U.S. Government Exam Review

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Term of Presidential Office

...One term is four years.

Total Number of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution


Overriding a Presidential Veto

A 2/3 vote from the members of both houses is needed to override a veto the president put on a congressionally passed bill.

Concurring Opinion

A Supreme Court opinion by one or more justices who agree with the majority's conclusion, but wish to offer different reasons.


A democracy in which the Supreme power lies with the citizens to vote for officials and representatives responsible to them.

Direct Democracy

A democratic system of government in which all citizens participate in politics and decision-making.

Unitary System

A form of government in which all powers of the government are held by a single unit or agency.


A form of government in which an absolute ruler controls the power, often through fear or force, and ignores the will of the people.

Federal System

A form of government in which governmental powers are divided between a central authority and a number of regional political subdivisions.

Parlimentary Government

A form of government in which the executive leaders are chosen by and responsible to the legislature.

Presidential Government

A form of government in which the legislative and executive branches are separate.The executive is elected by the people


A government in which the ruler's power is hereditary.

Political Party

A group of people with similar believes and ideas, who try to influence the government through multiple political ways.

Precedent and its Importance

A judicial decision that is used as a standard in later similar cases.

Miranda Rights Court Case (1966)

Declaired that if accused persons have not been informed of their rights to remain silent, then any statements they make may not be used as evidence against them.

Inagural Address

A lengthy speech given by the newly elected president, during which he expresses national goals and plans for his term.


A political system in which a weak central government has limited authority, and the states have all of the power.

Executive Agreement

A presidential agreement, not requiring the Senate's approval, with another head of state.

Executive Order

A presidential directive to an agency that defines new policies or carries out existing laws.Has the impact of law.

General Election

A regularly scheduled election in which all voters vote for the winners for each office.

Checks and Balances

A system in which each of the three branches of government have some control over the others.

Limited Government

A system in which government's powers are restricted and individuals' rights are protected.

Representative Government

A system in which policies are made by officials accountable to the people who elected them.


A system in which the state controls the economy and means of production.

Representative Democracy

A system of government in which policies are made by officials accountable to the people who elected them.


A sytem of government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.

Twenty-Fourth Amendment

Abolition of poll taxes

U.S. Senators

After the 17th Amendment what members of Congress would be elected by the voters rather than by the state legislators?

Public Policy

All of government's actions and programs that address issues and problems in society, or work toward a national goal.

Connecticut Compromise

Also know as the Greatt Compromise.Adopted the Constitutional Convention to settle the dispute among the large and small states over representation in Congress. Set up bicameral legislature, equal representation in Senate, Based on pop. in the House.


An economic system characterized by open competition in a free market and based on private ownership.

What is the subject matter of each of the 7 Articles of the U.S. Constitution?

Article 1 - Legislative Branch, Article 2 - Executive Branch, Article 3 - Judicial Branch, Article 4 - Relations among states, Article 5 - Amendment Process, Article 6 - Supremacy of National law, Article 7

Supremacy Clause

Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, establishes the U.S. Constitution, federal statutes, and U.S. Treaties as "the supreme law of the land." over state laws.

Powers of Congress

Delegated powers :borrow money, levy taxes, regulate trade with foreign countries, create a national currency, establish bankruptcy laws, declare war, issue copyrights and patents. Nonlegislative powers: impeachment, review executive policies, approval of agencies, and make appropriations.

Mass Media and Elections

Candidates use mass media to influence the voters through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet.

Roles of the President

Chief Executive, Chief of State, Chief Legislator, Chief Diplomat, Commander-in-Chief, Head of Party,

Elastic Clause

Clause that give Congress power to make all laws "necessary and proper" for carrying out its powers.

State of the Union Address

Constitution requires the President to make an annual speech before a joint session of Congress on the condition of the U.S.

Civil Liberties

Constitutionally based freedoms guaranteed to individuals.

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

Each state only had one vote in Congress, regardless of size. Congress had not have the power to tax. Congress did not have the power to regulate commerce. No executive branch to enforce any acts passed by Congress. No national court system. Amendments to the Articles of Confederation required a unanimous vote. Laws required a 9/13 majority to pass in Congress.

Marbury VS. Madison Court Case (1803)

Established the power of the supreme court to declare an act of congress or the executive branch unconstitutional

Theories of Origin of Government

Evolutionary,Theory Divine Right Theory Social Contract Theory Force Theory

Bill of Rights

First 10 Amendments added to the constitution in 1791. Added to gain support for ratification of the new Constitution.

Appellate Court/Court of Appeals

For the federal circuit, hears cases from all across the nation from legislative and district courts, such as patents, trademarks, or copyrights.


Formal procedure by which a president or any federal official is removed for misconduct from office.

Civil Disobedence of First Amendment

Freedom of speech and flag desecration.


Having or consisting of two legislative houses or chambers.


In U.S. politics, drawing the boundaries of electoral districts in a way that gives one party an unfair advantage over its rivals.


