U.S. Government

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How do Britain's proportional elections influence the government?

Proportional elections allow minority parties greater representation, but the larger number of representatives may make it difficult for members of government to form coalitions.

Which option is a reason why public funding is important in election campaigns?

Public funding can help candidates who don't have wealthy supporters run for office.

Why is it important for citizens to contact their representatives to have their voices be heard?

Representatives cannot reach out to all their constituents.

How was the House of Burgesses different than the British Parliament?

The House of Burgesses was more open to the average colonist because officials were locally elected.

In which work did Rousseau state that surrendering individual rights for the good of all would create equality for everyone?

The Social Contract

What is the significance of the Bill of Rights?

The amendments constitute the government's recognition of naturally occurring rights and liberties.

How did The Prince change European thinking?

The book looked at political leadership in a realistic rather than idealistic way.

Which statement best describes the role of the monarch under the British parliamentary system?

The power of the monarch is limited by the constitution.

What was the significance of the Law of the Twelve Tables?

These laws were easy to understand and made available to the citizens.

Read the sentence. The Articles of Confederation was exposed as an ineffective governing system because _[blank]_. Which option correctly completes the sentence?

individual states could ignore the United States government

What is the upper house also referred to as?


Read the sentence. The Spartan system of government provides the United States with a model for _[blank]_. Which option correctly completes the sentence?

separation of powers between different branches

How many states were needed to ratify the Constitution in 1789?


What was the House of Burgesses?

the first elected legislature in North America

What does the Tenth Amendment give to the states?

the powers not given to the federal government

What did the Second Charter of Virginia provide to the colonists?

the rights to establish a representative government

What prompted King James I to issue a second charter to give colonists more rights to land and government?

the success of the Jamestown Colony

Read the sentence. Baron de Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws changed the nature of government by providing the ideas of _[blank]_. Which option correctly completes the sentence?

three-branch government

Why was the Philadelphia Convention called in 1787?

to amend the Articles of Confederation

Why did colonist leaders hold a conference in Albany, New York, in 1754?

to determine how to defend the British colonies in North America

Why did the British Parliament create the English Bill of Rights?

to strengthen the rights of citizens

The Fourth Amendment protects people from what?

unlawful searches and seizures

Which English Parliament traditions were adopted into the Constitution? Select all that apply.

- bicameral legislature - representative government

Which functions of government are defined in the Preamble to the Constitution? Select all that apply.

- establish Justice for citizens - provide for the common defense

Which options are common to both the British Parliament and the US government system? Select all that apply.

- executive - house and senate

What services did the Catholic Church provide to ease the burden of peasants serving under feudalism? Select all that apply.

- health care - education

What are the two ways for ratifying and amending the Constitution? Select all that apply.

- introducing legislation into Congress - calling an amendment convention

Which powers are enumerated for Congress in the Constitution? Select all that apply.

- lay taxes - declare war

What ideas were brought forth by John Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government? Select all that apply.

- natural rights - social contract

Read the sentence. Because King James II had abused his power, the English Bill of Rights sought to increase the power of _[blank]_. Which terms correctly complete the sentence? Select all that apply.

- parliament - citizens

Read the sentence. The similarities between the Magna Carta and the Constitution include _[blank]_. Which options correctly complete the sentence? Select all that apply.

- protection of religious freedom - jury trials

Which civil liberties are enumerated in the Bill of Rights? Select all that apply.

- right to privacy - right to equal protection under the law

Which ideas in the US Constitution were included earlier in Georgia's constitution? Select all that apply.

- separation of powers - basic rights for individuals

Read the sentence. John Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government changed the nature of government by providing the ideas of _[blank]_. Which options correctly complete the sentence? Select all that apply.

- social contract - natural rights

What are some of the similarities between the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution? Select all that apply.

- trial by jury of one's peers - separation of church and state

How did the Romans influence the creation of a representative government and written law? Select all that apply.

- writing down the law and making it available to the public - allowing elected leaders to speak for the citizens they represented

Which document enumerates the limitations of the federal government and the personal freedoms of United States citizens?

Bill of Rights

Read the sentence. The Magna Carta helped to establish the idea of a _[blank]_ between the government and its citizens. Which option correctly completes the sentence?

social contract

Which amendment to the United States Constitution is similar to the English Bill of Rights?

the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment

Read this statement by Thomas Jefferson. "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Where does the power of the government come from, according to Jefferson?

the people

How are the governments of Sparta and the United States similar?

Both systems separate governmental powers into three different branches.

Which church promoted Charlemagne's divine right to rule?

Catholic Church

Read the sentence. The Necessary and Proper clause is also called the _[blank]_ Clause because it allows Congress to stretch its powers beyond those specifically enumerated in the Constitution. Which option correctly completes the sentence?


Which best describes the role of mercantilism during the 1600s?

