Unit 9 IDs + PART 2 DONE

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Terrorism was the work of islamist extremists in the middle east, angry with American interference such as the overthrow of Iran, the Iraq/Iran wars, support for Israel during the Six Day or Yom Kippur War. They saw Americans as a colonial force, reminiscent of decades of colonialism before. They also hated western culture and capitalism. pg1024 1990s-2019 Detail: USS cole was bombed in act of terrorism. . Significance(Continuity) . Why: Terrorism continues to be a prevalent force throughout the world, from The taliban developed Al Queada, from the Al Quada, developed ISIS and radicalization training camps. This demonstrates that terrorism has existed for generations and most likely will not be away anytime soon. . How: In a modern world, terrorism has devoped and morphed into something incredibly dangerous and incredibly powerful. The internet has proved to be a valuable way that terrorists radicalize and spread their beliefs.


19 AL Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 planes and attacked the Twin Towers, The White House(attempted), and the Pentagon. The planes were used as suicide vessels. pg1026 2001. Detail: Osama Bin Laden was the leader and orchestrate of this massive terrorist attack. He was eventually chased into Pakistan where he hid out for many years before Obama sent in a SEAL team to kill him. Significance(Change) How: 9/11 was a shocking event that influenced the American people to go to war however after that we can see how it became much less of a national shock and more of a memoriam for those we have lost and the dedication to work harder to provide a safer future for America through domestic things like the TSA and Airline security. Why: The 9/11 Memorial today in New York stands as a clear example of how we should remember those we have lost but still work towards a greater future. It symbolizes American unity and the will to move on. Though 911 is still celebrated of course around the world in memoriam every single year Americans have moved on to bigger and more important things that define our future.

Multipolar world

A Multipolar world was defined as not a bipolar world(where it was just the USA and SU that controlled two contrasting powers in the world, and everything else was organized around this relationship), rather with other countries rising a multipolar world formed with Europe, Japan, China, USA, India, and Brazil. Pg1005 1990s Detail: The formation of the European Union was an excellent example of how an emerging independent power was being created. This meant that the United States and Soviet Union weren't the only superpowers in town. There were other players now. Significance(Continuity) How: This is a continuity that has not changed much and probably will not in the next centuries the fact that Russia the United States China and other smaller but not a significant countries are the polar forces throughout our world will not change because of the fact that throughout all of history smaller groups will always tend to join into bigger groups. Why: For example the European Union was a legitimate polar power however their fracturing led to their downfall. As we can look at the European Union it is a collection of small country much like how the United States has a collection of small states. Polar forces will always exist throughout the world because small countries or groups will always try and join a bigger one.

Family values

A continuous trend from the 50's, Family Values essentially meant strict gender roles, no work for female, nuclear family, christianity, and no corrupt stuff such as sex, drugs, or pornography. The religious right strongly supported this. pg996 1988 Detail: Indiana senator Dan Quayle was selected to enforce this by Bush. Dan Quayle was meant to enforce family values through strong morals and also political policies that would promote conservative family values. Significance(Change) How: Family values were once extremely conservative and seen as necessary for the conservative foundation to work their arguments, however in the times since their base has slowly eroded away into more economic issues. Why: Family values were once seen ideally as the nuclear family, but now they are more accepting, such as gay families or single mothers or fathers. For example, Modern Family, a widely loved tv series, includes a gay couple as an ideal family, demonstrating incredible change in the perception of family values.

War on Terror

A declaration to combat terrorism, specifically Al Qaeda in the Middle East after 9/11. This included large scale air warfare, and a main objective was to capture bin laden. He however would elude the United States until 2012. pg1026. 2001-2010 Detail: Bush initiated this war on terror amid a wave of nationalistic anger after 9/11. Thousands of young men joined the army in hope of retaliation and revenge. Significance(Change) How: Why the war on terror happened under President Bush's Administration Obama severely pulled back on how we would execute the war of Terror afterwards. Obama's administration worked to Lobby against intervention in the Middle East because we did not gain any results from invading Iraq. The American people were also tired of War Why: pulling out of the Middle East has proven to become a good domestic and foreign policy that has prevented the United States from encouraging anymore unnecessary war in the necessary deaths. However recently many people have wanted us to go in combat Isis which took over Lebanon in other areas which was not good at all for many people. However concerning this we can see that even though we have come far in going to war and coming back from war we most likely will not return to war because of Obama's massive changes.

