unit 10-11

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All of the following are reasons for requiring clearly specified procedures for the administration and score of assessment measures, such as standardized test except to

decrease the amount of time needed to administer the test

The ratio of mental age to chronological age for a child of average intelligence is


Billy has a mental age of 8 and a chronological age of 10. Billy's IQ is


A 6 year old has a mental age of 9. The childs IQ is


helen took a test which indicated that she could excel in teaching English as a 2nd language

special aptitude

Elanor Gibson and Richard walk used a visual cliff with a class covered dropoff to examine behavior in crawling infants. Elanor Gibson and Richard walk used a visual cliff with a class covered dropoff to examine behavior in crawling infants

Depth perception

Of the following, which is the best example of divergent thinking in problem solving

Devising as many solutions as possible

According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs(labeled HIV) must first be met before belonginaness and love come to be important?

IV & I

According to the five-factor model of personality which of the following is true

Most personality traits can be derived from the 5 major traits of the theory

Which of the following is true regarding cross-cultural studies on attributional (where responsibility is placed) tendencies?

People in individualistic cultures are more likely to commit the fundamental attribution error than people in collectivist cultures

Gender-typing is best described as

The acquisition of the roles associated with distinctions between male and female.

A researcher shows a picture to a volunteer; the picture features a woman in the foreground and an older man, looking over her shoulder, in the background. The volunteer is asked to "tell a story" about the picture. The researcher assumes that the volunteer will project his own unconscious feelings into the story he tells. This is an example of which type of test?

Thematic Apperception Test (TET)

What is the independent variable in this study?

Type of television program viewed

John is completing a lengthy test in which he must indicate whether various written statements are true or false about himself. He is most likely taking which of the following?

a personality inventory

A research group conducted a study investigating the connection between a self-reported number of hours slept in a given week and the scores on a happiness measure. Based on the scatter plot attached, the group can report there is

a positive correlation

Research finds that, in general, the higher an incoming college student scores on a given test, the higher the students GPA will be. Which of the following best describes this relationship?

a positive correlation

Reuptake of a neurotransmitter refers to

absorption of the neurotransmitter into the terminal buttons of the sending neuron

Down syndrome is normally caused by

an extra chromosome in the person's genetic makeup

Research on the development of personality traits across the lifespan has revealed that

an individuals personality traits tend to be more stable during middle adulthood

A mother gives her child an orange for the first time. The child rolls it across the table and says "ball". which of the following Plagetian processes would account for this behavior.


Which parenting style is characterized by high demands for obedience and low warmth?


which of the following statements correctly lists two accurate subdivisions within the listed major section of the human body

autonomic, sympathetic and parasympathetic

Make recovery from physical addiction more difficult. Token economies are based on which major Psychological theoretical perspective?


Individuals exhibiting a hostile Type A personalitv pattern are at an increased risk for

cardiovascular disease

The biological clock that operates in human beings to adjust their functioning to night-and-day

circadian rhythm

The strongest support for the hereditary basis of personality is from research using:

clinical case studies of the frequency of a personality trait in the family

A psychologist from which of the following perspectives of personality are most interested in assessing a persons locus of control


Psychologists from which of the following perspectives of personalitv are most interested in assessing a person's locus of control?


According to Wilhelm Wundt, the focus of scientific psychology should be the study of

conscious experience

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be used in research on personality?

conservation tasks

which of the following psychometric properties used to assess the extent to which the items on intelligence test measure a persons intelligence?

constructed (content) validity

which of the following results of correlational studies implies that the environment contributes to the determination of IQ?

correlations for children and their adoptive parents are statistically significant and positive

A parent who keeps a son's room intact even though he's been happily married and in his own home for five years is exhibiting which of the following defense mechanisms?


Which of the following statements best describes the effect of alcohol on humans?

depresses the central nervous system

which of the following is the most common symptom of dementia

deterioration in memory

Research suggests that hypnosis is effective in reducing pain because It

diverts attention from pain

Cocaine blocks the reuptake of .


In Freudian theory, which of the following components of personality most resembles a conscience or censor


which of the following is the phrase of hans seyles general adaptation syndrome wherein individuals are most vulnerable to illness collapse and even death


A statistical technique that would allow a researcher to cluster such traits as being talkative, social and adventurous with extroversion is called

factor analysis

A rat always completes a maze successfully, but is only rewarded every third trial. The rat is rewarded using which reinforcement schedule?

fixed ratio

A 52 year old woman notices a decrease in her ability to solve unfamiliar problems quickly and to form new concepts, although she still feels confident in recalling and using familiar information. This is most likely due to a decline in

fluid intelligence

Hypothetical and deductive thinking are characterized by which of jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

formal operational

General Intelligence test scores obtained during adolescence best predict which of the following?

grades in school

John is generally pleasant, but during final exams he experiences more intense stress than other students experience. He is irritable and easily frustrated. According to the Big Five model of personality, John would be

high in neuroticism

The notion of self-actualization is most closely associated with which of the following approaches to explaining personality?


which of the following lends the most support to the view hat early explorers undertook their explorations to gain wealth and fame?

incentive theorists

What is the dependent variable in this stud?

incidence of aggressive behavior

The five factor theory of personality does not include which of the following characteristics?


