US History 1 Exam 2 Ch 5-8

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Washington gave his farewell address on September 17, 1796, during which he advised the United States to____

Avoid permanent alliances with other countries.

Which of the following became popular with all classes?


How did British treat the United States following the Revolutionary War?

British considered the United Sates an enemy nation and closed its profitable Caribbean colonies to American commerce.

Most of the state constitutions adopted during the Revolution___

Contained bills of rights that protected rights like freedom of speech.

Jefferson showed his commitment to limited government by____

Cutting military spending.

Benedict Arnold became notorious late in the war by___

Defecting to the British.

The news of Yorktown inspired the British to___

End the war.

T/F: At the time the Thomas Paine's pamphlet. The American Crisis, was published, the Continental army still had a great degree of supplies and morale.


T/F: Due to the disputed election of 1800, the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson was marred by much bloodshed and violence.


T/F: During Thomas Jefferson's presidency, the national debt grew much larger.


T/F: Once in office, Jefferson set out to dismantle Hamilton's Federalist economic program.


T/F: The Hartford Convention was a success and led to a resurgence of Federalist support.


T/F: The Supreme Court has the final say in accepting and validating federal election results.


T/F: The republican ideology that the American Revolutionaries adopted had long dominated Europe.


T/F: Under the Constitution, each slave would count as one person for purposes of representation, but only half a person for taxation.


The founding fathers viewed the most democratic entity of the government as the____

House of Representatives.

Which of the following statements describes the minstrel shows between the 1830s and 1870s?

Immensely popular, they often included the songs of Stephen Foster.

How did the creation of state governments in the wake of the American Revolution affect political participation?

In some states, any male taxpayer could vote, no matter how much property he owned.

Which of the following statements is true of the textile plant established in Waltham, Massachusetts, in 1813?

It brought together the mechanized processes of spinning yarn and weaving cloth under one roof.

In which of the following ways was Cyrus McCormick's grain reaper significant?

It helped bring mechanical power to the Midwest, Old Northwest, and Great plains.

Which of the following was a result of the invention of the cotton gin?

It made cotton a major export item.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the cotton gin?

It made possible efficient separation of seeds from fiber.

The 12th Amendment was added to the Constitution to avoid the problems associated with the presidential election of 1800. What did the 12th Amendment put into law?

It required that electors had to use separate ballots to vote for a president and a vice president.

Why was the Battle of New Orleans significant?

It resulted in an American victory that helped set up Jackson as a possible presidential candidate.

Which of the following is true of the so-called Great Compromise?

It settled the question of congressional representation.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Jefferson's Embargo Act?

It sought to stop all American exports.

Which of the following statements about the Know-Nothing party is correct?

It was strongest in the 1850s.

One of the MOST remembered aspects of the British assault upon Baltimore was_____

Its inspiration for the eventual national anthem.

Why was the election of 1800 significant?

Jefferson and Aaron Burr were tied with the same exact number of electoral votes, which created a political crisis over the transition of power.

The 1804 presidential election resulted in____

Jefferson's landslide reelection.

President Madison's attempts to deal with British and French interference with American trade____

Led to war with the British.

What was the significance of the response of the American public to the War of 1812?

Like the Revolution, the war was very much a civil war, with divided allegiances among former American Loyalists, Americans, and Canadians.

The Know-Nothings campaigned primarily to_____

Limit immigrant influences.

Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to map out and explore well beyond the Mississippi. They eventually____

Made it to the Pacific Ocean.

Thomas Jefferson believed that a large federal debt would___

Mean even more debt and public corruption.

With the end of the war, many Americans viewed the United States as a____

Nation with a special destiny.

In his inaugural address, President Washington emphasized____

National unity.

The Hartford Convention illustrated deep opposition in_____ to the war.

New England

In the early 1789, the new Congress gathered in the national capital, which was____

New York City

To which of the following options was the United States forced to resort in order to pay the costs of the Revolution?

New issues of paper money.

The Constitution was to be considered ratified as soon as it had been approved by____

Nine of the states.

