unit 6

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Which country was the first to industrialize in Europe?


Which of Adam Smith's ideals are reflected in the quotation from Emerson?

Government should not play a role in the free market.

Why did Europeans turn to Africa as a source to enslave people for labor in the Americas?

Groups of Indigenous People were exploited and decimated.

The assembly line was perfected by

Henry Ford

What role did crop rotation play in the Agricultural Revolution?

It helped restore nutrients to the soil so crops grew better.

What does the name "New Harmony" suggest about the goals of the community's founder?

It suggests that the founder saw the community as a place of cooperation.

Which statement most accurately describes The Communist Manifesto?

It was a description of the class struggle and the problems caused by capitalism.

Why were factory conditions so bad at the start of the Industrial Revolution?

Laws were not in place to protect workers.

What was the most important role textiles played in the Industrial Revolution?

Machines invented to mass-produce textiles led to other inventions.

What is the difference between manumission and emancipation of the enslaved?

Manumission permitted the slave owner to release a slave on his own terms, while emancipation forced slave owners to legally free the enslaved.

How would life have been different in the 1800s if the steam locomotive had not been invented?

Products would have been more expensive.

Which of the following best describes the impact of labor reform both in the United States and in Great Britain during the 1800s?

Reforms led to gradual improvements in working conditions for everyone.

Communism is the political-economic system created by Lenin in the country of


The man known as "the father of the American Industrial Revolution" is

Samuel Slater.

How were serfs different from enslaved persons?

Serfs worked for their lord's protection, and enslaved persons had no protection.

During the Agricultural Revolution, what was the main advantage of tenant farming rather than moving to the city for work?

Tenant farmers could use a skill they already had rather than starting over.

How did the Reform Act of 1832 affect voter representation in Parliament?

The act gave greater representation to people in cities.

Which describes the connection between a mechanical loom and a cotton gin?

The loom was invented first to increase textile production, and then the gin produced more cotton.

How did banking change in Europe from the 1700s to the 1800s?

The number of private banks sharply increased.

What does the graph demonstrate?

The safety of the mining industry improved as the 1900s progressed.

How could the writer strengthen the claim in this introduction?

by adding supporting evidence

Prior to exploration, enslaved people in Africa were often

captives in war.

Early in the Industrial Revolution, factory owners employed many


Karl Marx was an influential German thinker and revolutionary who pioneered the idea of


The first step in creating an argumentative essay is

developing an opinion.

The body paragraphs in an outline for an argumentative essay should be

divided by a system of letters and numbers.

Maria Stewart, abolitionist and former enslaved person, believed what most harmed enslaved people was lack of


According to Adam Smith, the government should be responsible for

encouraging producers to act in their own self-interest.

In Mesoamerican civilizations, enslaved persons were often

enslaved as punishment for crimes.

What does the prompt ask the writer to do?

establish positions on capitalism and socialism using reasons and evidence

A strong outline for an argumentative essay should include

evidence to support a claim.

In order to accumulate wealth, a country should work to

export more goods than it imports.

In order to stop the spread of industrial technology, Britain

forbade mechanics, engineers, and others from leaving the country.

People who wish to improve their working conditions are most likely to

form unions.

What contributed to poor working conditions for factory workers in the late 1800s? Choose three answers.

fourteen to sixteen hour work days unlivable wages lack of personal protective equipment

Under socialism, prices and wages are set by


What should a writer focus on while editing an argumentative essay? Choose three answers.

grammar punctuation spelling

Based on this graph, it is reasonable to assume that by 1930 the percentage of the population with the right to vote was

greater than in 1918.

Which of these were problems in the Industrial Age? Choose four answers.

high poverty rates poor working conditions crowded cities growing inequality

What started the modern Agricultural Revolution?

improved farming methods

New laws that were passed during the Industrial Revolution helped city residents by

improving the standard of living in cities.

The purpose of a spinning jenny was to

increase the speed of textile production.

By paying low wages, factory owners were able to

increase their profits in a competitive environment.

Both Adam Smith and Ayn Rand would agree that

individuals and businesses want what benefits them the most.

Most socialists believe that the best way to improve society is to

insist that the government protects the interests of workers and consumers.

One way women used their positions in the workforce to demand rights was to

join unions

The purpose of the slave codes was to

legally protect slavery.

In a capitalist system, the government should ____ its role in the economy.


James Watt played an important role in the Industrial Revolution by

making steam engines a reliable power source.

Starting with the Reform Act of 1832, Parliament passed laws in the 1800s that gave voting rights to

most adult males.

The flow chart shows how an argumentative essay should be


An effect of the steamboat's popularity was that

people began to build canals in the United States and Europe.

What is the best definition of the term "cottage industry"?

people who produce goods out of their homes

When revising the voice in an argumentative essay, a writer should make sure it is


At the end of the 1800s, the direct effect of more leisure time was that

popular culture began to grow.

The ultimate goal of mercantilism was to gain greater

power through wealth.

Who owns most farms and factories in a capitalist economy?

private individuals

In a free market, the price of goods is set by


A market that is driven by supply and demand is controlled by

producers and consumers.

