urinary system

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starting from the collecting duct, indicate the order in which urea molecules move to maintain the medullary concentration gradient 1. ascending loop of henle 2. distal convoluted tubule 3. interstitial fluid 4. collecting duct 5. descending loop of henle

4, 3, 5, 1, 2

calculate the net filtration pressure, given the following values: glomerular capillary pressure = 80 mm Hg blood colloid osmotic pressure = 20 mm Hg capsular hydrostatic pressure = 10 mm Hg

50 mm Hg

diabetes insipidus is a consequence of a loss of _____

ADH production

when sodium is actively transported from tubular cells to the interstitial fluid

a Na+ concentration gradient is established between the tubule lumen and tubule cell

surgical removal of smaller pituitary tumors can be accomplished by reaching the pituitary gland through the nose. this type of surgery accesses the gland from beneath, via the sphenoid sinus. pituitary surgery can be difficult and occasionally results in loss of the posterior pituitary lobe. because critical hormone-producing cell bodies are located in the hypothalamus, and not the pituitary gland, the hormone secreting axons can regrow, and patients usually recover after some time. removal of the posterior pituitary will immediately cause

an increase in urine volume

Effects of aging on the kidneys include all of the following, except

an increased ability to eliminate uric acid and creatine from the blood

renin converts ______

angiotensinogen to angiotensin I

what are the arteries which diverge from the interlobar arteries near the base of the renal pyramid


the movement of fluid into Bowman's capsule is opposed by

capsular hydrostatic pressure

which of the following is not an organ of the urinary system urethra collecting duct ureter urinary bladder kidney

collecting duct

all of the following are located in the renal cortex, except ____

collecting ducts

urine is prevented from flowing into the ureters from the bladder by _____

compression of the ureteral openings

water is moved from the ____ into the capillaries of the vasa recta by way of the process of _____

descending loop; osmosis

the _____ is responsible for contraction of the urinary bladder during micturition

detrusor muscle


diffuses out of the collecting ducts into the interstitial fluid of the medulla and then diffuses into the descending loop of henle

kidney dialysis depends on the process of ____ to remove waste solutes from blood. blood is run by a semipermeable membrane. on the other side of the membrane is a solution in which solutes that are normally recovered are ____, and those that must be removed are ____.

diffusion; present in normal concentrations; absent

aldosterone targets cells in the ____

distal convoluted tubule

which of the following pairs of structures are the most similar in function

distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct

some lung cancers secrete large amounts of ADH. this causes increased water reabsorption in the

distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts

once inside the cells of the ascending limb, potassium and chloride cross the basal membrane into the interstitial fluid by the process of

facilitated diffusion

there are two routes for eliminating solutes from the circulation. the first is ____, which transfers solutes directly from the blood to the tubular lumen, and the other is _____, which transfers solutes from peritubular capillaries to interstitial fluid, and from there through tubular cells into the tubular lumen

filtration, tubular secretion

substances that are cotransported into proximal convoluted tubule cells include

glucose molecules with sodium ions

the juxtamedullary nephrons

have long loops of Henle

which of the following helps maintain a high solute concentration in the kidney medulla?

high urea concentration in medulla, active transport of solutes from the ascending loop of henle, solutes transported across the basolateral membranes of the loop of henle

blood vessels, nerves, and the ureter enter or leave the kidney at a region called the _____


in order to regulate the pH of extracellular fluid, the kidneys are able to adjust the excretion of ____

hydrogen ions

glomerulonephritis involves an increase in the permeability of the filtration membrane. which of the following might you expect to observe as evidence of that?

increase in GFR

which of the following situations increases the number of action potentials to the supraoptic region of the hypothalamus?

increased plasma osmolarity

lasix is a diuretic that blocks the reabsorption of sodium in the ascending loop of henle. the result of giving this drug would be _____

increased urine output

decreased blood colloid osmotic pressure affects renal function by

increasing net filtration pressure

aldosterone exerts its effect on the kidney tubules by

increasing the synthesis of the transport proteins for sodium

a substance that is useful for determining the plasma clearance rate of the kidney is ____


which of these correctly traces blood flow from the renal cortex to the renal vein

interlobular v. --> arcuate v. --> interlobar v. --> renal v

voluntary micturition

involves higher brain centers

atrial natriuretic hormone

is secreted when atrial blood pressure increases

why is the external urinary sphincter under conscious control?

it is made of skeletal muscle

the urge to urinate results from the ____

micturition reflex

renal papillae drain into ____

minor calyces

a renal pyramid passes urine into a _____

minor calyx

smooth muscle cells in the walls of the afferent and efferent arterioles dilate or constrict as needed in response to changes in blood pressure. this process of autoregulation is called the

myogenic mechanism

the structural and functional units of the kidney are called ____


tubular load refers to the amount of a given substance that

passes through the filtration membrane into the nephron each minute

the kidneys are located behind the _____ membrane on the posterior side of the _____ wall

peritoneal; abdominal

increased aldosterone causes increased

potassium secretion

formation of filtrate depends on a ___

pressure gradient

most water is reabsorbed from the filtrate in the ____

proximal convoluted tubule

to calculate plasma clearance of any substance, it is necessary to know the

quantity of urine produced per minute, the concentration of the cleared substance in the urine, and the concentration of the cleared substance in the blood

regions containing cortical tissue that are located between the pyramids are referred to as ___

renal columns

the kidney is protected from mechanical shock by the ______

renal fat pad

which of these correctly traces blood flow from the renal artery into the renal cortex

segmental a. --> interlobar a. --> arcuate a. --> interlobular a.

in the sodium-hydrogen antiport system

sodium ions are transported into the cell and hydrogen ions are transported out of the cell

when urination is desired, decreased action potentials along which of the following causes relaxation of the external urinary sphincter?

somatic motor neurons

the micturition reflex is initiated by the ____

stretching of the walls of the urinary bladder

the kidneys produce renin when

the blood pressure in the afferent arteriole decreases

when the tubular maximum for a substance is exceeded

the excess remains in the urine

the renal corpuscle consists of

the glomerulus and Bowman capsule

In response to impulses from _________, the smooth of the urinary bladder contracts.

the parasympathetic neurons from the spinal cord to the urinary bladder

What is tubular reabsorption?

the process where the nephron returns water and some filtered molecules to the blood

the proximal convoluted tubule is

the site of glucose and amino acid reabsorption

When the urinary bladder becomes stretched, there is an increase in the frequency of action potentials traveling from...

the urinary bladder to the sacral region

the lining of the bladder that accommodates the expansion of this organ is composed of ____

transitional epithelium

With aging, a loss of inhibitory action potentials to the sacral region of the spinal cord results in

uncontrollable micturition

if the tubular maximum for a particular amino acid is 200 mg/100 ml and the concentration of that amino acid in the blood is 100 mg/100 ml, the amino acid

will be completely reabsorbed by the tubule cells

measuring the rate of insulin removal from the blood provides a measure of _____


match the region of the kidney tubule with its description

1. site where the majority of reabsorption takes place: proximal convoluted tubule 2. contains simple squamous epithelium in the thin segments: loop of henle 3. permeability to water and solutes in this region varies based on hormone regulation: distal convoluted tubule 4. amino acids are reabsorbed in this region: proximal convoluted tubule

at the rate of 125 ml of filtrate/minute, estimate the amount of filtrate formed in 24 hours

180 liters

arrange the following structures in the order that urine would flow from where it is formed in the kidney to where it is eliminated from the body: 1. ureter 2. renal pelvis 3. calyx 4. urinary bladder 5. urethra

3, 2, 1, 4, 5

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