Elite Virginians despised Lord Dunmore because of his___

Offer of freedom to slaves who would join the British.

The Sedition Act was aimed primarily at____

Republican newspaper editors.

The convention, which assembled in May 1787, as supposed to

Revise the Articles of Confederation.

One serious economic problem under the Articles of Confederation was____

Shortage of "hard money"

Conditions at Washington's winter camp at Valley Forge were___

Spartan, as food and proper clothing was in short supply.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the role of the government in the development of transportation in the 19th century United States?

State governments, the federal government, and private investors all contributed to such projects in their own ways financially.

Over the course of the 19th century, many regions of the United States experienced a shift from_______ agriculture to________ agriculture.

Subistence: commercial

By the 1850s, a communications revolution had been triggered by the development of the____


Which of the following transpired when the British attacked New York in late August 1776?

The American army was fortunate to make a narrow escape overnight.

Why was the Battle of Kings Mountain a turning point in the Revolutionary War?

The American militiamen decisively defeated the British and undermined their southern strategy.

The Articles of Confederation failed to give federal government___

The right to levy taxes on trade and commerce without unanimous approval from the states.

The Federalist essays argued that____

The size and diversity of the large new country would make it impossible for any one faction to control the government.

The British defeat at New Orleans is best explained by____

Their attack upon a strong defensive position.

One striking aspect of the Lowell factories was_____

Their employment of young single women.

Which of the following statements accurately describes trains by the 1850s?

They could operate year-round and on all types of terrain.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Tories during the war?

They were found in all ranks of society and included roles as varied as governors and farmers.

Which of the following is true of the state militia units that made up the initial American military force and later came to augment the Continental army?

They were largely civilians who often decided for themselves when to join or leave the fighting.

Which of the following statements accurately describes audiences in theaters during the first half of the 19th century?

They were predominantly men but from all walks of life.

Who said, "We are all Republicans-we are all Federalists?

Thomas Jefferson

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolution argued that states could nullify federal laws. Who wrote the Resolutions and in response to what federal laws?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the resolutions against the Alien and Sedition Acts.

The Articles of Confederation were fully ratified and became effective____

To essentially legalize the way things had been operating since independence had been declared.

To uphold standards of quality and maintain decent wage levels, craftsmen at first formed_____

Trade associations

T/F: A market-based economy characteristically produces boom-and-bust cycles.


T/F: Although slavery was the most explosive issue of the Constitutional Convention, the new constitution lacked any plan for limiting or ending slavery.


T/F: Anti-Federalist favored a decentralized federal system of government.


T/F: Chinese immigrants to the United States in the 19th century often did the heavy work of construction projects.


T/F: Desertion decreased the size of the Continental army to such a degree that George Washington modified his conventional top-down approach to be more democratic and allow soldiers to offer suggestions.


T/F: Industrialization drove the rapid expansion of towns and cities throughout New England.


T/F: James Madison introduced the Bill of Rights in Congress to address concerns of those who initially opposed the Constitution.


T/F: The Articles of Confederation left many powers to the states.


T/F: The New Jersey Plan proposed keeping a unicameral legislature with equal representation for each state.


T/F: The United States had the fastest growing economy in the world by 1850.


T/F: The War of 1812 was a continental war, as it was three wars fought on the three fronts; the Chesapeake Bay, the South, and the North closer to Canada.


T/F: The timely arrival of the French navy off the coast of Yorktown gave Washington's forces the reinforcement they needed to defeat Cornwall's British army.


T/F: Thomas Jefferson signed an act outlawing the importation of foreign slaves from African as of 1808.


According to the Constitution, the president has the authority to____

Veto acts of Congress.

Between 1800 and 1840, the nation's most dramatic population expansion occurred_____

West of the Appalachians.

Which of the following statements describe actions taken by Benjamin Franklin's son William , and what do they suggest about the war?

William's loyalty to British demonstrates how the war was in many ways a civil war, with the need to choose sides dividing families and friends.

Which of the following did the public generally consider acceptable activities for women outside the home?

Working in religious and social service realms.

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