Unit 1 Exam and Quiz Answers

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On which modern-day location did Christopher Columbus's fleet first land in the New World?

the Bahamas

Which of the following is not true of the Puritan religion?

Only men could participate.

What happened as a result of climate change in North America at the beginning of the Archaic Era?

People turned from hunting and gathering to farming and herding for food.

In the 15th century, this individual encouraged Portuguese exploration of Africa and helped inspire the Age of Discovery:

Prince Henry "the Navigator"

Which of the following represents a possible cause of the Salem Witch Trials:

Religious hysteria, Tension between Salem Town and Salem Village, A prolonged period of unusually cold weather, Ergot poisoning

Founded by Sir Walter Raleigh, this English colony mysteriously disappeared in the late sixteenth century:


What was the first European colony established in North America?

St. Augustine

Which of the following best describes the term salutary neglect:

The British practice of not strictly enforcing Parliamentary law in its colonies.

This event is estimated to have killed 1/3 of Europe's population between 1347 and 1351.

The Plague

Martin Luther helped usher in this event which led to the formation of new sects and churches in the Christian religion:

The Reformation

This individual used his inheritance to found a colony for Quakers in the New World:

William Penn

Which extensive tribal nation forged a political confederacy in the northeast to strengthen their influence and resolve internal disputes?

the Iroquois

Which of the following had the greatest role in the economic growth of Britain's North American colonies in the 1700s?

the expansion of slavery

Why did King Louis XIV first send French explorers to the Great Lakes region?

to find a direct route to China

Which crop did the Europeans bring to the New World?


Which of the following nearly decimated the population of Hispaniola in the early 1500s?


What posed the biggest threat to the early peoples of the American Southwest prior to the year 1300?

Environmental changes

What was the primary cause of Bacon's Rebellion?

Former indentured servants wanted more opportunities to expand their territory

What was the First Great Awakening?

A Protestant revival that emphasized emotional, experiential faith over book learning

Which of the following does not describe a form of slavery traditionally practiced in Africa?

A system in which people are enslaved permanently on account of their race

Which North American region was the last to be explored by Europeans?


Why was Jamestown originally founded?

As a center for economic opportunity.

What was the location of the largest mound-building culture in early North America?


The Western European curiosity that led to the Columbian Exchange originated with which explorer's travels through Asia in the 13th century?

Marco Polo

In 1588, this event opened the way for other European countries to colonize the Western Hemisphere:

The defeat of the Spanish Armada.

What was the Middle Passage?

The transatlantic journey that enslaved Africans made to America

How were the Quakers different from other Protestant groups?

They were pacifists who were against fighting wars.

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