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UFC women's strawweight champion Jessica Andrade and wife Fernand Gaomes reportedly were robbed at gunpoint in Brazil on Thursday. Gomes posted about the robbery on social media Thursday, per Guilherme Cruz of MMA Fightin. Andrade's coach Gilliard parana said both were unharmed. According to Gomes, Andrade was driving when whey were forced to stop their car, which was stolen along with their cell phones. Andrade won the women's straw-weight championship from Rose Namajunas at UFC 237 in Brazil. She has won each of their last four bouts. The UFC has not informed when she will be defending her title next. She has been awarded Fight of the Night and Performance of the Night three times, earning both honors for her win over Namajunas.

Jéssica Andrade, lutadora dos pesos pena do UFC, e sua esposa Fernada Gomes, um assalto a mão armada, segundo informações. Gomes postou nas redes sociais sobre o roubo na sexta-feira, conforme Guilherme Cruz do MMA Fighting. O treinador de Jéssica, Gilliard Parana, disse que não houve agressão. De acordo com Gomes, Jéssica foi forçada a parar o carro, que, além dos celulares das vítimas, foi levado pelos bandidos Andrade conquistou o título dos penas feminino ao vencer Rose Namajunas no UFC 237 Brazil. Além de vencer todos os últimos quatro combates que enfrentou. O UFC não divulgou quando será sua primeira defesa de título. Andrade já recebeu prêmio de melhor luta e performance da noite três vezes, sendo que no combate contra Namajunas recebeu as duas honras.

Khabib *continua avançando e pressionando* não importa o que aconteça, te sufocando, oprimindo e sugando toda sua energia*. Na realidade ele é o maior lutador da categoria dos *70 kg*.

Khabib kips ˈkʌmɪŋ, kips ˈpʊʃɪŋ ˈfɔrwərd noʊ ˈmætər wʌt, smothering you,ˈgraɪndɪŋ ju aʊt ænd ˈdreɪnɪŋ ðə laɪf aʊt ʌv ju. hiz ˈækʧuəli ðə ˈbɪgəst 155ər ɪn ðə dɪˈvɪʒən / ɑn ðə ju-ɛf-si ˈrɑstər. Khabbib keeps coming, keeps pushing forward no matter what, grinding you out and draining the life out of you. He is actually the biggest 155er in the division / the biggest 155er on the UFC roster.

Khabib segue atropelando a categoria como um *rolo compressor*, *não importa o que aconteça* . Ele tem capacidade excepcional de impor seu jogo e controlar o centro do octógono, além de já ter provado com louvor que é uma força a ser respeitada.

Khabib kips ˈpʊʃɪŋ ˈfɔrwərd laɪk ə stim roʊler noʊ ˈmætər wʌt. He is exceptionally good at imposing his game and controlling the center of the octagon. Also, he's successfully proven/demonstrated that he is a force to be reckoned with. Khabib keeps pushing forward like a steam roller no matter what. He is exceptionally good at imposing his game and controlling the center of the octagon. Also, he's successfully proven that he is a force to be reckoned with.

Khabib *vai entrar lá* e mostrar como derrotar um *trocador de primeira*.

Khabib wɪl goʊ aʊt ðɛr ænd ʃoʊ ðə wɜrld haʊ tu teɪk aʊt ə priˈmɪr ˈstraɪkər. Khabib will go out there and show the world how to take out a premier striker.

Last month in my Instagram messages, my audience wanted to (get) hear my take on Ferguson Vs Pourier (poriei). Because at that juncture, the match was still being speculated for the upcoming October 24th UFC 254 event. I said I saw the diamond as the favorite on this one and also feared that the boogie man might be seen as one of those fighters who've let their big break in life slip through their fingers. My viewpoint is very simple: Dustin Poirier was superior to Gaethje technically. Whoever watched that fight had no lingering doubts as to who (whom is the object) was the best striker between the two. On the other hand, Ferguson was simply steamrolled by the current inter(i)m champion. Outside that beautiful uppercut at the end of the second round, he certainly took a handsome - prodigious beating before being TKO'd for the first time in his career. The problem was that such a TKO wasn't a job brought on solely by Gaethje's two hands. Despite being undefeated for years, Ferguson had absorbed plenty of blows throughout his career, and virtually all his victories had come at the cost of his blood, sweat, and tears. That is, he had been bloodied up, punched in the face, and taken down a great deal. All of this has played a factor on - in his mileage and taken a toll on his durability to withstand punishment. Against Gaethje, Ferguson looked slower than ever. Which lead many, including me, to believe that, perhaps, currently shy of turning 37, he is already showing signs of slowing down. Having said that, taking on a technical, powerful, and resistant opponent like Poirier, in the wake of the biggest bump in the road of his career, didn't sound like a good idea to me. What's more, we are also referring to a guy who recently underwent surgery on both of his knees. Make no mistake though, I'm not implying at all that Ferguson is (washed up) now a has-been or must be put out to pasture. I am only of the opinion that he might never strap that lineal division belt around his waist ever again. In the face of stiff competition, it could be that the proverbial small window of opportunity has been shut for him, which is a sad thing because I'm not only a big fan of his but also believe that he is deserving of all his accolades. It is very gut-wrenching and distressing to know that in this twist of fate he passed his prime while trying to secure five times in a row the ever-elusive Khabib fight. Speaking of the lineal champion, Ferguson's arch-nemesis' opinion is even harsher and more pessimistic than mine: "Justin was simply a lot faster than him, and dominated him in all areas. Nobody is the same forever. Not even Tony Ferguson. God doesn't bestow all his blessings on the same person. Everyone will get beat by somebody one day. Tony Ferguson's time is over. He'll come back and someone will beat him again. I think so! Because you have suffered this extent of damage, you are never the same, even if you are Fergunson." But anyway, things are the way they are, and as much as I think he has been cut some slack as far as Poriei, who is slated to take on McGregor in his next fight, because he is still the number three ranked, make no mistake, ther are a lot of challenges-hurdles-hardships in store for Ferguson. To my way of thinking, the most logical fight to be made now is Chandler / Fergunson, who is at his prime physically and technically-wise at 38, just coming off of a clinic against the former champ Henderson. He will be serving as an alternate for Khabib/Gaethej, should anything come up and one of them can't make it/drops out. However, granted that UFC 254 follows its course smoothly, he will still need a fight. That would be a very tough and interesting fight against both a superior and faster wrestler with knockout power and an endless gas tank. Other viable options for Ferguson would be Islam, who's been taken out of the card after Dos Anjos tested positive for Covid, Charles do Bronx, and Dan Hook, and Nick Dias. Of course, some match-ups make more sense than others. Perhaps a more sensible matchmaker would factor in all the variables, like company and performance history before coming up with a fight that makes the most sense.