Leveraged buy-outs

A leveraged buy out was when a person used borrowed money to buy a company, remodel it to make that company seem to be really profitable and promising, then sell it for an even higher price. This embodied ideals of money greed and corruption. p989 1970s Detail: Ivan Boesky captured the essence of greed when he encouraged Wall Street Stockbrokers to utilize this method, saying that,"greed is good." Significance(Comparison) How: Leveraged buyouts were extremely unethical and ambitious ways to earn money through the stock market particularly through the housing system. However we can compare this to the way that people gamble. This is essentially the same thing and gambling is rampant throughout the United States one of the countries where we openly allow gambling and its negative effects. Why: Gambling allows people to lose their lives and also build lies and it is the embodiment of corruption and greed. In places such as Las Vegas we can see how leveraged buyouts strongly resemble the way that people bet gambling.

Multinational corporations

A rapid increase of offices and factories throughout the world, originally based from the United States. Common examples were Walmart, Apple, McDonald, and many more. These organizations literally just spread all over the world. pg1010 1990s Detail: A great example of a multinational corporation would be apple, who has become prominent in thousands of countries, notably China. Their influence can also be compared to McDonalds were many people can recognize the symbol anywhere in the world. Significance(Continuity) How: Multinational corporations continue to be one of the biggest expanding things throughout our world. One great example of how multinational corporations are continuing to influence American society is the fact that Google now owns practically everything from Instagram to Facebook to Snapchat. Why: This also creates the danger of the fact that when we allow corporations to control everything in our lives all around the world we may eventually become machines like in The Matrix that everything that they do controls our lives and we have no individuality. This is a legitimate Danger from the danger of multinational corporations.


A system meant to combat the strict communist structures established within the Soviet Union, to move towards a more market-based economy that was somewhat capitalist. It was a bold move within Russia that would lead to the eventual fall of the Soviet Union. Pg998 1990s Detail: Mikhail Gorbachev was the creator and main proponent of this policy. Significance(Comparison) How: We can examine how perestroika was meant to enforce or encourage more capitalism throughout the world however wheels on you to acknowledge the fact that count to lizum does not always mean the best treatment for its citizens. For example dictatorships capitalist fastest nations are capitalist, therefore we can examine the fact that even if places like North Korea fell it would still become a capitalist Nation with a dictatorship Why: tell you truly communist countries remain except North Korea and others we can examine the fact that despite all of this I need to become capitalist will always exist throughout the world. For centuries the Soviet Union during to become capitalist and eventually they did this event since the fact that capitalism will always work through and perestroika will always exist.

Technology revolution

Apple and Microsoft pioneered the very first personal computers which were open to public use and were meant to be easy to use and efficient. Models became smaller and faster and far more popular, and as these tech companies boomed more tech companies appeared spurring on intensive investing and profits. Pg989 1980s Detail: Steve Jobs was one of the most important pioneers of computer technology, first having the vision to create a computer that was usable by ordinary people. Significance(Continuity) How: The Technology Revolution was able to propel the United States into an era of technological domination and leadership throughout the world. Our tech companies were the first to create small mobile devices and with that, the world continually follows after our developments. Samsung routinely follows the leadership of Apple, and other companies throughout the world follow american companies. Why: By understanding how America was the number one leader of technology throughout the world, we can see how we have influenced other countries. China's number one industry is technology, they create and distribute cellphones throughout the world. Cellphones have become an unfortunate part of terrorism as well, and the rise of technology within america was an integral part of their development.

