US History 1 MidTerm

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(Q015) The Declaration of Independence

was signed long before any battles between the British and the Patriots had occurred.

(Q008) The area of the British Empire with the greatest number of slaves in 1675 was the

Caribbean colonies

(Q005) Which of the following groups hoped to reform the Church of England from within?


(Q023) New Spain endured as an empire due to the focus of Spanish rulers on encouraging vast numbers of Spanish settlers to populate it.


(Q023) The Mayflower Compact established that Plymouth's government was controlled by large landowners.


(Q023) The Paxton Boys were a group of protestors formed in opposition to the Stamp Act.


(Q023) The Scots-Irish tended to be the wealthiest of the colonists and to live in coastal cities.


(Q024) By 1750, over half of the colonists in British North America lived in cities.


(Q025) Religious dissenters were welcome in Massachusetts.


Which of the following statements accurately describes Chief Powhatan?

He ruled over several hundred Indian villages in Eastern Virginia.

(Q007) Who led the first conquest of a major civilization in the Americas, at first being mistaken for a god by the Aztecs and entering Tenochtitlán peacefully?

Hernán Cortés

(Q008) What was a result of the Treaty of Paris in 1763?

It ended French power in North America.

(Q014) Which of the following statements accurately describes the Great Awakening in America?

It was a series of emotional religious revivals.

(Q013) England's claim to North America came as a result of the voyages undertaken by which explorer?

John Cabot

(Q010) The most democratic social institution in colonial America was the

Local tavern

(Q008) Who led the earliest known exploration of Florida?

Ponce de León

(Q007) Which of the following figures championed individual liberty and religious freedom, as well as criticized settlers' treatment of Native Americans?

Roger Williams

(Q009) What was a result of the Stono Rebellion?

The South Carolina legislature banned the importation of slaves for ten years.

(Q010) Which is true of King Philip's War?

The colonies passed conscription laws to build the army out of desperation.

(Q013) The greatest ethnic diversity in colonial America was found in

The middle colonies

(Q010) What was a result of the Indians' adoption of horses?

The overhunting of bison

(Q001) Which of the following is true of the native cultures in North America around the year 1500?

The population was made up of hundreds of separate tribes and societies.

(Q002) A strong market in England for staple crops or cash crops and a trend toward large-scale production characterized the economy in

The southern colonies

(Q030) By the early eighteenth century, English America had grown more populous and powerful than any of its colonial European rivals.


(Q007) The colonies' main economic problem involved

a shortage of gold and silver coins.

(Q010) As part of the Townshend Acts, the Revenue Act of 1767 posed a major threat to the colonists because it

c. relieved colonial officials of financial dependence on colonial assemblies.

(Q002) Which of the following was an important factor in the collapse of Mayan civilization?

deforestation and increased warfare

(Q014) Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense

directly attacked King George III and demanded independence.

(Q006) The political structure in Massachusetts

evolved from a trading company to a provincial government.

(Q013) What was the primary source of labor in the English colonies in 1700?

indentured servants

(Q005) The aspect of the Columbian Exchange that had the greatest immediate effect on human societies was the transfer of

infectious diseases to America.

(Q003) Two ways the colonies differed from Europe were that

land was cheap and labor was expensive.

(Q002) A major goal of the Navigation Acts was to

maintain English control of the shipping trade with the colonies.

(Q011) Which of the following is cited as a probable cause of the witchcraft hysteria of the 1690s in Salem?

social strains in the Massachusetts colony

(Q004) What was a major cause of Bacon's Rebellion?

tensions among landless white colonists and Governor Berkeley's failure to protect colonists against Indian retaliation

(Q004) Until the end of his life, Christopher Columbus believed that he had journeyed to

territories near the mainland of Asia.

(Q015) King Charles I was beheaded after

the English Civil War.

(Q003) Which of the following prompted the European quest for a western water route to East Asia in the fifteenth century?

the blocking of the overland route by Chinese rulers

(Q006) Which of the following was important to economic development in the New England colonies?

the fishing and shipping industries

(Q008) English colonizers attempted to justify appropriating Indian lands based on the idea that

they had a "God-given" right to hunt, farm, and fish on the "unsettled" land and waters.

(Q021) The first European town in the present-day United States was New Orleans.


(Q028) Deists in colonial America rebelled against the perspectives of the Enlightenment and believed in God's continued active involvement in everyday life.


(Q007) Which of the following transpired at Fort Necessity in 1754?

