TSGTAH Was the Cold War Inevitable?

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"All of this was part of the new American policy enunciated in ______ by State Department official _______________________ to contain ____________ _______________ tendencies, a policy that he asserted would lead to a ________________ or a _______________ of the Soviet system.

"All of this was part of the new American policy enunciated in *1947* by State Department official *George F. Kennan* to contain *Soviet expansionist* tendencies, a policy that he asserted would lead to a *mellowing or a collapse* of the Soviet system."

"In retrospect, the _____________ invasion of Afghanistan and the simultaneous ____________ ________________, constituted the wave of the future and ____________ both superpowers, but they remained ___________ in their _______ _________________ and did not see this."

"In retrospect, the *Soviet* invasion of Afghanistan and the simultaneous *Iranian Revolution*, constituted the wave of the future and *threatened* both superpowers, but they remained *locked in their old conflict* and did not see this." Basically they were still so pissed with each other that they didn't notice the big issue at hand that posed a threat to both of them.

"Russia and the US always possessed diametrically opposed political systems: _____________ _________________ tyranny versus _________________ ________________"

"Russia and the US always possessed diametrically opposed political systems: *centralized autocratic tyranny versus decentralized democracy*"

"The ___________ victory had created a massive and unprecedented global __________ ____________ at the same time that the US and the Soviet Union became _______________."

"The *Allied* victory had created a massive and unprecedented global *power vacuum* at the same time that the US and the Soviet Union became *superpowers*"

What are proxies/proxy wars?

"Wars fought between groups/smaller countries that each represent the interests of other larger powers." Yes, you smols will fight our dirty war for us.

_____________ emerged as a major world player as its split from the __________________________ became more ____________ and _______________

*China* emerged as a major world player as its split from the *Soviet Union* became more *public and intense*

What were 2 results of Containment?

*Major expansion of US power* as it moved into areas around the Soviet Empire. Increased *Soviet perceptions of American aggressiveness,* necessitating a response.

The conflict between the 2 superpowers finally erupted and escalated from . . . (year(s))


When was NATO formed?


When was the armistice during the Korean War signed?


What did the crossing of the 38th parallel lead to? What did the Truman Administration do in response?

A massive military intervention by the Chinese communists. Reverted to its previous aim of liberating only South Korea

With the end of detente, what new issue emerged? Why?

A new "hot" war The Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

Why didn't a WWIII materialize? (2)

A new Soviet leader emerged and instituted major reforms in domestic and foreign policies. Reagan embraced these reforms and the two instituted a new era of Soviet-American cooperation.

What is detente?

A relaxation of tensions between powers

What kind of approach did Nixon and his national security advisor take? What did it lead to?

A triangular balance-of-power approach A major lessening of global tensions.

As Dr. Stoler previously stated, conflict may have been inevitable when __________ ___________, but the _______________ and ______________ of the conflict was not.

As Dr. Stoler previously stated, conflict may have been inevitable when *WWII ended*, but the *duration and intensity* of the conflict was not.

Why did ideology become a major factor in the US-Russia conflict?

As a result of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution which established the communist government in Russia

How did the Truman administration interpret the invasion of the South?

As an intolerable move by the Soviets

When did the predictions that the US and Russia would eventually come into conflict become a reality?

At the end of the 19th century in Manchuria

When did the Cold War finally come to an end?

Between 1989-1991

What did the US and Russia accuse each other of doing concerning the boundaries and government of Poland?

Breaking the Yalta Accords

The Truman Doctrine was a result of . . .

Britain informing the US that it could no longer afford to support Greece and Turkey against communist guerrillas/Soviet pressure

By 1948-1949, the "___________ ____________" effect of Containment brought the two superpowers to the edge of _______.

By 1948-1949, the *"mirror image"* effect of Containment brought the two superpowers to the edge of *WWIII.*

By the late ________'s and early ________'s, the _______________ world that had come into being in _________ no longer existed.

By the *late 1960's and early 1970's,* the *bipolar* world that had come into being in *1945* no longer existed.

Detente ended by the _________ _______'s,

By the late 1970's

What new center of power emerged as Europe went through recovery?


The intensity and duration of the US-Soviet conflict was primarily a result of . . . Which, in retrospect, were almost totally _______ _________ with _______________ _____________ after _______ or _______.

Differing domestic and ideological factors in each country Which, in retrospect, were almost totally *at odds with international realities* after *1949 or 1953.*

As Dr. Stoler asserts, as we know, WWIII did not occur, but by _______ the two superpowers had, in effect, ____________ _____________ into respective _________ of ______________ that each was willing to go to war to defend

Dr. Stoler asserts, as we know, WWIII did not occur, but by *1949* the two superpowers had, in effect, *divided Europe into respective spheres of influence* that each was willing to go to war to defend,

What led to the constant escalation of conflict between the US and Russia?

Each viewed its own actions as a defensive reaction to the aggression of the other. "YOU STARTED IT BRO"

Why had the local communist parties in Europe gained enormous power and prestige? How did Americans perceive them?

For their anti-Nazi resistance activities during WWII As stalking horses for the Soviets

General __________________________'s forces crossed the ____th parallel and moved toward the _______________ border on the ___________ River.

General *Douglas MacArthur's* forces crossed the *38th parallel* and moved toward the *Chinese border on the Yalu River*.

What ultimately led to the end of the Cold War? How?

