Unions Exam 1 Review

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_____ involves the representation of employees' immediate interests, primarily the regulation of wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment.

Business unionism

The ______ removed unions from Sherman Act jurisdiction and limited the use of federal injunctions

Clayton Act

Which of the following is a condition in predicting organization attempts and union wins?

Employees have to be dissatisfied and believe that they are individually unable to influence a change in the conditions causing their dissatisfaction.

What is a key reason employers may locate in lightly unionized areas?

Employees may not be motivated to organize for economic reasons.

The _____ forbids federal courts to issue injunction against specifically described union activities and outlaws yellow-dog contracts.

Norris La Guardia Act

The _____ is a federal agency created by ERISA with responsibility for insuring private sector defined benefit plans after retirement.

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Who are mainly organized under the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees?

Public employees outside the federal government and employees in private, nonprofit public-service organizations

As economic actors, what do unions seek to control?

The supply of labor to the employers

Which of the following best describes raid elections?

They occur when at least 30 percent of employees indicate they would prefer a different union to represent them.

A study tracking organizing success after passage of the _____ found organized firms had about a 20 percent lower rate of return to shareholders than firms remaining nonunion.

Wagner Act

Which of the following is true of successor organizations?

When a closed firm is reopened by new owners, the bargaining relationship continues if a majority of the employees worked for the former company and were in a represented unit.

In which of the following instances will an injunction be issued under the Norris La Guardia Act?

When irreparable injury to property will occur.

Which act states that the employer must provide 60 days' notice of a plant closing involving 50 or more employees and 30 days' notice for mass layoffs of more than 500 employees or more than one-third of the workforce?

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act

Workers that are LEAST likely to desire unions are those:

in companies with innovative HR management practices

_____ form where employees of a particular employer organize without external assistance

independent locals

____ is the ongoing interchange between the union and the employer that identifies their common and specific interests and creates mechanisms to clarify, manage, reduce, and resolve conflicts over their specific interests.

labor relations

All else being equal, shareholder value declines since higher wages reduce profits, leading to:

lower share prices

Who are responsible for making operational decisions for corporations?

managers hired by the shareholders through their elected board of directors

Nonunion organizations may implement _____, using performance measures to differentiate pay increases.

merit pay policies

_____ target specific employers or geographic areas and send professional organizers to encourage and assist local employees in unionizing.

national unions

Which of the following committees reviews members' grievances and negotiates with management over grievances and contract changes?

negotiation committee

In unionized organizations, employees are able to exercise their voice on immediate issues through grievance procedures and long-run matters through participation in:

negotiation committees

What is the major goal of national unions?

organizing an increasing number and share of the labor force

According to the Wagner and Taft-Hartley Acts, a(n) ______ is one whose work is intellectual in character, requiring independent judgment or discretion; whose performance cannot readily be measured in a standardized fashion; and whose skills are learned through prolonged, specialized instruction.

professional employee

Unions representing employees in the _____ sector allocate the greatest proportion of dues toward political activity.


_____ prohibited the insistence upon union membership as a condition of continued employment

right-to-work laws

A corporation's _____ ultimately control decisions about its direction, investments, and existence depending on which best meets their interests.


Which of the following positively influences new members' attitudes toward the union and their later commitment to the union's programs and activities?


When an employment practice in unionized companies is adopted by nonunion employers to avoid unionization, a ______ occurs.


At the work-unit level, _____ are elected or appointed, and represent grievants to the employer.


_____ make employees aware of union activities and try to get new members involved.


Which of the following are said to be the easiest mergers because the needs of the merged membership may have little overlap?

symbiotic mergers

Which act established the rights of individual union members to freedom of speech, equal voting rights, control of dues increases, and copies of labor agreements under which they worked?

the Landrum-Griffin Act

In the 1870s, immigrant Irish miners in America formed a secret organization to terrorize mine owners who had unilaterally cut wages below an agreed minimum. The members of the secret organization were known as ____

the Molly Maguires

Identify a condition that has to exist in order to predict organizing attempts and union wins.

A majority of employees have to believe that collective bargaining would improve conditions more than changing jobs, and its benefits outweigh the costs.

Which of the following best describes uplift unionism?

It is aimed at the general betterment of educational and economic outcomes and labor-management systems for workers.