George Washington surrendered to the French.

(Q011) What prompted England's split with Rome in 1533?

Henry VIII's desire for an annulment

(Q012) What was the significance of the Boston Massacre?

It sent shock waves through the colonies and, coinciding with the boycott of British goods, helped bring about the repeal of most of the Townshend duties.

(Q002) What was the first permanent English colony?


(Q001) Which of the following statements is true of the early settlers of America?

They brought with them diverse cultural traits, which influenced the cultures that developed in the New World.

(Q014) Which of the following statements is true of the Pueblo Indians?

They executed a successful rebellion under the leadership of Popé.

(Q004) Which of the following is true of women in most of the English colonies?

They were kept from voting, holding public office, and signing contracts.

(Q014) Which of the following is true of the Quakers?

They were pacifists who enjoyed good relations with the Indians.

(Q016) Cahokia was the largest settlement of the Mississippian people in North America.


(Q021) Colonial slave codes specified that children born of slaves would be slaves for life.


(Q022) A key to Spanish control over the Indians in the Southwest was the Catholic mission system.


(Q022) The majority of the settlers in Maryland were Catholic.


(Q030) The Renaissance came after and was primarily a result of the Age of Exploration.


(Q009) Which of the following statements accurately describes King Philip?

He was the leader of the Wampanoags during a devastating war in New England between Native Americans and English settlers.

(Q015) What was the significance of the "Lost Colony" of the 1580s?

Its failure represented the struggles of early colonization and the limited presence of the English in North America until after the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

(Q005) Which of the following statements is true of the colonies in contrast to England?

Men and women married at an earlier age in the colonies than in England.

(Q012) How did English relations with the Native Americans differ from the French and Dutch relations with the Native Americans?

The French and Dutch were interested in building good trade relations with the Native Americans, while the English focused on establishing permanent settlements.

(Q016) Joint-stock companies in which investors banded together to buy shares funded many American colonies.


(Q016) Most early settlers in American were young, poor, unmarried males.


(Q017) The model for colonization used by the English derived from their experiences with the Irish.


(Q018) During the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the king of England was replaced by his daughter and son-in-law, at the invitation of Parliament.


(Q020) The chief staple crop of colonial South Carolina was rice.


(Q020) Under the encomienda system, Spanish officials enjoyed great wealth.


(Q022) Despite other forms of strictness, Puritans in New England drank rum and beer and enjoyed secular music.


(Q029) Benjamin Franklin was a major figure of the Enlightenment in America.


(Q029) Georgia was established partly as a philanthropic venture to aid the poor.


(Q017) The Norsemen ("Vikings") from Scandinavia explored and settled temporarily in North America, long before Columbus "discovered" the Americas.


(Q022) The colonists opposed the Stamp Act on the grounds that the British had no right to impose taxes on the colonies without also providing them representation in Parliament.


(Q025) Since American nationalism did not yet exist, the celebration of Independence Day would not begin until over a century after the Revolutionary War.


(Q026) Following the Revolutionary War, property qualifications for voting were raised in most states.


(Q026) The Boston Tea Party was the colonial response to British authorities greatly increasing the tax on tea.


(Q026) The majority of Federalists supported the revolutionaries in France.


(Q027) Active military engagements between the British and the colonists started the day after the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence.


(Q027) The English became active in exploration during the reign of King Henry VIII.


(Q028) The Quasi War with France ended in what is widely considered an utter defeat for the Americans.


(Q029) The Americans were aided by an African American unit known as the Ethiopian Regiment.


(Q030) Most Native American nations allied themselves with the Patriots during the Revolutionary War.


(Q024) Backcountry dissent within the colonies in the years prior to the American Revolution was evidence of differing cultures and political priorities.


(Q024) John Winthrop expressed the belief that Puritans were on a divine mission to show what a godly community could achieve.


(Q025) Of all the leaders of the Protestant Reformation, John Calvin had the greatest influence on the English colonies.


(Q025) The Coercive Acts were a series of harsh laws passed by Parliament that were in part a reaction to the Boston Tea Party.


(Q025) The Mennonites came to Pennsylvania from Germany in search of religious freedom.


(Q025) The Republican Party was popular among Americans who envisioned a nation dominated mainly by small farms.


(Q026) Anne Hutchinson angered community leaders by criticizing mandatory church attendance and the power of ministers and magistrates.


(Q026) Few Americans in the colonial period considered slavery a moral issue.