læst mʌnθ ɪn maɪ Instagram ˈkwɛsʧən bɑks, maɪ ˈɑdiəns ˈwɑntəd tu lɜrn maɪ teɪk ɑn ˈfɜrgəsən ˈvɜrsəz Pourier (poriei). bɪˈkɔz æt ðæt pɔɪnt ðə mæʧ wʌz stɪl ˈbiɪŋ ˈspɛkjəˌleɪtəd fɔr ði ˈʌpˌkʌmɪŋ ɑkˈtoʊbər 24ˈtiˈeɪʧ ju-ɛf-si 254 ɪˈvɛnt. aɪ sɛd aɪ sɔ ðə ˈdaɪmənd æz ðə ˈfeɪvərɪt ɑn ðɪs wʌn ænd ˈɔlsoʊ fɪrd ðæt ðə ˈbugi mən maɪt bi sin æz wʌn ʌv ðoʊz ˈfaɪtərz huv lɛt ðɛr bɪg breɪk ɪn laɪf slɪp θru ðɛr ˈfɪŋgərz. maɪ ˈvjuˌpɔɪnt ɪz ˈvɛri ˈsɪmpəl: ˈdʌstɪn ˈpɔɪriər wʌz suˈpɪriər tu Gaethje ˈtɛknɪkəli. huˈɛvər wɑʧt ðæt faɪt hæd fju ˈkwɛsʧənz æz tu hu (hum ɪz ði ˈɑbʤɛkt) wʌz ðə bɛst ˈstraɪkər bɪˈtwin ðɛm. ɑn ði ˈʌðər hænd, ˈfɜrgəsən wʌz ˈsɪmpli steamrolled baɪ ðə ˈkɜrənt ɪnˈtɜr(aɪ)ɛm ˈʧæmpiən.ˈaʊtˈsaɪd of ðæt ˈbjutəfəl uppercut æt ði ɛnd ʌv ðə ˈsɛkənd raʊnd, hi ˈsɜrtənli tʊk ə ˈhænsəm - prəˈdɪʤəs ˈbitɪŋ bɪˈfɔr ˈbiɪŋ TKoed fɔr ðə fɜrst taɪm ɪn hɪz kəˈrɪr. ðə ˈprɑbləm wʌz ðæt sʌʧ ə ti-keɪ-oʊ ˈwɑzənt ə ʤɑb brɔt ɑn ˈsoʊəli baɪ Gaethje's tu hændz. dɪˈspaɪt ˈbiɪŋ ˌʌndɪˈfitɪd fɔr jɪrz, ˈfɜrgəsən hæd əbˈzɔrbd ˈplɛnti ʌv bloʊz θruˈaʊt hɪz kəˈrɪr, ænd ˈvɜrʧuəli ɔl hɪz ˈvɪktəriz hæd kʌm æt ðə kɑst ʌv hɪz blʌd, swɛt, ænd tɛrz. ðæt ɪz, hi hæd bɪn ˈblʌdid ʌp, pʌnʧt ɪn ðə feɪs, ænd ˈteɪkən daʊn ə greɪt dil.ɔl ʌv ðɪs hæz pleɪd ə ˈfæktər ɪn hɪz ˈmaɪləʤ ænd ˈteɪkən ə toʊl ɑn hɪz dərəˈbɪlɪti tu wɪθˈstænd ˈpʌnɪʃmənt. əˈgɛnst Gaethje, Fergunson lʊkt ˈsloʊər ðæn ˈɛvər. wɪʧ lid ˈmɛni, ɪnˈkludɪŋ mi, tu bɪˈliv ðæt, pərˈhæps, ˈkɜrəntli ʃaɪ ʌv ˈtɜrnɪŋ 37 jɪrz oʊld, hi ɪz ɔlˈrɛdi ˈʃoʊɪŋ saɪnz ʌv ˈsloʊɪŋ daʊn.ˈhævɪŋ sɛd ðæt, ˈteɪkɪŋ ɑn ə ˈtɛknɪkəl, ˈpaʊərfəl, ænd rɪˈzɪstənt əˈpoʊnənt laɪk ˈpɔɪriər, ɪn ðə weɪk ʌv ðə ˈbɪgəst bʌmp ɪn ðə roʊd ʌv hɪz kəˈrɪr, ˈdʌzənt saʊnd laɪk ə gʊd aɪˈdiə tu mi.wʌts mɔr, wi ɑr ˈɔlsoʊ rɪˈfɜrɪŋ tu ə gaɪ hu ˈrisəntli ˌʌndərˈwɛnt surjery ɑn boʊθ ʌv hɪz niz. meɪk noʊ mɪsˈteɪk ðoʊ, aɪm nɑt ɪmˈplaɪɪŋ æt ɔl ðæt ˈfɜrgəsən ɪz naʊ ə ˈhæzˌbɪn ænd ʃʊd rɪˈtaɪr. aɪ æm ˈoʊnli ʌv ði əˈpɪnjən ðæt hi wɪl ˈnɛvər stræp ðæt ˈlɪniər dɪˈvɪʒən bɛlt əˈraʊnd hɪz weɪst ˈɛvər əˈgɛn.ˈgɪvən ðə ˈlɛvəl ʌv ðə ˌkɑmpəˈtɪʃən, ɪt kʊd bi ðæt ðə prəˈvɜrbiəl smɔl ˈwɪndoʊ ʌv ˌɑpərˈtunəti hæz bɪn ʃʌt fɔr hɪm, wɪʧ ɪz ə sæd θɪŋ bɪˈkɔz aɪm nɑt ˈoʊnli ə fæn ʌv hɪz bʌt ˈɔlsoʊ bɪˈliv ðæt hi ɪz dɪˈzɜrvɪŋ ʌv ɔl hɪz ˈækəˌleɪdz. ɪt ɪz ˈvɛri gʌt-ˈrɛnʧɪŋ ænd dɪˈstrɛsɪŋ tu noʊ ðæt hi pæst hɪz praɪm waɪl ˈtraɪɪŋ tu sɪˈkjʊr ði ˈɛvər ɪˈlusɪv Khabib faɪt.

Khabib é *implacável* e *tão forte quanto um touro*. Entretanto, ele não é mais forte que meu amigo Toninho, que bateu em vários caras em um vagão de trem no trajeto pra faculdade, tempos atrás ao frequentar um dos 10 cursos que nunca se formou.

Khabib ɪz rɪˈlɛntlɪs ænd æz strɔŋ æz ən ɑks. hiz nɑt æz strɔŋ æz maɪ frɛnd Toninho ðoʊ, hu once bit ʌp ə bʌnʧ ʌv gaɪz ɪnˈsaɪd ʌv ðɪs treɪn kɑr weɪ bæk wɛn wɛn hi jusd tu kəmˈjut tu ˌjunəˈvɜrsəti to əˈtɛnd wʌn ʌv hɪz 10 ˈmeɪʤərz hi ˈnɛvər ˈgræʤuˌeɪtɪd frʌm. Khabib is *relentless* and as strong as an ox. He is not as strong as my friend Toninho though, who beat up a bunch of guys in a train car way back when he used to commute to university to attend one of the 10 majors he never graduated from.

fKhabib é o cara e irá até as *últimas consequências* se for necessário. Quer dizer, independentemente do que o Connor *jogar pra cima dele*, ele está determinado a não bater por nada. Existe até uma *filmagem* na internet em que ele se atraca com um urso quando tinha apenas 6 anos de idade.

Khabib ɪz the real deal - the real Mcoy ænd hil goʊ tu ðə ˈbɪtər ɛnd ɪf ɪts ˈnɛsəˌsɛri. aɪ min, noʊ ˈmætər wʌt ˈkoʊnər θroʊz æt hɪm hiz dɪˈtɜrmənd nɑt tu tæp (out for - to)ˈɛniˌθɪŋ. fɔr ðæt ˈmætər, ðɛrz ˈivɪn ˈfʊtɪʤ ɑn ðə wɛb ˈʃoʊɪŋ hɪm ˈrɛslɪŋ ə bɛr wɛn hi wʌz ʤʌst a sɪks-jɪr-oʊld kɪd. Khabib is the real deal, real Mcoy and he'll go to the bitter end if it's necessary. I mean, no matter what Conor throws at him he is determined not to tap to anything. For that matter, there's even footage on the web showing him wrestling a bear when he was just a six-year-old kid. Khabib is a real goal and he will go to the bitter end if it is necessary. I mean, no matter what Connor throws at him, he is determined not to tap to anything. For that matter, there is even a footage on the web showing him wrestling a bear when he was just a six-year-old

O tempo de reação do Khabib *é perfeito*. *Escuta o que eu estou falando*, ele vai chocar o mundo.

Khabib's riˈækʃən taɪm ɪz ˈmʌni mən. mɑrk maɪ wɜrdz. hiz ˈgoʊɪŋ tu ʃɑk ðə wɜrld. Khabib's reaction time is money man. Mark my words he's going to shock the world.

A habilidade e *astúcia* da luta de chão do Khabib, além de sua abilidade *inigualável* de *pensar rápido* lhe garantirá uma forma de sair de qualquer situação perigosa imposta por Connor. Khabib's dexterity on his feet and genius on the ground, as well as his unmatched ability to think on his feet will ensure him a way out of whatever trouble he finds himself in.

Khabib's əˈʤɪləti ænd ˈʃrudnəs ɑn ðə graʊnd æz wɛl æz hɪz ənˈpɛrəˌlɛld əˈbɪləti tu θɪŋk ɑn hɪz fit wɪl ˌgɛrənˈti hɪm ə weɪ tu gɛt aʊt ʌv ˌwʌˈtɛvər prɪˈdɪkəmənt ðæt ˈkoʊnər ˈmænɪʤɪz tu pʊt hɪm ɪn Khabib's agility and shrudness on the ground, as well as his unparelleled ability to think on his feet will guarantee him a way to get out of whatever predicament that Conor manages to put him in. Khabib's agility and shrudness on the ground as well as his unparelelled ability to think on his feet will guarantee him a way to get out of whatever predictments that Connor manages to put him in.

O wrestling do Khabib está muitos niveis acima de todos os outros competidores. Toda vez que ele queda seus oponentes e imprime seu ground and pound o público delira. Khabib's whrestling is multiple levels above everyone else in the division. Every time he takes down his opponents and starts grounding and pounding them, the crowd at the arena goes bananas.

Khabib's ˈrɛslɪŋ skills are ˈmʌltəpəl ˈlɛvəlz əˈbʌv ˈɛvriˌone else ɪn ðə dɪˈvɪʒən. ænd ˈɛvəri taɪm hi teɪks daʊn hɪz əˈpoʊnənts ænd stɑrts ˈgraʊndɪŋ ænd ˈpaʊndɪŋ ðɛm, ðə kraʊd æt ði əˈrinə goʊz bəˈnænəz. Khabib's wrestling skills are multiple levels above everyone else in the division. And every time he takes down his

