unit 1: ancient river valley civilizations review

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What discovery in the Alps helped Archaeologists learn about life in Neolithic times?

"The Iceman" EXPLANATION: Archaeologists have learned about Neolithic life from finds such as "the Iceman," who was found preserved in snow in the Alps.

How long did it take for the Israelites to reach Canaan from Egypt?

40 years EXPLANATION: After 40 years, the Israelites reached Canaan.

Amenhotep IV devoted his life to the worship of a minor god and took the name?

Akhenaton EXPLANATION: Amenhotep IV worshiped Aton and took the name Akhenaton, meaning "he who serves Aton."

According to the Ancient Egyptians, who was the great lord of the gods?

Amon-Re EXPLANATION: Re was the name of a sun god worshipped during the Old Kingdom. Amon-Re was a combination of Re and another god, Amon. Amon-Re was the great lord of the gods.

What is the specific name of the study of past people and cultures through material remains?

Archaeology EXPLANATION: Archaeology is a branch of anthropology that uses material remains to learn about past people and cultures.

When Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the great temple, where did many Jews go?

Babylon EXPLANATION: When Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the great temple, he also forced many of those he defeated into exile in Babylon.

The 500 years during which many Jews moved from their homeland to different parts of the word is knows as the

Diaspora. EXPLANATION: During the Diaspora, some Jews were exiled, while other moved due to discontent with political rulers.

Who found the early hominid "Lucy"?

Donald Johanson EXPLANATION: Donald Johanson found many pieces of a single hominid skeleton. He named the find "Lucy."

What was one of the things that distinguished the Middle Kingdom from the Old Kingdom?

Egyptian traders had greater contact with the Middle East EXPLANATION: In the Middle Kingdom, traders had greater contacts with the peoples of the Middle East and the Mediterranean island of Crete.

The first book of the Hebrew Bible is?

Genesis. EXPLANATION: The first book is Genesis, and is about the origin of everything.

Why do some scholars think that women held a higher social standing in Sumer than in later civilizations in the region?

Goddesses were highly honored EXPLANATION: In Sumer goddesses were highly honored in religious practice.

Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World might have been built by Nebuchadnezzar?

Hanging Gardens EXPLANATION: Nebuchadnezzar may have built the famous Hanging Gardens near his main palace in Babylon.

Egypt's first female ruler was?

Hatshepsut. EXPLANATION: Hatshepsut was the daughter of Thutmose I and the first female ruler of Egypt.

What distinguishes hominids from other animals?

Hominids walk upright on two feet. EXPLANATION: Hominids walk upright on two feet.

Who were the first hominids to learn how to use fire?

Homo erectus EXPLANATION: Homo erectus are thought to be the first hominids to learn how to use fire.

Which Neolithic village still exists today as an Israeli-occupied city?

Jericho EXPLANATION: Jericho was a Neolithic village that is today an Israeli-occupied city.

Which region in the Fertile Crescent has name that means "between the rivers"?

Mesopotamia EXPLANATION: Within the Fertile Crescent lies a region that the ancient Greeks later named Mesopotamia, which means "between the rivers" because it lay between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Who led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt?

Moses EXPLANATION: According to the book of Exodus, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.

How were nomadic cultures different from civilizations?

Nomadic people did not build cities. EXPLANATION: Nomadic cultures differed from civilizations in their social organization. They did not build cities or have complex governments.

The Paleolithic Period is also known as the?

Old Stone Age. EXPLANATION: The period from at least 2 million B.C. to about 10,000 B.C. is called the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic Period.

What were Egyptian kings called?

Pharaohs EXPLANATION: Egyptian pharaohs played key roles in government and religion and were seen as gods.

How did Osiris' wife, Isis, resurrect him from death?

She reassembled the pieces of his body. EXPLANATION: Isis reassembled Osiris' body and brought him back to life to become the god of the dead.

Why did Israelites revolt in 922 B.C., splitting Israel in two?

Solomon's building projects had exhausted the people. EXPLANATION: Solomon's building projects required such high taxes and so much forced labor that revolts erupted after he died about 922 B.C.

What poem described a great flood that destroys the world?

The Epic of Gilgamesh EXPLANATION: The Mesopotamian narrative poem The Epic of Gilgamesh, which was first told orally in Sumer, describes a great flood that destroys the world.

According to the ancient Egyptians, what happed to sinners after death?

They had to pass a test to win eternal life EXPLANATION: The Egyptians believed that each soul had to pass a test to win eternal life.

What did Sumerians believed happened to all people after death?

