Unit 3 study guide - government

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Presides over the Senate

Vice President

who is elected at the same time as the president?

Vice President

in 1973, Congress passed this resolution which requires that soldiers sent abroad by the president be brought back within 60 days unless congress approves the action.

War Powers Act

What does the President's Cabinet do?

advises the President

Department that develops conservation programs and provides financial aide to farmers


government provides help to drought stricken farmers


advises state officials in legal matters

attorney general

represents the US in court

attorney general

a conspicuos position that provides and opportunity to sneak out and listened to

bully pulpit

sends a message to the leader of Iran

chief diplomat

calls troops to stop a riot


where the president takes up the role of commander-in-chief adn leads the US military

commanding armed forces

government grants money to minority owned businesses


tariffs increased on imported lumber


enforces collection of state taxes


plans management of state revenues


enforces the collection of taxes

comptroller and secretary of treasury

military closes bases in several states


president removes troops from somalia


20th amendment

defines who serves after the president dies

no child left behind act requires testing of all students


government encourages investment in nuclear power


nuclear regulatory commission passes new rules


created in 1970s to help regulate business pollution of the environment, sets and carries out air and water pollution policies, can fine or shut down businesses that fail to meet its standards

environment protection agency

an agreement between the US and a foreign government that is less than a treaty

executive agreement

The process by which the president selects people for jobs in the federal government; the process by which the governor selects people for jobs in the state government

executive appointments

where a executive appoints officials in the various branches vested in its authority to do so

executive appointments

a president must retire at 65


all persons elected to the presidency have served as vice president


any US citizen can be a president


every person elected president must have a high school education


every president has been of the protestant faith


every president have been a white male


if a president does not want a law passed he throws away the bill when congress sends it to him


one person was elected president at age 30


one person was elected to the presidency who had lived in the US for 7 years


the president always does what his advisors recommend


the president can introduce legislation


the president does not need to consult with anyone but his cabinet when he wants a law passed


the president has the power to appoint any official to his cabinet, the supreme court, or an ambassador without Congressional approval


the president may declare war


the president must sign legislation for it to become a law


the president's cabinet and office can pass laws


created to control the airports in the country, hires air traffic controllers and sets rules for airport use

federal aviation administration

created to regulate the communications industry, sets standards for decency in television programming for all access stations, licenses broadcasting companies and can fine companies that fail to meet it's standards

federal communications commission

focuses on consumer and product safety, works to insure the safety of all consumer goods, issues recalls of defective products, and fines companies that engage in poor trade practices

federal trade commission

works to keep the food supply in the USA safe, approves medications

food and drug administration

where the president gives an award to recognize the people who have made an especially meritorious contribution to the security ot national interests of the US

giving out presidential medal of freedom

approve or veto state bills, appoint state judges, etc


approves or vetos state bills, appoints state judges, prepares the state budget, controls the state police, supervises the work of the state executive department, appoints members of the state commisions


controls state police and militia


serves a four year term and is directly elected


chooses leading party members to serve in the cabinet

head of party

Hosts visiting leaders of foreign government

head of state

center for disease control creates vaccine for covid-19 but not enough made

health and human services

fda approves new drug for cancer

health and human services

the consumer product safety commission recalls millions of defective toys

health and human services

government uses wiretaps to gather information about suspected terrorists

homeland security

public housing project torn down and replaced with moderate incoming housing

housing and urban development

Nixon resigns

impact of court's decision

limits of the president

impeachment, laws, amendments

National park bridge found to be unsafe

interior & transportation

government prosecutes terrorists


minimum wage increases as of July 1st


minimum wage raised


word day shortened to 8 hours


president freezes prices and wages for 90 days

make economic decisions

where the president makes binding agreements between nations and becomes part of international law

making treaties

a meeting between the president and those who hold the highest positions in the national government

meeting with the heads of state

president authorizes wire taps of suspected terrorists

national security

president orders troops to somalia

national security

a government decision to allow a person to be relieved of some or all of the legal consequences resulting from a criminal conviction


the power to unilaterally stop an official action, most commonly used with bills

power of veto

Grants pardons and reprieves


appoints new ambassadors


creates budget for the country


develops foreign policy


prepares federal budget, develop American Foreign Policy, etc


prepares federal budget, develops American foreign policy, administers federal programs, veto or approve bills passed by congress, command the armed forces of the US, appoint ambassadors


vetoes bills

president and governor

25th Amendment

president nominates the vp upon congressional approval

president signs order to set aside 10,000 acres of land in Utah for National Parks

protecting the environment

12th amendment

requires majority of electoral votes to be elected for vp and president

government sends humanitarian aide to afghanistan


president sends top diplomat to negotiate treaty with Iran


a message from the president to congress where the president talks about important issues facing America

state of union speech

where the president supports, or promotes the other members of their party during elections

supporting party members in elections

Who makes up the president's cabinet?

the heads of the executive departments

new highway bill requires national speed limit of 55mph


government creates new bills to stop counterfeiting


a treaty must receive two-thirds approval from the Senate before it is effective


congress passes the national emergencies act in 1976 to keep the president's power in check


one person served as president for 12 years


one person who was paralyzed was elected to the presidency


one president, before his election, spent much of his life in foreign countries


the president can prevent any bill from becoming a law unless congress passes it over his veto


the president had the power to gran reprieves and pardons for offenses against the US, except in the case of impeachment


the president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces


the president is to keep congress informed with the state of the union messages from time to time


the president may recommend legislation


the president must see that laws are executed


the war powers act was passed so congress and the president act together in declaring any act of hostility


the president can make treaties

true with congressional approval

represents the national government in court cases and advises the president on legal matters

us attorney general

soldiers returning from Iraq suffer ptsd

veterans affairs

jury returned indictment against Nixon's aides, special prosecutor sought the audio tapes

what happened in Nixon case

President Qualifications

35 or older, natural born citizen, and lived the US for at least 14 years

How long is a President's term?

4 years

How many members are in the electoral college?


What is the only thing successful at limiting the presidents power?


represents the state in court cases

Attorney General

makes the state of the union address to congress

Chief Legislator

issues an executive order to preserve land for the National Parks

Chief executive

Enforces the collection of taxes and revenues for the state government


Nixon had to present the tapes as executive privilege is limited and does not put him above the law

Court's decision

a rule issued by the president that has the force of a law

Executive Order

The leader of the state executive branch


carry out laws, grant pardons, and propose new laws

Governor and President

Department that protects public lands and natural resources, and interacts with Native Lands


22nd Amendment

Limits the president to two terms or 10 years.

people involved with nixon case

Nixon, Jaworski, Lacovara, St. Clair

the power of the president to reject a bill passed by Congress

Power of the veto

Is the President's right to safeguard certain information, using his "executive privilege" confidentiality power, entirely immune from judicial review?

Questions of Law

Three groups of the electoral college

Senate, House of Representatives, and DC representatives

Why does the president's power have to be limited?

So that we don't end up in a monarchy

advises the executive on legal matters

US and state attorney general

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