The UFC has officially announced a straw-weight clash between Claudia Gadelha and Randa Markos for UFC 239 in Las Vegas, NV, on July 6. The match-up was first reported by ESPN. Gadelha (16-4), who once challenged Joanna Jedrejczyk for the 115-pound belt in the UFC, was victorious in only one of her last three Octagon appearances, with a split decision win over Carla Esparza sandwiched by decision losses to Jessica Andrade and Nina Ansaroff. Gadelha won five of nine since joining the UFC in 2004. Makos (9-6-1), on the other hand, recently scored an impressive first-round armbar victory over Angela Hill, bouncing a majority draw with Marina Rodriguez and a decision loss to Nina Ansaroff. The 33-year-old fighter, who defeated the likes of Tecia Torres and Felice Herrig on TUF 20 in 2014, racked up a 5-5-1 record so far in the promotion. Headlined by Jon Jones' defense of the light heavyweight belt against Thiago Santos at the T-Mobile Arena, UFC 239 also includes a bantamweight title fight between two-division champion Amanda Nunes and former titleholder Holly Holm. Brianna Van Buren has Invicta FC straw-weight gold around her waist. The 25-year-old fighter picked up three straight wins on Friday night to conquer the eight-woman Invicta FC straw-weight tournament, which was set to crown its new 115-pound champion. It was all dominance from Van Buren's part throughout her run in the tournament. In the one-round quarterfinal, Van Buren power-doubled Manjit Kilekar and submitted her with an armbar after landing some solid ground-and-pound for a couple of minutes. Her semifinal win over Julian Lima was very similar to her quarterfinal performance with exception of the armbar finish. Van Buren took down Lima early and controlled her for the entirety of the one-round bout. In the final, Van Buren took on former UFC fighter Kailin Curran, who defeated Sharon Jacobson and Sunna Davidottir to get to the final. "The Bull" ran through Curran in round one with a double leg takedown and controlled her for the majority of the round, landing ground-and-pound while keeping tight control on top. Round two was the same story, but this time Van Buren secured back mount and shortly the rear-naked choke. The Invicta FC straw-weight champ is now 8-2 in her professional fighting career and currently finds herself on a five-fight win streak. Additionally, two veteran fighters had successful invicta FC debuts. In the co-main event bout, Magdaéna Sormová won a split decision over 19-year-old Kya hansen. It was a close fight, but after likely dropping the first round, Sormová implemented dominant top control in rounds two and three to get the decision. The victory improved the Czech fighter's record to 9-1. Alyssa Krahn also outpointed her younger opponent, 22-year-old Itzel Esquivel. It was a one-round fight, as it served as the reserved bout for the straw-weight tournament. "Pumpkin Spice" was able to secure an early takedown and survive Esquive's several submission attempts from guard, Krahn is now 6-2 in her professional MMA career. Amanda Ribas was suspended by the United States Anti-Doping Agency for almost two years, but that sanction has now been reduced. The USADA announced Friday that Ribas's two-year suspension for a positive drug test dating back to June 7, 2017, has been terminated, effective immediately. Ribas tested positive for ostarine, an anabolic agent that is prohibited by USADA year-round. However, it has since been determined that the 25-year-old Brazilian's test failure was the result of a contaminated supplement. She becomes the latest fighter to receive a shortened suspension due to the evidence of contamination, joining a list of fighters that includes Sean O'Malley and Nicco Montano. Ribas (7-1) signed with the UFC two years ago and was set to debut in July 2017 before her USA suspension was handed down. USADA's statement explains that its decision to terminate Ribas's suspension stems from "the likelihood that her positive test was the result of a ostarine contaminated dietary supplement product" and that four subsequent tests returned negative results. Ribas also received a two-year concurrent suspension from the Nevada Athletic Commission. The USADA has informed the NAC of its decision to terminate Ribas's suspension. Upon resolution of the NAC suspension, Ribas will again be eligible to compete. Thanh Lem ade Yusup Saadulaev the latest victim of the kick-into-knee Ko technique. Proving once again that MMA is a game of inches, Le drove his knee directly into Saaduvlaev's jaw, knocking him flat-out unconscious early in the second round of their featherweight (155-pound) bout at one Championship: For Honor on Friday in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was a sharp reversal of fortunes for Le, who had spent much of round one being grounded and pummelled by Saadulaev. But 12 seconds into the second frame of his ONE debut, Le caught Saadulaev diving in for a shot and he made him pay with a massive knockout blow. Le, a former LFA interim featherweight champion as well as a Contender Series contestant and an Ultimate Fighter cast member, improved to 9-2 with the win. Eight of those wins have come by knockout.

O UFC divulgou oficialmente o confronto entre Claudia Gadelha e Randa Markos no UFC 239 em Las Vegas, dia 6 de julho. O combate foi anunciado primeiramente pela ESPN. Gadelha (16-1), que já desafiou Joanna Jedrejczyk pelo cinturão dos 53 kg do UFC, obteve sucesso em uma das suas últimas três performances. Ou seja, uma vitória por decisão dividida sobre Carla Esparza e duas derrotas por decisão divida apertada contra Jessica Andrade e Nina Ansaroff. Desde de a contratação, Gadelha possui cinco vitórias em nove confrontos no UFC. Makos (9-6-1), por outro lado, obteve recentemente uma vitória impressionante sobre Agela Hill, com uma chave de braço no primeiro round, depois de um empate majoritário contra Marina Rodriguez e uma derrota por decisão contra Nina Ansaroff. A lutadora de 33 anos, que já ganhou de gente como Tecia Torres e Felice Herrig no TUF 20 em 2014, até o momento tem um cartel de 5-5-1 na organização. Além da atração principal com defesa de cinturão de John Jones contra Thiago Santos no T-Mobile Arena, O UFC 239 também terá decisão de título dos pesos galos entre a campeã de duas categorias, Amanda Nunes, e ex detentora de título Holly Holm. Brianna Van Buren é a campeã dos pesos palha da Invicta FC. A lutadora de 25 anos obteve três vitórias seguidas e conquistou o título dos pesos pena promovido pela FC Invicta com 8 lutadoras.

ðə ju-ɛf-si rɪˈtɜrnz tu ˈstɑkˌhoʊlm fɔr ju-ɛf-si faɪt naɪt 153, ænd ðeɪ brɪŋ əˈlɔŋ sɪks tɑp laɪt ˈhɛviˌweɪts tu hɛlp raʊnd aʊt ðə meɪn kɑrd. ɪn ðə meɪn ɪˈvɛnt, noʊ. 2-ræŋkt kənˈtɛndər ˌæləgˈzændər ˈgustɑfsən rɪˈtɜrnz fɔr hɪz fɔrθ ju-ɛf-si faɪt æt hoʊm. ˈstændɪŋ ˈɑpəzət hɪm wɪl bi ˈfɔrmər ˈtaɪtəl ˈʧælənʤər ɛn0. 4-ræŋkt ˈænθəni smɪθ. ðeɪ wɪl lʊk ˈteɪoʊ gɛt bæk ɪn ðə hʌnt fɔr əˈnʌðər kræk æt ʤɑn ʤoʊnz ˈtaɪtəl. noʊ. 7-ræŋkt Volkan Oezdemir ˈvɜrsəz. noʊ. 9-ræŋkt Ilir Ltifi wɪl teɪk ðə koʊ-meɪn ɪˈvɛnt slɑt, waɪl noʊ. 11-ræŋkt ˈʤɪmi Manuwa teɪks ɑn ˈraɪzɪŋ ˈprɑspɛkt Aleksandar Rakic.ænd ðə ju-ɛf-si wɪl ˈɔfər ʌp θri əˈdɪʃənəl meɪn kɑrd baʊts. ðə ˈbliʧər rɪˈpɔrt stæf kʌmz təˈgɛðər wʌns əˈgɛn tu ˈɔfər ʌp prɑgˌnɑstəˈkeɪʃənz. skɑt ˈhɛrɪs, ˈneɪθən məˈkɑrtər ænd ˈʤɑnəθən ˈsnoʊdən teɪk ə ˈgændər æt iʧ ʌv ðə sɪks meɪn kɑrd faɪts ænd tɛl ju hu wɪl hæv ðɛr hænd reɪzd ɪn ˈvɪktəri.ˈrɛdi? lɛts gɛt tu ɪt. hir ɑr jʊər ju-ɛf-si faɪt naɪt 153 meɪn kɑrd pɪks. The UFC returns to Stockholm for UFC Fight Night 153, and they bring along six top light heavyweights to help round out the main card. In the main event, NO. 2-ranked contender Alexander Gustafsson returns for his fourth UFC fight at home. Standing opposite him will be former title challenger N0. 4-ranked Anthony Smith. They will look to get back in the hunt for another crack at Jon Jone's title. No. 7-ranked Volkan Oezdemir vs. No. 9-ranked Ilir Ltifi will take the co-main event slot, while No. 11-ranked Jimi Manuwa takes on rising prospect Aleksandar Rakic. And the UFC will offer up three additional main card bouts. The Bleacher Report staff comes together once again to offer up prognostications. Scott Harris, Nathan McCarter and Jonathan Snowden take a gander at each of the six main card fights and tell you who will have their hand raised in victory. Ready? Let's get to it. Here are your UFC Fight Night 153 main card picks.

O UFC retorna à Stockholm com o UFC 153 com seis pesos pesados da mais alta qualidade para ajudar compor o card principal. A atração principal, terá o segundo no ranking, Alexander Gustafson, em sua quarta aparição lutando em casa. Do outro lado do octágono Anthony Smith, estará o ex desafiante de título e quarto no ranking. Uma vitória para ambos representa o retorno a disputa por mais uma oportunidade de tomar o cinturão de John Jones. O sétimo do ranking, Volkan Oezdemir, encara o número 9 do ranking, Ilir Ltifi no no co-main event da noite.