Velvet Revolutions

As the soviet system which had dominated russia and the surrounding satellite states began to show its flaws, satellite states began a series of peaceful but effective uprisings that were not oppressed by the Russian regime. All the uprisings were peaceful, such as in Poland or the coming down of the Berlin wall. When this happened, they were able to eliminate communism effectively. pg994 1970-1980s Detail: Gorbachev, unlike stalin allowed the revolutions to occur, which was incredibly important as without Gorbachev's leniency the Soviet Union likely would have continued. Significance(Comparison) How: The Velvet Revolution was a group of Revolutions in Europe that fought back against communism in successfully eradicated a large oppressive force that has kept down many small nations were sentries. We can compare this to North Korea in the way that people routinely are pressed however they do not fight back and they do not have any success in fighting back against their oppressors. Why: Just as we supported the small Nations oppressed by the Soviet Union back then then attempted to gain their freedom wheat they also support North Korea and trying to get them to free their people and not oppress them so much. However one comparison is at our efforts have not worked while the European Union figured itself out.


As the soviet union finalized its downfall, several small countries in europe, recovering from years of soviet oppression, emerged from the chaos. These small countries began to redefine themselves in the new post cold war world. The creation of new nations was also spurred on by the formation of alliances between these nations. Pg1023 1990s Detail: A significant formation of nations that occurred was the European Union, which is incredibly significant as it continues to operate until today. Out of the chaos of oppression as soviet satellite states, these countries formed into a European economic power for the first time. Significance(Comparison) How: Balkanization was the process in which small countries came apart from a bigger Union. You can compare this today to the fracturing of the European Union which has unfortunately due to the brexit both become incredibly stressful to Europe. Theresa May's main leadership of the United Kingdom has played a large role in the development of brexit. Why: Balkanization and the European union demonstrates the fact that whenever large groups of countries come together, the result desired is not always achieved. So it is eventually a possibility that one day the united states may eventually fracture due to the immense differences between liberal and conservative states.


Created by Mikhail Gorbachev, this was an ideal that meant openness, and was meant to break down the rigid structures of communism, communicate with USA diplomatically and openly, and and eliminate missiles. It essentially meant a different type of detente. Pg993 1980s Detail: Mikhail was the key creator of this. Without him, the cold war may not have lessened in tension as it did. Significance(Change) How: While glasnot was initiated for the benefit of Russia Breaking away from the European Union and forming its own new country that was largely capitalist and democratic, it did not continue. The openness that was once promised eroded into a darkness that we face today in Russia. Why:The 2016 election was dominated by rumors that russia had intervened in the American election to assist donald trump. This resurfaced cold war tensions between the United States and Russia, and Putin was unable to restore glasnot and was incredibly ambigious about the accusation.

Deficit (1980-2000)

Due to Reaganomics and the idiot Stockman, deficits began to roar upwards during Reagan's administration due to the fact that the economic program was not working but it had already been passed. Trickle down theory was not working, we had not cut any government services, we had increased military funding, and taxes were cut, leading to the united states to have a massive debt. pg983 1980-2000 Detail: Stockman was the creator of the idea of various economic policies which were conservative based and meant to cut taxes and the welfare state, while producing great profits. It did not work and was very terrible outcome. Significance(Continuity) How: Continuity demonstrates the way that people are able to see that government spending will remain to be a necessity, and regardless of reasons, whether for military reasons or for domestic government interventions, money must be spent for the american people. Why: The debt has become far more acceptable in the years since, but what is more controversial is the reasons for the debt. For example, would the money be used for military reasons or for domestic things like Obamacare. The importance of these things has much more value in this day and age.

Reaganomics / Supply-side economics

Essentially, increase production and therefore supply of goods and products, and also built off of the idea of supply side economics which emphasized investment in productive enterprises. You gotta reduce taxes paid by corp. and rich, who could use that money to built their businesses that provide jobs. This was seen as to boost the country. Pg982 1970s Detail: Jack Kemp advocated low taxes and supply-side policies through his career and therefore supported Reagan. Significance(Comparison) How: This is an important comparison because Reaganomics can be compared to the way that Trump these days is actually lessening restrictions and taxes on big businesses throughout the United States. This is extremely reminiscent of the exact political strategy that Republicans implemented during that time era. Why: One of the main reasons why Democrats hated T regulation was the fact that they did not believe that it would help people if we've deregulated the supplies of money throughout our world. However Republicans support this and always have as evidenced by the fact that even though they're supporting the exact same economic principle that was discredited 40 years ago.


