Unit 7: Hitler and the Road to War

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'Living space'

Munich Conference

(29 September 1938) Hitler, Mussolini, Daladier, and Chamberlain discussed the best way to deal with the Czechoslovak solution. They agreed that Germany could take Sudetenland, and that Czechoslovakia shouldn't expect help.

Non-Aggression Pact with Poland

(January 1934)Hitler signed a ten-year non-aggression treaty with Poland. The purpose of the pact was to convince the Poles that Germany had no plans to take back the Polish Corridor and to guarantee Polish neutrality if Germany decided to take action against Austria or Czechoslovakia. It proved to Britain of Germany's peaceful intentions

Saar region

(January 1935)With its valuable coalfields, the Saar region was returned to Germany following a plebiscite of the local people on January 1935. Although the plebiscite had taken place in the line with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler fully exploited the propaganda opportunity it provided to enhance his reputation within Germany. To assure the French of his peaceful intentions, Hitler also claimed that the return of the Saar region put an end to all remaining grievances between Germany and France.

Attempt to create Anschluss

(July 1934) Hitler's intention to force a union between Germany and Austria to create one country and form a greater Germany. With encouragement from the fuhrer, Austrian Nazis staged a revolt and murdered the Austrian chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss. Hitler's troop were ready to enter Austria on the pretext of restoring order, but in the event they were forced to back down when Mussolini sent Italian regiments to the Austrian border. The Anschluss was unsuccessful because Germany did not yet possess the military strength to risk a war against Italy. This gamble failed.


(March 1935) Hitler reintroduced conscription in March 1935 and declared his intention to increase the German army to 600,000 men, 6 times more than the Treaty of Versailles permitted. He signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, which limited the German navy to 35% of the size of Britain's army. This shows how Britain did not follow the Treaty of Versailles. The fact that France and Italy were not consulted only revealed the fragility of the Stresa Front, and Hitler continued to build battleships and create an air force.


(March 1936) Since Hitler's foreign policy was based on a gamble, he would back down whenever he was challenged like the instance of invading Austria being intercepted by Mussolini. In March 1936, Germany invaded the demilitarized Rhineland. Since his troops were definitely not ready for war, Hitler said, "The forty-eight hours after the arch into the Rhineland were the most nerve racking of my life. If the French had marched into Rhineland, we would have had to withdraw with our tails between our legs, for the military resources at our disposal would have been wholly inadequate for even moderate resistance." This indicates how Germany was still recovering from the implications made on the government by the Treaty of Versailles, which limited their army, took land, and weakened their economy, and the Wall Street Crash that made Germany's economy fall and put the world into depression. He also ordered his troops to back down if they met French resistance. Although Britain and France protested vigorously, they did not take any direct action against Germany.


(March 1938) In March 1938, Hitler finally achieved Anschluss with Austria, defying the Treaty of Versailles. The riots ensued by Austrian Nazis, making Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg powerless to control Austria. German troops entered Austria and made it a part of Germany without protest from any other countries.

Results of the invasion of Poland

(September 1939) After Poland was invaded, Germany was allied with the USSR and thought Britain would not act upon their support for Poland. Germany thought Britain would appease, but Britain declared war shortly after.

Reasons why the policy of appeasement was established.

-Both France and Britain were suffering from the effects of the world economic crisis, and neither could afford the costs of rearmament for war with Germany. They had huge debts and high unemployment, and were not strong enough to bear the costs of re-armament.There was great poverty in Britain which they needed to deal with. They needed to make sure that the British's needs were met before they could carry start the war. Because of the economic circumstances, Britain needed to avoid a large-scale conflict such as beginning a war with Germany. Britain did not want to spend large sums of money on the army. -No one in Britain wanted to repeat WWI, as the Spanish Civil War showed that future conflicts would be even worse. -British businessmen and industrialists wanted a resurgence in the German economy since it would restore strong trading links between the two countries. -Many British politicians felt the Treaty of Versailles had been too harsh on Germany and Hitler was addressing genuine grievances. Hitler's work was justified. Most people in Britain at that time were still sympathetic towards Germany and thought that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair and too harsh and that Germany had a right to be treated as a great power. Hence in 1935, they were comfortable with signing the Anglo-German Naval Agreement and when Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland in 1936 -Communism was perceived as a bigger threat, and many politicians felt that Hitler's Germany was a vital buffer against the westward expansion of the Soviet Union. People saw Hitler's Germany was a buffer to the Soviet Union. Many liked the idea of a strong Germany as a protection against the USSR. At that point of time, Hitler was not the only concern of Britain and its allies, but rather the spread of Communism and the dangers that Stalin was bringing to the world. Hitler did not seem to be able to protect countries like Czechoslovakia and Poland, but Stalin's power was perceived to be able to do this. Stalin's communist rule was hated and feared. -Public opinion in Britain was strongly against involvement in another war. There was no desire to repeat the horrors of WW1, while events in Spain had shown that any future conflict would be even worse, which enormous civilian casualties caused by the bombing of major cities. -Some people felt that it wasn't Britain's business to be involved, and others agreed with the Germans -It gave Britain more time to prepare for war. In 1938, the first major appeasement occurred when Hitler was given Sudetenland at Munich. Britain started to plan for war in 1936 and finish in 1940. When the crisis occurred in 1938, Britain's army was not ready. It would not be able to protect all of Britain's territories. Britain desperately needed more time for rearmament. Furthermore, Germany was more prepared, and this was seen in the bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. This clearly showed that if they had indeed gone to war, Britain would probably lose, and it showed what German bombers could have done to Britain if there was a war. -It was thought that by giving concessions to Hitler he could be trusted and it would reduce the chances of war. -France at the time was politically divided and its army was reluctant to act against Germany without British or Italian support.