UFC 241 results, highlights: Paulo Costa outlasts Yoel Romero for win in absolutely wild brawl Costa and Romero put on one of the best striking displays of the year over 15 minutes in Anaheim By Brent Brookhouse Aug 18, 2019 at 3:08 am ET2 min read The middleweight showdown between Yoel Romero and Paulo Costa had a sense of "blink and you'll miss it" ahead of UFC 241. The knockout may not have come, but it wasn't for lack of trying on the part of either man. In the end, Costa took a close (and controversial) decision in a fight that will enter into many Fight of the Year lists. A huge left hand from Costa dropped Romero roughly a minute into the first round. Moments later, it was Romero who dropped Costa with his own heavy shot. Rather than slow down after each man had felt the other's power, they continued to wind up with heavy strikes. Costa landed a series of heavy punches only to eat a flying knee and follow up punch from Romero. Can't get enough UFC? Subscribe to our podcast State of Combat with Brian Campbell where we break down everything you need to know in the Octagon, including a complete recap of UFC 241 below. Unfortunately, Romero collapsed to the canvas after a knee from Costa landed to the groin, drawing a halt to the wild first-round action. After taking a few moments to recover, Romeo was able to continue. Despite the slight delay to the violence, the men went right back to winging shots with ill intent for the rest of the opening frame. Costa switched to a heavy body attack in the second round, never taking his foot off the gas while Romero was forced to go backward trying to land his potentially fight-ending shots. When the second round ended, it was officially the longest fight of Costa's still-young career. As he took several deep breaths and was taken down by Romero in the final seconds of the round, his lack of fighting into the deep waters was beginning to show. Romero started off the final round with some clean power punches to the face of Costa. Despite clear fatigue, Costa continued throwing big punches as well as body kicks. Romero knocked Costa's head back, Costa fired to the body as the two continued to blast each other with shots that would fell most of the 185-pound division. With two minutes left in the third, it appeared the two came to an agreement to let it all go. Romero poured it on as the crowd roared their approval after three rounds of violence. After the fight went the distance, the judges awarded the fight to Costa by scores of 29-28 across the board, a decision met with a decidedly mixed reaction from the fans in attendance. Costa entered the fight ranked No. 7 in the middleweight division while Romero sat at No. 2. While Costa may vault up a few spots, it will be hard to move Romero down after his performance. "I trained like a crazy man," Costa said following his victory. "For God, I am here today fighting against this beast. Yoel Romero is a real beast. I expected a lot. Thank you. Thank you very much. Look, I just came in here to make one thing, take my belt. ... I will be waiting. After this fight, I want my chance to prove I am the champion." UFC president Dana White and his matchmakers liked the bout so much that they gave both fighters an extra $50,000 for the Fight of the Night. It's arguably a contender for Fight of the Year after both men put themselves through hell in pursuit of victory on Saturday night.

Resultados do UFC 241, pontos altos: Paulo Costa Supera Yoel Romero em uma Pancadaria Desenfreada. Costa e Romero fazem uma das melhores exibições de 15 minutes em Anaheim 18 de Agosto, 2019, 3h 08. Às vésperas do UFC 241, o duelo dos meios médios entre Yoel Romero e Paulo Costa dava a sensação de que seria do tipo "piscou perdeu". O nocaute pode não ter ocorrido, mas não foi por falta de tentativa de ambas as partes. No final, Costa arrematou uma decisão apertada e controversa em uma luta que entrará para muitas listas de melhores lutas do ano. Uma esquerda poderosa de Costa derrubou Romero a cerca de um minuto do primeiro round. Alguns minutos mais tarde, foi Romero quem derrubou Costa com sua mão pesada. Em vez de desacelerarem após terem sentido a potência um do outro, continuaram a desferir golpes contundentes. Costa conectou uma série de golpes potentes, mas a resposta veio na forma de uma joelhada voadora e golpes de Romero. Quer mais notícias do UFC? Assine nosso podcast Estado de Combate com Brian Campbell, onde destrinchamos tudo sobre o Octágono, inclusive uma recaptualação completa do UFC 241 abaixo. Infelismente, Romero foi a lona após Costa conectar uma joelhada na virilha, paralisando o primeiro round frenético. Romero aproveitou o tempo para se recuperar e continuou na luta. Apesar de atrasar um pouco a pancadaria, retomaram sem demora a trocação franca e mal intencionada até o final da luta. No segundo round costa passou a atacar pesado o corpo sem tirar o pé do acelerador, o que forçou Romero a andar para trás enquanto buscava conectar seus socos finalizadores de luta. Com o término do segundo round, a luta já era oficialmente a mais longa da ainda breve carreira de Costa. A respiração profunda ao ser quedado por Romero nos segundos finais do segundo round, indicou que a falta de experiência de Costa em águas profundas estava começando a aparecer. Romero partiu pra cima no último round aterizando golpes certeiros e limpos no rosto de Costa. Apesar do claro desgaste físico, Costa continuou a lançar socos e chutes potentes. Romero balançou a cabeça de Costa,

Jon Jones vs. Thiago Santos, Amanda Nunes vs. Holly Holm Fights Headline UFC 239 The UFC 239 main event will feature Jon Jones defending his light heavyweight title versus Thiago Santos, and Amanda Nunes will put her bantamweight belt on the line against Holly Holm in the co-main event. UFC president Dana White revealed the news Wednesday to Brett Okamoto of ESPN.com, who reported that all sides have verbally agreed to the bouts but have not signed any official paperwork. UFC 239 is set to take place Saturday, July 6, at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Jones, who is 24-1 with one no-contest, beat Alexander Gustafsson for the light heavyweight belt at UFC 232 in December 2018. He successfully defended it on March 2 versus Anthony Smith via unanimous decision. The 21-6 Thiago Santos has won seven of his last nine fights via knockout. He's currently ranked third on UFC's light heavyweight fighter list and beat Jan Blachowicz via third-round TKO on Feb. 23. Nunes, a dual champion (champ champ) who also holds the featherweight belt, has won eight straight fights. She most recently earned a first-round knockout of ex-featherweight champ Cris Cyborg at UFC 232. Holm won the bantamweight title in a shocking upset win over previously undefeated Ronda Rousey at UFC 193 in November 2015. A decorated boxer who ranks 13th on BoxRec's all-time pound-for-pound list, Holm sports a 12-4 record and most recently beat Megan Anderson via unanimous decision at UFC 225.`

UFC 239 trará Jon Jones X. Thiago Santos, Amanda Nunes X Holly. A luta principal do UFC 239 será entre Jon Jones, defendendo seu título dos meio-pesados contra Thiago Santos, e Amanda Nunes, colocando seu cinturão dos pesos galo em jogo frente à casca grossa Holly Holm no co-main event da noite. O presidente do UFC Dana White revelou na quarta-feira à Brett Okamoto da ESPN, que informou que os atletas, apesar de já terem anuido verbalmente aos combates, não é official. O UFC 239 está programado para o dia 6 de julho na arena T-Mobile em Las Vegas. Jones, com um cartel de 24-1 (24 vitórias e uma derrota), conquistou o título dos meio-pesado contra Alexander Gustafsson em Dezembro de 2018 e, recentemente em março, o defendeu por decisão unânime em um duelo com Anthony Smith. Thiago Santos, com um cartel 21-6, venceu sete das suas últimas nove lutas por nocaute, e atualmente ocupa a terceira colocação no ranking do lutadores dos meio-pesado do UFC. Uma dessas vitórias veio contra Jan Blachowicz, no dia 23 de Fevereiro, via TKO (nocaute técnico) no terceiro round. Nunes, atual campeã das categorias galo e pena do UFC vem de 8 vitórias seguidas; sendo a mais recente um triunfo por nocaute no primeiro round contra a ex detentora do título da divisão de pesos-pena, Chris Cyborg, no UFC 232. Holly Holm conquistou cinturão dos galos no UFC 193, chocando o mundo em novembro de 2015 ao derrotar a, até então invicta, Ronda Rousey. Holm, com um carte de 12 vitórias e 4 vitórias, é uma boxeadora condecorada e ocupa a 13a posição no ranking das melhores boxeadoras peso por peso do BoxRe; sendo que sua última vitória foi contra Megan Anderson via decisão unânime no UFC 225.

De cara o Khabib poderá impor uma pressão que o Connor nunca viu ou experimentou.

raɪt aʊt ʌv ðə ʃut, kabib ɪz baʊnd tu ɪmˈpoʊz ə kaɪnd ʌv ˈprɛʃər ðæt ˈkɑnər hæz niv sin ɔr ɪkˈspɪriənst. æz æz ðə faɪt pleɪz aʊt ɪt wɪl bi əˈpɛrənt ðæt hi ɪz ðə supperior ˈfaɪtər. ðæt ɪz, wɛn ðə dʌst klɪrz, Kabib wɪl bi ˈkʌmɪŋ aʊt vɪkˈtɔriəs. Right out of the shoot Khabib is bound to impose a kind of pressure that Conor has never seen or experienced. As the fight plays out it will be apparent that he is a the superior fighter. That is, when the dust clears, Khabib will be coming out victories. when the dust clears or settles

Eu acredito que Khabib superará Connor, pois ele não têm nenhuma *mancha no cartel*. Também é de conhecimento geral que ele possui um dos queixos mais duros do esporte. Ou seja, será necessário mais do que alguns golpes bem colocados e mal intencionados para desfocá-lo. Falando nisso, em sua última apresentação sofreu vários golpes limpos mas nunca demostrou-se incomodado.

aɪ gɑt Khabib ˈoʊvər ˈkoʊnər bɪˈkɔz Khabib ˈdʌzənt hæv ə single ˈblɛmɪʃ ɑn hɪz ˈrɛkərd, and it is also common knowledge that he's got one of the toughest chins in the whole game. That is, It takes more than a couple of well-placed, ill-intended punches to rock in out of his element. For that matter, in his most recent appearance, he was repeatedly hit fair and square throughout the bout but never looked bothered - fazed. I got Khabib over Connor because Khabib doesn't have a blemish on his record.

