Unit 3 & 4

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Aztec Empire- (CCP)

- 1427 - 1521 (cortes) - When cortes comes, end of Aztec. killed/ enslaved - 3 states more centralized - Tenochtitlan most powerful tirbute system took here.

Inca Empire- (CCP)

- 1438 - 1533 Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia - used violence with conquering and peace with their road system - inca= roads!!! - connected themselves with system of roads, traded freely among others

Tokugawa Shogunate (CCP)

- 1600 - 1868 (Meiji) - Ended civil wars between nobility - created class system - very isolationist not interacting- w rest of world - stable gov

Why did Europeans think that chattle slavery from Africa was a better labor system?

- Africans were property for life and they weren't susceptible to European diseases.

The recruitment depicted in the image is best understood in the context of which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 ? - Attempts by imperial states to expand their economic power - Attempts by imperial states to prevent religious conflict - Attempts by imperial states to centralize their authority - Attempts by imperial states to control population growth

- Attempts by imperial states to centralize their authority - The forced recruitment of soldiers and officials through practices such as the Ottoman devshirme increased the military and administrative capacity of states. In some cases, such that of the Ottoman Empire, these soldiers and officials were solely dependent on the ruler's favor and thereby helped expand and centralize state authority.

The Church defends itself on two fronts-

- Both Protestant Reformation and Scientific Revolution challenged absolute authority of the pope. Reformation challenged the pope's authority on theological grounds- Scientific Rev challenged challenged his authority on scientific and math grounds. Protestant Reformation and Scientific Revolution were instigators of religious change.

Russian Admin/ gov (CCP)

- Boyars (landowners), then Merchants, then serfs (hierarchy) - Ivan 4 (terrible) set up loyalty force politically - Peter the Great between the orthodox church, Boyars, and Royal family, becomes tsar of Russia - they compensate w salaries since it removes bribes.

The Counter Reformation- The Pope Reasserts His Authority

- Catholic Reformation (also known as the Counter Reformation), Catholic Church reformed, succeeded in winning back some souls that were lost to the fledgling Protestant denominations. - At first Catholic Church responded ineffectively to new religious trends. when Luther refused to recant and German princes started to convert to Lutheranism, the Catholic Church began to institute reforms, led by Spain, dedicated Catholic country. Banning the sale of indulgences, consulting more frequently with bishops and parishes, training its priests to adhere to Catholic teachings more strictly, regained some of its lost credibility. - Counter Reformation was much about reaffirming then it was about reforming.It was not bowing to Protestant demands but rather clarifying its position. - Weekly mass became obligatory, supreme authority of the pope was re-establishment. Former Spanish solider and intellectual, Ignatius Loyola founded the society of Jesuits, influential in restoring faith in the teachings of Jesus as interpreted by Catholic Church. - The restoring faith in the teachings of Jesus as interpreted by the Catholic Church- the Jesuits practiced self-control and moderations, believing that prayer and good works led to salvation. The stricter training system, higher expectations of morality for the clergy. Oratorical and political skills, many Jesuits were appointed by kings to high palace positions. - A group of church officials known as the Council of Trent directed the Counter-Reformation from 1545 to 1563 dictating and defining the Catholic interpretation of religious doctrine and clarifying the Catholic Church's position on important religious questions such as the nature of salvation. During the period of Heretics, once again tried and punished, the Catholic Church re-established Latin as the language to be used in worship - The Catholic Church staged an amazing comeback. The Counter-Reformation proved successful in containing the southward spread of Protestantism. By 1600, southern Europe (especially in Italy, Spain, Portugal), France, southern Germany were heavily Catholic. Northern Germany and Scandinavia were mostly Lutheran. Scotland was Calvinist as were pockets within central Europe and France. England was Anglican.

England Admin / gov (CCP)

- Constitutionalism- is being ruled by basic standards and ideals which are consistent with an overriding rule of law or ethics. An example of constitutionalism is federal laws of the United States government which are consistent with the U.S. Constitution. - after death of Elizabeth I, moved down James I stewart Dynasty - English civil war evolved his son Charles I, wanted to break away since he thought he was divine light - english bill/ rights expansion of english consititutionalism.

The Social Contract- Power to People-

- During 17th century, philosophers and intellectuals grapple with nature of social and political structures, idea of the social contract emerged. Social contract held governments were formed not by divine decree, but social and economic needs of people being governed. Philosophers who supported the social contract theory reasoned that because individuals existed before governments did, govs arose to meet the needs of the people, not the other way around. Different philosophers looked at human nature differently, disagreed about role of gov in social contract. - Thomas Hobbes wrote Leviathan, people by nature were greedy and prone to violent warfare. Role of gov under the social contract should be preserve and stability at all costs. Hobbes therefore advocated an all powerful ruler, or Leviathan, who rule in heavy handed way to suppress the natural war like tendencies of the people. John Locke wrote Two Treatises on Gov, more optismtic view of human nature, believing that mankind was good for the most part. Believed that men were born equal and had natural and unalienable rights to life, liberty, property. Mankind was good and rational, self rule was capable. Under the social contract, the primary responsibility of the gov was to secure and guarantee these natural rights. If gov ever violated this trust, breaking the social contract, people were justified in revolting and replacing the gov. - Jean Jacques Rousseau took social contract theory to the furthest extreme, all men were equal, society should be organized according to general will, r majority rule of the people, an idea he outlined in his famous work The Social Contract. Rational society, argued individual should subject himself to this general will, serves as sovereign or ruling lawmaker. This philopshy, individuals is protected by the community, also free, the essence of freedom is to obey laws that people prescribe for themselves. - Among the Enlightenment thinkers and writers, Voltaire and Montesquieu. - Voltaire had idea of religious toleration Montesquieu argued for separation of powers among branches of gov - Enlightenment writers didn't presume that government had divine authority, instead worked backwards from the individual and proposed gov systems. Best serve the interest of the people by protecting individual and liberties. - Enlightenment were the revolutionary movs in the colonies and later in Europe, new political ideas also affected the leadership of some 19the century European monarchs. Ideals of tolerance, justice, improving quality of life became guidelines for rulers know as enlightened monarchs, such as Joseph II of Austria. Ruled absolutely bu internalized the Enlightenment philophy and made attempts to tolerate diversity, increase opportunities for serfs, and take on the responsibilities that their rule acquired. - Through the Enlightenment great intellectual and logical advacement a time of declining interest in new forms of arts. The Neoclassical Period, began in the middle of the 18th century, imitated the balanced, symmetrical style of ancient Greek and Roman architecture. American federal building in Washington DC like Greek temples, style when our country was founded.

Background of Divine Right-

- During High middle ages, through Renaissance and Counter Reformation the church allied itself with strong monarchs. These monarchs came to power by centralizing authority, uniting people under a common banner of nationalism, forming empires by promoting exploration and colonization, ruling with absolute authority. Vast majority of their populations were Christian, best way to rule was to align oneself with God. Monarchs became convinced that God had ordained their rights to govern, meant that people had moral, religious obligation to obey them. This was known as Divine Right of monarchs. - Pope claimed to be ordained by God, ultimate authority became very confusing. During Reformation, monarchs resented power of church supported reformists (Luther, Calvin, others). Other monarchs, in Spain and France allied themselves with church during the Counter Reformation. Monarchs claimed to have divine right. Divine right could be used to support either position, bottom line was that God supported whatever the monarchs chose.

