unit 1 foundations of government

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People do not answer to any leader or government


a government that has no power or control over its people would be considered


form of government that gives you ultimate freedom


which of these is not a responsibility of the government

use the military against its people

which of the following was not listed as a natural right by John Locke

pursuit of happiness

the understanding of right and wrong


with which of the following statements would John Locke most likely agree

government should protect the natural rights of the people, and allow them some freedom to make their own decisions

the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind regarded as shared by all humans

human nature

thomas hobbes wrote which of the following works


thomas hobbes describe what as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short"

life in the state of nature



democracy where citizens elect others to serve them in the government


citizens elect officials to make decisions for the people

representative government

a government where people vote for government officials to represents them


the united states has this form of government


which philosopher gets credited with the idea of majority rule


which of the following statements would thomas hobbes most likely agree

the state of nature would be a state of war, so we need powerful government to keep people in order

an example of this government would be Saudi Arabia where they have a monarch, but the Qur'an is their constitution


the group in power is based on culture or race


citizens usually have no right in this form of government


god and religious law is the government authority


why type of government would commonly have power passed down through a bloodline (from relative to relative)

absolute monarchy

promotes strict obedience to the government, oftentimes it is at the expense of personal freedoms

authoritarian governments

one person is in charge


individual rights

basic rights for every person

an example of this government would be South Africa when it had it Apartheid government


which philosopher is responsible for developing the idea of "separation of power"

charles montesquieu

the government is split into three branches that share power

checks and balances

citizens give their permission for the government to operate

consent of the governed

a country that has a king but also three branches of government whose members are elected, what type of gov. is this called

constitutional monarchy

an example of this government would be the Queen of England sharing power with Parliament

constitutional monarchy

form of government in which a monarch shares power with other branch of the government

constitutional monarchy

focused on religious tolerance and individual liberties, a reaction against Absolute Monarchy & rigid religious doctrine


which would be an advantage of a dictatorship

decisions can be made quicker and faster

citizens vote to elect their leaders



democracy (republic)

power is vested (resides) with the people either through direct or in-direct representation

democratic government

a type of government where the leader typically has seized control by force of power has been handed down to them


north korea


democracy where citizens participate in lawnmaking themselves


according to Rousseau, people give their right for the benefits of the

general will of the people

which of these is not a responsibility of the government

give everybody everything they want

Rousseau believed that government should listen to the general will of the people. the represents which democratic principle

majority rule

which of these is not a responsibility of them government

make sure everybody is happy

led by a king or queen


a government that has a few small groups that control power


a small group rules the country


all citizens within a country must obey the rules or will suffer the same consequences

rule of law

an agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits

social contract

sacrificing some individual freedom for state (government) protection is called what

social contract

when people give up freedom in return for protection from the government it is known as which of the following

social contract

hypothetical life without government or a ruling authority

state of nature

which of the following describes humans living an a hypothetical made up world with no government, rules, or consequences

state of nature

an example of this government would be Nazi Germany under Hitler or the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin


this was a political movement in Europe between 1715 and 1789

the enlightenment

which of the following philosophers would most likely support a government that places most of the power in the hands of one person

thomas hobbes

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