Trauma imaging Lower extremity

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what is the mech of injury of the foo in a TRImalleolar fx?

external rotation of foot

is a Femorotibial dislocation severe? what are complications? ( ligaments? Neurovasc?) mech of injury?

yes! - All intra/extra capsular ligmamentous structures usually ruptured. ***AND popliteal a. / peroneal n. =common) MVA or fall from high height

how do you determine whether a malleolar fx is stable or unstable?

- One fx= stable 2 or more = unstable

name 5 types of phalangeal fxs of foot

-crush 2.bedroom 3.chip 4. 1st toe fx- hallux rigidus Sesamoid fx

name 5 types of malleolar fxs

1. Medial 2.Lateral 3. Biamalleolar 4. Trimalleolar 5. Avulsion fxs

Name 4 types of ankle dislocations.

1.Anterior 2.posterior (more common thn anterior) 3. Subtalar 4.Tibiotalar

Name 4 other injuries associated with prox fibular fxs

1.Knee lig. injury 2.Lateral tibial plateau fx 3.Ankle injury 4. Common peroneal n. injury

give 3 characteristics of what can happen in AVN.

1.scleroisis 2.flattening 3. fragmentation

why might SONK happen in the knee?

Articular collapse > related to decrease bllod flow

A beak fx is associated wih what kind of calcaneal fx? (theres 2 types of calc fxs)

Avulsive type! - fx of superior portion of tuberosity (compressive type- Don Juan fx) (Avulsive type - Beak fx)

What is the adult form of a Toddlers fx? what bone/bones are fx?

BOOT top fx BOTH tib and fib fx

a 50 year olds image showsa Depressed tibial plateau fx on the lateral side (80%) WITH a FBI sign. mech of injury?

Bumper/fender fracture Valgus

What is the MC fx of the talus? what angle is abnormal? another name for this type of fx?

Calcaneus fx!! -Boehlers angle (26-40=normal) Don Juan Fx

what is the MC mech of patellar fxs? mc orientation?

DIRECT trauma TV (60%) stellate (25) vertical (15)

What is a complication of a 1st MT fx?

Hallux Rigidis

OCD of the talor dome is usually due to what mech of injury? therefore... what ligament injurys are assoc?

Inversion injury (plantar/Dorsi flexed) >>corner of talar dome hits the fibula Lateral ligamentous injury (inversion ankle sprains)

fX of the 5th MT is called.. mech of injury? (2 ways)

Jones/dancers fx foot is forcefully INVERTED and plantar flexed (peroneus brevis tendon tractions an pulls i off) OR direct trauma

Tarsometatarso dislocation is aka (seperation of 1st and 2nd mt bases

Lisfranc injury/ dislocation

An ankle injury WITH a prox fibula fx is called

Maisonneuve fx

you see "joint mice in the knee" ( loose body) what kind of injury do you suspect?


differ Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee vs Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the Knee (SONK)

OCD - Younger, non-weightbearing side,(lat. aspect of medial femoral condyle) SONK- older, weightbearing surface ( MEDIAL aspect of medial femoral condyle) -6 oclock

What is a "triad" that is associated with an injury like femoral tibial dislocation?

ODonoghues UNHAPPY triad -ACL tear -Posterior horn- medial meniscus tear -Medial Collateral ligament tear

A direct blow to the tibia would probably tear... and show a positve ____ ortho test

PCL (not common) Posterior drawer sign

Avulsion of IT band insertion is what kind fx? what ligaments also usually affected? 90%- 70%-

Segond Fx 90%- ACL tear 70%- meniscal tear

What is Puttis triad associated with?

The hip! DDH?

undisplaced spiral fx of tibia in children 9 months o 3 years old

Toddlers fx (usually ue o fall or bhild geting foot caught in crib>rolling over.)

Fx of Talar neck is aka what major complication is often seen wih this??

aviators fx Osteonecrosis (avn)

what is a osteochondral fx of the knee usually secondary to? .... what congenital anomaly of the knee also look likes this?

dislocation! ( ice cream scoop style injury) ddx- Bipartite patella

what do lisfrank injuries have a high association with?

neuropathic arthropathy (diabetics!)

A medial malleolus fx WITH diastasis of tib/fib synesmosis


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