The protestant reformation- streamlining salvation

- During middle ages, the catholic church was an extremely powerful force in Europe - political power was diffused under feudal system, various European princes and political powers frequently clashed with the pope, emperors and princes knew their power increased if church blessed their reign. - Consequence- pope wielded considerable political power. - the church one most important institutions that unified ordinary people in western Europe- unifying force sanctioned by God - Accepted credentials, held itself, only the undisputed authority on all things otherworldly, but also the ultimate endorsement. TO GET TO HEAVEN, YOU HAD TO PROCEED BY WAY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - When the church needed to be financed, its immense building projects plus pay for the huge number of Renaissance artists it kept in its purchase to reduce time in purgatory (place where Catholics believed they would go after death), they would atone for their sings and be allowed to enter heaven, not a happy place - people greatly valued the concept of reducing their time there- selling indulgences was generating income, the church to maintain power over its members. - landowning nobles grew increasingly resentful of the church, had enormous amount of power and wealth and exploited huge number of resources selling of indulgences propelled the frustration into the ranks of the peasant class and helped set the stage for confrontation. Selling indulgences was corrupt nature of the church

The passage could best be used to explain which of the following developments in the Americas in the period 1500-1750 ? - Enslaved peoples and their descendants were frequently recruited into the armies of colonial empires. - Some of the descendants of enslaved peoples gradually came to own large sugar plantations. - Some enslaved peoples won their freedom by taking legal action against plantation owners in colonial courts. - Enslaved peoples and their descendants used violent means to escape oppression and maintain their freedom.

- Enslaved peoples and their descendants used violent means to escape oppression and maintain their freedom. - The treaty clearly indicates that the Maroons used violence and that their use of violence allowed them to secure a treaty with the British government acknowledging their freedom and awarding them lands of their own.

Why were large powerful militaries and elite cadres of soldiers essential in this era?

- Eurasian empires had all gained access to gun powder weapons. - In the America's they didn't have gun powder weapons, they had a strong military group Elite soldiers: - Ottomans- Janissaries from the Devshirme system - Safavids-enslaved people from Armenian population, similar to Devshirme system - Aztecs- elite squad also made up of enslaved people- part of blood tax of tribute system

Explain connections between the Americas and Afro Eurasia gave rise to the Atlantic trading system that involved the movement of goods, wealth, and labor including enslaved people.

- Europe colonization of America's led to the unintentional transfer of disease vectors (pests that spread disease) including mosquitoes and rats. Diseases that spread include smallpox, measles, malaria. Had catastrophic effects in areas on the indigenous population. - American foods became staple crops (Potatoes and maize) in various parts of Europe, Asia, Africa. Cash Crops (sugar) were grown primarily on plantations with coerced labor and were exported mostly to Europe and the Middle East - Afro Eurasian fruit trees (oranges), grains, sugar, domesticated animals (horses), were brought by Europeans to the Americas, while other foods were brought by African slaves (African rice, okra). - Populations in Afro Eurasia benefited nutritionally from the increased diversity of American food crops. Some historians think demographic devastation of the Trans Atlantic slave trade would have been far worse without the arrival of new staple crops in Africa.

European Exploration and Expansion- Empires of the Wind-

- Exploration before late 15th century, was largely limited to land travel. Ships were used on Mediterranean and Indian Ocean trade routes, linked up to land routes through Persia, Arabia, northern Africa, central Asia on Silk Road - Eliminate Muslim middlemen and discover more efficient trade routes to Asia, Portuguese and their Iberian rivals, the Spanish set out to sea. Advances in navigation ship building and development of gunpowder weapons allowed for increased sea travel. Floating empires of wind, controlled major shipping routes in Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Atlantic Ocean.

Explain the methods by which various empires increased their influence from

- How the Mughal Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Aztec Empire collected taxes.

Explain how and why various land-based empires developed and expanded? Compare the methods by which carious empires increased their influence?

- Increased use of gunpowder, cannons, armed trade, established large empire; Manchu (Qing) Central/ East Asia, Mughals in South and Central Asia. Ottomans in Southern Europe, Middle East, Safavids in the Middle East - Eurasia had gunpowder, America didn't. - Elite soldiers

The implicit claim made by the image about a connection between religious devotion and maritime exploration best demonstrates which of the following in the period circa 1450-1750 ? - Increasing global connections expanded the reach of existing religions. - Church authorities argued that religious diversity should be respected and protected. - The intensification of cross-cultural interactions resulted in the development of syncretic religions. - Religious motivations for European exploration and colonization were secondary to economic motivations.

- Increasing global connections expanded the reach of existing religions. - The symbolism of the image can be read as a claim that Portuguese maritime exploration is aided and protected by God, and, in an object made by a Portuguese artist in a Portuguese trading post in India, this claim demonstrates how the increase in global connections made possible by European maritime exploration expanded the geographic reach of Christianity.

How did religion legitimize powers?

- Islamic emperors took the title of 'caliphs' to show they were successors of Muhammed - European monarchs embraced "divine right' which claims that the King is God's representative on Earth - Songhai rulers and nobles all converted to Islam - Legitimized their power with continuity of religion. - Use of religious tolerance was used by states to utilize the economic, political, military contributions of different ethnic and religious groups, and to gain legitimacy. Ex- Ottomans were religiously tolerant of Jews and Christians , which allowed these groups to thrive and contribute economically. Ex- The Mughals under Akbar and several of his successors were religiously tolerant of the Hindu majority which allowed themselves to be seen as legitimate leaders.

The illustrated history was prepared for the Mughal emperor Akbar in the late sixteenth century. Which of the following explains the most common effect that the process illustrated in the image had on relationships between states in Afro-Eurasia in the period 1450-1750 ? - It led to deepening rivalries and conflicts as states' military capabilities grew. - It led to the emergence of new religious disputes over theological interpretations. - It led to the establishment of pan-Eurasian nomadic empires, such as the Mongol Empire. - It led to the adoption of feudal systems of government, as monarchs could not prevent the rising power of military aristocracies.

- It led to deepening rivalries and conflicts as states' military capabilities grew. - The image shows gunpowder weapons contributing to the expansion of the Mughal Empire as a result of its conflict with the Delhi Sultanate. In a similar way, the Ottomans used gunpowder weapons to defeat the Safavids and expand their territory in the Middle East, which drove the Safavids to acquire more gunpowder weapons and improve their armies to resist Ottoman expansion and reconquer lost territories.

What was the Columbian Exchange? Who was it named after? Explain the cause of the Columbian exchange and its effect on the Eastern and Western hemisphere?

- It was named after Christopher Columbus who was the first European of this era to find the Americas. it was a biological exchange of animals, people, food, diseases between the hemisphere.