What were the aims of Hitler's foreign policy? (Be complete and thorough with this one, including the debate of the long-term aims)

-Ending Germany's commitment to the treaty of Versailles -Recovering lost territory (Polish corridor and Saar coalfields) -Developing German army, navy, and air force -Anschluss (Union between Germany and Austria) -Reuniting all German speakers under Germany -Gaining Sudetenland and crushing Czechoslovakia. -Gaining neutrality/support from other nations. -Lebenstraum German dominance and greatness

Agreements with Mussolini

-In 1936, Mussolini signed an agreement with Hitler saying that the axis was a line between Rome and Berlin, around which "all European states which desire peace could revolve." -The Anti-Comintern Pact an alliance between Italy, Germany, and later Japan that formed against the Ussr, whose comintern was regarded as a "menace to the peace of the world." -The Pact of Steel in May 1939 was a formal military alliance between Italy and Germany.

What methods did Hitler use in order to achieve his foreign policy aims prior to the end from 1933 to 1938? Include examples/evidence for each of these methods (there should be at least 7 methods and examples).

1. Claiming to be a peaceful country in need of protection- He argued at the World Disarmament conference in 1933, that they were vulnerable to attacks and should be able to re-arm. 2. To Convince the Poles he did not want to take the Polish Corridor- January 1934, Hitler signed a 10 year non-aggression treaty with poland. (?)3. July 1934, Hitler encouraged Austrian Nazis killed the Austrian Chancellor and were about to move into Austria before Mussolini stopped them. 4. Used acquired land to improve Germany's reputation- January 1935, due to a plebiscite, the Saar region returned to Germany, and Hitler used it as propaganda. 5. Increasing the size of the German army through "in defense"- March 1935, Hitler reintroduced conscription and said that it was because of the increase in the British air force. In June 1935, he signed the Anglo-German naval agreement which limited Germany's navy to 35% of Britain's. 6. Gaining neutrality from other countries- In 1936, Hitler formed the Rome-Berlin Axis which provided him with a fascist ally, Mussolini. 7. Gaining allies- 1937, Hitler signed the Anti-comintern pact with japan. 8. Starts riots in countries and invades them- March 1938, german troops moved in and declared Austria as a part of Germany following riots organized by Austrian nazis.

Nazi-Soviet Pact

A non-aggression pact between Russia and Germany. Disingenuous pact that was made for the time being. Hitler did Stalin did not trust Britain or France. (talk about latvia, balkan states, and )

How is the Anschluss of Austria in 1938 different than if it had been annexed by Germany?

Anschluss of Austria in 1938 is different than if it had been annexed by Germany, because Hitler used violence to take control of Austria instead of adding it on the german territory.

Reasons against appeasement.

Because of Britian and France practicing a policy of appeasement, Germany would be able to get away with doing many things against the treaty of versailles. 1. Appeasement helped Germany and Hitler prepare and start WWII. -Hitler got exactly what he wanted - a union with Austria in March of 1938, territory in the Saar and Rhineland, and he rearmed Germany. -While Germany was not being punished for its actions, it was able to expand its army to 600,000 troops and modernize its weaponry. 2. Hitler deliberately violated the Treaty of Versailles with his actions. -In March 1935, Hitler announced his plans to increase the German army to a strength of 600,000 men- six times higher than what the Treaty of Versailles -In March 1936, German soldiers entered the demilitarized Rhineland (in defiance of both) the Locarno Treaties and the Treaty of Versailles -In March 1938, Hitler finally achieved Anschluss with Austria in clear defiance of the Treaty of Versailles 3. Appeasement encouraged Hitler to be aggressive. -It allowed Hitler to think that he could do anything he wanted, and in this view, it actually aided the cause of the Second World War. It was obvious that with each gamble or risk that Hitler was taking and got away with, in turn encouraged him to take a bigger risk. -The more that was given in to Hitler the more confidence it gave him to take bigger risks to demand more. -Hitler's foreign policy had been based on the assumption that none of the other major European countries would take serious action against him. He quickly backed down in one instance when Mussolini rallied troops to prevent a German invasion. -In March 1936, Hitler decided to take another gamble by entering the demilitarized Rhineland. Knowing his army was not ready for full scale war, he 4. However, appeasement was not justified because only 7% of the British population believed that Hitler would not demand to take over nay other European countries. This meant that 93% of the population thought Hitler would take land that was thought Hitler would take land that was not rightfully German which would inevitably result in war.