European countries wanted to expand their wealth by exporting raw materials from colonies.

How did the Pilgrims influence the notion of representative democracy?

Government officials were selected locally.

How did Pericles encourage Athenians to take responsibility in government?

He advised them to write their own constitution.

What was Jefferson's view of government and religion?

He believed that church and state should be separate.

How did Pericles influence the formation of the United States government?

He encouraged the people of Athens to write their own constitution.

What led King John I to sign the Magna Carta?

He wanted to maintain peace with the nobles.

What is one role of issue advocacy advertising?

Issue advocacy advertising can be used to raise voter awareness about important public problems or controversies.

How did the Articles of Confederation give limited powers to the national government?

It could not tax the people.

Why was Shays's Rebellion important?

It showed that the Articles of Confederation were weak.

Why is the Mayflower Compact important?

It was the first document of self-government in the New World.

Who is the father of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

James Madison

How did the accessibility of individuals to their church council in Jamestown impact government?

Jamestown colonists expected to have access to government officials.

Which statement is characteristic of a traditional economy?

Most people are involved in agriculture.

Read the sentence. _[blank]_ believed if slaves were counted as part of the population then they should be taxed accordingly. Which option correctly completes the sentence?


Read the sentence. The Albany Plan in 1754 is most significant as an early _[blank]_. Which option correctly completes the sentence?

attempt to unite the colonies under one government

Which features of the Massachusetts Constitution later influenced the writers of the US Constitution?

bicameral legislature and power of veto

Which identifies the fundamental principles and laws by which a state or country is governed?


Start of Unit 1 Exam ------ 1 . mobocracy 2 . timocracy 3 . tyranny 4 . aristocracy 5 . oligarchy

---------------------------------------- 1 . rule by the poor gathering large numbers to rebel against existing leadership, then directly voting for how government should operate 2 . rule by leaders who rise from the military to command a society where everyone is required to produce 3 . rule by a powerful leader who brings order out of chaos 4 . rule by philosopher-kings, selfless individuals who have no interest in monetary gain and rely on the producers to provide life's necessities 5 . rule by a small group of wealthy property owners who use their power for their own benefit

Match each term with the correct definition. 1 . lobbyist 2 . PAC (political action committee) 3 . special interest group 4 . soft money

1 . Someone who tries to influence elected officials on behalf of an industry or cause. 2 . A nongovernmental group that raises money to influence elections or legislation. 3 . A group that politically represents a specific industry or cause. 4 . Funding used for indirect advertising on behalf of political candidates.

What is the main difference between a federal government and a unitary government?

A federal government shares power with state and local governments while a unitary government has complete control over local governments.

Which statement describes an advantage and disadvantage of a market economy?

A market economy encourages business opportunities but does little to address income inequality.

Which point did James Madison make in Federalist No. 51?

A system of checks and balances would prevent power from becoming concentrated in any one branch or person.

What was the predecessor to the Articles of Confederation?

Albany Plan of Union

What agreement served as the first constitution of the 13 original states?

Articles of Confederation

What do federalism and dual sovereignty mean with respect to the Constitution?

State and federal governments would each have their own separate powers.

What was the purpose of the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation were designed to provide the 13 colonies with a system to work together in times of need, like war.

Which event led to King John I signing the Magna Carta?

The English nobles rebelled.

How did the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom impact the development of the US government?

The First Amendment prevented Congress from establishing a state religion.

Why did so many Pilgrims and Puritans move to the New World?

They were persecuted for their religion in England and wanted religious freedom in the New World.

Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu lays out a system for what type of government?

a three-branch government

Which option identifies a primary goal of mercantilism?

amassing wealth through trade

Read the sentence. Adam Smith believed that governments should not interfere in the economy. This approach is known as _[blank]_ . Which best completes the sentence?

laissez faire

Which class rose to new power and established assemblies and tribunals to serve their needs?


Which option describes the correct order of the steps in the nomination process?

primaries and caucuses, convention, delegates nominate candidates on ticket, election day

How did the Mayflower Compact influence later American government? Select all that apply.

- Like the US Constitution, it was a written agreement between individuals about how their government would work. - The colonial council that it established resembled the city councils currently in place in the United States.

Why was the Three-Fifths Compromise necessary? Select all that apply.

- Southerners feared that they would be taxed twice if each slave were counted as property as well as part of the population. - Northerners believed that if slaves were counted as part of the population, then the Southern states would dominate the House of Representatives.

Read the quotation. Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. How did the Articles of Confederation successfully implement this ideal from the Declaration of Independence? Select all that apply.

- The Articles required 9 or more of the 13 states to approve new laws. - The Articles gave equal voting power to all states in the Congress.

What governmental practices led to the writing of the English Bill of Rights? Select all that apply.

- The Crown had tortured the accused to receive confessions for crimes. - James II had created laws restricting the right of Protestants to bear arms. - James II created a standing army that killed hundreds of Protestants.