Safavid Empire (CCP)

- Modern day Iran - 1501- but lacked navy - Shah Abbas I - Shi'a - Ottomans were Sunni - they both didn't get along - Although both islamic, great conflict

Songhai Empire- (CCP)

- Modern day west Africa - Mali 1460s were there previously - Sonni Ali leader of empire - Lasted late 1500s - Empire takes over Mali

What are the various methods used by land based empires to collect taxes in this era?

- Mughal Empire- bureaucrats called Zaminders were appointed by the emperor to collect taxes based on an individual's land or production - Ottoman Empire- tax farers (not governed by gov) were told to collect a certain amount of taxes from an area, if there was any extra, they could keep. - Aztec empire- Tribute and human sacrifice.

Why did Europeans use enslaved Africans for labor in the Americas? Explain the changes and continuities in economic and labor system, including systems of slavery.

- Native Americans had died in such great numbers that they could not fulfill European's desire for labor in the Americas.

Scientific Rev (CCP)

- Newton- physics and caluculations persued career in sciences, he is very religious and not going against religion. god explaining what He created. - Renaissance- reformation- sci rev - geocentric- earth was center of universe w heliocentric earth revolves around sun - codernicus - maybe truth about world w experiments knowing world other than reading bible - empiricism- sci method, pushed by sir francis bacon- hypothesis - wasn't anti religion just another way to see God's creation

The Copernican Rev-

- Nicolaus Copernicus developed mathematical theory that asserted that the earth and other celestial bodies revolved around the sun, earth rotated on axis. - Copernicus heliocentric theory of the solar system brought about much debate and much skepticism. - In 1543, he published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, wasn't until Galileo- who discovered the moons of Jupiter with his telescope- that Copernican model really took off. - in 1632, Galileo published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief Systems of the World, wrote the work in Italian, reach a wide audience, defeat the defenders of Ptolemy (scientist who promoted earth as center of the universe) Showed how the rotation of the earth on its axis it apparent rotation of the heavens, how star's great distance from the earth prevent humans from being able to see their changed position as the earth moved around the sun. - Scholars continued to accept the Ptolemaic model, which was sanctioned by the Catholic Church. The church put Galileo on trial before the Inquisition of Rome for heresy and was forced to recant. - His book was placed on the Index, list of banned books. Nevertheless, Galileo didn't stop with his findings.

Which of the following claims that Barkey makes in the passage appears to contradict most directly her assertion in the first sentence of the first paragraph? - Ottoman administration played an important role in fostering tolerance in the empire. - Ottoman tolerance helped maintain peace and order. - Non-Muslims were second-class citizens who endured prejudice. - The Ottoman Empire's policies ensured that interethnic strife did not occur.

- Non-Muslims were second-class citizens who endured prejudice. - Barkey contends that non-Muslims were not persecuted in the Ottoman Empire but then immediately states that they were second-class citizens who endured prejudice. Since Barkey does not clarify what she means by "persecution," this statement appears to be contradictory.

France Admin/ gov (CCP)

- Opposite from England - Absolutism- Ruler dominates cultural life either as patron of arts or by censorship. Rulers show their richness by luxurious items to justify they were chosen by God. Ruler dominates upper classes, which in turn dominates lower classes. ... Cultural. Monarch rules by divine right and decides what is best for the state. Political. - Absolutism- cardinal richelieu. - England had attempted to move away from consitiu.... but after became more. - France maintained its absolutism. - He will revoke Ediet Nantes - One states, one king, one faith wants power underneath him- he is known as son king (Louis 14). Cardinal Richelieu wanted a centralized state.

Orthodox Church- (CCP)

- Peter the Great- abolishes the patriarch- brings church under gov control

A likely purpose for including the religious figure in the plaque was to show that - salvation for the Portuguese inhabitants of Goa could be obtained only by rejecting material wealth - Portuguese naval activities in the Indian Ocean region were favored by divine forces - because of their belief in the prophecy of Jesus, the Muslim inhabitants of Goa could also obtain salvation - Jesus was going to provide the Portuguese with new sailing technologies for their ships if they continued to follow him

- Portuguese naval activities in the Indian Ocean region were favored by divine forces] - The Christ Child image standing atop a triumphant sailing vessel suggests that the intent of the artist was to claim that Portuguese naval voyages and activities in the region have divine sanction.

Printing, writing, reading, books in Renaissance

- Printing was invented in the Song, moveable type was invented in Europe until mid 1400s, when Joannes Gutenberg, the printing press. - Creation of books was such a long and laborious task. - Those that were made, printed in Latin, language of scholars, Catholic Church. - Lack of public education, typical person couldn't own books or even read. - Printing press- books became easy to produce more affordable. - Growing middle class fueled demand for books, variety of subjects, vernacular/ native language. - The book industry flourished, related industries, paper making, craft learned form the Arabs, who learned it from the Chinese. - More books led to more literate and educated people. - newly literate people desired more books, again increased their desire for books. - commonly circulated books and pamphlets were religious in nature, bible into vernacular languages, public debate, personal interpretation, WHICH ALL HELPED USHER IN THE REFORMATION. - many of the first books were practical or political in nature. Machiavelli for example published THE PRINCE, a how to book for monarchs, wanted to maintain their power, profound impact suggested that monarchy should be distinct from the church and that a leader should act purely in self interest of the state rather than on the basis of vague moral tenets - It changed life for the developing middle class, books were printed for entertainment or diversion, led to literature that increasingly focused on daily lives of regular people, humanized traditional institutions as military or nobility. - Literature blossomed in the Renaissance of northern Europe in the Low Countries (Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium), and in England. Erasmus, one of most well known learned men of the time, counseled kings and popes. Wrote IN PRAISE OF FOLLY, what he thought were most foolish political moves to date. Around the same time, Sir Thomas More of England wrote UTOPIA described an ideal society, which everyone shared wealth, and needs were mets. More and Erasmus were Christian humanists, expressed moral guidelines in the Christian tradition, believed people should follow as they pursued their personal goals. William shakespeare reflected the period, exemplified humanism, focusing on character strengths and flaws, comedy, tragedy, illustrated the era's obsession with the politics and mythology of classical civilization

Explain continuity and change within various belief systems in this period?

- Protestant Reformation and Catholic reformations contributed to the growth of Christianity. EX- establishing the Jesuits in the Catholic Church- group traveled the world to spread Catholicism. - Political rivalries and religious disputes between the Ottoman and Safavid empires led to conflict between states and intensified the split within Islam between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims - Sikhism developed in South Asia due to the interactions between Hinduism and Islam. Sikhism was persecuted religion under the Mughals and beyond.

How did religion lead to conflict?

- Protestant Reformation in Europe, many believed the Catholic church practices was corrupt. Eventually leaders chose whether to be Protestant or Christian, led to resentment. - In the Middle East, the Ottomans were Sunni, and Safavids were Shi'a. saw each other negatively, fought for land.