Globalization was the knowledge that the global economy was influenced and affected by countries, and was ever shifting and changing. It was the realization that America was essentially connected economically with several other countries throughout the world. It spread capitalism around the world, trade, commerce, and communication. pg1004 1990s Detail: The World Trade Organization was where the most profound effects of awareness were felt, as due to instant communication, trades could be made instantly and capital literally could fly around the world as economies shifted and was influenced by surrounding economies. Significance(Continuity) How: As is much other stuff happening in this era, Continuity allows us to understand the fact that while Americans have expanded their global economic influence over other countries, they also expanded their cultural influence as time went on. THis can be seen in the way that movies and film, common ways that people relate to one another, are especially prevalent for American films in China despite the Chinese government attempting to limit the number of films there each year. Why:We as a world have become not only more global but more culturally global, incredibly influencing other countries with american culture such as music and film. America, or more specifically, California and LA, are incredible centers of culture and music, film, and literature. Their reach throughout the world are incredible.

Strategic Defense Initiative (aka Star Wars)

It was a fake system of satellites and starships positioned around the United States meant to incite space warfare with the russians should they send nuclear weapons at America. This essentially bankrupted the soviet union and won the cold war. pg992 1980s Detail: Reagan utilized his acting skills and ability to convey a vibe onto the american people to strike fear deep into the heart of the soviet union, making them bankrupt as they never suspected that Reagan was scamming them the entire time. Significance(Continuity) How: The Strategic Defense Initiative AKA Star Wars was a way that the United States essentially scammed the Soviet Union into pouring funding into creating a weapon system that was not at all a reality. We can see discontinuity in American politics today as practically all politics is lying. Why: For example recent problems such as the Mueller probe or other Russian status scandals involving election intervention demonstrates the fact that Americans are very untruthful in their practices and probably will be for ever.


Multiculturalism was defined as a salad, that instead of everyone assimilating to become the same, people held onto their own unique traditions and cultures but still believed in overall american beliefs and values. This was a rapidly emerging ideal that came with the intensifying of immigration into the United States. Pg1015. 1990s. Detail: Affirmative Action was seen as a negative aspect of multiculturalism, where minorities were treated better than majorities. People believed that this was unfair. Significance(Continuity) How: Definition of multiculturalism was never a positive one. Even as we changed our ideas from Melting Pot to salad people always never accepted those who are different from us and use those differences to create fear and incite terrorism. Therefore this is a continuity because in today's world where we have white supremacy things have not changed that much and probably will not for a long time. Why: The events of Charlottesville Virginia and Vince the fact that multiculturalism simply does not work in a country that is ironically built around multiculturalism itself. White supremacist anger and hatred toward those that they feel are different. Some African Americans feel this hatred back which is completely understandable but does not help the issue of racism and violence in general.

Personal computer

Originally, computers were created for military purposes and were incredibly huge and difficult to maintain. However, with the tech revolution, personal computers such as the Mac became incredibly powerful, easy to use, and actually affordable, and people began to use them for business and also leisure. p989 1980s Detail: Bill Gates envisioned a world where personal computers could be placed on the desks of nearly every person in the world, and through this he did eventually accomplish his dream. Significance(Change) How: Personal computer was very influential in developing American politics and technology and people in general with the ability to access information and complete tasks that would have taken a long time before. However an important acknowledgement is a fact that computers have become in smaller. Very small. Very very small. Why: Examples of small technology include the Apple watch smart watches smart phones and things I've have become incredibly small the still able to communicate throughout the world and access the internet.

Partisanship (1980-2000)

Partisanship meant the increasing divide between republicans and democrats and their willingness to work with each other, further creating the inability to cooperate and be productive. This was largely spurred on by News Programs that favored political sides and dramaticized politics. This trend continues to today to the maximum, taking a strong hold on our society and pervading into media. pg1020 1980-2019. Detail: Fox News is famously partisan, favoring republican conservatives and pushing their agenda almost like propaganda. President Trump has been supported by Fox countless times. Significance(Continuity) How: Today partisanship continues at a phenomenal rate, where we can see a deep divide between democrats and republicans concerning the Mueller probe and the incredible distrust toward republicans after accusations of Russian intervention into the 2016 election. Why: This distrust can be incredibly harmful to the american government and people as it rips apart connections and weakens us. When our government is unable to work together and be productive, it can also result in government shut downs and overall american inabilities to function effectively.

