US History and the Constitution 1.1-1.3

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Tea Act

The British Parliament passed the Tea Act in May 1773. It reinforced a tea tax in the American colonies. The act also allowed the British East India Company to have a monopoly on the tea trade there. This meant that the American colonists were not allowed to buy tea from any other source. The Tea Act led directly to a protest known as the Boston Tea Party. In that incident, the colonists dumped 342 chests of East India Company tea into the ocean. The Boston Tea Party was one of the events that led to the American Revolution.

In which of these regions was religion a unifying feature in the colonial era? a) New England b) Middle colonies c) Southern colonies d) Ohio River Valley area

a) New England - New England was the only area in the colonial era which had a religiously homogeneous population. The area was settled by Puritans, followers of John Calvin. The other regions listed had a variety of religious groups including Episcopalians, Quakers, Presbyterians, etc. Puritanism had a unifying effect on New England by instilling values and religious practices that were common to all.

New England Colonies

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire

Continental Congress

A body of representatives from the British North American colonies who met to respond to England's Intolerable Acts. They declared independence in July 1776 and later drafted the Articles of Confederation. - served as the government of the 13 American colonies and later the United States - The First Continental Congress, which was comprised of delegates from the colonies, met in 1774 in reaction to the Coercive Acts - In 1775, the Second Continental Congress convened after the American Revolutionary War - In 1776, it took the momentous step of declaring America's independence from Britain. Five years later, the Congress ratified the first national constitution, the Articles of Confederation, under which the country would be governed until 1789, when it was replaced by the current U.S. Constitution.

Taxation Without Representation

A common complaint of American Colonists, they felt they were taxed from England without having any vote in Parliament.

In the Declaration of Independence, whom did the Americans indict for "repeated injuries and usurpations"? A) King George III, because of the crown's apparent intention to establish despotism B) Parliament, because of the oppressive legislation that it had passed over ten years C) British merchants, because their drive for personal profits had caused them to ignore the greater good of the empire D) The king's ministers, because they had refused to compromise

A) King George III, because of the crown's apparent intention to establish despotism For much of the document, the Declaration of Independence cites, 'He has:.' This "He" is King George III, because of the crown's apparent intention to establish despotism. He was a convenient target, though Parliament shared much of the blame.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." - from The Declaration of Independence What is the best definition of the word unalienable in this passage? A) something that cannot be taken away B) things that sometimes are allowable C) rights that are only provided by law D) beliefs that vary from person to person

A) something that cannot be taken away The word unalienable means something that cannot be taken away. Thomas Jefferson philosophers believed that certain rights could never be taken away or surrendered. These rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence would later become part of the United States Constitution.

The "Sons of Liberty" were formed in the 1760s primarily as a reaction to A)the Stamp Act. B)the Boston Massacre. C)the Treaty of Paris, 1783. D)the French and Indian War.

A) the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act of 1765 was a primary cause for the formation of the Sons of Liberty. They became a vital organization in the spreading of information and the unification of public opinion in the move to protest against Britain's policy in the American colonies.

Which choices accurately identify achievements made under the government of the Articles of Confederation? A)Treaty of Paris (1783) B)Northwest Ordinance (1787) C)The Louisiana Purchase (1803) D)Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)E)Movement of the national capital to Washington DC (1800)

A)Treaty of Paris (1783) and B)Northwest Ordinance (1787) The Treaty of Paris (1783) and the Northwest Ordinance (1787) were achievements reached during the government of the Article of Confederation. The Treaty of Paris officially ended the American Revolution and negotiated the terms of the dissolution of the relationship between the American states and Great Britain. The Northwest Ordinance outlined the method and governing structure to the movement westward in the United States. The Louisiana Purchase (1803), the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), and the movement of the national capital to Washington DC (1800) all occurred after the Articles of Confederation had been replaced by the United States Constitution.

Which of these was a reason the American colonies were fighting a war for independence in 1776? A)restrictions on colonial trade B)restrictions on slave ownership in the colonies C)failure to protect the colonists from attacks by the French D)failure to protect the colonists from attacks by the Spanish

A)restrictions on colonial trade The American colonies fought a war for independence in 1776 because of restrictions on colonial trade, among other reasons. The British government placed severe restrictions on colonial trade in an effort to regain money spent defending the colonies during the French and Indian War.

"Joint stock companies" were organizations meant to establish colonies in the Americas by people from A)Britain. B)France. C)Portugal. D)Spain.

B) Britain Hint: Also called John Company - Britain was the first country to use "joint stock companies." They were essentially corporations in which people would invest money in the company in hopes that they would be able to earn a profit when they settled in North America.