The arts in Renaissance and its comeback

- Renaissance meant rebirth, especially in the arts. - In Italy, powerful families in city states were rich on trade. Ex- Medici family in Florence, ruled great city and turned it into a showcase of architecture and beauty by bringing greatest artists, including Michelangelo and Brunelleschi. - Renaissance demonstrated application of humanistic ideals; Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello depicted human figure as realistically as possible and realism. - Artists employed a new technique known as linear perspective- nearby objects were drawn bigger while far objects were drawn smaller, 3 dimensional quality. - Catholic Church noticed developments in artistic technique, greatest artists were hard at work for great palaces and cathedrals of Italy. - 1508- 1512 Michelangelo painted Sistine Chapel - The artistic movement engulfed Italian city states spread northward and westward through much of Western Europe - Even in Northern Europe, artistic centers such as Flanders felt Western heritage - Dutch Van Eyck brothers and Albrecht Durer adopted naturalism of Italian painters. - While Northern painters and sculptors were quite talented, outnumbered by their Italian counterparts. - Contribution of northern Renaissance came from visual arts, and literature.

The inclusion of the image in the manuscript best illustrates which of the following features of the period 1450-1750 ? - Rulers using art as a way to communicate with their illiterate subjects - Rulers using art to expand their territories - Rulers using art as a way to increase literacy - Rulers using art to legitimize their rule

- Rulers using art to legitimize their rule_ The illustration was included in a manuscript intended to glorify the achievements of Suleiman the Magnificent and thereby demonstrate his legitimacy. The image thus illustrates how art was used by rulers to legitimize their rule in the period 1450-1750. Related Content & Skills


- Scientific Revolution contributed to belief system- deism. Became popular in the 1700s. Believed in powerful god who created and presided over an orderly realm but who did not interfere in its workings. The deists viewed God as watchmakers, on set up the world, gave it natural laws by which to operate, then let it run by itself (under natural laws that could be proved mathematically).

How economic developments affected social structure over time?

- Slavery in Africa had existed before the Trans Atlantic Slavery trade and continued there in its traditional form, including the incorporation of slaves into households and the export of slaves to the Med and the Indian Ocean regions - The Slave trade in Africa also fostered the growth of states like the Asante ad the kingdom of Kongo in West Africa and Central Africa who participated in trade networks and increased their influence because of it - The growth of powerful African states like Kongo, led other African states to rebel. For Example, Queen Ana Nzinga, ruler of Ndongo and Matamba in Central Africa, resisted the Portuguese through both diplomacy and warfare. - Enslaved people rebelled against their own imprisonment in Chattel slavery. In the Americas, runaway slaves formed Maroon societies in the Caribbean and brazil where they could live freely. Others enacted armed rebellion such as Nat Turner's rebellion in the early 19th century, and the take over of the small ship the Amistad around the same time, which led to enslaved people gaining their freedom from the Supreme Court of the US - Political, economic, cultural factors affected societies. In Africa, there was notable gender and family restructuring that occurred including demographic changes due to the slave trade. EX, in some parts of West Africa there was a distinct gender imbalance due to the desire for adult male slaves. Because there were more women the practice of polygamy, where one man is married to multiple women, began. Also, women had to take on traditionally male jobs.

The illustrated history was prepared for the Mughal emperor Akbar in the late sixteenth century. - States increasingly relied on slave soldiers to establish large empires. - The invention of the stirrup allowed expanding states to use cavalry more effectively. - The development of new types of armor reduced casualties and allowed states to expand faster than before. - States used gunpowder weapons to establish large empires.

- States used gunpowder weapons to establish large empires. - The image illustrates the Mughals using cannons against the forces of the sultan of Delhi. Gunpowder weapons were a decisive factor in the Mughal victory in this battle and in their other conquests in Central Asia and India.

Sunni vs. Shia Islam

- Sunni Muslims elect a caliph, - Shi'a Muslims say the caliph must be a direct descendent of Muhammad - The primary difference in practice comes in that Sunni Muslims mainly rely on the Sunnah, a record of the teachings and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad to guide their actions while the Shiites more heavily on their ayatollahs, whom they see as a sign of God on earth.

Which of the following claims made in the second paragraph would a historian likely cite to demonstrate how European expansion created a truly global economy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? - The Chinese emperor could build a palace from all the silver that arrives from Peru. - Many Spanish merchants have successfully avoided paying taxes to the king of Spain. - Merchants of different ethnic groups seek to engage in trade with China. - The ships that Spanish merchants use are often not registered.

- The Chinese emperor could build a palace from all the silver that arrives from Peru. - Jerónimo de Bañuelos y Carrillo mentions in the second paragraph that China was receiving enormous amounts of silver from Peru, enough to construct a palace. Indeed, Europeans used silver (the primary source of monetary value in China) extracted from silver mines in Peru and other regions of the Americas to obtain valuable Chinese goods. The exchange of silver for Chinese and other Asian goods became a key in the development and expansion of a truly global economy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

All of the following statements about the Ottoman Empire in the period 1450-1750 are factually accurate. Which would most strongly support Barkey's claim regarding the Ottoman state and toleration in the passage? - The Ottoman army increasingly relied on the contributions of the Janissary corps, which was mostly composed of soldiers of non-Turkic origin. - Some Ottoman sultans such as Selim I refused to accept the legitimacy of the Safavid rulers of Persia because they were Shi'a Muslims. - Some Ottoman sultans such as Suleiman the Magnificent patronized Sufi mystics, whose heterodox practices were sometimes condemned by the Sunni religious elite. - The Ottoman government required any cases involving a dispute between Muslims and non-Muslims to be resolved according to Islamic law.

- The Ottoman army increasingly relied on the contributions of the Janissary corps, which was mostly composed of soldiers of non-Turkic origin. - The Ottomans' use of non-Turkic troops as a core part of their army shows that ethnic tolerance and diversity might benefit the empire in certain circumstances, as Barkey argues.

The Ottoman Empire's recruitment of soldiers and bureaucrats through the system depicted in the image is most similar to which broader method that rulers used to strengthen their empires in the period 1450-1750 ? - The collection of tribute - Establishment of religious uniformity - Abolition of feudal privileges - The granting of autonomy to minority groups

- The collection of tribute - The image illustrates the Ottoman devshirme system, through which young boys were forcibly recruited to serve as soldiers in the Ottoman army or as officials in the Ottoman administration. Although the devshirme system produced military and bureaucratic professionals, not money or goods for the Ottoman treasury, it was similar to a tribute collection system in that it extracted resources for the use of the state from conquered or tributary regions.

The production of the plaque in Goa is best understood in the immediate context of which of the following? - The establishment of plantation economies - The spread of printing-press technology - The development of trading-post empires - The decline of Asian states such as the Mughal Empire

- The development of trading-post empires - The production of the ivory plaque in a Portuguese territory in the Indian Ocean is most directly situated in the creation of a Portuguese trading-post empire that spread throughout the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

Which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 would a historian most likely cite to support Barkey's claim regarding the Ottoman Empire and its predecessors and contemporaries in the first sentence of the second paragraph? - The recruitment of Italian and Dutch merchants and officers into the Portuguese and Spanish navies - The use of Hindu officials in the Mughal imperial administration - The establishment of racial categories of social hierarchy under the casta system in Spanish colonies in the Americas - The official protection granted to Protestant communities in some European states, such as France,

- The establishment of racial categories of social hierarchy under the casta system in Spanish colonies in the Americas - The establishment of a system of racial and social hierarchy in Spanish colonies in the Americas would support Barkey's claim that previous and contemporary states were less tolerant, because the casta system imposed a rigid social hierarchy that included legal discrimination against groups that were further down the social ladder.

