U.S History 2nd Semester Final

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What were the lives of Latinos like in the early 1960's?

1/3 below poverty line, discrimination, political power

What was the second New Deal?

Another attempt of stimulating economic growth after the recesion

How did the Chinese Civil War influence the Korean War?

Communist take control over China and led the communist infiltration of North Korea

The axis powers were named for the "Axis" between which two European capitals?

Germany, and Italy

The election of 1932 was a turning point in the role of_____________.


Who was the leader of the SCLC?

MLK and other african american ministers

Who won the election of 1968?


Americans were afraid of attacks by the soviets because they were the second country to develop technology?


Who was Joseph McCarthy and what did he do?

Senator that attempted to reveal communist infiltration in the government

The cold war was a conflict between the U.S. and the ___________.

Soviet Union

Which side of Korea did the U.S. support? Which side did the Communists support?

The U.S. helped South Korea and communists supported North Korea

What was the Berlin Airlift?

Truman's massive response after stalin blocked aid to West Berlin

The Truman Doctrine was issued in response to Communist pressure on what two countries?

Turkey and Greece

Describe the tet Offensive?

a coordinated attack on americans position in the south

What did the big three decide to do with Germany at the Yalta Conference?

agreed to demand Germany's unconditional surrender and begin plans for a post-war world

What position did the United Nations take in the Korean war?

aid and assistance to South Korea

How did Vietcong's elaborate tunnel systems help them?

allowed them to move people and supplies undetected

What was the United nations?

an international organization that encourages operation among nations and prevent future wars

Describe Eisenhower's brinkmanship policy.

arming the nation to the point no country would dare attack the U.S. for feared referation

What were some of the effects of the stock market crash of 1929?

banks and borrowers failed, and unemployment increased

What does the term intergration mean?

bringing together of the races

What did the Tonkin Gulf Resolution do?

congress gave president johnson permission to take action in vietnam

What were the effects of the smoot- Hawley Tariff?

crippled trade relationships contributed to rescesion

How did the many South Vietnamese people feel about the presence of American soldiers?

did not support their efforts and aided the viet cong instead

Kennedy's New Frontier program did NOT address the __________.


Nazism is what type of government?


What was the significance of Stalingrad?

furthest in road that Germany made before the soviet union

What was Hitler's final solution?

genocide of the jewish race

What is appeasement?

giving end of the demands of an agressor

Why did MLK target Birmingham for civil rights demonstrations?

he called it the most segregated city in America

How did Malcolm X's views differ from those of most other civil rights leaders?

he had extreme views and focused on Islam as opposed to christianity and black nationalism

Describe the bay of pigs invasion. What was it's goal? Did it meet it?

it was a failure, attempt at overthrowing castro's government,

What conclusion did the warren of commission reach?

kennedy's assassination was the act of lee harvey oswald a lone assassin

What happened as a direct result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

khrushchev removed missiles from cuba

Describe the supreme court's decision in Roe vs. Wade?

legalized abortion but left specific rules up to each state

What was the legacy of the New Deal?

more government agencies, safety net: like social security, some relieve but no real solution to poverty

What happened at the battle of Britain?

most massive air bombing the world had seen

What was Vichy France?

occupied government of France that comparted with Germany

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 do?

outlawed discrimination, housing, jobs, education in all other places

What were the causes of the great Depression?

over production, consumption, surplus, increasing consumer debt, and risking bank practices

What type of protest did Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi advocate?


What were the 3 R's of the New Deal?

relief, reform, recovery

What was the U.S.'s role in the early portion of WWII?

remain neutral, and supply great Britain with goods

What did the 21st Amendment do?

repealed the 18th amendment of prohibition of alcohol

What did the Supreme Court decide in Brown v. Board of education?

repealed the separate schools but equal and outlawed school segregation

How did the U.S. pay for WWII?

selling bonds, and deficit spending

What were the main goals of the movement of Latino rights?

social justice, better pay, fight discrimination, and better working condition

How would you describe FDR's first 100 days in office?

stayed true to his promises and pushed relieve legislation through congress

Describe the Allies' Island hopping strategy?

strategic battles on the pacific islands

What were the short -term effects of the wagner Act?

strengthened unions and encourage union membership, and saw more activities like strikes

What was Kennedy's policy with respect to Vietnam?

support dms government with money and military advisors

The Freedom rides were organized to test what decision?

supreme court decision that desegregated public transportation

What tactics did Joseph Stalin use to control the Soviet Union?

terror, fear, violence, and purge

Wen Douglas MAcArthur said "I shall return" where was he planning to return?

the Phillipines

What happened as a result of the Japanese attack on pearl harbor?

the U.S. joined in Europe and the Pacific

What was the miracle at Dunkirk?

the capture of allied soldiers across the english channel

Explain Eisenhower's Domino Theory?

the idea that if one falls all with fall in relation to other countries surrounding vietnam

What prevented the massacre at My Lai from being even worse?

the intercession of a military helicopter crew

What happened on D-day?

the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944 the allied forces of britain, America, Canada, France attacked German forces, the allies attacked and gained a victory that became the turning point in WWII in Europe

What does the term Feminism mean?

the principle that men and women should have equal, political, social, and economic rights

How did WWI help lead to WWII?

the terms of the treaty of versailles lead to extreme political extremes, resentment debt in Germany

What was result of the Vietnam War?

the u.s. withdrew, south vietnam surrender, and vietnam was reunited under a communist government

Why did some people criticize Johnson's great society?

they felt it was to far reaching and expensive as well as ineffective in its goals, some liked it because of communism

Explain the U.S policy of containment

through diplomacy, spending, and if necessary force

What was one of the reasons that the vietnam veterans memorial was built?

to heal the wounds of the war and commemorate the sacrifices of those who died

What were some of the of the horrible conditions that American troops faced in Vietnam?

weather, jungle, guerilla warfare tactics, unseen enemies, lack of public support

What happened to Japanese- Americans during WWII?

were in prison and internment camps for the duration of the war

How did most Americans react to the treatment of protestors by the birmingham police?

with horror, it mobilized the civil rights movement, and exposed sudden racism

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