Unit exam 3

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place the following bone markings/landmarks with the appropriate bone the markings are found on 1. acromion 2. capitulum 3. styloid process 4. spine 5. sub scapular fossa 6. coracoid process 7. glenoid cavity 8. trochlea 9. deltoid tuberosity 10. olecranon fossa 11. medial epicondyle 12. coronoid process 13 trochlear notch 14. olecranon A. scapula B. humerus C.radius/ ulna

1. a 2. b 3.c 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. b 11. b 12. c 13. c 14. c

match each of the following body landmarks on the humerus to the corresponding landmarks it articulates with on the radius or ulna 1. trochlea 2. capitulum 3. coronoid fossa 4. olecrannon fossa A. trochlear notch B. olecranon process C. coronoid process D. radial head

1. a 2. d 3. c 4. b

match each joint with its appropriate synovial joint classification 1. glenohumeral joint 2. humeroulnar joint 3. humeroradial joint 4. proximal and distal radioulnar joint 5. radoiocarpal joint 6. interphalngeal joint 7. metacarpophalangeal joint 8.acromioclavicular joint A. pivot B. plane/gliding C. hinge D. ball and socket E. condylar/ ellipsoid

1. d 2. c 3.e 4. a 5. e 6.c 7. c 8. b

place the superficial muscle of the anterior forearm in order from lateral to medial 1. palmaris longus 2. pronator teres 3. flexor carpi ulnaris 4. flexor carpi radialis

2 4 1 3

Which of the following muscles is capable of flexion both the elbow and shoulder joints A. brachialis B. biceps brachii C. pronator teres D. pronator quadratus E. brachoradialis


four muscle are collectively referred to as the rotator cuff, which of the following is not A. subscapularis B. teres minor C. infraspinatus D. supraspinatus E. teres minor


The ______ is a thin, broad, collagenous sheet that holds the radius and ulna together A. interosseous membrane B. radial collateral lig C. olecranon bursae D. annular lig


The muscles in the posterior compartment of the forearm are innervated by what nerve A. radial nerve B. musculocutaneous nerve C. median nerve D. ulnar nerve


Which is not true of the carpal tunnel A. lots of space B. median nerve passes through C. 9 flexor tendons pass through D. created by the distal row of the carpals and the transverse carpal ligament/flexor retinaculum


Which ligament is responsible for holding the head of the radius in place? A. annular ligament B. ulnar collateral lig C. deltoid lig D. radial collateral lig E. transverse collateral lig


Which of the following is NOT true regarding the clavicle A. articulates laterally w the sternum B. provides resilience and load transfer C. s-shape D. all options are true


all except one have their origin on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus select the exception A. pronator teres B. extensor carpi ulnaris C. extensor digiti minimi D. extensor digitorum E.extensor carpi radialis brevis


how many phalanges are on the pollex digit A. 2 B. 12 C.14 D. 7 E. 3


which is not a feature of the ulna A. ulnar notch B. styloid process C. trochlear notch D. head E. coronoid process


match each muscle with whether its a scapular or glenohumeral mover 1. coracobrachialis 2. pec major 3. deltoid 4. lats 5. teres major 6. supraspinatus 7. infraspinatus 8. teres minor 9. subscapularis 10. levator scapulae 11. rhomboid major and minor 12. trapezius 13. serratus anterior 14. pec minor A. glenohumeral mover B. scapular mover

a a a a a b b b b b b b b a

which joints are responsible for flexion and extension at the elbow A. humeroulnar joint B. humeroradial joint C. radioulnar joint D.glenohumeral joint E. radoiocarpal joint

a b

which of the following statements are true of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle select all that are true A. insterts on the distal phalanges of digits II-V B. flexes the proximal interphlangeal joints of digits II-V C. originates on the medial epicondyle of the humerus D. inserts on the proximal phalanges of digits II-V E. flexes the distal interphalngeal joints of digits II-V F. is located in the posterior compartment of the forearm

a b c e

Which bones make up the radiocarpal joint A. triquetreum B. scaphoid C. capitate D. lunate E. trapezoid F. hamate G pisiform H trapezium

a b d

Which of the following motions would be caused by the contraction of the pectoralis major A. medial rotation B. elevation C. lateral rotation D depression E. flexion F extension G adduction H. abduction

a g e

what muscles for the thenar eminence of the hand select all that apple A. adductor pollicis brevis B. abductor pollicis longus C. flexor digiti minimi D. opponens digiti minimi E. flexor pollicis longus F. opponens pollicis G. flexor pollicis brevis

a g f

Which muscle does not originate on the media epicondyle of the humerus A. palarmis longus B. flexor pollicis longus C. flexor digitorum superficialis D. flexor carpi ulnaris E. flexor carpi radialis


