Unit 7 Reading Checks

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The terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848), ending the Mexican War, included a) United States payment of $15 million for the cession of Northern Mexico b) United States annexation of all the territory south of the Rio Grande c) a guarantee of the rights of Mexicans living in New Mexico d) the banning of slavery from all territory ceded to the United States

a) United States payment of $15 million for the cession of Northern Mexico

The most powerful opponents of the annexation of Texas were the ___. a) conscience Whigs b) radical abolitionists c) states' rights Democrats d) southern mountain whites

a) conscience Whigs

most American leaders believed that the only way to maintain control of the new Pacific Coast was to a) construct a transcontinental railroad b) build a string of military forts across the West c) grant the territories quick statehood d) establish naval bases at San Diego and Puget Sound

a) construct a transcontinental railroad

The election of 1844 was notable because a) it was fought over the issue of expansionism b) a genuine and clear mandate emerged c) James K. Polk won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote d) the campaign raised no real issues

a) it was fought over the issue of expansionism

in the 1840s, the view that God had ordained the growth of an American nation stretching across North America was called a) manifest destiny b) the pacific rim strategy c) continentalism d) divine mandate

a) manifest destiny

The Wilmot Proviso, introduced into Congress during the Mexican War, declared that a) slavery would be banned from all territories that Mexico ceded to the United States b) no further Mexican territory could be annexed to the United States c) slavery in the territories would be determined by democratic vote d) the Mexican Cession should be carved into and equal number of slave and free states

a) slavery would be banned from all territories that Mexico ceded to the United States

Stephen A. Douglas's plans for deciding the slavery question in the Kansas-Nebraska scheme required the repeal of the a) Wilmot Proviso b) Missouri Compromise c) Compromise of 1850 d) three-fifths provision of the Constitution

b) Missouri Compromise

In the Compromise of 1850, Congress determined that slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories was to be a) banned until the territory applied for statehood b) decided by popular sovereignty c) decided upon by Congress after a ten year cooling off period d) legal in New Mexico but prohibited in Utah

b) decided by popular sovereignty

Arrange in chronological order the United States' acquisition of (A) Oregon, (B) Texas, and (C) California. a) ACB b) BCA c) BAC d) ABC

c) BAC

What was ominous for the nation's future about the sharp decline of the Whig Party after the election of 1852? a) it meant the end of any antislavery representation in the party system b) it led to a new era of one-party rule by the Democrats c) it meant the demise oft a two-party system in which both parties were national, and the rise instead of purely sectional political alignments d) it meant the end of support for internal improvements and a strong financial system

c) it meant the demise oft a two-party system in which both parties were national, and the rise instead of purely sectional political alignments

The South grew increasingly worried about the future of slavery because a) the Supreme Court might issue rulings agains slavery b) it was unsuited to the West c) the admission of California might permanently tip the political balance against them d) popular sovereignty would almost certainly prevent the spread of slavery

c) the admission of California might permanently tip the political balance against them

the most alarming aspect of the Compromise of 1850 to northerners was a) the possible expansion of slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories under "popular sovereignty" b) continuation of the interstate slave trade c) the new Fugitive Slave Law d) the continuation of slavery in the District of Columbia

c) the new Fugitive Slave Law

During the debate in Congress over President Polk's requested congressional declaration of war against Mexico, the Polk administration was frequently called on by ____ to respond to "spot resolutions", demanding to know where American blood had been shed to provoke the war. a) Thomas Hart Benton b) Henry Clay c) Stephen Kearney d) Abraham Lincoln

d) Abraham Lincoln

All of the following were legacies oof the US war with Mexico, except a) it reinvigorated the slavery issue and debates about extending slavery in the territories and newly admitted states in the United States b) the war resulted in a negative turning point in the US relations with Latin America c) Mexicans have never forgotten that the US tore away about half of their country d) Latin America solidified their friendly relations with the US government

d) Latin America solidified their friendly relations with the US government

Britain was intensely involved with the Republic of Texas because a) Texas threatened British influence in Central America and northern South America b) an independent Texas provided a check on Mexican power c) British slave traffickers were looking for new areas to expand their trade d) Texas could be an important alternative source of cotton

d) Texas could be an important alternative source of cotton

the public generally like popular sovereignty because it a) provided a national solution to the problem of slavery b) upheld the principles of white supremacy c) offered a way to stop the spread of slavery without attacking slaveholders d) fit with the democratic tradition of self-determination

d) fit with the democratic tradition of self-determination

The Free Soil Party of 1848 included many northerners who opposed slavery's expansion in the territories because a) it would be an opening wedge to end slavery in the South b) slave labor would be unproductive in the West c) it might break up the Union d) it destroyed the chances of free white workers to rise up from wage-earning dependence

d) it destroyed the chances of free white workers to rise up from wage-earning dependence

a major argument against annexing Texas to the United States was that a) it could involve the country in ruinous wars wth Britain and France b) it would lead to tensions and possible war with Mexico c) it would be better to retain an independent Texas as a buffer state d) it would add strength to the southern "slave power"

d) it would add strength to the southern "slave power"

which group generally opposed the principle of popular sovereignty as a means for deciding the status of slavery in new territories a) the public b) politicians c) northern democrats d) northern abolitionists

d) northern abolitionists

Stephen A. Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in Kansas-Nebraska Territory be decided by a) Congress at the time of application for statehood b) the Supreme Court c) making Kansas a slave territory and Nebraska a free territory d) popular sovereignty

d) popular sovereignty

Undoubtedly the most durable offspring of the Kansas-Nebraska blunder was a) the resurgence of the Whig political party b) the death of the Democratic political party c) a constitutional amendment banning slavery in any new territories d) the new Republican political party

d) the new Republican political party

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