The actions of the Maroons that forced British colonial authorities to conclude a treaty with them are best explained as evidence of reactions against which of the following global trends in the period 1450-1750 ? - The persistent spread of epidemic diseases - The continuing impoverishment of indigenous populations resulting from agricultural transfers - The increase in armed conflict resulting from state rivalries over control of trade routes - The increasing expansion and centralization of state power

- The increasing expansion and centralization of state power - The Maroons' conflict with the British took place within the context of European and especially British colonial expansion and the centralization of state power, which contributed to encouraging local populations to resist greater state power.

The author's claim that the Spanish inhabitants of Manila act as agents for the inhabitants of Mexico can best be described as a reference to which of the following? - The mercantilist trade regulations enforced by Spanish colonial authorities - The cultural connections between regions created by Catholic religious orders, such as the Jesuits - The differences between the administrative framework of European trading post empires and settler empires - The resentment of colonial-born Spanish Creole populations against their second-class status in imperial societies

- The mercantilist trade regulations enforced by Spanish colonial authorities - Both the Philippines and Mexico (as well as Peru) were Spanish colonies in the seventeenth century. Mercantilist trade regulations allowed Spanish or Creole merchants in the colonies to trade with merchants in other Spanish colonies and in Spain but limited Spanish colonies' trade with British, French, Dutch, or other European countries' colonies. The exclusive commercial contacts between Spanish merchants in Manila and Spanish merchants in Mexico are best described as a reference to these mercantilist regulations.

- Which of the following best explains a similar motivation behind the establishment of Portuguese trading posts in Africa and the establishment of Portuguese trading posts in Asia? - The trading posts in both regions were intended to prevent economic collapse following the disintegration of powerful local empires. - The trading posts in both regions were intended to facilitate commercial cooperation between European states. - The trading posts in both regions were intended to facilitate the transfer of slaves to the Americas. - The trading posts in both regions were intended to allow the Portuguese to control access to heavily trafficked maritime routes.

- The trading posts in both regions were intended to allow the Portuguese to control access to heavily trafficked maritime routes. - The Portuguese established trading posts in Africa and especially in the Indian Ocean region of Asia along maritime routes that were heavily trafficked by merchants so that they could control commerce and force local merchants to purchase passes (cartazes) that allowed them to sail safely through the area.

Which of the following best explains an effect of Spanish voyages across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in Europe in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? - They encouraged many governments to expand the use of coerced labor in Europe. - They led to the rapid spread of epidemic diseases such as smallpox. - They greatly increased interest in transoceanic travel and trade in other European countries. - They led to the introduction of new staple crops such as sugar.

- They greatly increased interest in transoceanic travel and trade in other European countries. - Spanish voyages in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans greatly increased European interest in transoceanic travel and trade, not only because European states wanted to obtain wealth and power in the Atlantic and Pacific regions but also because many Europeans became interested in discovering and mapping new lands and seas and discovering new plants, animals, natural features, and peoples.

What motivated Europeans to explore the oceans? Explain the economic causes of maritime exploration by various European states?

- They wanted a sea route to Asia because Muslims controlled many land based routes making it impossible for Europeans to trade on their own terms.

What was a Hacienda?

- They were huge plantations on which Native Americans were forced to work. - growth of plantation economies increased the demand for slaves in the America's, leading to significant changes.

Which of the following best explains a similarity between the earliest English and French voyages across the North Atlantic in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? - They succeeded despite receiving little support from their respective state governments. - They were often launched in the hopes of finding alternative sailing routes to Asia. - They were ended after encountering violent resistance from Portuguese and Spanish naval forces. - They helped convince western European monarchies to abandon mercantilist policies in favor of free-trade policies.

- They were often launched in the hopes of finding alternative sailing routes to Asia. - The earliest British- and French-sponsored voyages in the North Atlantic, conducted by explorers such as Henry Hudson, Giovanni da Verrazzano, and Jacques Cartier, all attempted to find potential trade routes to Asia.

Contrast of Divine Right and Mandate of Heaven

- Zhou Dynasty in China, the emperor ruled under what became known as the Mandate of Heaven. Emperors believed they were divinely chosen, given authority to rule only as long as they pleased heaven. Didn't rule justly and live up tot heir responsibility, heaven would ensure their fall. - Divine right used to justify absolute rule without nay corresponding responsibilities . Monarchs who ruled under strict theory of Divine Right saw themselves as God's personal representatives chosen specifically for the task upheld only so long as rulers acted justly.

Christianity splits again-

- consequences of Luther's actions were enormous. Luther's followers began to refer themselves as Lutherans- separate themselves from the Catholic Church. - other theologians began to assert their own biblical interpretations, were consistent with Luther's, others were wildly different. However, Luther had no control over the consequences. - John Calvin, from France led powerful Protestant group by preaching an ideology of predestination. Calvinist doctrine state that God had predetermined an ultimate destiny for all people, most of whom God had already damned. Only a few he preached would be saved, those people were known as the Elect - 1530s, city of Geneva in Switzerland invited Calvin, to construct a Protestant theocracy in their city, centrally located and near France. Calvinist teachings spread and were influential to successive Protestant Reformations as were the doctrines of Luther. - Calvinism greatly influenced religious development in Scotland under John Knox, and in France with the growth of the Huguenots. - Reformation spread to England, motivated by political and religious reasons. King Henry VIII not have son as heir to his throne, and sought to end his marriage to Catherine of aragon. When the pope denied an annulment of the marriage, Henry VIII renounced Rome and declared himself the head of religious affairs in England. This was oaky with those in England who were becoming Protestant, much of England remained Catholic. Henry pushed forward and presided over what was called Church of England or Anglican Church

Counter Reformation (CCP)

- council of trent decide to reform ' core catholic beliefs' - loyala found society of Jesus- Jesuits who believe in core catholic beliefs - Anglicanism - henry 8th needs a new wife since she doesn't give him a male hier. he doesn't believe He would grant him a divorce. SO he built his own church/ religion. it is rooted similar to catholicism, then grows more to Calvinism then it derived away agian.

Explain how cross cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of tech and facilitated changed in patterns of trade and travel from 1450 - 1750

- developments in tools and ship design, as well as improved understanding of regional wind and current patterns made transoceanic travel possible. - Knowledge, scientific learning and technology from the Classical, Islamic, Asian worlds spread which helped Europeans to innovate and develop their own navigational tools.

Ottoman Empire (CCP)

- fall of constantinople 1453 changes to Istanbul - Suleman I peak of ottoman empire (1520-66) - Expands territory in Europe- Hungary, Greece, failed Vienna.

