Schmitt hold in Missouri?

attorney general

Who is District 3 united states house of representative in Missouri?

blaine luetkmeyer

The idea that each branch can check and limit the power of the other branches is called what?

checks and balances

A case that can be tried in either a state or federal court is considered to e under what type of jurisdiction?

cocurrent jurisdiction

Which executive office will keep the president informed on the political and military activities of other countries?

department of foreign

Who elects the President of the USA?

electoral college

How long are all executive officials elected for in the state of Missouri?

every four years

A person cannot be punished for a crime today that was legal yesterday. What is that called?

ex post facto

Who is responsible for making sure that the laws are enforced?

executive branch

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