Which of the following statements best describes revolutionary unionism?

It is primarily oriented toward overthrowing the capitalist system and replacing it with worker control of industry.

Which of the following was apparently a reason for organized labor to oppose the North American Free Trade Agreement?

Lack of environmental and employment safeguards in Mexico

The _____ Act regulates internal activities of employers and unions covered by both Taft-Hartley and the Railway Labor Act.


Which of the following Acts requires local elections at least once every three years?

Landrum-Griffin Act

Which of the following statements about class consciousness is true?

Large differences between managers and workers within the same organization in terms of employment security, increases class consciousness

Which of the following is a reason why unions cannot ensure similar backgrounds among their members?

Management makes hiring decisions and unions are obligated to admit all employees who want to join.

Unions receive more favorable treatment from the ____ during Democratic administrations.


Organizing begins with an authorizing card campaign and most often ends with the _____ certifying the election results

National Labor Relations Board

The _____ determines what group of employees would constitute an appropriate unit for a representation election and subsequent bargaining.

National Labor Relations Board

The _____, created by the Railway Labor Act, consists of an equal number of union and management members and is empowered to settle grievances of both parties.

National Railroad Adjustment Board

Which of the following is true regarding solicitation by any organization?

Nonemployee organizers can, in most instances, be barred from soliciting on company property

A(n) _____ relationship between the union and the employer will be more likely to create a perceived need for union protection.


Local unions are most often chartered by and:

affiliated with a national union

In states that have right-to-work laws in place, _____ are banned

agency shop clauses

Which of the following is a form of merger in which two unions of roughly equal size merge to form a new union?


The employer frequently contests the makeup of a(n) ______, requiring the NLRB to decide which employees should be included.

appropriate bargaining unit

The leaders of the Knights of Labor were essentially idealists who favored the use of _____ in the US labor movement.


If the union loses and the board finds employer conduct undermined an actual union majority, it issues a(n) ____, requiring the employer to recognize and negotiate with the union.

bargaining order

Elections in units where employees are not currently represented are called _____ elections.


Which of the following statements about cohesiveness is true?

cohesive groups usually have a group of leaders that strongly reflect the values of the group

Which of the following is behaviorally reflected in participation, espousing union goals, and persuading others to join and work toward the goals?


In determining appropriateness, the board considers carefully the _____ of the employees in the proposed unit.

community of interests

Most national unions elect officers at their _____, which are legally required to meet at least every five years.


The term _____ means that a group of employees with a substantially different community of interests is allowed to establish a separate unit.

craft severance

The local union represents employees in _____ dealings with the employer


What does unionization introduce into the workplace?

democracy into the employment relationship

_____ occurs when goods are sold below their production costs


Which kinds of employees may be more willing to free ride than the others?

employees who are less attached to their occupations

According to the Wagner and Taft-Hartley Acts, a(n) _____ is an organization, or a manager or supervisor acting on its behalf.


Which of the following is true about the method employers use to reduce an organizer's solicitation opportunities?

employers can force employees to leave working areas and plants at the end of their shifts.

Which of the following is a basic form that union political action takes?

endorsing candidates and get-out-the-vote efforts

Under _____ requirements, the union must apply the terms of contract equally to all bargaining-unit employees.

exclusive representation

Which of the following committees establishes local policy?

executive committee

Unions and corporations are forbidden to make political contributions in any elections involving the choice of ______.

federal officeholders

Which act enables employees to choose, by majority vote, and organization to exclusively represent them for collective bargaining purposes?

the Railway Labor Act

Which act established the National Labor Relations Board?

the Wagner Act

What are shareholders' primary interests?

the financial performance of the corporation

Which of the following factors is responsible for the decline in unionized employment, in both the proportion and number of workers?

the globalization of manufacturing

How did Knights of Labor leaders' goals differ from the new members' goals?

the leaders believed in "rational" processes for achieving ultimate objectives

Which of the following is a feature of individual investors in a corporation?

they have limited liability

Why are contracts renegotiated periodically?

to take into account changes in the economy and society

If there is a(n) _____ agreement in the contract, new employees will be required to join immediately after the probationary period.

union shop

_____ offers employees a method for countering employers' powers to unilaterally change employment conditions.


Which of the following activities involve the union's role as a bargaining agent

voting on contract ratifications

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