Ouvi dizer que o Khabib nunca sequer perdeu um único round, mesmo nos treinos. Acredito que issso se deve ao fato de ele mesclar muito bem suas técnicas, mesmo quando atacado duramente. I hear Khabib has never lost a round, even when sparring at the gym. I believe this is mostly due to the fact that he can mix his techniques pretty well, even when under fierce attack.

aɪ hir Khabib's ˈnɛvər lɔst ə raʊnd. ˈivɪn wɛn ˈspɑrɪŋ æt ðə ʤɪm. aɪ gɛs ðæts ˈsɪmpli du tu ðə fækt ðæt hi ˈmɪksəz ʌp hɪz tɛkˈniks ˈprɪti wɛl, ˈivɪn wɛn ˈʌndər fɪrs əˈtæk. I hear Khabib has never lost a round even when sparing at the gym. I guess that's simply do to the fact that he mixes up his techniques pretty well, even when under fierce attack.

Eu reconheço os méritos do Conor, mas assim que a luta for para o chão é fim de papo, tendo em vista que Khabib é mestre *absoluto da luta agarrada*. I give Khabib props for his accomplishments in the octagon, but it's no secret that once this fight goes to the ground it's over for him. Khabib is not only an absolute master grappler but also relentless in his take down attempts.

aɪ əˈplɔd ˈkoʊnər fɔr wʌt hiz dʌn bʌt wʌns ɪt goʊz tu ðə graʊnd ðæt faɪt wɪl bi ˈoʊvər, since Khabib ɪz ən ˈæbsəˌlut ˈmæstər ˈgræpələr. I applaud Connor for what his done, but once it goesto the ground that fight will be over, since Khabib is an absolute master grappler. I applaud Connor for what he's done but once it goes to the ground that fight will be over, since khabib is an absolute master grappler.

Eu estou *pendido* para Khabib por tudo que já *demonstrou no octágono ao longo dos seus 10 *combates*. Ele é originário do wrestling e não hesita em partir para trocação e se manter no raio de ação de um striker.

aɪm leaning təˈwɔrdz khabib bɪˈkɔz ʌv ɔl ði ˈɛvədəns hiz ˈʃoʊˌkeɪst ɪn ði ˈɑktəˌgɑn θruˈaʊt hɪz tɛn baʊts. He is a wrestling-based guy who doesn't shy away from showing his stand-up skills and standing in the pocked with a striker. I'm pushing towards Khabib because of all the evidence he's showcased in the octagon throughout his ten bouts. I'm leaning towards Khabib becauwe of all the evidence he's showcased in the octagon

Infelizmente o ''timing'' e a precisão *não serão decisivos* para o Connor dessa vez, uma vez que Khabib está *bem consciente* com relação as táticas de Connor.

aɪm əˈfreɪd ˈtaɪmɪŋ ænd ˈækjərəsi woʊnt pleɪ ə ˈfæktər fɔr ˈkoʊnər mən ðɪs taɪm əˈraʊnd æz Khabib ɪz wɛl əˈwɛr ʌv ˈkoʊnərz ˈtæktɪks. I am afraid timing and accuracy won't plahy a factor this time around as Khabib is well-aware of Connors' tactics. I'm afraid timing and accuracy won't play a factor for Connor. This time around as Khabib is well aware of Connor's tactics. I am afraid timing and acuracy won't play a factor for Conor this time around as Khabib is well aware of Conors tactics.

Ele tentará jogar a esquerda *por cima* mas não vai funcionar pois Khabib está bem consciente disso. Mais cedo ou mais tarde, Connor será *amassado*. Independentemente do que ele fizer, com certeza o Khabib irá se adiantar a todas as vezes que ele tentar conectar.

fhiz ˈgɑnə traɪ tu θroʊ hɪz lɛft ˈoʊvər ðə tɑp bʌt ɪt woʊnt wɜrk bɪˈkɔz Khabib ɪz əˈkjutli əˈwɛr ʌv ðæt. ˈsunər ɔr ˈleɪtər, ˈkoʊnər wɪl gɛt stɑmpt. No matter what he does he'll most certainly get beaten to the punch every time he tries to connect.

Khabib terá um pouquinho de problemas para encurtar a distância no início da luta, mas ele rapidamente fará os ajustes necessários e dali em diante será *maciota, tranquilidade, vôo de cruzeiro*. Ele é o tipo de lutador que absorve energia do público, então o fato de ele estar lutando em sua terra natal pode ser fundamental na sua performance.

habib wɪl hæv ə tæd bɪt ʌv ˈprɑbləm tu kloʊz ðə ˈdɪstəns in the beginning of the matchup, bʌt hil sun əˈʤʌst tu ðæt ænd ɪt wɪl bi ʤʌst ˈpleɪɪŋ ˈseɪlɪŋ - smooth sailing frʌm ðɛn ɑn. He is the kind of fighter who feeds off the crowd's energy, so the fact that he is fighting in his hometown - backyard might play a factor in his performance. Khabib will have a tab bit of a problem closing the distance at the beginning of the matchup,

Ele não tem a pegada suficientemente forte para lutar cinco rounds contra um casca grossa como o John Jones. Principalmente, porque ele não é conhecido por ter uma boa leitura da luta.

hi ˈdʌzənt hæv ə strɔŋ ɪˈnʌf ˈspɪrət tu goʊ ɔl faɪv raʊndz. ˈspɛʃəli bɪˈkɔz hi ɪz nɑt noʊn fɔr ˈhævɪŋ ə gʊd rid ʌv ðə faɪt. He doesn't have a strong enough spirit to go all five rounds. Especially because he is not known for having a good read of the fight.

Ele não é o tipo de lutador que *cai no jogo de Connor*.

hiz nɑt ðə kaɪnd ʌv ˈfaɪtər ðæt fɔlz raɪt ˈɪntu ˈkonərz geɪm. He's not the kind of fighter that falls right into Connors game.

Você pode odiar Khabib o quanto quiser, mas quando o portão do octagono se fechar, seu garoto Connor *não terá quase nenhuma chance de sair vitorioso*.

ju kæn heɪt ɑn Khabib æz mʌʧ æz ju wɑnt bʌt wɛn ðə cage dɔr ʃʌts them in, jʊər bɔɪ ˈkoʊnər wɪl ʤʌst hæv ə ˈpʌnʧərz ʧæns tu gɛt ðə ˈdʌbəlju. He will definitely find himself in a losing situation should he try to foolishly prove that he can handle Khabib's wresling by making it a point to go to the ground with him. You can hate on Khabib as much as you want but when the cage door shuts out, your boy Conno will just have a puncher's chance to get the w.

Many people believe that Yoel Romero should have been given the nod for this fight. I personally second that, even I'm of the opinion it was a very closely-contested matchup. Rather than discussing the reasons why I believe he won this one, I'll attempt to break down the fight in terms of what the Cuban could have done to sway the judge's mind. Before that, I want you to mark August 31th on your calendar. Friday, into the early hours of Saturday, our Brazilian strawweight champion will be putting her title on the line for the very first time against the Chinese Challenger Whellizang, China's greatest hope in attempting to take the belt from the Brazilian. So, make sure to tune in for this one. So, without further ado, let's get to the analysis. First and foremost, I'd like to point out his superb performance in the fight; the fact that he was able to overcome the psychological barrier between the Cuban and his opponents. 95% of Romero's previous opponents feared what could have been lurking behind his rogue and malicious fighting style. Romero is unarguably a Wrestling legend. However, he is a two-minute fighting machine. And, of course, he is acutely aware of that. Thus, in a five-minute fight, he alternates between sudden spurt of action with a volley of strikes, and stall the remaining of the fight. Which causes his opponents to fall for his gameplan and cadence. However, Borrachinha paid no heed to such danger and tactics and took the fight straight to him, which not only forced Romero to turn on his engine right from the get-go but also keep it on throughout the whole fight.


Aparentemente algumas pessoas acreditam que será uma luta *equilibrada*, que eles farão uma *luta franca*, mas sinto provavelmente será uma luta desigual em favor de Khabib.

sʌm ˈpipəl sim tu θɪŋk ðæt ɪts ˈgoʊɪŋ tu bi ən ˈivɪn faɪt, ðæt ðeɪ wɪl bi ˈgoʊɪŋ nɛk ænd nɛk, toʊ tu toʊ, bʌt aɪ seɪ ɪt wɪl moʊst ˈlaɪkli bi ə ˈlɑpˈsaɪdɪd ˈmæʧəp fɔr Khabib. I mean, there is always the possibility of Connor doing the necessary adjustments in the beginning of the fight and end up bringing the fight to Khabib. I'll be damned if he actually pulls it off. Some people seem to think that it's going to be an even fight, that they will be going neck and neck, toe to toe, but I say it will most likely be a lopsided matchup for khabib.

Com tantos detalhes pra se preocupar, não se consegue mais enchergar o todo. E é isso que irá acontecer com o Connor quando o Khabib *agarrá-lo*.

wɪð ə lɑt ʌv triz ju kænt si ðə ˈfɔrəst ˌɛniˈmɔr. ænd ðæts wʌt ɪz ˈgoʊɪŋ tu ˈhæpən tu ˈkoʊnər wɛn Khabib gɛts ə hoʊld ʌv hɪm With a lot of trees you can't see the forest anymore. And that is going to happen to Connor when Khabib gets a hold of him.

