Tim's Test Combined Set

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Actions taken by unions or employers that violate the NLRB

- Threats - Promises (Unions can "promise the world") - Coercion - Discriminating against upon supporting employees - Improving wages, benefits, and working conditions - -- before an election - Inflaming racial prejudices - Home visits by employees - Assisting an antiunion committee of employees

Steps to follow-up in care and control

1) Personally inform the other staff members, customers, and vendors of the change. 2) Do no discuss specifics about the termination. 3) Focus on the future: how the workload will be handled, etc.

What are the critical elements of a listening session

1) Set the stage: explain that you want to know the good and bad of an employee's experience. 2) Be conscious of posture and tone: be focused, calm, and present. 3) have a designated note-taker. 4) Have all employees give feedback. There can be a discussion at the end if there's time. 5) one thing: each person shares one good and one bad part of their job 6) Get examples: Ask people to be very specific, even though it is hard. 7) Do not respond: Don't respond no matter how quick and easy it would be. 8) Ask questions: clarify questions and examples. 9) Thank people for good feedback: if the feedback was specific, actionable, clear, provided examples, and was compassionate then let them know that was useful and explain why. 10) debrief: have leadership meet together immediately after the session and come up with a plan based on the feedback. 11) Follow-up: within a week, be honest, explain any initiatives underway that will help them. 12) Celebrate: let the frontline workers know what things they said that helped and how it will make a difference for the company

Lawful termination examples from quiz

1) a company may discharge an employee to hire another person to do the same job at a lower wage when the employee's job performance has been satisfactory. 2) a company may discharge an employee because of unsatisfactory job performance 3) An employee can be discharged because the company mistakenly believes the employee has stolen money and even when the employee can prove in court that the company was mistaken, and the employee's job performance has been satisfactory. 4) A company may discharge employees because there is no longer enough work for them. 5) An employee is accused of dishonest when the supervisor knows the employee is honest but dislikes the employee personally. Their job performance was satisfactory. 6) company employee handbook states the will only terminate for just cause but then terminates an employee to hire someone at a lower wage (only legal in 14 states).

What are the three NGT essentials?

1) carefully prepare questions that evoke responses at the desired level of specificity. 2) a group of task-oriented participants with expertise in the topic. 3) a group leader who understands the process and is willing to act as a process facilitator, not a substantive expert.

Steps to review documentation in care and control

1) did the employee really understand what was expected? Did you set out a specific objective in writing and did you have the employee sign in? 2) Did you work with the employee to help them improve? Did you offer coaching or additional training? 3) Was your discipline progressive? Did you warn the employee that their performance was sub-standard? Did you outline a written plan for improvement and give the employee a fair chance to improve? 4) Did the employee fully understand what would happen if they did not improve? 5) Is the disciplinary action fairly and equitably enforced in the company?

What are the four essential preparations for an NGT meeting?

1) formulate the NGT question: it should be simple. Only one question. 2) Assemble supplies: flip chart or sticky notes, tape, index cards or sticky dots, etc. 3) Prepare the meeting room: set chair in "U" shape close to a wall you can place sticky notes on. 4) train inexperienced subgroup leaders: have the role-play a training session if they have not done one before

Steps to practice and conduct the termination meeting for care and control

1) get right to the point: "The purpose of our meeting is to inform you that the decision has been made to end your employment with the company." 2) give the employee time to respond. Use phrases like "I understand you are disappointed." 3) Use "Broken Record" phrases like "The decision has been made" and "It's time to move on." 4) Have the employee leave quickly but allow them to return later to pick up their things.

What do public policy experts agree would happen if we got rid of employment-at-will?

1) increase unemployment (+3% or more). 2) More workers employed as temporary employees (+15%). 3) Increases in automation (leading to even higher unemployment over time). 4) Chaos for terminated workers: stigma for actually being terminated and a lower rate of company hiring

What are the steps of the NGT

1) silent generation of ideas in writing (brainstorming). 2) Round-robin recording of ideas: each participant contributes a single idea that is written down for everyone to see. 3) Discussion of the list of ideas. 4) Voting: ranking the ideas each person believes to be most important.

Case Question #2: If you were Paul Blanton, what would be your plan of action for the next 30 days leading up to the election?

1. Captive Audience Meetings 2. Fake paystubs that include union dues deductions from the employee's paycheck. 3. Hire a Union Avoidance Consultant 4. Cost benefit analysis or Utility Maximization of having a union

How many kids does Marc have?

5 - (Four girls, one boy)

How many employees did Hexcel have before COVID-19 forced them to lay off approximately 200 employees?


What is a layoff?