"...We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are,...Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved;...And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." ~The Declaration of Independence, 1776 What is the most significant aspect of the growth of the American identity displayed in the excerpt provided? A) During the period of 1750-1800, American colonists promoted governmental views of anarchy and revolt. B) During the period of 1750-1800, the American colonies took steps to cement self-rule and representative governance. C) During the period of 1750-1800, the American identity mirrored unity, conformity, and codependence in commercial ventures. D) During the period of 1750-1800, the American identity reflected a dramatic shift toward a focus on Christian-based governments.

B) During the period of 1750-1800, the American colonies took steps to cement self-rule and representative governance. During the period of 1750-1800, the American colonies took steps to cement self-rule and representative governance. The most significant aspect of the Declaration of Independence is the legal break the document established from England. Several components of the founding document draw attention to the principles of self-rule and a representative system established and maintained by the people.

The document signed as a result of the Glorious Revolution is the A)Declaration of Independence. B)English Bill of Rights. C)Petition of Rights. D)Magna Carta.

B) English Bill of Rights. The English Bill of Rights was signed in 1689. It created limits on the monarchs and was used as an inspiration for the United States' Bill of Rights.

After the Glorious Revolution, England became a constitutional monarchy when William and Mary recognized Parliament as their partner in governing. How does a constitutional monarchy differ from an absolute monarchy? A)In an absolute monarchy, the ruler is elected by the people. B)In a constitutional monarchy, laws limit the ruler's powers. C)In a constitutional monarchy, the king takes power by force. D)In an absolute monarchy, a Bill of Rights protects individual freedoms.

B) In a constitutional monarchy, laws limit the ruler's powers. In a constitutional monarchy, laws limit the ruler's powers. In an absolute monarchy, the ruler has unlimited power. To limit the powers of the monarch, Parliament created the English Bill of Rights.

The first financially successful English colony in the "new world" was A)Canada. B)Jamestown. C)Maryland. D)Plymouth.

B) Jamestown Jamestown actually began to make money when John Rolfe discovered a "sweeter" strain of tobacco that did not make Europeans sick when they consumed it. Once large populations of Europe were hooked on nicotine, one of the most addictive substances known to man, Jamestown and the Virginia Company started raking in the dough.

The first permanent English settlement in North America was A)Boston. B)Jamestown. C)Plymouth. D)St. Augustine.

B) Jamestown The first permanent English settlement in North America was Jamestown. St. Augustine was the first-ever European settlement, but it was established by the Spanish.

This 1765 revenue law of the British parliament succeeded in angering the American colonists, not because it taxed most documents but because the colonists had no voice in its passage. A)The Tea Act. B)The Stamp Act. C)The Sugar Act. D)The Townshend Acts.

B) The Stamp Act The Stamp Act succeeded in angering the colonists. A "stamp tax" was common in Britain, but, unlike British citizens in Europe, the colonists had no voice in the passage of the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act spurred one of the earliest cries of "taxation without representation is tyranny."

Which of these was a major philosophy expressed in the Declaration of Independence? A)support for states' rights and slavery B)a belief in the natural rights of citizens C)the need for a federal system of government D)a belief in the benefits of a laissez-faire economy

B) a belief in the natural rights of citizens A belief in the natural rights of citizens was one of the major philosophies expressed in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration was, in actuality, a "break up letter," with the colonists telling the King why they did not want to live under his rule anymore. No mention was made of their plans for a new government or economic system.

The British surrendered to the Continental Army in 1781 following A) the Boston Massacre. B) the Battle of Yorktown. C) the Battle of Saratoga. D) the Battle of Lexington.

B) the Battle of Yorktown The British surrendered to the Continental Army in 1781 following the battle of Yorktown. This was the last battle of the Revolutionary War, though the actual peace treaty would not be passed for another 2 years.

This phrase from The Declaration of Independence and its primary author Thomas Jefferson can be used to justify which statement? A)Jefferson thought this document could be used in his defense were he put on trial for treason. B)Jefferson knew that the colonists' actions would have an international impact. C)Jefferson believed that a Bill of Rights was necessary in the new government. D)Jefferson was trying to show the King that the colonists were intellectuals.

B)Jefferson knew that the colonists' actions would have an international impact. The phrase shows that Jefferson knew that the colonists' actions would have an international impact. Remember that the Declaration of Independence was not just a "break up letter" with Great Britain: it was a statement to the entire world of the colonists' intent. He could not have imagined, however, that the document would influence people desiring independence from 1776 to the present day.

The development of the shipbuilding and cod fishing industries during the colonial era would have had the GREATEST impact on which colony? A)Georgia B)Massachusetts C)South Carolina D)North Carolina

B)Massachusetts The availability of labor, cheap lumber, and favorable ports, along with a preponderance of cod, made it and other New England colonies leaders in shipbuilding.