On yesterday's fight night on fight island in Abu Dhabi, two childhood best friends were on the main and co-main event, and while one of them breathed a sigh of relief, the other took a cold shower; this was a bittersweet feeling for the American Top Team. Let's talk first about Marlon Moraes, knocked out by the American, Cody Sandhagen, in the main event. The Brazilian came into the fight ranked number one in the division, so if he beat the number four he'd be a lot closer to another title shot. It's worth mentioning that there's some hard luck involved here because prior to the pandemic, he was slated to fight the current champion Petr Yan, but when Henry Cedudo retired, he was replaced by the more popular fighter in Jose Aldo, whom he had beat. It's pointless to whine or mull over it; it's water under the bridge. His opponent Cody Sandhagen was also in need of an exclamation point, as he was gift-wrapped by Aljamain Sterling in his last fight, who's scheduled to have the next shot at the belt against Petr Yan. Despite losing, Marlon actually had a good first round. The three judges scored it 10 to 9 for Sandhagen, but at least he reacted well to all that was proposed. The fact is that just as every fighter who's traded shots with the American, Marlon had problems dealing with his reach and fight distance, after all, the man is virtually a praying mantis at 1.81 m and 61kg, so much so that no one in the UFC had figured him out until Sterling took him down. I heard a number of people having a go at Marlon's game as he kept his distance against the lanky, taller fighter. The fact of the matter is that there was no way out for him; Marlon is a kicker, and he needed space to unleash his best weapon. If he tried to model Sandhagen's game or resorted to infighting, he'd be mischaracterizing his own game. And how do you go about that? I mean, reversing 20 years of your game after a three-month fight camp? This can't happen, so he went at it with his best game. Then, in the second frame, irony struck... ''If you live by the sword you die by the sword.'' Marlon, known for knocking everyone out with high kicks, died by the sword of a fantastic high spinning kick from Sandhagen's ten-foot-long leg. The guy's ankle connected with Marlon's skull fair and square to cap off the fight. That was the biggest win in the American's career. He is one of those fighters who reached the peak of his career prematurely... let's keep our eyes peeled on him. (laser-focused on him) What's more, he also got an A grade for calling out the former champion T.J Dillashaw, who's making his big comeback in January after a two-year suspension for getting busted taking PEDs. So, if Sandhagen is able to pull this off, he'll certainly be a shoo-in for a title shot in his following fight. As for Marlon, he can't drop the ball, wallow in his sorrows, be under the impression that he will never be a title contender again, have a perfunctory appearance, or fight for the sake of it. He is only 32 years old and has plenty of time to bounce back, so in the worst-case scenario, he'll most likely drop to 4th place in the rankings. So, he should hold his head up high, shake it off, soldier on, and try again. On the other hand, Marlon's friend had a better night. They have been side-by-side, supporting each other since childhood while competing in the first Muay Thai contests in Nova Friburgo. Of course, I'm referring to Edson Barbosa. Speaking of whom, his situation was a little touch and go (leg situation?), as he was coming off of five defeats in his last six appearances, which basically turned this into a sink or swim (situation), do or die affair. For THAT matter, this pressure was rather unfair because his previous losses to Paul Felder and Dan Ige were both split decisions that I scored in favor of the Brazilian. The issue is that these past results placed Barbosa in the crosshairs of a dilemma, which puts him at a crossroads, (between a rock and a hard place) considering that, on the one hand, he lacked initiative, never pulled the trigger, or went guns blazing in pursuit of the W by hook or by crook as he did in his previous outings. Had he done that yesterday against a guy who's been training in wrestling since he was four, he'd have undoubtedly ended up with his back on the floor. Moreover, the Brazilian was originally expected to face yet another striker in the higher-ranked Sodiq Yusuff, against whom he could have easily implemented his game freely. By contrast, he ended up squaring off against Makwan Amirkhani, a tough wrestler who, although unranked, was coming off of three triumphs in his previous four matches. Having said that, Barboza's approach at the commencement of the fight was very conservative, keeping his distance and stuffing the takedown attempts, and kicking far less than he usually does, in order to not have his legs caught. However, this time around the openings were there. As of the second round (frame) we could see a slam fest of knockdowns (I myself counted four) stemming from straight rights landing squarely on Mr. Finland's teeth. This lead to a unanimous decision for him that not only safeguarded his job but also readily secured his 14th spot in the rankings. And, because of both his name and the fact that he has always put on entertaining fights, he might be paired next against a higher-ranked heavy-hitter in the division. The likes of Jeremy Stephens, even Sodiq Yusuff and Shane Burgos come to mind. Did he fail by not calling out one of those fighters and taking the reigns of his own destiny? Yes, he did! Barboza merely called out an abstract, faceless top 5 in the division. Let's now see what the UFC will decide in his stead. (let's now see what bone the UFC is willing to throw him). The bottom line here is that the weight cutting hasn't been affecting his performance. I mean, at 34, and after a few minor adjustments, Barboza seems to still have plenty of fuel left in the tank for the UFC. And as usual guys, this is just my two cents, my viewpoints, what is your take on these two fights involving the two Brazilians, leave your comments down below, and don't forget to subscribe to the channel.