Moral Majority

Played an instrumental role in the resurgence of the republican party with Reagan at it's head for conservative values. They secured voters, wanted to get rid of abortion, no prayer, and needed death penalties, they also wanted to prevent busing. They embodied the family values idea. P982 1970s Detail: Falwell created the group, and was the major proponent of how it would support Reagan, the resurgent conservationists who were rapidly regaining popular support. Significance(Change) How: the more majority was as the foundation that the right lean upon and based upon everything that they did to try and benefit their own economic and political goals. However we can see that this changed in the way that after times of 2010 when the right was not as popular we were able to understand that the Moral Majority was shifting that morality was meant more towards understanding and accepting homosexuals instead of condoning them. People who attacked and spread hatred were seen as immoral and these ironically were the exact people that would have been considered a Moral Majority a little more than a decade ago Why: the definition of good shifts from country to country but in America in the country that legalized gay marriage and allows many practices to go on both good and bad morality is now considered to be the acceptance of love over hatred and the way that we accept one another because we are all Americans and we are all in this together.

Reagan Democrats

Reagan Democrats were democrats who were attracted to the ideals of Reagan conservatives, typically blue collar workers, Catholics, no welfare, no feminists, no antiwar, people living in mostly industrialized areas. pg982 1970s Detail: People such as Bill Clinton, who were democratic, but were moderately liberal and still walked a line between conservatism and welfare state, would have listened to the ideals of Reagan Democrats. For Example, Clinton tried to cut many welfare programs. Significance(Comparison) How: Reagan democrats were Democrats supported the President Reagan. However an important distinction was the fact that they were Democrats which typically was not a thing for Democrats to do to support Ronald Reagan. We can see change in this in the way that people typically are very partisan in their support now. For example all Republicans voted for Trump and all Democrats voted for Hillary. However there are certain distinctions Why: Reagan democrats was a significant historical Trend requiring an ID term because of the fact that Democrats have never gone in support of Reagan in such numbers. these days people typically support their Democratic party in partisan manners.

Reagan Coalition

Reagan's followers who typically composed of protestant well off (often southern) white voters, who believed in balanced budgets, no government interference, fight communism, and also wanted strong border and space defense. They wanted to stop social welfare. pg981 1970s Detail: The Reagan Coalition would have included people such as Donald Trump, because it propagated tax cuts for wealthy business owners. Trump would have loved this. Significance(Change) How: The Reagan Coalition was a collection of people who support a conservative ideals throughout the world it brought together several different types of people but all toward the main General Goal supporting Ronald Reagan in his conservative group. Change power Brokers in the fact that ever since the election of Ronald Reagan and times afterwards the Reagan Coalition has never been as strong. Even the election of Donald Trump was by different groups were competing for power. Why: An important part of why Reagan was so influential in rallying the group together was the fact that he himself was a very charismatic and likable person. People such as Donald Trump acquire the logging of others around him to get people to support him because his own Charisma is not enough in his own reputation is not as powerfu An important part of why Reagan was so influential in rallying the group together was the fact that he himself was a very charismatic and likeable person. People such as Donald Trump require the logging of others around him to get people to support him because his own Charisma is not enough in his own reputation is not as powerful.

European Union

The European Union was a formation of nations from Western Europe comprised of 20 states. They had a single currency and was a problem for americans as they could now compete with them. 1990s. Pg1008. Detail: The Fall of The Berlin Wall was one of the clockwork pieces along with Balkanization that allowed the formation of the European Union, as Germany was united once again and joined the EU. Significance(Change) How: The European Union was made to create peace and teamwork among european unions recovering from the wars and oppression of the soviet union. However, in the years afterwards, we can see how their fracturing and inability to work with one another is caused by a fundamental differences in ideas and how they each interpret their powers as europeans. Why: Brexit initiated the UK out of the European Union due to the fact that they did not agree with the Union and saw their policies as against their own goals. As Britian is the largest member of the EU, their leaving has a severe impact on the rest of the Union. Economic impacts are most severe.