They lived in a grim underworld EXPLANATION: In the view of Sumerians, all people after death lived in a grim underworld form which there was no release.

Why might a gorge or canyon be a good place to look for ancient artifacts or bones?

They provide easy access to deeper, older layers of earth. EXPLANATION: Gorges or canyons offer access to deeper layers of earth, where older artifacts and bones can be found.

Why were buildings in Sumerian cities built with clay bricks?

Timber and stone were unavailable in the region EXPLANATION: Sumerians lacked building materials such as timber or stone, so they built with clay and water.

Which Egyptian's tomb offered a great number of remains and treasures that helped scholars learn about Egyptian civilization?

Tutankhamen's EXPLANATION: The tomb of pharaoh Tutankhamen held treasures that have provided scholars a wealth of evidence about Egyptian civilization.

What Persian thinker rejected the old Persian gods and promoted the idea of a single wise god?

Zoroaster EXPLANATION: Zoroaster taught that a single wise god, Ahura Mazda, ruled the world and battled Ahriman, the prince of evil.

What is the system of government that includes various jobs and levels of authority?

a bureaucracy EXPLANATION: Egyptian pharaohs of the Old Kingdom used a bureaucracy to preserve justice and order.

Which of the following items is NOT an artifact?

a cave EXPLANATION: Artifacts are objects made by humans.

Which of the following is NOT a part of a society's culture?

age range EXPLANATION: Culture refers to the way of life of a society, not to the ages of the people.

What new writing system did the Phoenicians develop?

an alphabet EXPLANATION: The Phoenicians developed an alphabet, which is a writing system that uses symbols to represent sounds.

The most ambitious rulers tried to form what entity?

an empire EXPLANATION: An empire is a group of states or territories controlled by one ruler.

The belief that spirits live in animals, objects, or dreams is called?

animism. EXPLANATION: Many scholars think that our ancestors believed the world was full of spirits and forces that might reside in animals, objects, or dreams. Such beliefs are known as animism.

Early economies were often based on trade in goods and services, this type of economy is called a __________ economy.

barter EXPLANATION: In a barter economy, people exchange one set of goods or services for another.

Why did the Israelites view themselves as God's "chosen people"?

because of his covenant with Abraham EXPLANATION: The Israelites believed they were God's "chosen people" because God declared in his covenant with Abraham that he would have a special relationship with Abraham and his descendants.

How can geologists help to determine the age of artifacts?

by finding the age of rocks located near archaeological sites EXPLANATION: Geologists can help to find out how old artifacts are by determining the age of rocks located near archaeological sites.

A waterfall, like those on the Nile, is also called a?

cataract. EXPLANATION: Upper Egypt stretched from the Nile's first cataract, or waterfall to within 100 miles of the Mediterranean Sea.

When a ruler conquered territories beyond his or her city, this new total region would be called a(n)?

city-state. EXPLANATION: The expansion into territory beyond the boundaries of a city created a city-state

A complex, highly organized social order is called a?

civilization. EXPLANATION: A civilization is a complex, highly organized social order.

Sumerian scribes wrote on?

clay tablets EXPLANATION: Sumerian scribes wrote wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.

The Israelites believed that god made a binding agreement with Abraham called a(n)?

covenant. EXPLANATION: The Israelites believed that God had made a covenant, or binding agreement, with Abraham

A law dealing with offenses against people, such as robbery or murder is a?

criminal law. EXPLANATION: One section of Hammurabi's Code codified criminal law, which is the branch of law that deals with offenses against others such as robbery, assault, or murder.

Sumerian writing consisted of wedge-shaped marks that were called?

cuneiform. EXPLANATION: Sumerians invented the earliest known writing that was later called cuneiform because it consisted of wedge-shaped marks.

Mummification is the preservation of what?

dead bodies EXPLANATION: Egyptians perfected skills in mummification, the preservation of dead bodies by embalming them and wrapping them in cloth.

Older artifacts are usually found

deeper in the ground. EXPLANATION: The farther down Archeologists dig, the older the artifacts they find.

The ancient Chinese first domesticated what animal?

dogs EXPLANATION: At about 13,000 B.C., the Chinese domesticated the dog.

. What group came to assert more power over other in societies?

elite warriors EXPLANATION: Men began to gain prestige as warriors when warfare increased. Elite warriors asserted power over others in society.

Steppes are what kinds of places?

grasslands EXPLANATION: Nomadic herders crossed the dry grasslands called steppes.

What three concepts of later Christianity and Islam were introduced by Zoroaster?

heaven, hell, and a final judgement day EXPLANATION: Christianity and Islam also stressed ideas of heaven, hell and a final judgment day.