ɑn ˈjɛstərˌdeɪz faɪt naɪt ɑn faɪt ˈaɪlənd ɪn ˈæbu ˈdɑbi, tu ˈʧaɪldˌhʊd bɛst frɛndz wɜr ɑn ðə meɪn ænd koʊ-meɪn ɪˈvɛnt, ænd waɪl wʌn ʌv ðɛm briðd ə saɪ ʌv rɪˈlif, ði ˈʌðər tʊk ə koʊld ˈʃaʊər; ðɪs wʌz ə ˈbɪtərˌswit ˈfilɪŋ fɔr ði əˈmɛrəkən tɑp tim.lɛts tɔk fɜrst əˈbaʊt ˈmɑrlən ˈmɔrəz, nɑkt aʊt baɪ ði əˈmɛrəkən, ˈkoʊdi Sandhagen, ɪn ðə meɪn ɪˈvɛnt. ðə brəˈzɪljən keɪm ˈɪntu ðə faɪt ræŋkt ˈnʌmbər wʌn ɪn ðə dɪˈvɪʒən, soʊ ɪf hi bit ðə ˈnʌmbər fɔr hid bi ə lɑt ˈkloʊsər tu əˈnʌðər ˈtaɪtəl ʃɑt. ɪts wɜrθ ˈmɛnʃənɪŋ ðæt ðɛrz sʌm hɑrd lʌk ɪnˈvɑlvd hir bɪˈkɔz ˈpraɪər tu ðə pænˈdɛmɪk, hi wʌz ˈsleɪtɪd tu faɪt ðə ˈkɜrənt ˈʧæmpiən ˈpɛtər jæn, bʌt wɛn ˈhɛnri Cedudo rɪˈtaɪrd, hi wʌz ˌriˈpleɪst baɪ ðə mɔr ˈpɑpjələr ˈfaɪtər ɪn ˌhoʊˈzeɪ ˈɑldoʊ, hu hi hæd bit. ɪts ˈpɔɪntləs tu waɪn ɔr mʌl ˈoʊvər ɪt; ɪts ˈwɔtər ˈʌndər ðə brɪʤ.hɪz əˈpoʊnənt ˈkoʊdi Sandhagen wʌz ˈɔlsoʊ ɪn nid ʌv ən ˌɛkskləˈmeɪʃən pɔɪnt, æz hi wʌz gɪft-ræpt baɪ Aljamain ˈstɜrlɪŋ ɪn hɪz læst faɪt, huz ˈskɛʤʊld tu hæv ðə nɛkst ʃɑt æt ðə bɛlt əˈgɛnst ˈpɛtər jæn. dɪˈspaɪt ˈluzɪŋ, ˈmɑrlən ˈækʧuəli hæd ə gʊd fɜrst raʊnd. ðə θri ˈʤʌʤɪz skɔrd ɪt 10 tu 9 fɔr Sandhagen, bʌt æt list hi riˈæktəd wɛl tu ɔl ðæt wʌz prəˈpoʊzd. ðə fækt ɪz ðæt ʤʌst æz ˈɛvəri ˈfaɪtər huz ˈtreɪdɪd ʃɑts wɪð ði əˈmɛrəkən, ˈmɑrlən hæd ˈprɑbləmz ˈdilɪŋ wɪð hɪz riʧ ænd faɪt ˈdɪstəns, ˈæftər ɔl, ðə mən ɪz ˈvɜrʧuəli ə ˈpreɪɪŋ ˈmæntɪs æt 1.81 ɛm ænd 61kg, soʊ mʌʧ soʊ ðæt noʊ wʌn ɪn ðə ju-ɛf-si hæd ˈfɪgjərd hɪm aʊt ənˈtɪl ˈstɜrlɪŋ tʊk hɪm daʊn. aɪ hɜrd ə ˈnʌmbər ʌv ˈpipəl ˈkrɪtɪˌsaɪzɪŋˈmɑrlənz geɪm æz hi kɛpt hɪz ˈdɪstəns əˈgɛnst ðə ˈlæŋki, ˈtɔlər ˈfaɪtər.ðə fækt ʌv ðə ˈmætər ɪz ðæt ðɛr wʌz noʊ weɪ aʊt fɔr hɪm; ˈmɑrlən ɪz ə ˈkɪkər, ænd hi ˈnidəd speɪs tu ənˈliʃ hɪz bɛst ˈwɛpən. ɪf hi traɪd tu ˈmɑdəl Sandhagen's geɪm ɔr rɪˈzɔrtɪd tu ˈɪnˌfaɪtɪŋ, hid bi mɪsˈkærəktəˌraɪzɪŋ hɪz oʊn geɪm. ænd haʊ du ju goʊ əˈbaʊt ðæt? aɪ min, rɪˈvɜrsɪŋ 20 jɪrz ʌv jʊər geɪm ˈæftər ə θri-mʌnθ faɪt kæmp? ðɪs kænt ˈhæpən, soʊ hi wɛnt æt ɪt wɪð hɪz bɛst geɪm.ðɛn, ɪn ðə ˈsɛkənd freɪm, ˈaɪrəni strʌk... ɪf ju lɪv baɪ ðə sɔrd ju daɪ baɪ ðə sɔrd.'' ˈmɑrlən, noʊn fɔr ˈnɑkɪŋ ˈɛvriˌwʌn aʊt wɪð haɪ kɪks, daɪd baɪ ðə sɔrd ʌv ə fænˈtæstɪk haɪ ˈspɪnɪŋ kɪk frʌm Sandhagen's tɛn-fʊt-lɔŋ lɛg. ðə gaɪz ˈæŋkəl kəˈnɛktəd wɪð ˈmɑrlənz skʌl fɛr ænd skwɛr tu kæp ɔf ðə faɪt. ðæt wʌz ðə ˈbɪgəst wɪn ɪn ði əˈmɛrɪkənz kəˈrɪr. hi ɪz wʌn ʌv ðoʊz ˈfaɪtərz hu riʧt ðə pik ʌv hɪz kəˈrɪr ˌpriməˈʧʊrli... lɛts kip ˈaʊər aɪz pild ɑn hɪm. (ˈleɪzər-ˈfoʊkəst ɑn hɪm)wʌts mɔr, hi ˈɔlsoʊ gɑt ən ə greɪd fɔr ˈkɔlɪŋ aʊt ðə ˈfɔrmər ˈʧæmpiən ti.ʤeɪ Dillashaw, huz ˈmeɪkɪŋ hɪz bɪg ˈkʌmˌbæk ɪn ˈʤænjuˌɛri ˈæftər ə tu-jɪr səˈspɛnʃən fɔr ˈgɛtɪŋ ˈbʌstɪd ˈteɪkɪŋ pi-i-diz. soʊ, ɪf Sandhagen ɪz ˈeɪbəl tu pʊl ðɪs ɔf, hil ˈsɜrtənli bi ə ʃu-ɪn fɔr ə ˈtaɪtəl ʃɑt ɪn hɪz ˈfɑloʊɪŋ faɪt.æz fɔr ˈmɑrlən, hi kænt drɑp ðə bɔl, ˈwɑloʊ ɪn hɪz ˈsɑroʊz, bi ˈʌndər ði ɪmˈprɛʃən ðæt hi wɪl ˈnɛvər bi ə ˈtaɪtəl kənˈtɛndər əˈgɛn, hæv ə pərˈfʌŋktəri əˈpɪrəns, ɔr faɪt fɔr ðə seɪk ʌv ɪt. hi ɪz ˈoʊnli 32 jɪrz oʊld ænd hæz ˈplɛnti ʌv taɪm tu baʊns bæk, soʊ ɪn ðə ˈwɜrstˈkeɪs sɪˈnɛrioʊ, hil moʊst ˈlaɪkli drɑp tu 4ˈtiˈeɪʧ pleɪs ɪn ðə ˈræŋkɪŋz. soʊ, hi ʃʊd hoʊld hɪz hɛd ʌp haɪ, ʃeɪk ɪt ɔf, ˈsoʊlʤər ɑn, ænd traɪ əˈgɛn.ɑn ði ˈʌðər hænd, ˈmɑrlənz frɛnd hæd ə ˈbɛtər naɪt. ðeɪ hæv bɪn saɪd-baɪ-saɪd, səˈpɔrtɪŋ iʧ ˈʌðər sɪns ˈʧaɪldˌhʊd waɪl kəmˈpitɪŋ ɪn ðə fɜrst Muay taɪ ˈkɑntɛsts ɪn ˈnoʊvə Friburgo.ʌv kɔrs, aɪm rɪˈfɜrɪŋ tu ˈɛdsən bɑrˈboʊsə. ˈspikɪŋ ʌv hum, hɪz ˌsɪʧuˈeɪʃən wʌz ə ˈlɪtəl tʌʧ ænd goʊ (lɛg ˌsɪʧuˈeɪʃən?), æz hi wʌz ˈkʌmɪŋ ɔf ʌv faɪv dɪˈfits ɪn hɪz læst sɪks əˈpɪrənsəz, wɪʧ ˈbeɪsɪkli tɜrnd ðɪs ˈɪntu ə sɪŋk ɔr swɪm (ˌsɪʧuˈeɪʃən), du ɔr daɪ əˈfɛr. fɔr ðæt ˈmætər, ðɪs ˈprɛʃər wʌz ˈræðər ənˈfɛr bɪˈkɔz hɪz ˈpriviəs ˈlɔsəz tu pɔl ˈfɛldər ænd dæn aɪʤ wɜr boʊθ splɪt dɪˈsɪʒənz ðæt aɪ skɔrd ɪn ˈfeɪvər ʌv ðə brəˈzɪljən.ði ˈɪʃu ɪz ðæt ðiz pæst rɪˈzʌlts pleɪst bɑrˈboʊsə ɪn ðə crosshairs ʌv ə dɪˈlɛmə, wɪʧ pʊts hɪm æt ə ˈkrɔsˌroʊdz, (bɪˈtwin ə rɑk ænd ə hɑrd pleɪs) kənˈsɪdərɪŋ ðæt, ɑn ðə wʌn hænd, hi lækt ɪˈnɪʃətɪv, ˈnɛvər pʊld ðə ˈtrɪgər, ɔr wɛnt gʌnz ˈbleɪzɪŋ ɪn pərˈsut ʌv ðə ˈdʌbəlju baɪ hʊk ɔr krʊk æz hi dɪd ɪn hɪz ˈpriviəs ˈaʊtɪŋz.hæd hi dʌn ðæt ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ əˈgɛnst ə gaɪ huz bɪn ˈtreɪnɪŋ ɪn ˈrɛslɪŋ sɪns hi wʌz fɔr, hid hæv ənˈdaʊtɪdli ˈɛndəd ʌp wɪð hɪz bæk ɑn ðə flɔr. mɔˈroʊvər, ðə brəˈzɪljən wʌz əˈrɪʤənəli ɪkˈspɛktəd tu feɪs jɛt əˈnʌðər ˈstraɪkər ɪn ðə ˈhaɪər-ræŋkt Sodiq Yusuff, əˈgɛnst hum hi kʊd hæv ˈizəli ˈɪmpləˌmɛntəd hɪz geɪm ˈfrili. baɪ ˈkɑntræst, hi ˈɛndəd ʌp ˈskwɛrɪŋ ɔf əˈgɛnst Makwan Amirkhani, ə tʌf ˈrɛsələr hu, ˌɔlˈðoʊ ʌnˈræŋkt, wʌz ˈkʌmɪŋ ɔf ʌv θri ˈtraɪəmfs ɪn hɪz ˈpriviəs fɔr ˈmæʧəz.ˈhævɪŋ sɛd ðæt, bɑrˈboʊzəz əˈproʊʧ æt ðə kəˈmɛnsmənt ʌv ðə faɪt wʌz ˈvɛri kənˈsɜrvətɪv, ˈkipɪŋ hɪz ˈdɪstəns ænd ˈstʌfɪŋ ðə takedown əˈtɛmpts, ænd ˈkɪkɪŋ fɑr lɛs ðæn hi ˈjuʒəwəli dʌz, ɪn ˈɔrdər tu nɑt hæv hɪz lɛgz kɑt.ˌhaʊˈɛvər, ðɪs taɪm əˈraʊnd ði ˈoʊpənɪŋz wɜr ðɛr. æz ʌv ðə ˈsɛkənd raʊnd (freɪm) wi kʊd si ə slæm fɛst ʌv ˈnɑkˌdaʊnz (aɪ ˌmaɪˈsɛlf ˈkaʊntəd fɔr) ˈstɛmɪŋ frʌm streɪt raɪts ˈlændɪŋ ˈskwɛrli ɑn ˈmɪstər. ˈfɪnləndz tiθ. ðɪs lɛd tu ə juˈnænəməs dɪˈsɪʒən fɔr hɪm ðæt nɑt ˈoʊnli ˈseɪfˌgɑrdɪd hɪz ʤɑb bʌt ˈɔlsoʊ ˈrɛdəli sɪˈkjʊrd hɪz 14ˈtiˈeɪʧ spɑt ɪn ðə ˈræŋkɪŋz.ænd, bɪˈkɔz ʌv boʊθ hɪz neɪm ænd ðə fækt ðæt hi hæz ˈɔlˌweɪz pʊt ɑn ˌɛntərˈteɪnɪŋ faɪts, hi maɪt bi pɛrd nɛkst əˈgɛnst ə ˈhaɪər-ræŋkt ˈhɛvi-ˈhɪtər ɪn ðə dɪˈvɪʒən. ðə laɪks ʌv ˈʤɛrəmi ˈstivənz, ˈivɪn Sodiq Yusuff ænd ʃeɪn ˈbɜrgoʊz kʌm tu maɪnd. dɪd hi feɪl baɪ nɑt ˈkɔlɪŋ aʊt wʌn ʌv ðoʊz ˈfaɪtərz ænd ˈteɪkɪŋ ðə reɪnz ʌv hɪz oʊn ˈdɛstəni? jɛs, hi dɪd! bɑrˈboʊzə ˈmɪrli kɔld aʊt ən ˈæbstrækt, ˈfeɪsləs tɑp 5 ɪn ðə dɪˈvɪʒən. lɛts naʊ si wʌt ðə ju-ɛf-si wɪl ˌdɪˈsaɪd ɪn hɪz stɛd. (lɛts naʊ si wʌt boʊn ðə ju-ɛf-si ɪz ˈwɪlɪŋ tu θroʊ hɪm). ðə ˈbɑtəm laɪn hir ɪz ðæt ðə weɪt ˈkʌtɪŋ ˈhæzənt bɪn əˈfɛktɪŋ hɪz pərˈfɔrməns. aɪ min, æt 34, ænd ˈæftər ə fju ˈmaɪnər əˈʤʌstmənts, bɑrˈboʊzə simz tu stɪl hæv ˈplɛnti ʌv ˈfjuəl lɛft ɪn ðə tæŋk fɔr ðə ju-ɛf-si.ænd æz ˈjuʒəwəl gaɪz, ðɪs ɪz ʤʌst maɪ tu sɛnts, maɪ ˈvjuˌpɔɪnts, wʌt ɪz jʊər teɪk ɑn ðiz tu faɪts ɪnˈvɑlvɪŋ ðə tu brəˈzɪljənz, liv jʊər ˈkɑmɛnts daʊn bɪˈloʊ, ænd doʊnt fərˈgɛt tu səbˈskraɪb tu ðə ˈʧænəl.