Gay rights movement (1980-2000)

The Gay Rights Movement gained ground slowly but steadily throughout this time period, seriously hammered however, by events such as the AIDs crisis, where Conservatives actually did very little to help gays who were suffering from the disease. Other obstacles included military discrimination against gays, and this all slowed their progress toward equal rights. p985 1980-2000 Detail: Don't ask Don't tell, was a discriminatory act against gays in the military. This demonstrated how even during times of a Democratic, such as Clinton, there was still heavy opposition against gay rights and privileges. Obama would eventually fix this later. Significance(Change) How: Massive change has occurred for the Gay Rights Movement within the United States, as we have been able to achieve massive strides such as the legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states. Gays are now openly accepted in culture, society, and especially in media representation, for example, Modern Family, which accounts for a gay family. Religiously however, as that playing field has always been complicated and conversational, gays are still not openly accepted in many religions. Why: Gay rights has been one of the most controversial, yet successful movements within the United States, and a large part of this had to do with the willingness of straight people to accept gays. Though there would always be the ones oppose gay marriage such as deep conservatives, it was a victory that was shared with straight Americans that supported the rise of gay rights. The willingness to love and accept all people is what has redefined this nation into a place where people are all truly welcomed.

Great Recession

The Great Recession was the worst economic recession since the Great Depression. Banks, Businesses, Companies, were all failing. Americans lost jobs. Housing prices dropped. pg1030 2007-8 Detail: President Obama made fixing the Great Recession a central goal in his presidency, for example, in his inaugural address he mentioned the recession multiple times. Significance(Change) How: The Great Recession was caused by a time of excessive speculation into the housing market and the belief that we would all be able to get rich through the flipping of houses. However, we can see change in this that Americans, ever since that terrible recession, have been able to be cautious about how we spend money on investments. We have not had any large scale recessions ever since, though no one was caught or punished for the crisis. Why: The Great Recession demonstrated that even in times of economic profits we will always be more cautious about the way that we spend money and invest in the stock market. Though the Great Depression was incredibly influential in affecting American politics after the 1930s they were Great Recession of 2008 was successful in causing Americans to rethink the way that they invested.

Internet / World Wide Web

The Internet was a creation that allowed a virtual platform of communication, information, and distribution through personal computers. It played a large role in the globalization of the United States. Initially it was created for military purposes. Pg1004 1990s Detail: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were pioneers in the creation of the computer, which allowed the access to the internet. Without computers, there never would have been able to allow private citizens to access the internet. Significance(Change) How: The creation of the internet globalize the way that we share information to all the people around the world. However in the times afterwards we were able to successfully turn the internet into something so much more. Politics news technology information is all spread through the internet and now I can reach practically any person who has a small mobile device. Why: The fact that the internet can influence so many people with such little resources required demonstrates how humans in general have a higher standard of living this higher standard of living includes the way that we can influence technology and use it to our advantage and communicate with one another as humans which essentially is what humans were made for. Communication.

"New Right"

The New Right was a group of conservative republicans, essentially the Reagan Coalition that opposed the moderate republicans such as Ike whom had worked a middle path out of the New Deal and attempted to appease liberals. New Right people were intense conservatives in both economy and morality. p980 1970s Detail: Ronald Reagan headed the New Right, criticising democrats and their welfare state, government control, and also not taking a tough enough stance on communism. Significance(Continuity) How: The New Right that developed during the time of Reagan has not and will not subside anytime soon, as evinced by the republican resurgence in the 2016 presidential election. A pattern also exists within this continuity, the way that as the new right always emerges after a particularly liberal time era. Why: Obama's policies of large scale government intervention into american society with Obamacare effectively was the final straw in the determination of Trump's victory. The conservative new right would always be back when the liberals had taken a few steps too far into the left.

