unit 6

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In Watson and Rayner's experiment, the loud noise was the __________ and the white rat was the __________.

. US; CS

In order to obtain a reward a monkey learns to press a lever when a 1000-Hz tone is on but not when a 1200-Hz tone is on.

. discrimination

Online testing systems and interactive software are applications of the operant conditioning principles of :

A. shaping and immediate reinforcement.

postive reinforcement

Adding an appetive stimulus (something desired) to increase the likelihood of a behavior potty trainer

The best example of a biological predisposition to learning is which of the following?

After Ted got sick from eating sushi from the deli, he became nauseous whenever he thought of eating sushi. B

During extinction, the ___________ is omitted; as a result, the __________ seems to disappear.


intristic motivation

a desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake

Condtioned Response

a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus

condtioned stimulus

a previously neutral stimulus; comes to elicit a learned response due to repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus(bell)

Learning is best defined as

a relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience

conditioned reinforcer

a stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer; also known as a secondary reinforcer


a sudden and often novel realization of the solution to a problem

operant conditioning bf Skinner

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher

classical conditioning Ivan polv

a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events


acquiring new and relatively enduring information

antisocial behavior

actions that are deliberately hurtful or destructive to another person

postive punishment

adding an undesirable stimulus to stop or decrease a behavior

uncondtioned response

an automatic response to an unconditioned stimulus (salivation)

emotional focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one's stress reaction

19. For the most rapid conditioning, a CS should be presented:

b. about one-half second before the US

Cognitive processes are:

b. important in both classical and operant conditioning.

The highest and most consistent rate of response is produced by a ____________ schedule.

b. variable-ratio


being able to distinguish between a CS and other irrelevant stimuli

6. Classical conditioning experiments by Rescorla and Wagner demonstrate that an important factor in conditioning is :

c. the predictability of an association.

At a football game, every time the home team scores a touchdown, the person behind you blasts an air horn near your ears, causing you to wince. Unfortunately for you, the home team scores frequently. As the end of the game nears, the home team scores a touchdown, and even though the inconsiderate fan behind you has left, you still wince. The blast of the air horn is a(n)

conditioned response

Tanisha was bitten by a dog. Now she is afraid of every dog she sees

conditioned response

Receiving an allowance every Sunday

fixed interval

a hotel maid may take a 15-minute break after cleaning every 10 rooms

fixed ratio

Leon's psychology instructor has scheduled an exam every third week of the term. Leon will probably study just before an exam and the least just after an exam. This is because the schedule of exams is reinforcing studying according to which schedule?


The "piecework," or commission, method of payment is an example of which reinforcement schedule?


Experiments on taste aversion learning demonstrate that:

for the conditioning of a certain stimuli, the US need not immediately follow the CS.

Mirror neurons are found in the brain's ________ and are believed to be the neural basis for _________.

frontal lobe; observational learning

For operant conditioning to be most effective, when should the reinforcers be presented in relation to the desired response?

immediately after

unconditioned stimulus

in classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally—naturally and automatically—triggers a response. (meat)

In distinguishing between negative reinforcers and punishment, we note that:

in contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a response by the termination of an aversive stimulus.

variable-ratio schedule

in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses

fixed-ratio schedule

in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses

fixed-interval schedule

in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed

negative reinforcement

increasing the strength of a given response by removing or preventing a painful stimulus when the response occurs

After exploring a complicated maze for several days, a rat subsequently ran the maze with very few errors when food was placed in the goal box for the first time. This performance illustrates:

latent learning

observational learning

learning by observing others; also called social learning

associtive learning

learning that certain events occur together

latent learning

learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it

A cognitive map is a

mental representation of one's environment

Sebastian wants to earn an "A" in his biology course but finds it difficult to stay motivated to study every night. His teacher recommends that he surround himself with peers who study regularly to increase his studying behavior. Sebastian's teacher made her recommendation based on the learning concept of


Ray came home past his curfew, so he was not allowed to drive for the following week. He hasn't missed a curfew since.

negative punishment

When Thuy and Gurpreet were running around the living room, they crashed into the Playstation, breaking it. They now carefully walk through the living room.

negative punishment

Because Tameka earned an A in each of her classes, she doesn't have to do her usual chore of vacuuming this month. She's now even more motivated to study.

negative reinforcement

A response that leads to the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is one being

negatively reinforced

In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the tone was initially a(n) ________ stimulus; after it was paired with meat, it became a(n) _________ stimulus.

neutral; conditioned

On an intermittent reinforcement schedule, reinforcement is given:

only some of the time.

Shaping is a(n)____________ technique for ____________ a behavior

operant; establishing

Maria put in extra hours at work helping her boss finish a major project. She received a big bonus for her contributions. She's now looking for other ways to contribute at work.

positive reinforcement

prosocial behavior

positive, constructive, helpful behavior. The opposite of antisocial behavior

Which of the following is the best example of a conditioned reinforcer?

receiving an approving nod from the boss for a job well done

Gayle's teacher wants to increase effective study habits in her students by using negative reinforcement. Gayle's teacher would most likely enforce this by

removing an unpleasant stimulus

instinctive drift

tendency for animals to return to innate behaviors following repeated reinforcement


the ability to control impulses and delay short-term gratification for greater long-term rewards


the diminishing of a conditioned response; occurs in classical conditioning when an unconditioned stimulus (US) does not follow a conditioned stimulus (CS); occurs in operant conditioning when a response is no longer reinforced.

