Unit 3 Biology Learning Curve

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Approximately how long after fertilization does the egg implant in the uterine wall?

5 days

Which of the statements about the breakdown of carbohydrates is false?

Aerobic respiration is very efficient and captures more than 66 percent of the energy available in each glucose molecule in a usable form (ATP).

Alanine and lysine are both amino acids. Insufficient lysine in the diet can lead to protein deficiency, but insufficient intake of alanine does not lead to protein deficiency. Why is this true?

Alanine can be synthesized by biochemical pathways, whereas lysine cannot.

Which of the statements about excretory organs in complex multicellular animals is false?

All of the materials that are removed from the blood during filtration will eventually be excreted.

Which of the statements about energy balance is false?

An excess intake of food results in a shift in metabolism to mostly catabolic processes.

Which of the statements about the control of blood volume and blood pressure is false?

Angiotensin II stimulates the release of antidiuretic hormone, which increases salt and water uptake by the distal convoluted tubule.

Which of the statements about suspension filter feeding is false?

Animals that use suspension filter feeding are all herbivores.

Which of the statements regarding asexual reproduction is false?

Asexual reproduction does not occur in vertebrates.

A patient has bleeding gums, loss of teeth, and slow wound healing. The doctor diagnoses the patient as having a deficiency in vitamin _____ and suggests that he increase the amount of _____ in his diet.

C; fruit

Which of the statements is true regarding CO2 in the mammalian bloodstream?

CO2 is mainly transported through the mammalian bloodstream in the form of bicarbonate ions or carbonic acid.

Which of the statements about the coordination of the heartbeat is true?

Cardiac muscles are in electrical continuity, which allows for synchronous contraction of the two atria followed by synchronous contraction of the two ventricles.

Which of the statements describes how freshwater fish maintain osmotic balance?

Chloride cells in the gills actively pump chloride ions into the body.

A researcher has introduced molecules of human myoglobin and hemoglobin into a solution containing oxygen. Which of the statements is true of human hemoglobin and myoglobin?

Compared to human hemoglobin, human myoglobin will likely bind to oxygen molecules more quickly when introduced into the oxygen-containing solution.

Which of the statements about the human male reproductive system is false?

Constriction of the arteries and dilation of the veins in the penis causes a change in blood flow that leads to an erection.

Which of the statements about endotherms is false?

Endotherms behaviorally regulate their body temperatures, whereas ectotherms regulate their body temperatures physiologically.

Which of the statements regarding ammonia is true?

Excretion of ammonia requires high volumes of water.

A scientist is evaluating the hemoglobin in mountain goats compared to the hemoglobin in normal barnyard goats. How will the hemoglobin in these two goat species compare?

Given that mountain goats tend to live at higher altitudes, these goats will have hemoglobin with a greater oxygen-binding affinity compared to the hemoglobin of barnyard goats.

Which of the statements regarding asexual cells is false?

Individuals produced by asexual reproduction are always haploid.

What is the main benefit of having hemoglobin in the blood?

It increases the amount of oxygen that can be carried in the blood.

Which of the statements about the proximal convoluted tubulule of the mammalian kidney is accurate?

It reabsorbs glucose and amino acids filtered by the glomerulus.

What is the importance of fertilization in sexual reproduction?

It restores the full complement and number of chromosomes.

Which of the statements about metabolic rate is correct?

None. (Larger or faster animals do NOT have lower basal metabolic rates and do NOT consume more energy per gram of body tissue.)

The body fluid of sharks has a much lower concentration of sodium chloride than that of the surrounding seawater, and sharks are able to remain in osmotic equilibrium with the external environment. How can this be the case?

Sharks store enough urea to match the total solute concentration of the surrounding seawater.

If solution X has a 2% concentration of salt (NaCl) and solution Y has an 8% concentration of NaCl, which of the statements is correct?

Solution X is hypotonic relative to solution Y

If GnRH was applied directly to Leydig cells, what effect would this have on spermatogenesis?

Spermatogenesis would be unaffected

Which of the statements regarding swallowing is false?

Swallowing is a series of voluntary motions of the roof of the mouth, tongue, and epiglottis.

A mammalian skull is found in a forest. The skull has incisors, small canines, and many large premolars and molars with prominent surface ridges. Based on this information, what conclusions can be drawn about the feeding behavior of this organism?

The animal could have been either an omnivore or an herbivore.

If heart rate decreases by 30% followed by stroke volume decreasing 10%, then what effect do these decreases have on the total cardiac output?