A Reduction in staff to meet a company's strategic needs and/or financial challenges. Generally, the company faces an organizational or financial crisis that necessitates drastic action. The decision to lay off employees is made by upper management and generally implemented by middle managers and HR. Don't use euphemisms: Rightsizing, smart sizing, letting employees go, etc.

How was the logger caught?

A janitor caught him in the act

How did the prostitution ring get reported?

A man who was rejected by the prostitutes reported it to HR

What is the biggest contract Hexcel has?


Why do we need to be able to work with unions?

Arguing with them will never work. The best way to negotiate is for HR and unions to work out the deals behind the scenes and make it look like a fight between them.

Treadway Tire Case

Ashley Wall is the HR Director of the Lima Plant trying to deal with a toxic work environment where Foremen were in a sink or swim environment. The organization was overall productive, but had high turnover, low morale, and poor training for the foremen.

How to be an HRBP?

Be an actual member of the business.

What are organizational citizenship behaviors or discretionary behaviors?

Behavior necessary for organization, but not compensated.

What does empowerment give you?

Better info flow between management and front line employees Pull ideas up through the workers to allow managers to make better decisions

Which tops caused the most heat in the Waldonville discussions?

COLA and residency requirements

What was suggested course of action in Deadbeat Dad?

Call the employee to the HR office and have the police officers wait in the waiting room, to remove him a possibly embarrassing situation. The violent response could have been avoided this way.

What superhero did Spencer Peterson get compared too?

Captain America

What was Tim's "Ah-ha" moment regarding the "Gentlemen prefer hanes" case?

Casper removed an UNDERGARMENT from his employee. This wasn't just a sock stuck to her pants. He violated her personal space in a very real way.

NLRB Remedies

Cease and Desist Post Written Notices Announcing Violation and Promise Not to Repeat Make Whole (reinstatement, back pay, certify a union, decertify a union, re-open a closed plant) - Enforced by federal courts - Appealed Thru the Federal Courts NLRB Cannot fine companies or impose punitive damages

What were the major topics of discussion for the Waldonville union negotiations?

Cost of living adjustment (COLA), education support, temporary transfers, overtime, length of contract, residency requirements, uniforms, no strike proposal, and grievance and arbitration

Who were the panelists?

Courtney Carpenter, Jeremy Sabin and

Who presented on "Deadbeat Dad"?

David Mann and his team

How do you encourage empowerment?

Design jobs to have task variety, encourage feedback, autonomy, and provide a sense of completion. Help people be intrinsically motivated because it is continuous, self reinforcing, contagious Don't bring someone in and make changes. Work with managers and start with minor changes.

What was the point of the activity we watched in class about having different types of managers?

Did activity to allow people to "feel" empowerment and disempowerment

The blue team:

Discourages suggestions from employees. Strict assembly line. Only receive instructions for the table they are on. Discouraged to leave their position. Employees denied information; authority; discouraged from thinking on their own, fewer resources, managerial control

What does it mean to not be a jerk and why is that important?

Do not be arrogant. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and we need to stay on the right side. It takes strength to stand up for what is right and sit down a listen.

What options do you have for voting in an NGT?

Dots: place sticky dots next to the ideas you like most (we did this way in class). Ranking Cards: pass out index cards and have everyone write their top choices on the cards with a ranking that they underline (for easy recognition), then collect the cards and write each ranking next to the idea. Using ranking cards like dots: to prevent pressure to vote with the group, have participants write the number and name of items most important, and collect the cards. A variation on dot voting: write 1-5 on each person's dots and have them rank with the dots.

How did Tim treat the teams differently?

Each manager received same info packet. But Tim feels empowerment is allowing practice as well. During the 20 min setup and break period, he gave the red team 25 yellow practice sheets. Blue received 10 total. and the

What is the "old deal" at work?

Employee Security (professionals and managers) was the center of the old employment relationship (1930s - 80s). There were very long-term relationship. As long as you do your job and the company is doing well you will be able to keep your job.

What is the number one takeaway from this class?

HR is the one everyone complains to and has to deal with the strange/awkward/bad/sad human experiences that happen at the work place, not Tim in Finance.

Steps to improve the situation in termination case with Scott

Have IT very scan-in and scan-out and compare to project timesheets, look at content on Scott's computer to see if he was working on personal projects at work, Collected sighed statement from Teri about alcohol abuse, collect a statement from Joseph about the write-pro project, document that Scott was at fault for 5-day delay of Spread-Pro, give him a chance if he really did want to work there with a one day paid decision-making day and then make action plan he has to follow and show immediate improvements, Terminate if there are no immediate improvements.

Does Marc feel there will be an increase or decrease in union membership in reaction to the pandemic?