A historian could best explain the arguments made in the passage regarding the pope and the clergy in the context of Protestant claims that the Catholic Church - had not adequately supported earlier Crusades against Muslims in the Holy Land - had become corrupted by power - had become too heavily influenced by Renaissance Humanism - had failed to convert Muslims living in Europe to Christianity

- had become corrupted by power - One of Luther's main arguments against the Catholic Church during the early stages of the Reformation is that it had become corrupted by worldly power. The passage illustrates that Luther believed that the pope and the clergy were ignoring the most important duties of their respective offices in the pursuit of worldly political goals. Luther's complaints about the corrupting influence of political power on the Church were adopted by Protestants across Europe.

Scientific Method

- high middle ages and early Renaissance the scholastic method of reasoning was deemed the most reliable means of determining scientific meanings. Scholasticism was based on Aristotelianism and therefore used reason as the chief method of determining the truth, reason led to heresies, other reasons was used to explain and complement faith, as was the case with Thomas Aquinas. - Scientific method was born out of scholastic tradition. Reason alone wasn't good enough. Under the scientific method, one had to prove what mind concluded, document it, repeat it, open it up to experimentation. Highest stage, the scientific method required that any underlying principles be proven with mathematical precision. - Copernicus and Galileo, were two fathers of the scientific method. Tycho Brahe built an observatory and recorded his observations, Francis Bacon through experimentation and observation, proper conclusions would come from these data. - Johannes Kepler developed laws of planetary motion based on observation and math - Sir Isaac Newton, wrote Mathematical Principle of Natural Philosophy, invented calculus to help prove the theories of Copernicus, Galileo, Bacon, others. He also developed law of gravity - These men and others developed a system of observation, reason, experiment, math proof that could be applied to every conceivable scientific inquiry. With precise scientific instruments, such as the microscope, the telescope, scientist could retest, originally tested. - All of this eventually led to the IR which will be discussed in the next chapter. Scientific Revolution led to major rift in society. Many highly educated Christians were able to hold on to their beliefs even as they studied science, many also began to reject the church's rigid pronouncements that conflicted with scientific findings. Many of these people became atheists or deists (believe that God exists but plays a passive role in life).

Explain the comparisons of the methods by which various empires increased their influence?

- imperial conquests and widening global economic opportunities contributed to the formation of new political and economic elites including in China with the transition to the Qing Dynasty who restricted the power of Han Chinese Population. - how Qing, Ottoman, Songhai Empire centralized their bureaucracy - how aztec empire used tribute system

Wars of religion- (CCP)

- luther- in 1517, threat of war - peace of augsburg- 1555 whichever Prince ruled picked the religion - Edict of Nantes- allowed religious freedom for Hugarian french = calivinist - 30 years war- luterhan vs catholic vs calvinist - Peace of Westphala- 1468, Religious freedom for all as long as you were Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist

Mughal Empire (CCP)

- modern day india - leaders are Muslim but the people are Hindu - Babur in 1570s. - His grandson new rulers Akbar; allowed more religious freedom, takes more political power.

What was repartimiento or mita?

- native americans were forced to work for part of the year for the Spanish, similar to the Inca Mit'a system. However, the Mit'a was for public benefit while the Spanish Mita for private gain . - the labor of American Indian and enslaved Africans helped to facilitate the new global circulation of goods because of the global flow of silver, especially from Spanish colonies in the Americas, which was used to purchase Asian goods for Atlantic markets and to satisfy the Chinese demand for silver.

- A historian interpreting the passage would most likely explain that the audience of the sermon is an illustration of the fact that - papal alliances with the Holy Roman emperors led to widespread religious persecutions in Germany - the Protestant German nobility was wary of confronting the Ottomans without Catholic support - political support from the German nobility aided in the development of the early Protestant community - the Protestant German nobility adopted pacifist attitudes during religious disputes with their Catholic and Muslim opponents

- political support from the German nobility aided in the development of the early Protestant community - The fact that Luther wrote a highly critical letter chastising the Catholic clergy and the pope to a German prince indicates that this prince supported Luther. Luther and early Protestant communities received protection from many members of the German nobility, either because they embraced the Protestant message of reform or because they wanted to limit the power of the Holy Roman emperor within Germany.

Ottoman Empire Admin/ gov (CPP)

- power is consolidated- go recruit boys and forced them to serve within the government (8-20) or take them from lands they conquered. - they didn't enslave them- one way they controlled people forced indocteration and servitude - Janissaries- elite army force

In short terms of Protestant Reformation-

- previous skirmishes between the pope and the nobles had been about political authority. Luther's challenges were theologically based and directed at the pope's religious role. - Luther asserted that the people did not need the Catholic Church, or its priests in order to interact with God, they needed only their Bibles. - People's understanding of other concept right need to be re-calculated as well.- by challenging the Pope, Luther made it possible to question the conventional wisdom of the church. Newly printed Bibles were available in their own languages, people could learn how to read and form their own relationships with God. Common people became literate and better educated, more and more Europeans began to question both the world and authority of the church. Europeans desired to search for their own answers to the questions of the universe. The Protestant Reformation paved the way for revolutions in education, politics, science.

A historian interpreting the views expressed in the passage would likely explain that those views were most strongly influenced by Protestant desires to - promote religious war against fellow Christians - encourage the creation of a united German state free of papal influence - demonstrate that an individual's destiny was predetermined by God - reform Christian society by adhering more closely to Biblical teachings

- reform Christian society by adhering more closely to Biblical teachings - In the passage, Luther claims that holy war against the Turks in the name of Jesus Christ is wrong because Jesus taught that Christians should not resist evil with violence or take revenge. He further states that scripture requires the bishops and clergy to mind the duties of their office instead of engaging in holy war. Luther's arguments illustrate his and other Protestants' belief that scripture was the foundation of faith, that Christians should rely on the teachings of scripture to guide their actions, and that adhering more closely to the teachings of scripture would create a more just and pious Christian society.

Explain the comparison of the methods by which various empires increased their influence?

- rulers used variety of methods to legitimize and consolidate their power - this included using art and architecture to legitimize their rule Qing used art to legitimize their rule was having emperors portrayed surrounded by books to show their connection to Confucianism and importance of education - power of existing political and economic elites fluctuated as elites confronted new challenges to their ability to affect the policies of the increasingly powerful monarchs and leaders, such as the nobility in France who were forced to live with the King. - Louis 14 moved the nobility into Versailles in response to a rebellion that took place when he was child called the Fronde. As states became increasingly powerful and centralized there was resistance from an array of social, political and economic groups

Islamic Religious Schisms (CCP)

- sunni - ottoman - justinian law - shariah law Byzantine Empire were orthodox christian - safavids were shia - Mughal Akbarthe leader was tolerant - mughals in india have more tolerance

Article 4 of the treaty is best explained as evidence of how states in the period 1450-1750 sought to; - suppress resistance to their rule by co-opting local groups - grant military titles as a way of encouraging the loyalty of their subjects - provide financial incentives to minority populations to participate in local administration - promote intermarriage between different ethnic populations in order to reduce conflict

- suppress resistance to their rule by co-opting local groups - Article 4 requires Captain Quao and his Maroon troops to destroy other rebel Black forces in exchange for the British granting them land and making other concessions, demonstrating that the British government was attempting to use diplomacy to gain the cooperation of one rebel group to suppress other rebel groups.