the bony projection s that can be palpitated medially and laterally at the wrist are the A. medial and lateral epicondyles B. styloid processes C. medial and lateral malleoli D. spinous processes E. greater and lesser trochanters


which ligaments is responsible for resisting valgus forces at the elbow joint A. annular ligament B. radial collateral ligament C. unlar collateral ligament


which muscle does not act on the scapula A. rhomboid major B. latissimus dorsi C. serratus anterior D. trapezius


which of the following is an action formed by the biceps brachii A. lateral rotation of the shoulder B. flexion of the shoulder C. extension of the elbow D. extension of the shoulder


which of these bony features is located on the diaphysis of the humerus A. coronoid fossa B. deltoid tuberosity C. greater tubercle D. trochlea


In general, muscle of the pectoral girdle (scapular movers) originate on the A. humerus and insert on the clavicle and scapula B. clavicle and scapula and insert on the axial skeleton C. axial skeleton and insert on the clavicle and scapula D. axial skeleton and insert on the humerus


in anatomical positon, the radius lies _______ to the ulna A. inferior B. superior C. lateral D. posterior E. medial


the _______ of the scapula is the point where the medial and lateral borders meet A. superior angle B. lateral angle C. inferior angle D. infraglenoid tubercle E. supraglenoid tubercle


the large, saw toothed muscle positioned between the thoracic cage and is responsible for protracting the scapula A. pec major B. traps C.serratus anterior D. levator scapulae


what nerve innervated the palmaris longus muscle A. musculocutaneous B. median C. ulnar D. radial E.saphenous


which of the following muscles is the most active when performing a push up A. biceps brachii B. lats C. pec major D. trapezius E. pec minor


match each muscle w its attachment site O or I 1. subscapularis 2. infraspinatus 3. deltoid 4. biceps brachii 5. tricpes brachii 6. extensor pollicis longus 7. flexor digitirum superficialis 8. brachoradialis A. styloid process of radius B. middle phalnges of digits II-V C.subscapular fossa D. olecrannon process E. radial tuberosity F. I distal phalanx G.deltoid tuberosity H. infraspinous fossa

c h g e d f b a

The only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is where the

clavicle articulates w the sternum

the olecranon fossa is located on which anatomical side of the humerus A. anterior B. medial C. lateral D. posterior


the scapular spine is located on which anatomical side of the scapula A.lateral B. medial C. anterior D. posterior


what is the name of the ligament on the lateral side of the 1st MCP joint A. metacarpophalangeal joint B. ulnar collateral ligament C. transverse carpal ligament D. radial collateral ligament


where does the short head of the biceps brachii muscle originate A.medial epicondyle B. coronoid process C. infraspinous process D. coracoid process E. radial tuberosity


which is not a carpal bone A. hamate B. trapezium C. trapezoid D. capitulum E. scaphoid


which motion is possible at the acromioclavicular joint A. abduction B. internal rotation C. flexion D. inferior glide


Which of the following statements is not true regarding the glenohumeral joint A. it offers a large range of motion B. it is a synovial ball-and-socket joint C. it is diarthrotic D. is is multiaxial E. it is very stable


which bone is not in the proximal row of carpals A.lunate B. pisiform C. triquetrem D.scaphoid E. Trapezoid


which ligament is not associated with the glenohumeral joint A. transverse humeral ligament B. coracoacromial ligament C. glenohumeral ligament D. coracohumeral ligament E. transverse carpal ligament


Which bones comprise each pectoral girdle? A. sternum and clavicle B. scapula, clavicle, and sternum C. scapula, clavicle, sternum, and humerus D. scapula, clavicle, and humerus E. scapula and clavicle

e scapula and clavicle

the metacarpals of the hand are named using Roman numeral I-V from medial to lateral t or f


the muscles in the anterior compartment of the forearm are primarily elbow extensors t or f


the pec major extends the arm while the latissimus doors flexes it t or f


the scapulothoracic articulation has many ligamentous structures that act to limit joint mobility and counter balance the glenohumeral joint t or f


Which humeral epicondyle is more prominent? medial lateral


in general, muscle of the anterior forearm originate on the _______ epicondyle and produce ______ of the wrist, hand, and finger medial; flexion medial; extension lateral; flexion lateral; extension

medial; flexion

the rotator cuff muscles are the primary stabilizers of the GH joint t or f


which muscle is often referred to as lats "little helper" due to the synergist role in plays in adduction, medially rotating, and extending the glenohumeral joint?

teres major

place the distal row of carpals in order from lateral to medial capitate trapezoid hamate trapezium

trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate

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