(Q026) Humanity's inherent sinfulness was a central emphasis of Calvinism.


(Q027) Benjamin Franklin was one of the commissioners who negotiated the terms of the Treaty of Paris.


(Q027) President George Washington's response to the Whiskey Rebellion drove many Americans to throw their support behind the Republican Party.


(Q027) The Dutch were the first Europeans to control the colony that later became New York.


(Q028) After the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Continental Congress sent George III the Olive Branch Petition, which requested negotiations.


(Q028) Aztec religion focused on the cosmic forces of nature and included human sacrifices.


(Q028) During the Revolution, the British army freed more slaves than did the colonists.


(Q028) Early settlers in South Carolina captured, sold, and exported more Indians into slavery than they imported African slaves.


(Q029) At the Battle of Bunker Hill, the British suffered more casualties than did the colonists.


(Q029) The Church of England included aspects of both Calvinism and Catholicism.


(Q027) By 1700, enslaved Africans were to be found only in the southern colonies of North America.


(Q006) Which of the following were crops from America that explorers introduced to Europe?

Corn and potatoes

(Q015) Puritan New England practiced a rudimentary democracy in which the many male landowners each had a single vote.


(Q009) Which of the following statements characterizes Spain's management of the territory of New Spain?

Native peoples were forced to convert to Catholicism and to serve as slaves to wealthy Spaniards.

(Q012) Which of the following was part of the "triangular trade"?

New England shippers took rum to Africa, where it was exchanged for slaves.

(Q011) Which of the following was the most ethnically diverse American colony?

New Netherland

(Q017) "Salutary neglect" described British policy toward French and Spanish colonial efforts in America before the wars for empire.


(Q017) In 1700, the death rate in colonial America was still higher than in Europe.


(Q018) Moorish Muslims defeated Spanish Christians at Granada in 1492.


(Q018) The town was the basic form of settlement in early New York.


(Q019) During the sixteenth century, the dominant European power in the New World was Portugal.


(Q009) Which of the following list of events is presented in the correct chronological order?

Battles of Saratoga, capture of Charleston, Battle of Yorktown

(Q012) Which of the following was a provision of the Treaty of Paris?

Britain agreed that the western boundary of the United States was the Mississippi River.

(Q004) Under the Articles of Confederation, America and Britain were in conflict over

British forts and posts on American soil.

(Q024) Those who opposed the ratification of the Constitution were called Federalists.


(Q008) The greatest single American loss in the war occurred at

Charleston, South Carolina.

(Q017) The Northwest Ordinance was based on the goal of treating the western lands similar to the way imperial nations treated colonies.


(Q018) Shays's Rebellion was motivated by the failure of the state to protect farmers against Native American attacks.


(Q019) Elizabeth Lucas Pinckney was a colonial woman who is best remembered for her piety and deference to her husband.


(Q019) France entered the war as an ally of the British.


(Q019) The Albany Plan of Union was quickly approved by the colonial legislatures and proved essential in the Americans' winning the Revolutionary War.


(Q019) The central, most active figure at the 1787 Constitutional Convention was John Adams.


(Q019) The colony of Virginia was founded by a Quaker upon the principle of religious freedom.


(Q020) Because of the warm climate and fertile land, settlers in Virginia had a longer life expectancy than settlers in New England.


(Q021) Pontiac's Rebellion helped contribute to the loss of French influence in the Ohio River.


(Q021) The Iroquois League, or Confederacy, was a major obstacle to the expansion of Virginia and the Carolinas.


(Q023) John Adams was very sympathetic to his wife Abigail's plea to "remember the ladies" when forming a new government.


(Q023) The authors of The Federalist Papers were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Clinton.


(Q024) The Spanish Empire stretched into South America with Francisco Pizarro's conquest of the Mayan Empire.


(Q024) The state constitutions framed during the Revolutionary War usually increased the powers of the governor to maintain order and went against the idea of republican ideology.


(Q001) Which of the following statements was true of New France prior to the French and Indian War?

Far fewer French immigrated to New France than did the British to the British colonies.

(Q014) Much of John Adams's presidency revolved around a growing crisis with


(Q003) Which of the following statements accurately describes Captain John Smith?

He forced the original settlers of Jamestown to work for their food.

(Q006) In 1778, George Rogers Clark did which of the following?

He scored major victories on the frontier for the Patriots.

(Q009) What was a result of the Royal Proclamation of 1763?

It forbade settlers west of the Appalachians.