The illustrated history was prepared for the Mughal emperor Akbar in the late sixteenth century. The methods of warfare shown in the image were instrumental in explaining the territorial expansion of all of the following land-based empires EXCEPT - the Qing (Manchu) Empire - the Aztec (Mexica) Empire - the Ottoman Empire

- the Aztec (Mexica) Empire - Although the Aztec (Mexica) created a very large empire in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries from their power base in the valley of Mexico, they did so without the use of gunpowder weapons. Gunpowder weapons were first introduced to the Americas with the arrival of the Spanish at the end of the fifteenth century.

What was the indentured servitude?

- used mostly by the British in North America, it was a system where servants were bound to work for seven years and then could go free

The Enlightenment-

- while scientists put forth revolutionary ideas, the philosophers and social critics had a revolution of their own. It occurred in the 17-18th century focused on the role of humankind in relation to gov ideas that greatly influenced the framers of the US Consitution. Because of the US Constitution was a model across the globe, its safe to say that writers of the Enlightenment period changed the world.

How did the land based empires consolidate power in this era?

1. Centralizing their bureaucracies: - Qing Dynasty (China)- reintroduced the Civil Service Exam to legitmate their power over Chinese since Manchu (founders of Qing) were seen as foreigners. - Ottoman Empire (Middle East and Southern Europe) The Devshirme system (Christian boys were enslaved and educated to serve the state) helped to consolidate power by creating a very loyal bureaucracy and elite military - Songhai Empire- West Africa, consolidated power through their military, alliances, having control over trade routes. Legitimacy established through court rituals of kings. 2. Consolidating power based on Tribute - Aztec Empire (New Mexico- MesoAmerica) demanded specific goods from conquered people, called Tribute. Indirect rule (decentralized) where the Aztec did not have to be present in conquered areas to maintain control

Martin Luther- Monk on a Mission-

1517- German monk Martin Luther, nailed a list of 95 theses on church door- distributed quickly and widely by the aid of a new printing press. - outlined his frustrations with current church practices, including the church's practice of selling indulgences, amounted to selling salvation for profit. - He had traveled to Rome, went to the Vatican (Catholic Church), the midst of getting a Renaissance makeover- upgrades that were clearly paid, money from churchgoers in far away places - Among Luther's many complaints, his insistence that church services should be conducted in local languages of people, not in Latin. - He translated the Bible into German, so it could be read and interpreted by everyone, opposed to making people dependent on the church for biblical through grace, not through indulgences, or authorization of the church. - He suggested that the Bible teaches that people could appeal directly to God's forgiveness for sins and salvation. - This revolutionary concept reduced the role of the church as an exclusive middleman between God and man- the church was marginalized to aid for salvation as opposed to the grantor of salvation. - Pope Leo X was outraged and ordered Luther, formally retract his theses. Luther's ideas were spreading through much of northern Europe as the printing presses continued to roll. - When Luther refused to recant, he was excommunicated - He refused to abandon his convictions- the pope called for his arrest, but a nobleman from Luther's hometown protected him, Luther continued to write and spread his ideas.

How did leaders legitimize their rule through art and architecture?

Art - Qing portraits of emperors and high officials meant to impress - European monarchs were also patrons of artists for the same reason. Architecture - Monumental architecture (giant structures) meant to impress - Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife - French King Louis XIV built Palace of Versailles, to show his power and wealth, especially forced all nobility to live there with him so they could not challenge his power while being watched

What was mercantilism?

Based on the belief that there was a finite, amount of gold and silver in the world. Having the most of it would lead to the strongest state, Europeans competed for wealth.

What was the ecomienda system?

Conquistadors were given a plot of land and the job of protecting the Native Americans on that land, but could demand free labor from them in exchange - Newly developed colonial economics in the Americas largely depended on agriculture, utilized existing labor systems, including the Incan Mit'a. They also introduced new labor systems including Chattle slavery, indentured servitude and encomienda and hacienda systems.

Japan admin/ gov (CCP)

Daimyo- landowning nobility Tokugawa - unites Japan, through purchase of gun powder - once they are united, they go to period of great peace. There are 250 territories- to control them, each place there is one person to be present to control but some still have to be in Tokyo since the gov wants to have feeling of power

What were some of the most significant exchanges due to the Columbian Exchange?

Disease - from Europe to Americas- smallpox killed up to 90% of the Native American population in some places - from the America's to Europe- debatable, but Europeans believed that Syphilis came to them from Americas Food and Animals - from Europe to the Americas- sugar and horses - from America to Europe- guinea pigs, potatoes, maize People - Trans Atlantic Slave trade- chattle slavery- people form Africa were taken as property to become slaves in Americas

Enlightenment Thoughts-

FRANCE 1. Montesquieu (1689-1755)- believed that gov should contain checks and balances- the spirit of the laws 2. Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)- one finds freedom by sacrificing some individual rights on common goods, The social contract 3. Voltaire (1694-1778)- Religion crushes the human spirit- One must cultivate one's own garden- Candide ITALY 4. Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)- Individual rights, criminals retain some rights and the state should not practice cruel and unusual punishment- One Crime and Punishment SCOTLAND 5. David Hume (1711-1776)- Lack of empirical evidence casts doubt on religion- Inquiry into Human Nature 6. Adam Smith (1723-1790) An invisible hand will regulate the economy if it is left alone. Wealth of Nations ENGLAND 7. Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) Women should have political rights, including voting and holding office, Vindication of the Rights of Women. GERMANY 8. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Knowledge exists beyond what is deduced from the use of only observation or only reason- critique of pure reason.

Give example of how economic developments affected social structure over time

Imperial conquests and widening global economic opportunities contributed to the formation of new political and economic elites in the Americas with the rise of the Casta System

How was the Portuguese empire different from other European states?

Instead of claiming large pieces of land they established Trading Post Empire along the African coast. This helped them to become major player in the Indian Ocean. They did, however establish some traditional colonies, like Brazil.

Russian Empire- (CCP)

Its both European and Asia (some parts more than others) - Ivan Iv (Terrible) 1547- 1584 - Volga river access to Caspian Sea

Evolution of Christianity


Compare and contrast art in Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Medieval art- entirely religious, mostly in cathedrals, flat/ stiff, didn't try to be worldly, rarely signed their own names. Renaissance- religious and secular combining both Christian and humanistic elements, commissioned by both religious and secular leaders, public plazas, homes, realistic/ softer/ more human, globally, signed their names proudly, competed in competitive marketplace of patronage and art sales.

An example of how rulers employed economic strategies to consolidate and maintain power?


Explain the role of states in the expansion of maritime exploration.