The cardiac output decreases by 37%.

Which of the statements about the corpus luteum is false?

The corpus luteum is maintained first by FSH and then by hCG.

Which of the statements about the filtration barrier of the glomerulus is accurate?

The endothelial cells of the capillaries have foot like processes that interlock with the surrounding podocytes.

A researcher is studying a strain of mice that only incorporates 50% of the necessary iron into their hemoglobin molecules. Which of the statements is likely true regarding these mutant mice?

The hemoglobin in these mutant mice will be able to bind half the number of oxygen molecules compared to the hemoglobin of normal or wild-type mice.

Which of the statements about insect respiration is true?

The insect respiratory system is composed of a series of branching tubes called tracheae.

A researcher is culturing cells that require oxygen to live in an incubator where the gas levels are carefully regulated. If the researcher observes that the pO2 in the incubator is 200 mmHg, what can the researcher deduce about the pO2 in the cells?

The pO2 of her cells is less than or equal to 200 mmHg.

At any given point along the length of the gill lamella, how does the pO2 of the blood flowing through the blood vessels in the lamella compare to the pO2 of the water flowing over the gill lamella?

The pO2 of the blood is lower than the pO2 of the water.

Which statement about blood and circulation is true?

The same amount of oxygen enters the blood through diffusion as is transported by circulation.

Which of the statements best explains why asexually reproducing rotifers have greater sequence differences in the two alleles of a gene than do sexually reproducing rotifers?

The two alleles of a gene do not recombine in asexual reproduction, and thus, different mutations accumulate on the two alleles.

Which of the statements about bird respiration is true?

The unidirectional flow of air through a bird's lungs maintains a larger concentration gradient for diffusion than can be obtained through tidal breathing.

If the partial pressure of oxygen outside of a cell is 100 mmHg and the partial pressure of oxygen inside of a cell is 25 mmHg, which of the following statements is correct?

There will be a net diffusion of oxygen from outside the cell to inside the cell.

Two solutions of water with dissolved potassium and glucose are separated by a selectively permeable membrane that only permits the passage of water. If the two solutions have the same total solute concentration, but solution 1 has a higher concentration of potassium and a lower concentration of glucose than solution 2, which of the statements is correct?

There will be no net movement of water between the solutions.

Which of the statements describes how marine fish maintain osmotic balance?

They drink water to replenish water supplies.

A man has just learned that he has a blockage in one of his arteries. Which of the statements is true regarding this blockage?

This blockage will likely increase the resistance to flow in his circulatory system, and as a result, will decrease the rate of blood flow.

Which of the statements about the distal convoluted tubule is accurate?

Urea is the principal solute found within the filtrate in the distal convoluted tubule

Which of the statements about nitrogenous waste excretion is correct?

Uric acid is less toxic than ammonia but more energetically costly to produce.

Which of the answer choices does not occur when antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is present?

Water diffuses into the collecting duct from the interstitial fluid.

Blood enters the glomerulus by an _____ and leaves by an _____.

afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole

Which of these hormones increases blood pressure by directly stimulating the distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts to take up more water and salts?


As they evolved, animals faced challenges when moving from water to land. What was the most important adaptation that enabled the uncoupling of reproduction and the need for an aquatic habitat?

amniotic eggs

Some forms of diabetes and arthritis are examples of

autoimmune disease

Diffusion of materials between the blood and body tissues occurs at which of the following blood vessels?


The adhesion step in extravasation is most likely to be mediated by:

cell SURFACE proteins

The female homolog of the glans penis is the


Which of the answer choices responds to antidiuretic hormone (ADH) levels in the body?

collecting ducts

Which of the factors affects the rate of diffusion of a substance?

concentration gradient

Helper T cells activate other cells of the immune system, including:

cytotoxic T cells, B cells, macrophages

All the statements are true regarding oxygen levels except

decreasing levels of oxygen in the blood are detected by chemoreceptors in the kidney

The job of natural killer cell is to

destroy infected or abnormal host cells.