Religious Right

The Religious Right was an alliance between conservative protestants and catholics who increasingly saw religion and politics to be tied together. They condemned divorce, abortion, premarital sex, and feminism. page 976 1970s detail: Family Research Council was a group within the large Religious Right that worked hard to try and promote the religious right. This was a movement based out of pure conservatism and hope for tradition. Significance(Change) How: The religious right was an influential force in getting Ronald Reagan elected to the United States office of President. However in modern times we can see the change that religion does not play as large with the factor within politics. Politics usually now revolves around foreign policy and economics there for religious right does not exist in this time era Why: there are many several other reasons why the religious right is not as strong as a horse. For example religion itself has been increasingly question throughout the 20th century for example the growing number of atheists and other religions other than Christianity.

Tea Party

The Tea Party is a political conservative movement that favored lowered taxes and conservative values overall. They also favored a lowering of the national deficit and lessar government intervention into society. pg 1012 200s-2010s Detail: Rick Santelli was a NCBC reporter who launched the organization and founded it. He managed and propagated its ideals. Significance(Continuity) How: The tea party was a political movement aimed at opposing President Obama and whatever policies he tried to implement throughout his career. However he party morph into exactly the party that supported Trump through his election. Why: This party is actually the party does vying for President Trump's re-election in 2020 and this tea party revenants or what came out of the Tea Party is incredibly significant because they represent the right-wing party of the United States.

Wall Street bull market of the 1980s

The Wall Street of the 1980s was an incredibly successful and booming industry, with economic deregulation being a major force in allowing the growth of stockbrokers and buyouts throughout the market. People became rich almost instantly through investments, but others became poor very quickly. Almost like gambling, the process was the embodiment of capitalism. Pg 994 1980s Detail: Ronald Reagan and the New Right were main proponents in economic deregulation which allowed the growth of the stock market. Without de-regulation, the market never would have exploded as it did. Significance(Continuty) How: Same problems exist over and over within the United States the fact that there will always be people who over speculate on the market and they're always be people who lose as a result. The Great Depression was incredibly influential in causing many people to lose their jobs however the 2008 recession was just as similar in this can be seen as incredible continuity that demonstrates that people do not learn from their mistakes. Why: This demonstrates a trend that whenever there is over speculation and economic profits coming out of Wall Street that seems too good to be true it often can lead to many negative downfalls that will affect the American people severely.

War in Iraq

The War in Iraq was a war to oust dictator Saddam Hussein and search for Weapons of Mass Destruction within their country. It was meant to emphasize safety and world policing by the United States but in reality it simply angered more middle easterners who were tired of Americans. pg1009 2003-2011 Detail: Saddam Hussein, once supported by the United States, was the main target in the domination of Iraq by American forces. Americans eventually captured him, and took down his leadership. Significance(Change) How: The war in Iraq chemistry to Americans that we were willing to go on witch hunts to try and find weapons of mass destruction. However during this time era people were still riding off the ways of antagonism against the Middle East. Change can be seen in the way that after the war in Iraq we did not enter in any Global Wars after that Why: Americans were simply just like in Vietnam too tired of wars that were in other countries that did not directly concern them. Therefore we were able to and our involvement in the Middle East.

End of the Cold War

The end of the cold war came succinctly with the end of the soviet union. After Gorbachev allowed the revolutions to peacefully occur within satellite states, the military tried to take him over and re-establish power. However, the Russian President, Boris Yeltsin came and declared independence and all the countries came together and decided they would end the soviet union. Just like that, the entire soviet power was gone, and America had triumphed in defeating the soviet union. Pg994 1991. Detail: Boris Yeltsin was instrumental in bringing about the fall of the soviet union, as he was the one who led Russia, took the Russian flag, and declared independence from the Soviet Union. Significance(Change) How: We can examine the incredible change that has occurred within the Russian regime after the fall of the greatest communist power. Capitalism is now the entirety of the economic principles of Russia, and thus through this their success has been notable in their resurgence as a nation. Why: An example of Russia's resurgence as a global power and willingness to flex this power is when they interfered in the United States Elections in an attempt to help Trump. This was a clear example of their ability, even as a capitalist country, to exert power after years of cold war domination.