"...Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States...The said states...enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare..."~The Articles of Confederation, 1777"...This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States...and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land..."~The United States Constitution, 1787 How do the excerpts provided illustrate a change in the American view on the role of the national government during the period of 1750-1800? A)The excerpts display a movement toward the use of confederations as a structure of governance. B)The excerpts indicate a recognition of the need for a stronger national authority to govern the states. C)The excerpts show a renewed focus on the protections for the institution of slavery and foreign commerce. D)The excerpts illustrate principles of socialism, as evidenced by the phrase "mutual and general welfare."

B)The excerpts indicate a recognition of the need for a stronger national authority to govern the states. The excerpts indicate a recognition of the need for a stronger national authority to govern the states. Following the break from England, the American colonies joined through a confederation, which existed with a limited power of the national government. After years of various struggles among the states and with foreign nations, the United States Constitution was developed and ratified. The United States Constitution increased the powers of the national government and decreased the independence and sovereignty of the states.

Which statement should go in the box with the question marks? A)Congress could control trade. B)There was no national court system. C)Half of Congress was needed to pass a law. D)The President was in charge of the military.

B)There was no national court system. There were many weaknesses contained in the Articles of Confederation. One of them was that there was no national court system. This meant that if there was any problem or dispute between states, there was no good way to settle it.

Which best explains a major dissatisfaction of the merchant class with the Articles of Confederation? A)Suffrage was limited to the landed gentry. B)There was no provision for a uniform currency. C)The power of Congress to levy and collect taxes was unlimited. D)It caused European nations to enact trade barriers against the United States.

B)There was no provision for a uniform currency. The merchant class was dissatisfied that there was no provision for a uniform currency in the Articles of Confederation. This led to disputes between states and between people and banks, including Shays Rebellion in 1786.

Establishment of land rights for those states in white were primarily set by A)the Midwestern Compact. B)the Northwest Ordinance. C)the Missouri Compromise. D)the Albany Plan of Union.

B)the Northwest Ordinance. Establishment of land rights for those states in white were primarily set by the Northwest Ordinance. The Northwest Ordinance (1787) was one of the few things that the Articles of Confederation was able to accomplish in its brief existence.

From its inception, the United States Constitution created a representative democracy. The Founding Fathers even utilized representative democracy in Article VII of the Constitution, which outlined the ratification process. Specifically, ratification required the Constitution to be approved by representatives of the people and not the states. Which BEST describes the representative democracy the Founding Fathers outlined in Article VII of the United States Constitution? A)Article VII required a national popular vote to ratify the Constitution. B)Article VII required the states to ratify the Constitution by a popular vote in each state. C)Article VII required the Constitution to be ratified by each state sending representatives, chosen by the people of that state, to a special meeting, instead asking the existing state governments to ratify the Constitution. D)Article VII required the Constitution to be ratified by the peoples' "original representatives", also known as the representatives from each state who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.

C) Article VII required the Constitution to be ratified by each state sending representatives, chosen by the people of that state, to a special meeting, instead asking the existing state governments to ratify the Constitution. Article VII required each state to hold special ratifying conventions of representatives chosen by the people of a state, instead asking the existing state governments to ratify the Constitution. The Founders did not think the existing state legislatures would ratify the Constitution because those governments would not agree to give up the power they had under the Articles of Confederation. Therefore, the Founders required the people of each state to send representatives to special conventions to ratify the Constitution.

The first government of the United States was the A)Constitution. B)Mayflower Compact. C)Articles of Confederation. D)Declaration of Independence.

C) Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was the first government in the United States. It failed to be strong enough to establish a strong, federal government, so it was scrapped and replaced by the Constitution we still use today. While the Mayflower Compact was the first instance of European-styled self government in North America, it predates the United States by over 150 years.

The Declaration of Independence and the "Social Contract Theory" both arose from which philosophical movement? Hint: it was after the Renaissance A) Realism B) Humanism C) Enlightenment D) Existentialism

C) Enlightenment The Declaration of Independence and the "Social Contract Theory" both arose from the Enlightenment. The "Social Contract" theory was popularized by the philosophers Thomas Hobbes, John Lock, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and incorporated into the Declaration by Thomas Jefferson.

Which of these played a role in the decision of the Second Continental Congress to declare independence from Great Britain? A)the end of the Intolerable Acts B)colonial victories at Saratoga and New York C)George III's rejection of the Olive Branch Petition D)George Washington's acceptance as head of the Army

C) George III's rejection of the Olive Branch Petition There were a number of reasons why the Second Continental Congress changed their stance over time. They had wanted to stop the fighting with Great Britain and reach a peace and understanding. However, George III's rejection of the Olive Branch Petition- their attempt at a peace- forced them to reconsider that stance. Also a factor was George III's decision to hire Prussian mercenaries- known as Hessians- against the colonists.