É certeza que o Khabib irá explorar todas as fraquezas e *pontos fracos* do Connor. A verdade é que Connor será *amassado*. Mas como já dissee, se Khabib aceitar os conhecidos chutes duríssimos de Conor, ele pode ir a lona mais cedo que esperado.

ɪts ə ʃʊr θɪŋ ðæt Khabib ɪz ˈgoʊɪŋ tu expose - bringin them to light ɪkˈsplɔr ɔl ˈkoʊnərz ˈwiknəsəz ænd swit spɑts. ðə truθ ʌv ðə ˈmætər ɪz ðæt ˈkoʊnər wɪl gɛt smæʃt. But as I have already said, if Khabib ends up eating some of Connor's nasty go to leg kicks he may go down sooner rather than later. It's a sure thing that Khabib is going to explore all Connors's weaknesses and sweet spots. The truth of the matter is that Connor will get smashed. Met with a tepid response

Vai ser penoso para o Connor. Khabib irá *esgotá-lo* ao longo da luta. Mas Conor pode até ter uma chance caso consiga controlar a luta em pé, desferir bons golpes no corpo e atacar as pernas de cara. It's going to be gruling for Conor. Khabib is going to wear him out all throught the fight.

ɪts ˈgoʊɪŋ tu bi ˈgrulɪŋ fɔr ˈkoʊnər. Khabib ɪz ˈgoʊɪŋ tu wɛr hɪm aʊt ɔl θru ðə faɪt. Connor might have a shot, though, if he manages to control the fight on the feet by delivering good shots to the body and chopping khabib's legs right out of the shoot. It's going to be grueling for Connor. Khabib is going to wear him out all through the fight.

Apesar de Khabib ser *acertável/golpeável*, como dizem, os golpes de Connor serão *frustrados* pela pressão constante de Khabib. Algumas pessoas parecem acreditar que os golpes de Conor podem acabar entrando, mas não ficarei surpreso se ele nem mesmo tocar o Khabib ao longo de toda luta.

ˈivɪn ðoʊ Khabib ɪz ˈhɪtəbl, æz ðeɪ seɪ, ˈkoʊnərz ˈpʌnʧɪz wɪl bi brʌʃt ɔf (thwarted) baɪ khabib's ˈkɑnstənt ˈprɛʃər. Some people seem to think that some of Connor's punches will eventually get through but I won't be surprised if he never even touches Khabib all through the entire contest. Even though Khabib is hittable, as they say, Connors's punches will e brushed off by Khabib's constant pressure. Even though Khabib is hitable, as they say, Conors punches will be brushed off (Thwarted) by Khabib's constant pressure.

Conor pode nocautear qualquer pessoa, mas não conseguirá nocautear Khabib entrando como fez com José Aldo. Com certeza Conor manterá a calma ao longo de toda a luta. Pode ser que ele precise mudar de base ocasionalmente, mas eu tenho certeza que ele permanecerá no raio de ação mostrando boa defesa independentemente do que Khabib mandar pra cima dele.

ˈkonər kæn nɑk ˈɛnibədi aʊt, bʌt hi woʊnt bi ˈeɪbəl tu kæʧ Khabib ˈkʌmɪŋ ɪn laɪk hi dɪd wɪð ˌhoʊˈzeɪ ˈɑldoʊ. ˈkɑnər wɪl ˈsɜrtənli hæv hɪz wɪts əˈbaʊt hɪm θruˈaʊt ði ɪnˈtaɪər faɪt. hi maɪt nid tu ʧeɪnʤ ˈlɛvəlz hir ænd ðɛr bʌt əm ʃʊr hi wəl steɪ ɪn ðə pɑkt ˈʃoʊɪŋ gʊd dɪˈfɛns noʊ ˈmætər wʌt Khabib θroʊz æt hɪm.

Connor possui uma *postura atlética diferenciada*, contudo seus golpes não *surtirão efeito* dessa vez. Eu me arriscaria a dizer que ele poderá até ser retirado do octógono em uma maca com o rosto todo ferido, inchado após uma surra bem dada.

ˈkoʊnər hæz ə dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt æˈθlɛtɪk stæns bʌt hɪz straɪks woʊnt bi ɪˈfɛktɪv ðɪs taɪm əˈraʊnd. I'd go out on a limb and say that he might even be stretched off - carried off the octagon on a stretcher the octagon with a busted up face, as a result of a prodigious, nasty ass-whooping. Conor has a distinguished athletic stance but his strikes won't be effective this time around. I'd go out on a limb and say that he might even be stretched off the octagon with a busted-up face, as a result of a prodigious, nasty ass-whooping Conor has a distinguished athletic stance but his strikes won't be effective this time around. I'd go out on a limb and sya that he might even be stretched off the octagon on a stretcher the octogaon with a busted up face, as a resulta of a prodigious, nasty ass-whoopinp.

Connor não conseguirá tocá-lo com sua esquerda famosa.

ˈkoʊnər woʊnt bi ˈeɪbəl tu tʌʧ hɪm wɪð hɪz ˈfeɪməs lɛft hænd Conor won't be able to touch him with his famous left hand.

Em geral, Khabib está bem a frente de Connor nesse esporte. Entretanto, alguns novatos *ignorantes* parecem acreditar que ele é um *mágico de um truque só*. Em todas as suas exibições ele lança mão de uma série de técnicas distintas. Overall, Khabib is way ahead of Conor in the fight game. However, some ignorant noobies seem to believe that he is a dimensional fighter. In all of his outings, he comes out with a wide array of distinguished techniques. I wanna win the audience over

ˈoʊvəˌrɔl, Khabib ɪz way əˈhɛd (far ahead) ʌv ˈkoʊnər ɪn ðə faɪt geɪm. ˌɔlˈðoʊ sʌm ˈɪgnərənt ˈnuˌbiz sim tu θɪŋk ðæt hiz a wʌn dɪˈmɛnʃənəl ˈfaɪtər. In all of his outings, he comes out with a wide array of distinguished techniques. Overall, Khabib is ways ahead of Connor in the fight game. Although some ignorant newbies seem to think that he is a one-dimensional fighter or one-trick pony. Overall, Khabib is way ahead of Conor in the fight game. Although some ignorant newbies seem to think that he's a dimentional fighter, the so-called one trick pony. In all of his outings, he comes out with a wide array of distinguished techniques.

Há rumores de que o Khabib *possui muitas falhas técnicas* e, por isso, Connor *terá boas chances de sair vitorioso do combate*. Entretanto, pra ser honesto, suas *chances são mínimas*, tendo em vista que o Khabib vem passado por cima de todo seus oponentes ultimamente. Rumor has it that Khabib has got a myriad of holes in his game, and therefore, Connor stands a good chance of winning. However, to be honest, his chances are neglibible, give the fact that Khabib has been rolling over people left, right and center.

ˈrumər hæz ɪt ðæt Khabib hæz gɑt ə ˈmɪriəd ʌv hoʊlz ɪn hɪz geɪm ænd ðæts waɪ ˈkoʊnər stænds ə gʊd ʧæns ʌv ˈwɪnɪŋ, bʌt tu bi ˈɑnəst, hɪz ˈʧænsəz ɑr ˈnɛgləʤəbəl, ˈgɪvən ðə fækt ðæt Khabib hæz bɪn ˈroʊlɪŋ ˈoʊvər ˈpipəl lɛft, raɪt ænd ˈsɛntər. Connor should start attacking his opponent's lead leg right off the bat. This might be his only chance of coming away with the W. Rummor has it that Khabib has got a myriad of holes in his game and that's why Connor stands a good chance of winning, but to be honest, his chances are negligible, given the fact that khabib has been rolling over people left, right and center.

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