He feels that there will be an increase in union membership and union organization due to the pandemic, due to more local production of supplies we typically get from outside of America, such as masks etc. He believes more factories will be built on American soil in response to this.

What company does Marc Peterson currently work at?

Hexcel Salt Lake City

Management that doesn't empower employees is often what?

Hierarchical, traditional top-down work structure. Treats employees like machines.

What is wrongful discharge?

If an employee is terminated in a way that the state recognizes as an exception to the "at-will" doctrine, this can prevent them from termination or be just cause for a wrongful discharge suit that can cost the company $80,000 to fight.

Why can't companies make promises to employees while unions can?

If the company wins, they have the power to keep their promises, so it is considered buying that vote. Unions cannot guarantee delivery of any promises, so they can promise all they want.

Why should we avoid having unions?

It destroys the companies' ability to adapt, it is very expensive (running anti-union campaigns can cost six figures) and difficult, unions make all decisions take longer

What was the managers misstep in "Sticky Situation"?

Joyce (manager) encouraged gossip about Hilda and made it a hostile work environment. HR should've been approached as soon as possible.

What does at-will employment mean?

Just as an employee can quit for any reason or no reason, 70-75% of jobs can be terminated for any or no reason. While most states recognize this (Colorado doesn't), but also recognize wrongful discharge.

Case Question #1: What should bank leadership have done in the three years prior to the appearance of the union authorization cards to prevent employee interest in joining a union?

Justin's Answers (Take it with a grain of salt): 1. Create a formal request system and open channels of communication 2. Greater communication (i.e. employee handbook) 3. Research and gain data on potential risks of union intervention

Who presented on "Gentlemen prefer Hanes"?

Kristina Brown

What choices of the Belgium Brewing company were incongruent with best practices?

Lack of planning laying off Work not people Performed layoffs late in the week Needed better trained managers

What is the new employment relationship?

Long term employment relationships are nearly dead. Companies now offer employability instead of job security in exchange for loyalty and performance.

Who presented on "Dead Drunk"?


Purchasing supplies had what restrictions?

Must purchase as close as possible to the correct amount because you couldn't get more or sell back the extra. Each round used different colored paper.

What choices of layoffs were incongruent with the culture of the Belgium Brewing Company?

No Employee Involvement Secretive No creative solutions it was like ripping a bandaid off and not well thought out

According to Marc, what is the biggest mistake companies make with grievances?

Not investigating the situation and only reacting.

Case: First National Bank of Lake Plains

Paul Blanton: VP of HR Wynn Evans: President NLRB informed bank of union election in 30 days with the International Metal Workers Union

What company were the panelists from?

PepsiCO, Vivint Solar

What companies were the panelists from?

PepsiCo, Vivant Smart Home

Employment Relations Prior to the Wagner Act (1935)

Primary business strategies centered around low-cost production and economies of scale (low wages, fast work pace) Owners were understood to have all rights to control production, employment, etc. Most people worked for larger companies; work was manual in nature "Drive" System Lacking wage laws No workplace safety laws Few limitations on child labor No Workers' Compensation

What did the team colors represent?

Red: empowered Blue: traditional/hierarchical management

How does having a second person present help with care and control?

Reduces the likelihood of violence and give you an outlet when you cannot think of what to say next

What is organizational culture

Set of share, taken-for-granted assumptions that members of an organization hold. These can be Collective, Emotionally Charged, time based, symbolic, and dynamic.

Who presented on a "The Handwriting on the Wall"?

Solidarity Forever

What was the nickname of the employee who left poop on the floor in a warehouse?

The Logger

What was the biggest problem with the "Sticky Situation" case? The employee leaving Vagasil every where or the employees looking in her desk?

The employees looking in her desk.

What are weingarten rights?

The right of union members to have union representation during investigation interviews being conducted by the company (HR, supervisor etc)

What is the Bandwagon effect with layoffs?

The top performers are most likely to follow suit to leave a company after layoffs as they believe they can find better opportunities elsewhere.

How can you make changes between contract negotiations?

The union had to agree then you include it in addendums to the contract that are very strongly written.

How did Waldonville city management and union negotiators come to agreements?

They found aspects that would hurt them less and used that as leverage to get something else they wanted.

What is a "work to rule strike"?

They only do what job description entails. No discretionary behaviors. Can't work this way

What is a listening session?

This is when a leader or group of leaders will hold a meeting with a group of employees (8-10) and only listen to them. They follow up later with a plan of what they will do with the feedback.

What does the term "Make whole/make them whole" refer too?

This refers to a situation where an employee was terminated and the union representation proved that the terminated was wrong. The company then has to pay the employee back pay for their total compensation.

What is the Organizational Culture of Belgium Brewing Company?