The Flynn effect is best illustrated by which of the following statements?

intelligence scores increase from generation to generation

Certain cultures often place more emphasis on collective than on personal achievement. One result of this may be that people of these cultures are more likely to develop which type of "self-system"?


Sandy's father's behavior gives her the impression that his love for her is contingent upon her good grades. Carl Rogers would say that Sandy

is getting conditional positive regard

A disadvantage of Alfred Binets concept of mental age in assessing intelligence is that

it is inappropriate for adults

____ involve(s) an ability to manage your own thinking and problem solving

meta cognitive skills

A standardized test must have all of the following except

multiple choice questions

To score high on a test of creativity, a person's answers should be

original and valuable

Which of the following did Alfred Adler suggest is the primary driving force in the development of personality?

overcoming the inferiority complex

which of the following did alfred adler suggest is the primary driving force in the development of personality?

overcoming the inferiority complex

A 'conscientious objector' (someone who refuses to be drafted to fight in a war because

post conventional

Alfred Binet's efforts to measure intelligence were directed at

predicting children's success in school

In elementary school, Lisa learned to speak some Japanese in addition to English. as a sophomore in high school, lisa took a class in Chinese. she found that some of the new vocabulary was difficult to learn because her earlier Japanese vocabulary was competing with the new Chinese words. This situation best illustrates:

proactive interference

The correlation between scores obtained on two halves of a single test yields links to the tests


Henry took an intelligence test and scored lower than he thought he should. He kept retaking the test, but he kept getting about the same score each time. This series of events indicates that the test was


A researcher interested in finding a simple way to estimate Intelligence decides to evaluate iS apossible indicaror or intelligence. He finds that the size of an adult's skull remains the same from one measurement to the next. but he finds that the skull circumference is not a very good predictor o intelligence. In this example, skull circumterence as a measure of intelligence is

reliable but not valid

Studies of 2- to 7-month-old babies show that babies who quickly become bored with a picture:

score higher on later intelligence test

On individual intelligence tests such as the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales, an IQ of 100 indicates that the test taker...

scored at the average level for test takers of the same age

A students test score of 86 is at the 42nd percentile this means the student has

scored the same or higher than 42 percent of her fellow students

Alicia has started a new and very different job but believes in her skills and ability to carry out all required tasks. Albert Bandura would refer to Alicia's sense of confidence as:

self efficacy

A supervisor who doubts the competence of a new employee unwittingly criticizes everything the new emplovee does. If the new emplovee consequently performs poorly, which of the following will most likelv have occurred?

self fulfilling prophecy

People often have expectations about another person that influence how they act towards that person. Such expectations in turn cause that person to behave consistently with the original expectations. The phenomenon is known as

self fulfilling prophecy

Individuals who exhibit a strong moral sense, accept themselves as they are, are deeply democratic in nature and are willing to act independently of social and cultural pressures would be described by Abraham Maslow as:


Most tests of personality are in the form of

self-report inventories

Marc performs poorly on a psychology exam and explains his failure by saying, "That test was so hard that no one could pass it." This explanation illustrates

self-serving bias

most professionals from the US rate themselves better in performance and competence than their average peer. this is an example of dunning-krugers'

self-serving bias

Which of the following would be detrimental to an individual's maintenance of high self-esteem?

setting unrealistic personal goals

Mary Ainsworth's research indicates that a toddler with secure attachment style is most likely to do which of the following when left with a caregiver for the first time?

show distress when left, calm down play and run when mother returns

a large number of people were asked to answer only odd-numbered questions on a test. Later they are asked to answer only the even numbered questions. by comparing each persons two scores, a determination of the tests ___ reliability could be made

split half

On an intelligence test, the number of questions an individual answers correctly is meaningless without which of the following?


Transforming frustrated urges, especially sexual urges, into more socially acceptable forms of behavior is the defense mechanism known as:


According to psychoanalytic theory, Tom's constant shoplifting suggests that he has an underdeveloped


In general, trait theories emphasize which of the following?

the lasting nature of personal characteristics

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, children at the first level of moral reasoning make judgments about right and wrong on the basis of

the likelihood of punishment

All of the following are projective assessment techniques EXCEPT

the minnesota multipphasic personality inventory

which of the following is generally true of participants in lewis termans longitudinal study of intellectually gifted children

they led happy & fullfilling lives

Which of these best shows 'fluid intelligence"

using cubes to figure out the solution to a previously unseen puzzle

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