Marx and Engels believed the Industrial Revolution had separated people into two separate classes: the bourgeoisie and the


Both Adam Smith and Butters would agree that capitalism

provides individuals with freedom of choice.

A statement that supports a claim in an argumentative essay is called a


Factory owners took steps to prevent unions from forming because they

recognized that unions posed an economic threat.

When workers go out on strike, they are

refusing to work until conditions improve.

The artistic movement that emerged as a result of industrialization was


According to this quote, what motivates most individuals?

sense of self-interest

A modified version of slavery in Europe during the Middle Ages was called


Socialists believe that to improve the lives of the people, the government should

take control of the economy.

When did British leaders begin to talk about the abolition of slavery?

the 1700s

Abolition moved slowly in the US because

the South's economy depended on it.

Which finally abolished slavery in the US?

the Thirteenth Amendment

By 1900, Germany's steel production exceeded all other countries except

the United States.

Urbanization is best described as the

the growth of cities

Which of the following did Samuel Morse invent or improve?

the telegraph

Marx and Engels believed that a communist revolution would defeat capitalism and that the revolution would be led by

the working class.

Before the Agricultural Revolution, many people lived in rural areas because

they could grow food on small areas of land.

Workers were attracted to industrial cities because

they offered workers the opportunity to earn higher wages.

What were goals of Hine in publishing this photograph? Choose three answers.

to draw attention to the dangers of child labor to show how young factory workers could be to get Congress to ban child labor

Prices for products became more affordable as a result of new forms of , which got things to market faster and cheaper.


During the revision phase of an argumentative essay, a writer should focus on

voice, tone, and word choice.

In the 1500s, new trade networks developed that went beyond those established by


How did industrialization spread to the continent of Europe?

British workers secretly brought in textile machinery plans.

Which was a main benefit of industrialization?

Business owners hired the most competent workers.

Based on the graph, what conclusion can be drawn about Germany?

By 1880, Germany had more rail lines than Great Britain and Russia.

Which detail from the excerpt provides the best evidence to support the claim that capitalism is better than socialism?

Capitalism enables human choice.

What conclusion did reformers draw from the list?

Changes were needed to improve working conditions.

The author who described the problems of industrialized England was

Charles Dickens

Which of these developments helped launch the Industrial Revolution? Choose two answers.

Demand for goods increased. Populations grew rapidly.

What does this image show about the enslaved person's transatlantic experience?

Enslaved persons were forced into crowded conditions to carry as many people as possible.

In the Arab world, enslaved people were often


According to Adam Smith, how does self-interest benefit society?

It causes people to seek out high-paying jobs.

What was the biggest effect that new technology had on farm workers?

Many workers lost their jobs.

What effect did the slave trade have on Africa? Choose four answers.

Millions of enslaved Africans were taken to the Americas. Two million Africans died as a result of slave-trading wars. West Africa's population dropped from 25 million to 20 million. African societies and communities were torn apart.

Which of these statements describe life after the Agricultural Revolution? Choose three answers.

Most farmland was controlled by the wealthy. People moved to cities to find work. Landowners put enclosures around land.

What did reformers in the early 1800s claim were problems with the British parliamentary system? Choose two answers.

Only wealthy landowners were allowed to vote. Large cities were not well represented in Parliament.

An important development or discovery in science and medicine due to industrialization was

Pasteur's discovery that disease is spread by bacteria.

How did steam locomotives lower the cost of transporting raw materials and finished goods?

They could transport many materials or goods at once.

Which describes tenant farmers?

They farm land owned by someone else.

Why did factory owners and management often use force against striking workers?

They hoped the use of force would keep workers from joining unions in the future.

At the dawn of industrialization, why were entrepreneurs important to changing economies in Europe? Check all that apply.

They started a number of new businesses. They improved on the available technology. They developed new products and inventions. They invested money in new businesses.

Prior to exploration, which applied to enslaved persons in Africa? Choose three answers.

They were an investment for their owners. They were a sign of their owner's wealth. They worked in agriculture.

According to the excerpt, in what ways did water help England's industrial boom?

Water supplied power and a means of transportation.

What type of essay supports a specific claim or idea?

an argumentative essay

The leader in the British abolition movement was

William Wilberforce.

What labor issue did the commission identify?

Young children were doing manufacturing work in tenement houses.

This statement is best described as

a claim.

After presenting a reason and evidence in an argumentative essay, a writer should present

a counterclaim.

Which best describes a social democracy?

a country where the government controls the economy but allows free elections and other civil liberties

Utopianism is best defined as

a form of socialism based on sharing.

Which best supports the claim that capitalism provides more benefits for individuals than socialism?

a graph showing that people in capitalist societies tend to create more wealth

The middle class that emerged during the Industrial Revolution consisted mainly of

a mix of government officials and skilled workers.

What was New Harmony, Indiana?

a model utopian community

What factor would have most likely prevented the problems that cities faced during urbanization?

a slower transition to industrialization

The body paragraphs of an argumentative essay should include

a strong reason, counterarguments, and a concluding statement that supports the claim.

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