What was the name of the Egyptian writing system?

hieroglyphics EXPLANATION: The ancient Egyptians developed a writing system in which symbols called hieroglyphs represented objects, concepts, or sounds. The system is called hieroglyphics

What powerful secret did the Hittites try to guard?

ironworking EXPLANATION: The Hittites knew how to extract iron from ore.

Which of the following was NOT a way in which cultural diffusion occurred?

isolation EXPLANATION: Cultural diffusion is the spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another.

People who move from place to place in search of food are?

nomads. EXPLANATION: Early modern people were nomads, or people who move from place to place to find food.

The Israelites were monotheistic, meaning they believed in?

one god. EXPLANATION: The Israelites were monotheistic, believing that there was only one god.

The first step toward the development of writing was the use of what?

pictographs EXPLANATION: Pictographs were simple drawings that looked like the objects they represented.

What did artisans make?

pottery textiles weapons *all of the above* EXPLANATION: Artisans were skilled craftspeople.

What would you find in an Egyptian necropolis?

pyramids EXPLANATION: Egyptian necropolises, or cemeteries, contained great pyramids.

Domesticated plants are all plants that are?

raised in a controlled way. EXPLANATION: Early farmers were the first humans to domesticate plants and animals, or raise them in a controlled way that makes them best suited to human use.

What type of ranking led to the growth of social classes?

ranking by job EXPLANATION: City people were ranked according to their jobs, which led to the growth of social classes.

A hierarchy is a system of?

ranking groups EXPLANATION: Each Sumerian city-state had a distinct social hierarchy, or system of ranking groups.

What were among the few occupations closed to women?

scribes and government jobs EXPLANATION: Despite their many rights and opportunities, women were excluded from becoming scribes or holding government jobs.

Trained writers were called?

scribes. EXPLANATION: As writing systems became more complex, only trained scribes could read and write.

Darius created economic links throughout his empire by setting up a?

single Persian coinage. EXPLANATION: By setting up a single Persian coinage, Darius created economic links among his far-flung subjects.

Where was Nubia in relation to Egypt?

south of Egypt EXPLANATION: Nubia was to the south of Egypt.

A colony is a?

territory settled and ruled by people from another land. EXPLANATION: A colony is a territory settled and ruled by people from another land, such as those of the Phoenicians around the Mediterranean Sea.

What numbering system have we retained from the Sumerians?

the 60-minute hour EXPLANATION: Sumerians established a number system based on six, dividing the hour into 60 minutes.

What did Egyptians rely on for information on the afterlife?

the Book of the Dead EXPLANATION: To survive the dangerous journey through the underworld, Egyptians relied on the Book of the Dead, which contained spells, charms, and formulas.

What people ruled Egypt before the New Kingdom?

the Hyksos EXPLANATION: About 1700 B.C., foreign invaders called the Hyksos occupied the Nile delta region and took over the governance of Egypt.

What is the name of the transition from nomadic life to farming settlements?

the Neolithic Revolution EXPLANATION: The transition from nomadic life to settled farming brought such dramatic changes in way of life that it is called the Neolithic Revolution.

What was the single most important element allowing Egypt to become a unified state?

the Nile EXPLANATION: The Nile helped to unify Egypt by allowing armies to travel to towns along the river

What discovery helped scholars to understand the meaning of hieroglyphs?

the Rosetta Stone EXPLANATION: The Rosetta Stone presents the same passage carved in hieroglyphics, demotic script and Greek, which allowed a French scholar to decipher the meanings of many hieroglyphs.

Where did the Israelites record events and laws?

the Torah EXPLANATION: The Israelites recorded events and laws in the Torah, their most sacred text

What is technology?

the skills and tools people use to meet their basic needs EXPLANATION: Technology refers to the skills and tools people use to meet their basic needs.

Who supervised the business of government in Egypt's Old Kingdom?

the vizier EXPLANATION: In the Egyptian bureaucracy, a pharaoh depended on a vizier, or chief minister, to supervise the business of government.

Why were calendars developed?

to help determine when to plant and harvest EXPLANATION: Calendars helped farmers know when to plant and harvest.

What was the reason for Hammurabi's Code?

to help everyone know the law EXPLANATION: Most of the laws in Hammurabi's Code had already existed, but Hammurabi wanted to ensure that everyone knew about them.

Sumerian stepped platforms dedicated to a god or goddess are known as?

ziggurats. EXPLANATION: Each Sumerian city built a ziggurat, which was a large, stepped platform that is thought to have been topped by a temple dedicated to the city's chief god or goddess.

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