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Where in the second stanza does Blake make explicit the Christian symbolism of his poem?

Answers will vary. Jesus is referred to as a lamb in the Bible. The stanza reflects the language of Christian values: gentleness, meekness, peace. The stanza also begins to capitalize "He," which is standard when referring to Jesus or the Christian God.

What does the creator do for his creation in the first stanza of the "The Lamb"?

He gives the lamb life, food, clothing and a gentle voice.

What penance must the mariner constantly pay for killing the albatross?

He must travel from country to country telling his tale.

In "Kubla Khan," Coleridge explores a fascination with exotic places and things. Write an essay analyzing his view and portrayal of Xanadu as an exotic place. Why do you think Coleridge is attracted to the exotic?

Students should describe the elements of fantasy that Coleridge ascribes to Xanadu, pointing to such details as the spirit of the "woman wailing for her demon lover" and the vision of the Abyssinian maid "singing of Mount Abora." Students may also point out that a love of the exotic is naturally suited to the Romantic temperament, which revels in the mystery of the unknown and all that lies outside the realm of everyday experience.

Choose one of the statements below, and on a separate sheet of paper, analyze how the poem's words, sounds, and images helped evoke that response in you. a. I wish I could be in Coleridge's Xanadu. b. I'm glad I'm not in Coleridge's Xanadu. c. I had another emotional response to Coleridge's Xanadu.

Students' responses will vary. A sample response follows:a.Xanadu is it! A sacred river, caves of ice, fertile gardens, cedar groves in mysterious haunted caverns—and all of it described in the most musical, alliterative and assonant language. I want to go there immediately, at least every few months. To be sure, there are images of dread and savagery in the poem, but these are what Coleridge calls "holy dread"; the awe and mystery that come with sacred magic, with moonlit women wailing for their demon lovers, and damsels playing on dulcimers. Hey, it doesn't get any better than this! b.Xanadu sounds like a really awful place. It is icy and sunless, as the speaker makes all too clear in his description of the underground river, the caves of ice, and the sunless sea. It must be quite cold if these details are reliable. On moonlit nights the locale is downright dangerous—one wouldn't be surprised if, in response to that deranged woman wailing for her demon lover in lines 15-16, nothing less than a werewolf should show up. The damsel with the dulcimer may temporarily fulfill a fantasy of the speaker's, but is she herself fulfilled, or is she one of the countless abused female "entertainers," including geishas and belly dancers, to be found amid the detritus of world culture? In the midst of it all, ancestral voices are heard prophesying war—a grim prospect of future ruin if there ever was one. Take me back to Wisconsin Rapids! c.(Accept any response adequately supported by details from the poem and having a bearing on the selection standards, for example, imagery, figures of speech, sounds, and mood.)

What emotions does Blake's description of the lamb evoke in you? Explain why.

That this little lamb is a firm believer in his creator, God.

How does The Tyger represent people's simultaneous attraction toward and repulsion from evil?

The tyger is bad. The main reason is because it is represented as something "fearful." It also talks about the fire in it's eyes which is something evil.

Which of the following instruments' music probably sounds most similar to the dulcimer played by the damsel in "Kubla Khan"? Briefly explain your answer. a. harp b. snare drum c. flute d. trumpet

a, Explanation: the harp is a stringed instrument, like the dulcimer; although a snare drum is played with sticks, similar to the dulcimer, it does not make a melody.

Which word describes the mood of the illustration accompanying the poem "The Lamb"? Explain why the answer you selected is correct. a. jubilant b. serene c. chaotic d. ecstatic

b, Explanation: "Serene" is the best word to describe the illustration because it depicts a setting in what looks like a quiet countryside with a child calmly feeding a lamb.

Which of the following pairs of poetic sound devices does Coleridge employ in the line, "The western wave was all aflame," from "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"? Briefly explain your answer choice, defining the literary terms. a. internal rhyme and alliteration b. alliteration and assonance c. assonance and consonance d. consonance and internal rhyme

b, Explanation: "western" and "wave" begin with the same consonant and are therefore examples of alliteration; "wave" and "aflame" contain the same vowel sound (but dissimilar consonant sounds) and are therefore examples of assonance.

What idea does the lamb symbolize in Blake's poem "The Lamb"? Explain your answer, citing a detail from the poem. a. knowledge b. innocence c. reason d. courage

b, Explanation: In "The Lamb" the Lamb is also the name that Blake gives the child in the lines, "He is called by thy name, / For he calls himself a Lamb: / He is meek & he is mild, / He became a little child ..." The child is also a symbol of innocence.

In "The World Is Too Much with Us," people are "out of tune" with a. God. c. progress. b. nature. d. each other

b. nature

Identify the central theme of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Briefly explain why you chose your answer. a. pleasure in all imaginative voyages b. love of storytelling c. sanctity of all wild creatures d. importance of fantasy over reality

c, Explanation: Students should note that the sanctity of all wild creatures is stressed by the importance of the change in the Mariner—the Albatross falls from his neck when he sees the importance in the natural world, and can feel empathy and love for other living creatures.

All of the following is part of the speaker's attitude toward the pleasure-dome except a. fear. c. desire. b. awe. d. loathing.

d. loathing

The speaker of "The World Is Too Much with Us" believes that if he were a pagan, he would be a. less spiritual. c. less accepting of his fate. b. less victimized by nature. d. more responsive to nature.

d. more responsive to nature.

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