Unit 3 homework

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What does the acronym HERO stand for ?

Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance

What are the HERO classifications?

Hero safe describes ordinance that has little chance of being affected HERO susceptible contains electro explosive devices HERO unsafe greatest susceptibility HERO unreliable ordnance is hero safe or hero susceptible Ordnance who's performance is degraded

What are the three magazine sprinkler alarms most commonly used ?

High temp. alarm(F circuit ) sprinkler alarm (FH circuit ) flooding alarm (FD circuit)

How many hazard classes are covered under the united organization classification system ?

Nine classes

How often are magazine temperature cards replaced ?

Once a month

Where are the qualification standards to become a team member ?

Personnel are aware of basic safety precautions relative to the task and explosive devices concerned

Name the six magazine types

Primary missile ready service lockers flare service ready chemical

What is the purpose of ROLMS ?

Provides for the automation of the receipt ,issue ,Inventory record keeping and reporting of ammunition assets movements

In what type of magazine should ordnance be stored in order to reduce aircraft arming time ?

Ready service magazine

Why are material condition codes required?

So that the physical condition of ammunition can be identified in reported

How are ATR's sent ?

Through ordnance information system retail (OIS-R/retail ordinance logistic management system (ROLMS)

List the two types of weapons elevators used aboard aircraft carriers

Upper and lower elevator

What is the purpose of NOMP?

Was established to standardize weapon maintenance procedures and programs for all Navy and Marine Corps I Level , O level and Depot level

What color is the MSRC ?


What color is chemical hazard set 2 and what are firefighting instructions?

Yellow 1. approach from upwind and extinguish fire 2. decontamination may be required

How are entries made on the MSRC?

arranged in NALC/DODIC alphanumeric order in a binder or file cabinet used record information ,quantity ,receive ,transferred ,or expended

Who is establishes and designates ammunition stowage spaces for ships?


How long do magazine temperature cards remain on file?

One year

How long are personnel qualifications valid?

12 months

What is the minimum distance that hazard symbols should be visible during daylight ?

500 feet

What are the measurements and colors of an ammunition far side marker?

9 inches wide 5 inches high yellow

What color is the ammunition serial/location card ?


How are magazines classified ?

Depending on their design or construction as above ground, subsurface ,arch type (igloo) box type, earth -covered, or barricaded

What publication would you refer to for information concerning the storage ammunition ashore?


What is the definition of the acronym NAMDRP?

Naval aviation maintenance deficiency reporting program estabishes policy,responsibilities, and requirements for reporting substandard workmanship, improper quality assurance (QA) procedures and deficiency in material and publications

What tool is used to keep the CAIMS data file current and reliable ?

(ATR) ammunition transaction report

What form is used by squadron for requisitioning non nuclear ammunition?

(MILSTRIP) military standard requisition issue procedures

What task codes would the building of a MK 80 series bomb with a fin assembly fall under?


Explain what happens when you transfer from one military command to another in regards to your ordnance qualifications/certification

Certification goes with you to your next command so you don't have to recertify

Who is responsible for certifying personnel for handling Ordnance?

Commanding officer or designated certification board chairperson

Who will conduct emergency planning and develope evacuation plans for their activities that reference the appropriate withdrawal distances as part of the disaster response plan?

Commanding officers

What are four of the uses of the NOMP?

Comprehensive consolidated based on fleet input and easy to read and use

What does the acronym CAIMS stand for?

Conventional ammunition integrated management system

What report is used to report an incident or accident that results in an actual detonation?

Conventional ordnance deficiency report (CODR)

The CAIMS database is used as a secondary source in the Ordnance budgetary process ?

False use as the primary source

Why is an HMR submitted?

If there is a deficiency in materials that if not corrected, could result in injury or death to personnel or damage or loss to equipment

What is done if a magazine temperature is 100°F or higher ?

It is recorded in red ink and monitored hourly

What type of unit does landing force operational reserve material (LFORM) support?

Marine expeditionary units

What type of hazard does fire symbol number one identify ?

Mass explosion

Ammunition and explosives should be stowed on what type of Pallets ?

Metal pallets

What is the purpose of CV NATOPS manual ?

Standardizes ground and flight procedures but does not include tactical doctrine use for all fleet activities

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