Universalization of Quality Climate Change Education (CCE) as a Key Component of SDG 4.7

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SDG 4.7

4.7 by 2030 ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture's contribution to sustainable development https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

BULIISA, Uganda — August 25, 2023

As oil activities encroach on sacred sites, a small Ugandan community feels besieged RODNEY MUHUMUZA View Author Profile https://www.ncronline.org/authors/rodney-muhumuza THE ASSOCIATED PRESS https://www.ncronline.org/authors/associated-press https://www.ncronline.org/earthbeat/justice/oil-activities-encroach-sacred-sites-small-ugandan-community-feels-besieged



NAAEE: basic right CCE November 14, 2022

Transformative learning based on science is a necessity in wake of the climate crisis. Educational systems globally are lacking critical CCE. The time to learn and act is now. The session will discuss pathways and the role of stakeholders in realising SDG 4.7 through compulsory CCE as a basic right. Speakers: Representatives of UNESCO, Foundation for Environmental Education, Office for Climate Education, MECCE Project, Danish Society of Engineers, Centre for Environment Education India


Wakitinti, the chief custodian, said he sees prolonged dry conditions in Buliisa these days as a sign the spirits are not happy with oil activities. He also cited the elephants that run rampant from the nearby Murchison Falls National Park, where TotalEnergies is digging oil wells, and trample people's crops. Those are signs of bad luck, he said. signs of kin https://www.ncronline.org/earthbeat/justice/oil-activities-encroach-sacred-sites-small-ugandan-community-feels-besieged

French Oil Company Total Energies extracting from sacred sites in Uganda. European colonist promise oil from Uganda by 2026

billions invested in Uganda ignoring Wakitinti and other Bagungu people who practice traditional beliefs . They indigenious people worry the spiritual power of at least 32 sacred natural sites in Buliisa keeps deteriorating. There are already signs, like the region's prolonged dry spell some say is proof the sanctity of some sites has already been breached. "You can see we have no rain. ... We are crying," said farmer William Byabagambi, who noted that communal offerings to spirits will be fewer as community members move out to make way for oil infrastructure. Uganda is estimated to have recoverable oil reserves of at least 1.4 billion barrels, and officials see future oil earnings lifting millions out of poverty. Investors from Australia, Ireland, China and, most recently, France have been involved over the years. TotalEnergies — the top shareholder in Uganda's oil project — faces a legal challenge and pressure to pull out because of concerns over a heated pipeline that campaigners say undermines the Paris climate accord. https://apnews.com/article/totalenergies-uganda-east-africa-pipeline-1322e6521541d3bf4c6a1a3e3002f706 https://apnews.com/article/france-uganda-totalenergies-oil-pipeline-0de2f9c6995adb933ae4a93e85429b23 https://apnews.com/article/politics-uganda-europe-climate-and-environment-business-cfc29315710d7aec764ede097ec6f0bf Nile River merges with Lake Albert, creating a spectacular landscape that intensifies the Bagungu's respect for nature. They believe these sites are repositories of occult mediums with the power to solve problems that range from a thief in the community to a sickness in the family.

2020, Irish firm Tullow Oil

completed the $575 million sale of its Ugandan assets to TotalEnergies, raising hopes of oil production after delays due to corruption scandals and tax disputes. But the French company faces challenges as some campaigners go to court and others urge banks to withdraw support. in Ireland, are they meeting the SDG Target 4.7? https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03057925.2022.2129957 Designing indicators and assessment tools for SDG Target 4.7: a critique of the current approach and a proposal for an 'Inside-Out' strategy published by Yoko Mochizuki terra Spague Ashley Jay Brockwell Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls on states to ensure, by 2030, that "all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development". This paper argues that the wording of this target holds three inherent problems, which, together with a commitment to using existing datasets to measure progress towards the SDGs, are resulting in indicators and assessment tools that are not fit for purpose. In response, an alternative "Inside-Out" design strategy is proposed, which is grounded in inductive, intersubjective and values-based approaches for designing indicators and assessment. The approach is elaborated, along with the ways in which it addresses the inherent problems of Target 4.7, its potential challenges, practicalities and caveats. A case study is provided, exemplifying how the "Inside-Out" design is being applied to the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) process being developed within the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures (TESF) research and practice Network Plus.

Nothing is more expensive than "saving on education".


No more banning books or life saving education for people like Ron DeSantis who gives a false narrative for his own personal gain Meet the longtime librarian being honored at the National Book Awards November 12, 20227:58 AM ET Heard on Weekend Edition Saturday scott simon 4 minutes


To learn, a child must be well fed! Delivering climate resilient food systems during multiple crises and fragility

https://youtu.be/m0s_Ylp4twg Cumulative effects of the climate crisis and other shocks lead to food insecurity and security threats. The event will share adaptation and mitigation practices, which can help the African continent and other regions, discuss the opportunity to scale these and deliver the Agriculture Breakthrough. Speakers: Johan Rockström PIK, Kitty van der Heijden, DGIS, Sok Silo, CARD; Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, GIZ; Jyotsna Puri, IFAD; Stephen Bright Sakwa, Yemi Akinbamijo, FARA; Viktoria de Bourbon de Parme, WBA; Martin Kropff, CGIAR/Wageningen University & Research; Joao Campari, WWF; Samantha Natumanya, Uganda

Samantha Natumanya

is from Uganda, do you know about Climate Cardinals translations services? posted Stephen Bright Sakwa event..August 25, 2023 read. over 10,000 volunteers who are translating and sourcing climate information into over 100 languages. To date, this international movement spans 70+ countries with over 1 million words of climate information translated. https://www.climatecardinals.org/#:~:text=We%20have%20over%2010%2C000%20volunteers,words%20of%20climate%20information%20translated. https://www.climatecardinals.org/about https://ug.linkedin.com/in/samantha-natumanya-22a2491a0 Project Manager, Fairventures Worldwide gGmbH Kampala, Central Region, Uganda 132 followers 45 connections https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stephen-bright-sakwa-2137a4118_join-us-tomorrow-as-we-discuss-innovation-activity-7095313495964983296-ETac?trk=public_profile_like_view https://ug.linkedin.com/in/stephen-bright-sakwa-2137a4118?trk=public_post_feed-actor-name Samantha Natumanya

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