Persian Gulf War

The persian gulf war was a war between Iran and Iraq over territory, where Iraq invaded Iran under the leadership of Saddam Hussein. Reagan supported Iraq with weapons so we could continue to have our oil. That war ended in an armistice, but soon after he invaded Kuwait believing we would support him, we did not, and after UN consultation we organized an international force to push him out. We won quickly. Pg 998 1990 Detail:Saddam Hussein was the key causation of the war, where he invaded Kuwait in hope of taking their oil. He did not anticipate that the United States would fight back. Significance(change) How: Looking back at the Gulf War we can understand how this is a change because as the United States urine to help other nations during that time in this modern-day we do actually very little. For example Isis has been committing atrocities throughout the world however we haven't lifted a finger to help them at all Why: the reason for this is due to the fact that Americans are incredibly afraid of Foreign Wars in this time and age and this is due to those Wars that we find the Middle East that were incredibly costing and not rewarding hell.

War in Afghanistan

The war in Afghanistan was the direct result of the attacks on the United States, where in retaliation we attacked Taliban bases and training camps and also Al Qaeda specific targets. The first operations were Operation Enduring Freedom, and the war actually continues to today. It has never ended. pg 1010 2001-present Detail: Bush was the main initiator of this war, declaring retaliation in a state of the union address a couple days after the 9/11 attacks. Significance(Change) How: The war in Afghanistan was an act of retaliation and it demonstrates a terrorist that we would not stop in pursuing them around the globe. This is a change in that way we can see that after we killed Osama Bin Laden under the presidency of Obama we actually stopped pursuing terrorists as much as we had directly after 9/11. Why: part of the reason why we stopped pursuing terrorist too much was the fact that pursuant are with terrorist was incredibly costly to our country in the way that we operated throughout the country. Americans were more concerned with domestic issues rather than issues in countries across the ocean. Therefore we did not engage in any more Wars like Afghanistan after 2010.

Culture Wars (1980-2000)

This was support for the ideal that liberals were clashing with conservatives on various moral issues that were rapidly defining large portions of american society and culture and economics. It was between religious traditionalists and secularists as well. The divide usually ran along conservative and liberal lines. For example, the democratic support of gays, lesbians, and abortion, clashed violently with the Family Values and Evangelistic religion of conservatives. pg1012 1990s Detail: HIV/AIDs crisis was a clear demonstration of Republican/Conservative disregard for gay rights and concerns for health. The Reagan administration did practically nothing when the AIDS epidemic hit, demonstrating the culture war that had rooted itself deeply within American culture. Significance(Continuity) How: The significance of culture wars lies in the fact that they are continual and raging within society. Today, the gay rights movement is strong as ever before, as is the black rights movement. These movements that challenge traditional conservative foundations and ideals continually shift the american public into two different regions of thought. Deeply conservative and glaringly liberal. Why: The main reason that culture wars have not ceased after such a long time within the United States lies in the fact that the younger generations have become increasingly emboldened and vocal about their viewpoints and opinions. This parallel fact supports how teen culture has also not only developed, but flourished. Though teen culture has continued in both positive and negative aspects throughout the 90's and 2010's, the fact that the positive rebellious aspect continually pushed forward culture wars accounts for a large part of our nationwide shift toward liberal and conservative values.

"Morning in America"

While reagan accomplished very little of what he actually wanted to do in terms of economics, he succeeded in creating the idea that he was doing it. Through his television ads and other propaganda he was able to create the idea that everything was great and fine and america was absolutely prospering. Neighborly ideals were emphasized. p985 1980s Detail:Ronald Reagan was able to do this with a large part of his acting training that was able to put on a deceitful mask that worked. Just as actors created stories that persuaded their audiences, Reagan did exactly that. Significance(Comparison) How: While Reagan was able to create an aura of peace and security within the United States, we can see that he was unique for that ability as many american presidents were unable to recreate that ability after. For example, Clinton incited much disruption with his words about his sexual scandal, and while Obama was a cool af guy, he was still unable to quell rising tensions, as evinced by his democratic background and the very not trusted Hillary Clinton. Why: Another stark example of comparison of times before and times now, is the fact that while Reagan calmed people and made them feel safe within America, our current president Trump routinely throws the nation into chaos by his tweets. These are often politically motivated and very aggressive, and evince the president's ability to do the opposite of what Reagan would do.

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