In the late 1700's the party that supportedf a strong central government, as described in the new constitution.

Preamble of the U.S. Constitution

In what document are the following U.S. goals written: form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic peace, provide for common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure liberty?

Majority Opinion

The view of the supreme court justices who agree with a particular ruling.

President's Constitutional Powers

Military powers, diplomatic powers, executive powers, and legislative powers.

Qualifications to Run for President

Natural-born citizenship, residency of at least fourteen years, and must be at least thirty-five years of age.

Supreme Court

Nine justices who decide which appellate cases to hear. Have power to interpret the Constitution, render opinions having the impact of law. Many are landmark cases.

Term in Office of a Federal Judge

No limit of terms.

Separation of Church and State

No national religion may be established and, the government has no involvment with religion at all.

What does the Fourteenth Amendment state?

No state may deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny people equal protection of the laws?

Interest Groups

Organizations that lobby members of Congress to pass laws that will benefit their members or interest.

Presidential Election

Parties hold primaries to choose delegates to national convention.

Electoral College and its Role

People selected in each state who gather to formally cast their ballots for the president and vice president. 270 needed to win election.

Executive Powers

Power of President to appoint dept and agency heads and justices to the Supreme Court, remove individuals at will, grant pardons and grant amnesty.

District Court

Primary trial courts with original jurisdiction only, and regularly uses grand juries.

What is the purpose of government?

Protect, maintain public order, resolve social conflicts, responsibility for a stable economy, and provide public services.

Fourteenth Amendment: Due Process/Equal Rights

Protects against civil liberty violations:Federal and state government must not deprive an individual of life, liberty, or property by unfair or unreasonable actions.

War Powers Act

Restricts the president's power as commander in chief. Requires him to report in writing to Congress withing 48 hours after committing troops.. Congress must then authorize the action withing 60 days, or the president must withdrawl the troops.

Civil Rights

Rights belonging to a citizen or member of society, regardless of race, sex, or national origin, to recieve equal treatment under the law.

Plessy VS. Furgeson Court Case (1896)

Ruled that separate but equal facilities for African Americans are constitutional.

Brown VS. Board of Education Court Case (1954)

Ruled that the separation of races or segregation in public schools is unconstitutional.


Tactic, often a lengthy speech or debate, designed in order to delay the Senate's vote on a bill. "Kill a bill by talking it to death".

Political Ideology

Term for political attitudes influenced by family, gender, religion, race or ethnicity, education, and region.

Double Jeopardy

The act of bringing a person to trial a second time for the same crime.


The authority of a nation-state's right to rule itself.

Original Jurisdiction

The court's authority to hear and decide a case for the first time.


The decision of three fifths of senate to limit or end debate on an issue and call for a vote.


The economic system that advocates government ownership of major industries.

Popular Sovereignty

The fundemental principle that the power to govern belongs to the people and that the government must be based on the consent of the governed.

Eminent Domain

The governments right to take control of private property for public use.

Civil Service

The name given to federal government employees who are hired and promoted based on merit.

Judicial Review

The power of the courts to establish the constitutionality of national, state, or local acts of government.

Concurrent Powers

The powers that both national and state governments have.

Reserved Powers

The powers that the constitution sets aside for the state governments.

Powers Denied to the States (Delegated powers)

The powers, also called enumerated or expressed powers, that are specifically granted to the federal government by the constitution.

Treaty Making Powers

The president is the chief navigator with foreign nations, but senate must confirm all treaties by a two-thirds agreement vote.

Veto Power

The president may veto a bill by refusing to sign it and sending along a message to congress withing ten days.

Due Process

The principle, guaranteed in the constitution, that the state and federal governments must not deprive an individual of life, liberty, or property by unfair or unreasonable actions.


The right to interpret and apply the law; a court's range of authority.

Presidential Succession

The specified procedure by which a vacancy in the presidency is filled. See Presidential Succession Act 1947

Dissenting Opinion

The supreme court opinion by one or more justices in the minority who oppose the majority ruling.

Citizenship Requirements

There are three ways to become a U.S. citizen: natural born, naturalization, being born and traveling abroad.


Those who opposed the adoption of the constitution.

Committee Process

Types of committees: standing, select, joint, and conference. The best committees of each house are given assignments.

First Amendment

What amendment addresses freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition?

Right to Bear Arms

What right does the 2nd amendment protect?

Twenty-Sixth Amendment

Which amendment gave 18-year-olds the right to vote?

Nineteenth Amendment

Which amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920?

Twenty-First Amendment

Which amendment repealed prohibition of alcohol?

Tenth Amendment

Which amendment reserves powers to the states?

Fifthteenth Amendment

Which amendment states: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or by the U.S. or any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Democrats tend to be liberal and Republicans tend to be conservative.

Which party tends to be liberal and which party stend to be conservative

Declaration of Independence

Written in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson. Listed complaints against king. Expressed beliefs in liberty, order, equality,democracy,and justice. Led to Revolutionary War.

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