What is blitzkrieg and how was it applied by the Germans in Poland and other European countries?

Blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower. German forces tried out the blitzkrieg in Poland in 1939 before successfully employing the tactic with invasions of Belgium, the Netherlands and France in 1940. Large formations moving on tracks and wheels, directed by radios, could rupture an enemy's front and so disorganize it's fear that countermeasures would be paralyzed.

How was the Maginot Line defeated?

During the Battle of France. Instead of attacking directly, the Germans invaded through the Low Countries, bypassing the Line to the north. French and British officers had anticipated this: when Germany invaded Holland and Belgium, they carried out plans to form an aggressive front that cut across Belgium and connected to the Maginot Line. However, the French line was weak near the Ardennes forest, a region whose rough terrain they considered unlikely for the Germans to traverse. The German Army took advantage of this weak point to split the French-British defensive front.The Allied forces to the north were forced to evacuate at Dunkirk, leaving the forces to the south unable to mount an effective resistance to the German invasion of France.

What are the main characteristics of fascism?

Fascism is the political ideology which government is based on extreme authoritarianism and nationalism. Fascists argue that the needs of the nation should outweigh those of individuals. It is theoretically the exact opposite of communism. The characteristics include lack of democracy, totalitarianism, autarky, extreme nationalism, and the use of violence. These are the same points that Mussolini's style of government is. -Lack of democracy- One party was the elíte. -Totalitarianism- state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. -Autarky-a country, state, or society that is economically independent. -Extreme nationalism- Determined to restore its previous power and prestige. -The use of violence- Ensured control and the ability to gain power.

What is genocide?

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a certain ethnicity or nation.

Another name for the Nazi Soviet Pact

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

What is the meaning of pacifism?

Pacifism is the belief that any violence, including war, is unjustifiable and all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.

Who was the Gestapo and how were they used in Nazi Germany?

The Gestapo was Geheime Staatspolizei, Nazi Germany's feared secret police force. The Gestapo's main purpose was to hunt out those considered a threat to Nazi Germany. Gestapo was under the direct control of Heinrich Himmler who controlled all the police units within Nazi Germany. The first head of the Gestapo was Rudolf Diels but for most of its existence, the Gestapo was led by Heinrich Müller. The Gestapo acted outside of the normal judicial process and it had its own courts and effectively acted as judge, jury and frequently executioner.

How did the League of Nations respond when Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931?

The League sent a group of officials led by Lord Lytton to study the problem (this took a year). In February 1933 it ordered Japan to leave Manchuria.Japan refused to leave Manchuria. Instead, Japan left the League. Many countries had important trading links with Japan.The League could not agree on sanctions or even a ban on weapons sales. Britain and France did not want a war, so nothing was done. The Japanese stayed in Manchuria.

What was the purpose of the Maginot Line?

The Maginot Line was line of concrete fortifications, obstacles, and weapon installations that France constructed on the French side of its borders with Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg during the 1930s. The French established the fortification to give their army time to mobilize in the event of attack, and allow French forces to move into Belgium for a decisive confrontation with Germany. -To avoid a surprise attack and to give the alarm -To cover the mobilisation of the French Army (which took between two and three weeks) -To save manpower (France counted 39 million inhabitants, Germany 70 million) -To protect Alsace and Lorraine (returned to France in 1918) and their industrial basin -To be used as a basis for a counter-offensive -To push the enemy to circumvent it while passing by Switzerland or Belgium -To hold the enemy while the main army could be brought up to reinforce the line -To show non-aggressive posture, and compel the British to help France if Germany invaded Belgium -To push Belgium into the war, by leaving it open to an attack from Germany


The refusal to make any serious moves against Hitler's foreign policy.

How did the Nazi-Soviet Pact benefit Germany?

They could attack Poland without the USSR interfering. Also, Germany could keep half of Poland.

How did the Nazi Soviet Pact benefit the Soviets?

They had time to build up their army in preparation of a war against Germany, and got half of Poland.

What role did Winston Churchill play in Great Britain after the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany?

Winston Churchill was a leading advocate for British rearmament. He criticized Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement towards the Nazis, and considered the Munich agreement to be a major defeat. Shortly after the start of WWII, he became the Prime Minister of Britain, and boosted morale during a time when Britain still had a policy of appeasement. Churchill also worked with Roosevelt and Stalin in creating the allied strategy for WWII, and after the breakdown of the alliance, he alerted the west of the expansional threat of the soviet Union.

Germany in 1920s

broke and bitter

What is a collaborator (in the context of war)?

to cooperate, usually willingly, with an enemy nation, especially with an enemy occupying one's country:

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