Transparent Empowered Strong ties Weak business culture Family-like company

What union is Marc Peterson President of?

United Steelworkers 12-593

Factors Affecting Individuals' Voting Decisions in NLRB Representation Election

Utility Maximization Injustice and Dissatisfaction Perceived Union Instrumentality General Beliefs about Unions Workplace Social Pressure Vote Yes or No in Support of Unionizing

Why did researchers provide playing cards to prisoners?

Wanted them to help solve murderers.

What is the biggest takeaway Tim mentioned for this lecture?

We always need to do layoffs consistent with the culture of the business we work with.

How to have integrity and fortitude as HR?

We need to be the middle person that calls out when something is not right and stand up for it. We need to be the voice of reason.

What was the quality flaw that the paper airplanes were prone to?

Where you made the plane according exactly as the instructions specified, it was highly prone to tearing at the nose.

The red team:

Work processes structure and manager directed to manage using principles of empowerment. Encouraged to value employees, treasure insight. Flat (manager is a facilitator) Flexible, able to adapt to conquer quality problems Employees denied information; authority; discouraged from thinking on their own, fewer resources, managerial control

Does United Steelworkers care about the success of Hexcel Salt Lake City?

Yes! The union needs the company to succeed in order to maintain its membership. So high levels of revenue and performance at Hexcel Salt Lake City are very important to the union members.

Is there a risk of too much empowerment?

Yes, we need managers that are comfortable in an empowered setting, but ever everybody loves information, authority, and responsibility -- without the ACCOUNTABILITY. Too much means too many voices.

Who presented on the "Sticky Situation" case?

Zach Clay

What is a nominal group technique (NGT)?

a method for structuring a small group meeting to discuss problems and possible solutions that can effectively pool individual judgments. This was the activity in class where we discussed where the MHR cohort should travel to when we can again.

Separation costs

administrative costs - removing name form payroll records unused vacation time lost revenues due to vacancy overtime costs due to vacancies hiring temp personnel to cover vacancies client reassignment costs

Information safety steps for termination

cancel the corporate credit card, cancel voicemail account, collect mobile device, remove network access, cancel outgoing email from the server, collect laptop, collect ID card and keys, restrict access to customer lists

Training Costs

formal orientation formal training, offsite training on the job training lost revenues during probationary period

What is employee relations?

having relationships with employees, treating them fairly, making sure the total compensation package is fair for them. Having respect, understanding, trust, and integrity between the company and employees. Making sure employees have a good total experience (this is also helpful for union avoidance). Having open door policies where employees know they can come to you with problems and you will follow through with their questions and requests and help them fix their problems.

Other costs

impaired service, increased turnover and lower morale among remaining employees loss of future leaders loss of human capital to competitors Unrealized returns on past training investments

How does scheduling termination early in the day and week part of care and control?

it shows you care about them in the termination process because it allows employees to begin their adjustment and collect themselves before the weekend.

Replacement cost

job advertisements application processing application interviews, applicant selection administrative hiring costs (substance abuse tests, physical exams, reference checks, payroll paperwork and admin)

What are the three styles of listening to groups of employees discussed in class and coursework?

listening sessions, vertical staff meetings, nominal group technique

What is a vertical staff meeting?

meetings for managers to find information that subordinate managers neglect to report. A group of 5 to 12 works and the manager comes together without the subordinate managers and the employees will ask the manager questions. The manager must commit to answering all questions during the hour-long meeting or following up within 24 hours. Have then frequently so every employee can attend once a year or every other year.

How to coordinate benefits for care and control

prepare a written summary of severance and outplacement services the company will offer

What are the steps of care and control?

review documentation, schedule termination early in the day and week, have a second person present, coordinate benefits, practice and conduct the termination meeting, follow-up

How to improve Ana's personal development

sign her up for a general management course. Teach her to keep records of investigations and his problems and how to monitor and manage Scott's performance.

How did the Waldonville (Part I) video end?

the management and union were at an impasse, they were not budging on their issues, so the union threatened to strike, and they called a mediator in to help them.

How to decide how to negotiate with a union?

use whatever strategy works for that union in that situation. It will change from company and union.

WHY" Do People Become Dues Paying Members of Unions? (Triangle Fire example)

· Make up rules · No accountability from the company · Managers could do whatever they want · You were instantly replicable of you don't like your job · Employees are not as mobile with switching from job to job, better to improve the conditions of the current job - being fired is a lot more damaging to the employees than the company

How do people become members of unions?

• Participate in forming a union in their workplace (Thru a democratic process) • Forced to join a union in non "Right-to-Work" states (Originally formed thru a democratic process) • Voluntarily join a union in "Right-to-Work" states (Originally formed thru a democratic process)

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