(Q001) Which of the following statements accurately describes the Battle of Trenton?

It was a pivotal American victory that restored Washington's confidence in his soldiers.

(Q013) The focus of the most serious crisis of George Washington's presidency, which led some to call for impeachment, was

Jay's Treaty

(Q011) Who first organized the Sons of Liberty and said, "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men?"

Samuel Adams

(Q006) Which was decided at the Constitutional Convention?

Slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person in apportioning representation to the House of Representatives.

(Q009) The Constitutional Convention required that the Constitution be ratified by

State conventions

(Q006) Which of the following statements accurately describes colonial legislatures in the eighteenth-century British colonies?

The assemblies could pass laws and gradually expanded their power and influence.

(Q005) Which of the following was an outcome of the Battle of Saratoga?

The decisive American victory helped convince France to ally with the Patriots.

(Q003) Which of the following was a stipulation of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

The new western territories would eventually become coequal states.

(Q015) How did religion change in America following the Revolutionary War?

The principle of separation of church and state became dominant.

(Q003) Which of the following is true of the Tories (or Loyalists)?

They frustrated the British by their weakness and disorganization.

(Q004) Which of the following statements accurately describes John Locke's theories?

They viewed government as a guardian of people's natural rights.

(Q011) Which of the following statements accurately describes the anti-Federalists?

They worried about the rights of individuals and of states.

(Q007) Who endorsed the French Revolution and tried to justify the Reign of Terror by saying, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"?

Thomas Jefferson

(Q010) The Revolution seemed on the verge of collapse by December of 1776. Which of the following political figures' words emboldened the Continental Congress and Patriots in general, including the famous line "These are the times that try men's souls"?

Thomas Paine in The American Crisis

(Q015) The most influential figure in the Confederation government was Robert Morris.


(Q016) Britain made use of hired foreign soldiers during the Revolutionary War.


(Q016) The partitioning of land into square townships in what was then called the Northwest Territories of the United States was established by the Land Ordinance of 1785.


(Q016) Under mercantilism, colonies supplied raw materials to the mother country.


(Q017) The British gained control of New York City early in the war.


(Q018) By early 1777, George Washington realized that the Americans could not defeat the British in large battles and began to focus on carrying out surprise attacks.


(Q018) The wars with France in the early eighteenth century caused the national debt in England to balloon.


(Q020) After the Battles of Saratoga, Parliament offered to grant all of the demands the colonies had made before declaring independence.


(Q020) As a result of the French and Indian War, Spain gained control of the Louisiana Territory.


(Q020) The Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention called for three separate branches of government.


(Q021) The "Great Compromise" at the Constitutional Convention was over representation in the new Congress.


(Q021) The Americans scored a key Southern victory at the Battle of Kings Mountain.


(Q022) The Quaker Nathanael Greene took command of the American forces in the South in 1780.


(Q022) The word "slavery" does not appear anywhere in the Constitution of 1787.


(Q011) The French played a vital role in the colonists' victory at


(Q001) Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

a reliance on voluntary contributions from the states for funding

(Q010) In The Federalist No. 10, James Madison argued that

a republic would work especially well in the large, diverse country.

(Q014) As a result of the American Revolution, women gained

few new social, political, or economic rights.

(Q005) Who could vote in the British colonies in the 1700s?

all male property owners

(Q002) To strengthen the government under the Articles of Confederation, Robert Morris wanted to

enlarge the national debt.

(Q007) In late 1778, the British shifted their military focus to the South because they

expected strong Tory support there.

(Q004) What action did Washington take in 1777 to control the smallpox outbreaks affecting his troops?

mass inoculation

(Q003) In America, one significant effect of the Glorious Revolution was to

set a precedent for the constitutional overthrowing of a king.

(Q012) In order to stimulate economic growth, Hamilton called for all of the following EXCEPT

subsidies for American farmers.

(Q002) Who was a wealthy and idealistic Frenchman who fought with the Americans and became Washington's most trusted aide?

the Marquis de Lafayette

(Q013) Under the government of the Articles of Confederation,

the central government, rather than the states, had control over foreign relations.

(Q012) The English were able to colonize America partly as a result of

the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

(Q008) The Bill of Rights included all of the following EXCEPT

the right to refuse to participate in state militias.

(Q013) The protests developed by the committees of the Continental Association

utilized economic boycotts.

(Q005) At the Constitutional Convention, the New Jersey Plan proposed a legislature

with equal representation for each state.

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