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Those who agreed with the president's arguments here most likely supported ________.

"hard money"

The following four questions are related to the following document:It appears that more than a fourth part of the stock is held by foreigners and the residue is held by a few hundred of our own citizens, chiefly of the richest class. . . .The time allowed to close its concerns is ample, and if it has been well managed its pressure will be light, and heavy only in case its management has been bad. If, therefore, it shall produce distress, the fault will be its own, and it would furnish a reason against renewing a power which has been so obviously abused. . . .

(Andrew Jackson, Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States [speech, Washington, DC, July 10, 1832], The Avalon Project, http://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/ajveto01.asp)

What policy was most favored by white westerners during the early 1800s?

Acquire the land occupied by Indian tribes and move the Indians west.

The beliefs described in the third paragraph were also most influential in Jackson's actions on what other issue?

Indian policy

Which statement is true of the administration of John Quincy Adams?

It hoped to pass a program of vigorous national economic and educational development.

What happened to the Second Bank of the United States after its recharter was vetoed?

It lost much of the money it used to have to various state banks.

What is true of the Tariff of 1828?

It raised tariff rates to record-high levels.

Which statement is true about the election of 1828?

It saw the emergence of a new two-party system.

What is a characteristic of the presidential administration of John Quincy Adams?

It was noted for its inability to carry out its policies effectively.

Which statement best describes the Second Bank of the United States?

It was opposed by some who supported banks because of the control it had over credit.

Which of these occurred in the campaign of 1832?

Jackson vigorously vetoed the recharter of the Bank of the United States.

What was the most important change in politics in the early 1800s?

Property qualifications for voting were eliminated.



Of the "Five Civilized Tribes," which tribe most resisted the pressures of removal?


What did John C. Calhoun argue in the South Carolina Exposition?

States could declare federal laws unconstitutional.

What did John C. Calhoun argue in his doctrine of nullification?

States were the final authority on the constitutionality of federal laws.

Which statement is true regarding the American electorate during the 1820s and 1830s?

The right to vote was expanded to include many more white males.

Which statement is true of the Whigs concerning foreign affairs?

They negotiated a treaty with Britain which clarified our northern boundary.

What was one key advantage of the Democrats?

They united under one national leader better than the Whigs did.

Which statement is true of Jacksonian Democrats?

They usually emphasized limited government and strict construction.

Why didn't the Whigs did enjoy electing their first president?

Tyler was a Whig mainly because he did not like Jackson.

Van Buren gained more influence in the Jackson administration partially because ________.

he was a bachelor at the right time

Andrew Jackson won the presidency in 1828 for all of these reasons EXCEPT ________.

his platform pledged to protect American manufacturing and lower taxes

In the 1830s, Democrats were more likely than Whigs to support ________.

territorial expansion

In the first part of this message, President Jackson seemed to most directly anticipate ________.

the "bank recession"

Although the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee tribes in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia, President Jackson decided ________.

the Court could not enforce the rulings and he would interpret the Constitution for himself

What did President Andrew Jackson do in 1833 in an attempt to end the nullification crisis?

He authorized the use of the military to enforce acts of Congress.

What was the main reason Van Buren had such a difficult presidency?

He had to deal with economic depression.

Why did Harrison win the presidency in 1840?

He was successfully portrayed as a common man.

Why did John Quincy Adams win the presidency in 1824?

He won the election in the House of Representatives.

The Nullification Crisis was resolved mostly by ________.

Henry Clay's compromise tariff

Which of the following is NOT true of the new form of politics emerging in the 1820s and 1830s?

Martin Van Buren was disgusted with the return of political parties.

Whose presidential aspirations were strengthened and whose were weakened by the Eaton Affair?

Martin Van Buren, John C. Calhoun

Which statement is true of Indian tribes in the 1830s?

Most of the southeastern Indians were compelled to migrate to Indian Territory.

What happened as a result of the U.S. government's Indian policy in the 1830s and 1840s?

Nearly all American Indian societies were removed to west of the Mississippi.

Which of these did NOT happen as a result of Jackson's veto of the bank?

The U.S. economy entered the longest period of sustained growth in the century.

Which of the parties of the 1830s was most similar to the original Federalists in urging government support of national economic development?


Up through the 1940s, how did most historians see Jackson?

a champion of farmers and laborers

By the 1830s, political parties were generally regarded as ________.

a desired and essential part of the democratic process

The so-called "corrupt bargain" of 1824 involved ________.

a political deal to determine the outcome of the presidential election

Which portrayal of Andrew Jackson has never entirely gone away in historical interpretations of his career?

champion of the common people

By the early 1800s, many white settlers ________.

concluded that Indians should be removed from the East

Anti-Jacksonian Whigs were opposed to all of the following policies of Jackson EXCEPT ________.

his strong statement at the Jefferson Day Dinner in 1830

Martin Van Buren did all of the following EXCEPT ________.

pass several acts to combat the depression of 1837

Of the following groups, support for the Whigs was weakest among ________.

small western farmers

Under Roger B. Taney, the Supreme Court ________.

softened the prevailing doctrines upholding nationalism and contracts

Settlers in the eastern United States during the 1830s were similar to English colonies before them in that both ________.

sooner or later drove Indians out of their settlements

What was the Webster-Hayne Debate most significantly about?

states' rights and nationalism

Which of these set some parts of the northern boundary of the United States?

the Webster-Ashburton Treaty

The presidential election campaign of 1840 saw ________.

the first influence of the "penny press" in politics

In the 1830 Daniel Webster-Robert Hayne debate, Webster considered Hayne's arguments to be an attack on ________.

the integrity of the Union

Which part of the federal government most supported Indian tribes that wanted to stay in the East?

the judicial branch

As president, John Tyler ________.

was a Whig who was expelled from the party

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