How did the Romans influence the creation of the United States government? Select all that apply.

- The Romans established a system of justice based on written laws. - The Romans created a representative democracy.

Which statements apply to Super PACS (Political Action Committees)? Select all that apply.

- The Supreme Court ruling on the Citizens United case led to the rise of powerful Super PACS. - Super PACS can raise unlimited funds as long as they support candidates indirectly.

Which documents were influenced by the Magna Carta? Select all that apply.

- US Constitution - Declaration of Independence

Which ideas were created by James Madison? Select all that apply.

- Virginia Plan - Three-Fifths Compromise

Match each term with the correct definition. 1 . delegate 2 . runoff 3 . ticket 4 . caucus

1 . a person elected or assigned to represent others 2 . a final election to decide an earlier undecided race 3 . two or more candidates running as a team 4 . a conference or meeting of leaders, typically of a political party

Match each term with the correct definition. 1 . platform 2 . Federalist 3 . bipartisanship 4 . Anti-Federalist

1 . a set of aims, ideas, and principles followed by a political party, usually expressed in a written document 2 . early american political party that advocated a strong national government 3 . cooperation between political parties that otherwise oppose each other 4 . early american political party that wanted strong state government and focus on personal property

Match each term with the correct definition. 1 . fascism 2 . socialism 3 . communism 4 . republic 5 . democracy

1 . an extreme form of nationalism 2 . the state regulates the economy and provides many goods and services 3 . all property is controlled by the state in the name of the people 4 . rule by democratically elected representatives 5 . rule by the people

Match the colonies with the definitions. 1 . Massachusetts 2 . Virginia 3 . Pennsylvania

1 . colony founded by Separatists and Puritans, whose religious values promoted a spirit of hard work that led to economic prosperity through shipping 2 . colony whose economic independent through tobacco production led to the creation of the House of Burgesses 3 . colony who practice of religious tolerance led to a creative atmosphere that promoted cultural and economic development

Match each term with the correct definition. 1 . market economy 2 . mixed market economy 3 . command economy 4 . traditional economy

1 . economy dominated by private business 2 . government offers some good services 3 . government-controlled economy 4 . economy that is based on custom

Identify the excerpts from the Mayflower Compact and the Preamble of the United States Constitution that are similar. 1 . Both 2 . Mayflower Compact 3 . Constitution

1 . general warfare 2 . combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politik 3 . establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for common defense

Match each term with the correct definition. 1 . warrior class 2 . bonds of obedience 3 . feudalism 4 . servient tenement 5 . divine right

1 . in the feudal system, individuals who fought for the noble classes; known as knights in Europe and samurai in Japan 2 . in the feudal system, the code of conduct followed by the warrior class; known as chivalry in Europe and bushido in Japan 3 . a system in which people worked and fought for nobles, who in turn gave them protection and use of land 4 . land that is owned by a landlord and worked by others in servitude 5 . the idea that monarchs were placed in their positions by God and ruled by His command

Match each key term with the correct definition. 1 . a government consisting of a small group of people 2 . a government that replaced rulers who mistreated the masses and became a system where the lower classes vote for how the government should be run 3 . a government established through one person coming to power in order to maintain order but exercising power in an unjust manner 4 . a government based on principles of military glory; rulers include military personnel 5 . a government in which power is held by the most qualified individuals who have no interest in monetary gain

1 . oligarchy 2 . mobocracy 3 . tyranny 4 . timocracy 5 . aristocracy

Match each term with the correct definition. 1 . speaker of the lower house 2 . backbenchers 3 . prime minister 4 . frontbenchers 5 . senate

1 . presiding officer over elected officials from the counties 2 . majority members of Parliament who are not in a leadership position 3 . head of the majority party in the lower house 4 . members of Parliament who are loyal to the prime minister 5 . legislative body; also called the upper house

Match each term with the correct definition. 1 . unitary 2 . dictatorship 3 . absolute monarchy 4 . theocracy 5 . oligarchy

1 . rule by central government 2 . rule by single individual 3 . rule by hereditary head of state 4 . rule by religious leaders 5 . rule by small group of individuals

Why did Benjamin Franklin change Thomas Jefferson's original phase of "We hold these truths to be sacred" to "We hold these truths to be self-evident"?

Only through reason could a new nation protect the rights of the people.

How did the Connecticut Compromise in the Philadelphia Convention lead to the acceptance of the Constitution?

The ability for each state to choose their delegates for the upper house allowed for equal representation among the states, allowing for the passage of the Constitution.

Read the sentence. Plato believed that a _[blank]_ would arise out of an aristocracy if individuals who had been selected to serve were not of the best quality. Which option correctly completes the sentence?


Read the sentence. The Albany Plan was the first step in determining how to establish a government that would _[blank]_ the colonies. Which option correctly completes the sentence?


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