Mercantilist policies and practices were used by European rulers to expand and control their economies and claim overseas territories. - States like Spain and Portugal paid for the transoceanic maritime exploration of people like Columbus that occurred in this period to benefit themselves. Once they were successful this dramatically increased European interest in transoceanic travel and trade including the Northern Atlantic crossings undertaken by the English, French, Dutch- also with the goal of dining a route to Asia.

What was the connection between mercantilism and European states creating colonies?

Mercantilist states need lots of raw materials, which were accessible in their colonies. They could also force the colonies to buy their manufactured goods to keep gold and silver flowing.

What kind of tech helped Europeans to create their maritime empires?

New ships - the fluyt, the carrack, the caravel - made it easier, faster, smaller, cheaper to build on the seas - ships were intended only for trade, not for warships-which made it cheaper Other Maritime Tech - lateen sail borrowed from Arabs and Chinese - Improved astronomical charts to help figure out where they were when at sea - astrolabe and compass also for navigation and borrowed from Asia

Explain the process of state building and expansion among maritime empires

Portuguese development of maritime tech and navigational skills led to increased travel to trade with Africa and Asia and resulted in the construction of global trading post empire. This proved profitable for the rulers and merchants involved in new global trade networks.

Scientific Revolution-

Prior to the Scientific Revolution, Europe and most of the world believed that East was the center of the universe, the sun, starts, planets revolved around the earth. Numerous inconsistencies observed by scientists, but most scientists continued to attempt to explain the inconsistency rather than investigate the theory itself. - Europe changed dramatically because of Renaissance and Protestant Reformation, growth of universities gave structure to burgeoning questions about the world, educated Europeans began to examine the world around them with the new vigor. Results were revolutionary.

Protestant Reformation info (CCP)

Renaissance- before getting to these religions, renaissance means rebirth of Greece and Rome. Before Renaissance, religions drove gov forward especially in Europe. It shows there are other ways city states, each city states had some power/ autonomy. could explore things without monarchy. They also had much money - Italy was large trade center in med. This allowed Renaissance and arts to flourish. - Renaissance focuses on Individualism. - Gutenburg- printing press is Key to spread of ideas. 1. corruption- grown in bureaucratic corruption 2. indulgences- Martin Luther didn't like it, its the selling of forgiveness. priests that were getting paid so people could get rid of their sin 3. Theological complaint- Luther has access to Bible. When he reads the Bible, it says that you are sacred by the Grace of God. - Luther started Lutheranism - Calvin- predestination- little control, it was predetermined when you were born - Anglicanism - henry 8th needs a new wife since she doesn't give him a male hier. he doesn't believe He would grant him a divorce. SO he built his own church/ religion. it is rooted similar to catholicism, then grows more to Calvinism then it derived away agian.

Which of the following pieces of evidence does the author use to support his implicit argument that Maya society underwent a dramatic cultural change in the sixteenth century? - Dominican friars knew the Maya language. - The Maya were converted to Christianity. - The Maya nobility lost its social status. - Maya people before the conquest were illiterate.

The Maya were converted to Christianity. - Dominican friars began their missionary efforts, the Maya had been "ignorant of the word and the commandments of God." This statement is used as evidence for the implicit argument in the passage that Maya society underwent a dramatic cultural change by converting to Christianity in the sixteenth century.

Which of the following pieces of evidence does the author use to support his claim that the arrival of the Spanish "destroyed our people"? -The Spanish spread infectious disease among the Maya. -The Spanish conquered all Maya towns. - Maya people became poor. - The Spanish assassinated the king's eldest son.

The Spanish conquered all Maya towns.

How did the British and Dutch governments support exploration and colonization in new and innovative way?

They created joint-stock companies. This was a way to fund exploration and colonization through private investors. Investors could make tremendous profits if the ventures were successful. - Rulers employed economic strategies to consolidate and maintain power. THis included the creation of Join Stock companies, influenced by mercantilist principles, that were used by finance exploration and were used by rulers to compete against one another in global trade. - As Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English, French established their own trading post empires political religious, and economic rivalries emerged. - Some Asian states sought to limit the disruptive economic and cultural effect of European dominated long-distance trade by adopting restrictive or isolationist trade policies like the Tokugawa SHogunate in Japan who would only trade with the Portuguese to Macau but allowed them to act as shippers of Chinese silk to Japan and to bring Japanese silver back to them. - These new transoceanic and regional shipping services developed by European merchants helped regional markets in Afro Eurasia continue to flourish. - Even with the disruptions due to the arrival of the Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch merchants in the Indian Ocean traditional inter Asian trade and Asian merchants thrived, for example, the Arabs on the Swahili Coast in Africa.

The material used to create the plaque best reflects which of the following historical situations in the Indian Ocean region in the period 1450-1750 ? -Trade networks continued to flourish and gave Europeans direct access to precious luxury goods. -European luxury goods became increasingly popular among Asian populations in the region. -Natural resources from the Americas allowed Asian producers to diversify the products they sold to European merchants. -European artisans in the region increasingly copied Islamic and Indian styles in their artistic productions.

Trade networks continued to flourish and gave Europeans direct access to precious luxury goods. - The use of ivory to construct the plaque, a substance not native to Europe, suggests that the Portuguese trade outpost at Goa had expanded European access to precious luxury goods. Indeed, the primary reason why Europeans established trading posts in the region was to obtain direct access to luxury goods in Asia that were otherwise very expensive when sold in Europe.

Legitimizing power through religion and art- (CCP)

Versailles- similar to hostage, someone in capital controls them. Louis 14, they invited them over so they wouldn't turn on him, that's how he controlled them. showed them he had most power of nobility, this made them worship him. When was younger this made them worship him. When he was younger, Fronde happened when nobility took over power. - ST Peterseburg- Bringing country more to west - Askia the Great- consolidated power w religion. he says the ruler before him, Sunni Ali wasn't good Muslim. he told his people that he went to Mecca for pilgrimage showed he was a true Muslim.

Manchu Empire (CCP)

officially the Great Qing was the last imperial dynasty of China, established in 1636 and ruling China from 1644 to 1912. It was preceded by the Ming dynasty and succeeded by the Republic of China. - 1644 end of Ming - Qing Dyn until 1911 - Emperor Kangxi 1661 - 1722 - in charge of Taiwan, Mongol, most of Asia.

Maritime empire =

sea based empire

What was the Casta System that developed in Latin America?

the Casta was a new social hierarchy system that organized society based on ancestry and race. - Peninsulares who were born in Europe - Criollos (Creoles) who were Europeans born in the Americans - Castas who were people of mixed race heritage; Mestizos- European and Native American Mulatoos- European and African Zambos- African and Native American Native American African - The mixing of African, American, European cultures and peoples led to the development of cultural and religious syncretism. Ex, the religion Santeria was started by enslaved Africans who were forced to practice Catholicism in the Americas. It is practiced in Cuba and combines west African Yoruban indigenous beliefs with Catholicism. Catholic saints were believed to have dual identities such as Saint Lazarus being associated with the orisha (spirit) Bablu-Aye because they both associated with healing the sick.

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