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What did Britain do in an attempt to keep its industrial secrets from the U.S.?

Britain forbids Engineers, Mechanics, Toolmakers to leave the country. Tries to keep their Industrial Secrets. Temporary Closed door policy; Knowledge blockade

What is an entrepreneur?

a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business. A person that takes a risk when getting the factors of production together

What is a labor union?

associations formed by laborers to work for change, negotiate for better pay and working conditions. Labor reform, Collective bargaining

What is a strike?

call for a work stoppage, Members of a union

What is laissez-faire economics?

economic policy of Government not interfering with business. Hands Off.

Define socialism.

factors of production owned by and operated by the people, Socialist think government control can end poverty, and bring equality.

Define the term Industrial Revolution?

increased output of machine made goods that began in England in the middle 1700s.

What is the name of voluntary associations of workers working for labor reform?


List an example of a Utopian Community?

A community where everything is perfect. New Harmony India (ideal place)

Explain Communism?

A society where people own, share, the means of production. Property would cease to exist. All goods and services are shared equally. Two separate classes(have+have nots) have nots rise up and overthrow the haves and create a dictatorship of the proletarian Government controls everyday life

Who wrote Wealth of Nations? What did it defend?

Adam Smith-defender of free markets = laissez-faire

List the issues/problems created by industrialization. List the things (policies, laws, procedures, organizations) that were created in response to these issue.

Children working, no safety laws, no fire codes, no minimum wage, pollution, education. British, U.S. Laws passed to stop the worst abuses of industrialization. 1842 Mines Act in Britain stops children women from working underground. In 1847, workday for women, children limited to 10 hours in Britain. U.S. Ends child labor, sets maximum hours in 1904.

List ways in which society did not improve early in the industrial revolution.

Cities became overcrowded, there was no law enforcement, now fire codes or departments, and a class divide developed, pollution, bad sanitation. Lower class peasant laborers had the worst

How did landowners and aristocrats of the industrial revolution view the new middle class?

Emerging middle class looked down on because they weren't seen as equal by land owners, aristocrats. Old money New Money

Where did industrialization begin?


List reform movements that came about during the industrial revolution?

Fight for Women's Rights, The Abolition of Slavery, hourly and age limited labor laws. Abolition=abolition of slavery Education reform

List technological break troughs in the textile industry.

Flying shuttle. P285, Spinning Jenny, Water Frame, Spinning Mule, Cotton gin

What was the main cause of urbanization?

Industrial Cities Rise, rise of population

How did crop rotation during the agricultural revolution increase crop yields?

It was able to replenish the soil of nutrients that was robed by the plant planted before it.

List technological break troughs of the agricultural revolution.

Jethro Tull's Seed drill, Crop rotation-three field system, Wheat-turnips-barley-clover, Breeding methods improve livestock and yields, enclosures

What English city that we studied in section 2 was a great example of industrialization? Explain.

Manchester, it was already laid out in the book and it had all the factors of production.

Karl Marx is most often associated with what political idea? Explain this idea.

Marxism society where people own, share, the means of production. Property would cease to exist. All goods and services are shared equally(Communism) Communist = Marxism

List the results of the agricultural revolution.

New technology, Jethro Tull's Seed drill, Crop rotation, three field system Wheat-turnips-barley-clover, Breeding methods improve livestock and yields, Improved farming leads to mushroom in population, More demand Rise of Industry Increase in crop yields, growth in population, urbanization.

Did life expectancy of the average worker increase during the early industrial revolution?

No, Life expectancy dropped to about the age seventeen.

In the 1700s the process of enclosure tended to increase what?

Size of the farms and the technology developed to farm.

List technological break troughs in transportation.

Steam Engine-James Watt 1774 Robert Fulton builds steamboat Clermont 1807 Inland channels and canals. Road transport-McAdam's layered rock for roads. Steam driven locomotives. The Rocket-George Stephenson. Liverpool-Manchester railroad.

Where was the best place to find a water frame and a spinning mule during the industrial revolution?

Textile factory

What was the process of enclosure?

Wealthy land owners bought up land and fenced in land with fences or hedge rows.(agriculture revolution) Crop rotation started because of, to increase crop yields

What was the benefit of being a stockholder in a corporation?

limited ownership that limited possible debt and profit Not personal liable for all debt

What is collective bargaining? Who does it involve?

negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by a union. Agreement between employees(union) and Employer

What are the 3 factors of production?

resources needed to produce goods and services the industrial revolution required. (LAND/LABOR/CAPITAL)

What was the first major industry to undergo industrialization?


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