Unit 3 - Biology Question Chapters 8 & 9 [Part 2]

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The failure of sister chromatids to separate would result in how many normal gametes?


Turner syndrome is associated with which of the following karyotypes?

45, XO

Down syndrome is associated with which of the following karyotypes?

47, XY, Trisomy 21

Cells grown in a petri dish tend to divide until they form a thin layer covering the bottom of the dish. If cells are removed from the middle of the dish, the cells bordering the open space will begin dividing until they have filled the empty space. What does this experiment show?

All answers are valid and correct.

Which of the following statements is true?

Chromosomes are classified into two categories, the sex chromosomes that determine gender and autosomes that determine non-gender related traits.

The G2 checkpoint prevents the cell cycle from continuing until

DNA is completely replicated AND damage to DNA can be repaired.

A cell is inhibited during the S phase of its cycle. It will not reproduce due to lack of

DNA synthesis

How does nondisjunction during meiosis I differ from nondisjunction in meiosis II?

Half of the gametes from nondisjunction during meiosis II will have normal chromosome number.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Meiosis involves 2 divisions and produces 4 non-identical daughter nuclei

A tumor suppressor gene undergoes a mutation that causes it to lose its normal function. What would be the most likely result of this mutation?

The cell no longer responds to signals that cause it to stop dividing or undergo apoptosis.

Sister chromatids are identical DNA molecules, whereas homologous chromosomes consist of two copies of the same type of chromosome (one maternal, the other paternal).


Which of the following human syndromes is a monosomy?

Turner Syndrome

An egg with 22 chromosomes that is fertilized by a normal sperm will result in

a zygote with monosomy

The human life cycle consists of

adults who are diploid and produce haploid gametes, these gametes fuse to produce a diploid zygote which grows into an adult.

The figure below shows a cell in the mitotic stage of


It would be possible for a male and a female to have exactly the same __________________ but they would have to differ in _____________________.

autosomes; sex chromosomes

Refer to the figure below. Differentiated cells, such as nerve cells, would be in which of the following stages of the cell cycle?



can be used to remove damaged or malfunctioning cells.

Which of the following is not a function of meiosis?

cause an organism to grow

The structure that holds together the two sister chromatids that form a chromosome is called a


The looping of DNA around histone proteins

condenses a large amount of DNA so that it can fit into the cell.

Which of the diagrams best illustrates the appearance of a chromosome pair in a cell at the end of prophase I?

diagram 2

Which of the diagrams represents a chromosome pair in a cell at the end of prophase II?

diagram 4

When during the cell cycle are chromosomes visible?

during mitosis

What would be the effect if homologous chromosomes did not randomly separate into the daughter cells during meiosis?

genetic diversity would decrease

What happens during crossing-over?

genetic material is exchanged between nonsister chromatids, resulting in new combinations of alleles.

After the first meiotic division, the daughter cell is __________; after the second meiotic division the daughter cell is___________.

haploid; haploid

Multicellular organisms undergo mitotic cell division to

increase the size of the organism.

Which of the following is not a symptom of Down syndrome?

increased mental abilities

Which of the following processes does not contribute to creating genetic variability in the offspring?


While Jeff was looking under the microscope at cells in different stages of mitosis, he commented on the fact that many cells were in the same stage. If you were looking under the compound light microscope at an onion root tip, in what stage of the cell cycle would the majority of the cells be?


Which is NOT a correct association?

interphase-shortest stage of the cell cycle

Chromosomes duplicate during this stage of the cell cycle.

interphase: s

Angiogenesis contributes to carcinogenesis because

it causes blood vessels to grow into the tumor

___________ are a type of internal signal molecule used in controlling the cell cycle.


In the human life cycle

meiosis produces haploid gametes, and fertilization creates a diploid cell that divides by mitosis to produce a new individual.

The failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis is called


Plant cells and animal cells differ in cytokinesis because

plant cells need to build a cell wall while animal cells do not.

Which of these is diploid (2n)?

primary oocyte

Unicellular organisms undergo mitotic division to

produce new organisms

Which of the following is a correct match?

separation of sister chromatids - anaphase II

The structures labeled "d" in the following figure are called

sister chromatids

A proto-oncogene differs from a tumor suppressor gene because a proto-oncogene

stimulates mitosis in a normal cell, whereas a tumor suppressor gene inhibits mitosis.

Ben was looking at onion root tip cells under the microscope in Biology class. He saw one cell that had two nuclei within it. What stage of the cell cycle was this cell in?


All of the following statements are true about mitosis except

the cells arising from the process contain only half of the necessary genetic material.

As the mother's age increases, the possibility of Down syndrome increases because

the possibility of nondisjunction increases.

Cancer occurs when

the regulation of the cell cycle is lost and uncontrolled cell division occurs.

The term metastasis refers to the fact that cancer cells tend to


If a protein promotes apoptosis it would be considered a(n)

tumor supressor

A tetrad is composed of

two chromosomes with two sister chromatids each.

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