What represents a step in gas transport or gas exchange?

diffusion of O2 from lungs to bloodstream, diffusion of CO2 from cells to bloodstream, transport of O2 in circulatory system, exhalation of CO2 into the environment

Brine shrimp live in salt water, but the level of salt in the water where they reside can differ dramatically from day to day or longer time scales. In very high salt concentrations, a brine shrimp _____ salt across its gills and maintains an internal salt concentration that is _____ relative to the water where it lives. In lower salt concentrations, a brine shrimp _____ salt water across its gills and maintains an internal salt concentration that is _____ relative to the water where it lives.

excretes, hypotonic, absorbs, hypertonic

What cellular process is involved in the release of histamine or cytokines?

exocytosis, amplification, signaling cascade, receptor binding

Suspension filter feeding is only found in organisms without jaws. T/F


The specialized salt glands that allow marine birds to drink seawater are found in the nasal cavity; in humans, these glands are found in the esophagus. T/F


Typically, r-strategists are more likely to be found in relatively stable environments than in variable environments. T/F


Which of these animals has a heart in which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix?


Which of the choices does not occur during the first trimester of pregnancy?

gastrulation, sex determination, organogenesis, cleavage

Which of the answer choices correctly describes the path of excretory fluids through a mammalian nephron?

glomerulus, Bowman's space, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct

Aerobic respiration, anaerobic glycolysis, and hydrolysis of phosphocreatine can all be used by vertebrate muscle cells to generate ATP during active periods. In what order are these mechanisms generally employed?

hydrolysis of phosphocreatine, anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic respiration

You discover a new type of marine organism that has the kidneys of a fish but no gills. Based on what you know about other aquatic organisms, the newly discovered organism is _____ compared to the surrounding water.


Which of these choices is NOT a correct pairing of tooth type and function?

incisors: piercing

Which of these changes would increase the rate of oxygen diffusion from the air into the body cells of a flatworm?

increasing the surface area of the body

Which of the choices describes the correct path of air through the human respiratory system?

larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

What percentage of oxygen in the air is typically extracted by the mammalian lung when an animal is resting?

less than 25%

At the venous end of a capillary, the blood pressure is _____ the osmotic pressure and fluid _____ the blood vessel.

lower than, moves into

_____ are derived from B cells and possess antibodies attached to their cell surfaces. The cells play a pivotal role in the secondary immune response.

memory cells

Which of the choices is an example of bulk flow during gas exchange in vertebrates?

movement of water past a respiratory surface

When an individual loses weight, he or she is in a

negative energy balance

Which of the statements about tuberculosis (TB) is true?


Through which of the answer choices is water gained?

osmosis across the gills of freshwater fish, cellular respiration, drinking water that has a lower solute concentration than body fluids, eating food

In what structure are oocytes produced?


In which of the forms of reproduction does an unfertilized egg develop into a new individual?


Which of the groups of molecules commonly serve as sources of energy for animals?

proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates

Which of these statements regarding reproduction strategies is false?

r-strategists produce large numbers of offspring, r-strategists have low probability of offspring survival, K-strategists reproduce less frequently, K-strategists evolved in stable environments

The internal body fluids of an osmoconformer are described as having:

roughly the same total solute concentration as the external environment

During swallowing, the epiglottis:

seals off the entrance to the trachea

Clonal selection

selects from a pool of B cells, multiplies specific B cells, creates a pool of plasma, creates memory cells

Which of the choices is the correct path taken by sperm from the site of production to the site of ejection?

seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra

Which of these chemicals will not pass through the phospholipid bilayer of a membrane?

sodium ions

How is antigenic shift different from antigenic drift?

strains share info, sudden change in viral proteins

Sertoli cells stimulate sperm production in response to:

testosterone and FSH

Given the plasma cell's role in the adaptive immune response, it is reasonable to assume that a plasma cell has:

the ability to secrete large amounts of protein

A shift to the right in the hemoglobin dissociation curve means that

the affinity of hemoglobin for O2 has decreased.

Immunodeficiency can occur in which group of people?

the elderly, HIV patients, newborns

En route to the egg, sperm pass through all of the structures except:

the ovaries

Dilated pupils, inhibited digestive activity, increased respiratory rate, and release of glucose from the liver are all signs of activity of:

the sympathetic division of the autonomic system

What is the function of the bicarbonate ions secreted by the pancreas?

to neutralize acid produced by the stomach

Which of the choices is not an example of suction feeding?

trapping prey with blades of baleen

During reproduction, male scorpions release a spermatophore (packet of sperm) into the environment. The female scorpion takes the spermatophore up into her body, where it is used to fertilize her eggs. This is an example of internal fertilization. T/F


Organisms that provide high energy and resource investment in their young are K-strategists. T/F


The binding of one O2 molecule to hemoglobin makes it easier for additional O2 molecules to bind. T/F


The human embryo normally implants and develops in which of the structures?


Under which of the conditions would you expect to find Daphnia reproducing asexually?

warm temperatures

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