Learn Helplessness

the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events

external locus of control

the perception that chance or outside forces beyond your personal control determine your fate.

shaping behavior

the process of guiding learning in graduated steps using reinforcement or lack of reinforcement

spontaneous recovery

the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response

negative punishment

the removal of a stimulus to decrease the probability of a behavior's recurring


the tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses


the view that psychology (1) should be an objective science that (2) studies behavior without reference to mental processes.

Every time Heather sees a Volkswagen Beetle, she yells "punch bug" and punches her friend in the arm. Now when Heather yells "punch bug," her friend flinches. Heather punching her friend in the arm is a(n):

unconditioned stimulus

primal reinforce

unlearned, satisfies a biological need (food)

In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the meat served as a(n):


someone watches and sees shooting stars on a dark night

variable interval

Buying scratch-off lottery tickets and sometimes winning

variable ratio

Regarding the impact of watching television violence on children, most researchers believe that:

watching violence on television leads to aggressive behavior.

limits on operant conditioning

we most easily learn and retain behaviors that reflect our biological predispositions - natural behaviors are easier to teach than unnatural

In Pavlov's studies of classical conditioning of a dog's salivary responses, spontaneous recovery occurred:

when the CS was reintroduced following extinction of the CR and a rest period.

You teach your dog to fetch the paper by giving him a cookie each time he does so. This is an example of:

A. operant conditioning.

Molly is potty training her daughter, Mia. Every time Mia begins to urinate in her diaper, Molly says the word "bathroom" in the hope that Mia will begin to urinate when she hears this word while sitting on the toilet. Molly's efforts most resemble the studies of

Ivan Pavlov, who studied classical conditioning E

The type of learning associated with Skinner is:

operant conditioning

Which of the following statements concerning reinforcement is correct? a. L

Learning is most rapid with continuous reinforcement, but intermittent reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction.

Albert Bandura

pioneer in observational learning (AKA social learning), stated that people profit from the mistakes/successes of others; Studies: Bobo Dolls-adults demonstrated 'appropriate' play with dolls, children mimicked play

When Olivia makes rude noises at the dinner table, she gets her mouth washed out with soap. She doesn't make rude noises that often anymore.

positive punishment

Little Joey gets yelled at when he acts up in class. Now he's acting up even more.

positive reinforcement

In which scenario does sunblock serve as a conditioned stimulus?

Lowell feels relaxed when he smells sunblock because it reminds him of his vacations at the beach.

Lynda stayed out past her curfew. As a result, her parents revoked her driving privileges. Which of the following statements is true of Lynda's parents?

Lynda's parents are using negative punishment to decrease her behavior of staying out past curfew.

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates stimulus generalization?

Markus was stung by a wasp, and now he is scared of not only wasps but also bees.

internal locus of control

the perception that you control your own fate

problem-focused coping

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor.

Putting on your coat when it is cold outside is a behavior that is maintained by:

C. negative reinforcement.

Applications of Operant Conditioning

Clinical Psychology - dealing with counterproductive behaviors Sports Training - aiding performance Education and Working with Students - improving grades and study habits Business - increasing productivity

6. Operant conditioning is to ___________ as classical conditioning is to ___________.

D. Skinner; Pavlov

In which of the following may classical conditioning play a role?

D. emotional problems the body's immune system helping drug addicts all

17. Which of the following is an example of reinforcement?

D. presenting a positive stimulus after a response b. removing an unpleasant stimulus after a response c. being told that you have done a good job all of the above are example

Punishment is a controversial way of controlling behavior because

D.behavior is not forgotten and may return. punishing stimuli often create fear.. punishment often increases aggressiveness. all of the above reasons.

Which of the following is a form of associative learning?

D.classical conditioning. operant conditioning observational learning all of the abov

2. In promoting observational learning, the most effective models are those that we perceive as:

D.similar to ourselves. respected and admired. successful. any of the above

Which of the following statements is true regarding the application of operant conditioning to learning?

Immediately reinforcing correct responses enhances student learning, because immediate reinforcement has shown to be most effective with regard to learning.

drawbacks of punishment

Mis-used or Over-used: May lead to negative reinforcement of the punisher. Lack of generalization: May lead to decrease in behavior only in the presence of the punisher. May increase or escalate the behavior (provoke aggression). Not always effective in the long term.

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates the acquisition of a fear of snakes?

Randolph's brother frequently startled Randolph whenever he approached a snake, which caused Randolph to develop an intense fear of them.

Which of the following scenarios most accurately describes biofeedback?

Stacy participated in an experiment in which she wore a heart-rate monitor, watched the readout of her heart rate, and received points based on how many beats per minute she reduced her heart rate.

Which of the following is the best example of social learning?

Sydney starts using the same word choices and vocal inflections as members of the popular group at her school.

Rogelio has a number of health problems and would like to avoid medication as much as possible. He is considering biofeedback as an alternative form of treatment. Biofeedback would most benefit which of Rogelio's health problems?

Tension headaches, because Rogelio can use the cues from biofeedback to learn to relax

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