Glasnost and perestroikaled It led to the total collapse of the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe which was followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union itself.

What was glasnost and perestroika?

Glasnost: Soviet policy of open discussion of political and social issues Perestroika: political movement for reformation

What did Stalin do in an attempt to halt the rebuilding of Germany and the formation of a West German government?* What did that lead to?

He instituted a blockade of the western zones of Berlin The Berlin airlift by the US, escalated formation of a W German gov, and the formation of NATO

Why MacArthur dismissed?

He refused to accept the Administration's policy on Korea and pressed for an expanded war with China

Who was Nixon's national security advisor?

Henry Kissinger

In China, civil war between Chinese _______________ under __________ ___________ and _______________ under _________ ________________ broke out soon after the Japanese defeat.

In China, civil war between Chinese *communists under Mao Zedong* and *nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek* broke out soon after the Japanese defeat.

In early 1950, _________ signed a treaty of alliance with ___________

In early 1950, *Mao* signed a treaty of alliance with *Stalin*.

When did this "new and fierce" Cold War begin?

In the early 1980's

Communist government in Russia popped up just as _____________ ______________ was restating and expanding the American mission to ____________ the world in ________ ____________ _____________ ____________.

Just as *Woodrow Wilson* was restating and expanding the American mission to *re-create the world in its own self image.*

Kai-shek's defeat had long been expected by experts in the ___________ ______________ but it sent __________ ____________ through the ___________

Kai-shek's defeat had long been expected by experts in the *State Department* but it sent *shock waves through the US*

List 4 bloody regional wars that took place during the Cold War.

Korea Vietnam Afghanistan A series of civil and regional conflicts fought by proxies.

As the old generation of Soviet leaders died, who emerged as the new Soviet leader?

Mikhail Gorbachev

Who replaced Stalin as leader of the Soviet Union? What did he do?

Nikita Khrushchev Denounced Stalin and called for a more open society

When did Mao's forces beat Chiang's? Where did he flee to?

October 1949 Chiang fled to the island of Formosa.

What was the first conflict between the US and Russia about? (post WWII)

Over the boundaries and government of Poland

The conflict over the boundaries and government of Poland was quickly followed by conflict over . . .

Policies in occupied Germany

How did Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan react to the invasion of Afghanistan? Who did they support?

Reacted fiercely to the Soviet invasion The Islamic forces.

What did the US do with the Truman Doctrine? (2)

Replaced Britain in both countries ( Announced a global policy to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures."

Taking advantage of a _____________ ____________ of the UN ______________ _____________, the US obtained UN sanction for a ______________ ________________to halt the North

Taking advantage of a *Soviet boycott of the UN Security Council,* the US obtained UN sanction for *a military intervention to halt the North*

What were the predictions concerning the Cold War in the 1970's? Why?

That it would end Because of the detente

What were 3 things that resulted in the anticommunist hysteria in the US (aka McCarthyism)

The "loss" of China A series of spy cases The detonation of the Soviets' first atomic bomb (which all happened at the same time... so)

What established a communist government in Russia?

The Bolshevik Revolution 1917

The US and Russia had established ___________ ________________ in the South and the North

The US and Russia had established *rival governments* in the South and the North

How did the end of WWII change the US and Russia's relationship?

The US and Russia no longer had a common enemy (Nazi Germany and Japan) to offset their differing interests and ideologies.

What did the US do that heightened Soviet suspicion and fear of the nation? What else?

The US dropped the atomic bomb without informing them The later discovery of communist spies in the wartime project to develop the bomb

What simultaneously heightened American suspicion and fear of the Soviet Union?

The activities of local communist parties in Europe

The peninsula of ___________, previously part of the ______________ ____________ had been divided by _____________ and ______________ occupation forces after the surrender.

The peninsula of *Korea*, previously part of the *Japanese Empire*, had been divided by *Russian and American* occupation forces after the surrender.

Why did Stalin oppose the Marshall Plan? How did he interpret it?

The plan included the rebuilding of Germany Stalin saw it as a plan designed to to disrupt his empire in Eastern Europe

What else did the Truman Administration take advantage of? Why? (Korean War)

The victory at Inchon To unify North and South Korea by force.

Why had the US and Russia been able to get along despite their political differences?

Their interests didn't collide They both hated Great Britain

After WWII, the US and Russia tended to view each other through . . . How did this view affect the way the two nations saw each other?

Through the prism of the events they had just lived through They saw each other as potentially similar to the Nazi enemy they had just defeated.

What historical lessons did the US and Russia take away from WWII?

To never "appease" and to negotiate only from positions of military strength.

With __________'s reluctant approval, the ____________ invaded the ____________ on _________ (date)

With *Stalin's* reluctant approval, *the North invaded the South on June 25, 1950. *

With Stalin's replacement, there appeared to be a possibility of a thaw in the ________ ________, but instead it intensified and expanded again in ______________.

With Stalin's replacement, there appeared to be a possibility of a thaw in the *Cold War*, but instead it intensified and expanded again in *Vietnam*.

With the failure of the ____________ ______________ conference in __________ in _______, Secretary of State ____________________________ proposed the European recovery program known as the _____________ ____________

With the failure of the *foreign ministers* conference in *Moscow in 1947*, Secretary of State *George C. Marshall* proposed the European recovery program know as the *Marshall Plan.*

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