What group or groups of people would support the views of Thomas Paine? A) Huguenots B) Loyalists C) Patriots D) Tories

C) Patriots Patriots were the group that supported the views of Thomas Paine and other men like him. Tories and Loyalists were groups that supported the British. Huguenots are French Protestants.

Which important event of the American Revolution is shown here? A)the Stamp Act B)Boston Massacre C)the Boston Tea Party D)Lexington and Concord

C) The Boston Tea Party The picture shown is of the Boston Tea Party. In 1773, the Sons of Liberty organized this revolt to protest the Tea Act and the fact that the colonists were being taxed heavily but had no representation in British Parliament.

The rebellions started by Daniel Shays in 1786 were a protest against A)a tax on whisky. B)the war against Britain. C)debts and businesses' refusal to accept paper currency. D)the calling of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

C) debts and businesses' refusal to accept paper currency. Shays' Rebellion began because of both debts and businesses' refusal to accept paper currency. Farmers were forced to pay their debts in gold rather than paper currency, even though they could rarely get their hands on gold. This uprising was one of the things that led to the Constitutional Convention.

Although the Three-Fifths Compromise helped Northern and Southern states reach an agreement that allowed for ratification of the Constitution, in the long run it had a negative effect on the nation because A)it gave too much power to the executive branch of the government. B)it forced the Founding Fathers to add the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. C)it was only a temporary solution to the argument between "free" and "slave" states. D)it gave too much power to state governments and not enough to the federal government.

C) it was only a temporary solution to the argument between "free" and "slave" states. Although the Three-Fifths Compromise helped Northern and Southern states reach an agreement that allowed for ratification of the Constitution, in the long run it had a negative effect on the nation because it was only a temporary solution to the argument between "free" and "slave" states.

"And as this frequent interchange will establish a common interest with every part of the community, they will mutually and naturally support each other, and on this...depends the strength of the government, and the happiness of the governed. Here then is the origin and rise of government; namely a mode rendered necessary by the inability of moral virtue to govern the world; here too is...Freedom and security." -Thomas Paine, excerpt from Common Sense, 1776 "The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." -Excerpt from Declaration of Independence, 1776 What does Thomas Paine believe the government should protect? A) life, property rights, and pursuit of happiness B) life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness C) life, liberty, and property rights D) life, unity, and property rights

C) life, liberty, and property rights Thomas Paine only believed that the government should protect life, liberty, and property rights. Thomas Jefferson changed the ideal of the Enlightenment movement to reflect the right to pursue what one wanted without government restrictions.

The concept that the people of a nation have a right to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests is known as A) civil rights. B) checks and balances. C) the right of revolution. D) the right of first refusal.

C) the right of revolution The concept that the people of a nation have a right to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests is known as the right of revolution. The right of revolution was a main theme of both The Declaration of Independence and Common Sense.

Why did American colonists resent British taxes? A)American colonists were unhappy that the high taxes were keeping the nobility in luxury. B)Unlike American colonists, people who lived in Great Britain did not have to pay any duties . C)Americans did not elect representatives to Parliament as people who lived in Great Britain did. D)Great Britain did not offer the American colonists any protection from the French and the Indians.

C)Americans did not elect representatives to Parliament as people who lived in Great Britain did. Americans did not elect representatives to Parliament as people who lived in Great Britain did is the correct answer. Colonists argued that, since they had no representation in Parliament, Parliament did not have the right to tax them. This was a motivating issue when future governing documents were drafted in what would become the United States.

Which choices indicate the religious groups that settled in the New England Colonies? A)Methodists B)Mormons C)Pilgrims D)Puritans E)Quakers

C)Pilgrims and D)Puritans The Pilgrims and the Puritans settled in the New England Colonies as they were escaping religious persecution in England. The colony at Plymouth is most commonly known for the first Thanksgiving feast settled by Pilgrims that sailed on the Mayflower. These Pilgrims were a separatist group from the larger Puritans that dominated this region.

The assistance of the French was given to the American Continental Army after the battle of A)Cowpens. B)New York. C)Saratoga. D)Lexington.

C)Saratoga The French had been waiting to see if the Americans could offer a significant fight against the British, a long-time French enemy. The battle of Saratoga showed the Americans' resolve and caused the French to contribute militarily. Their aid was of tremendous value to the Revolution and likely helped win it for the Americans.

"For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us...." -from The Declaration of Independence This line of The Declaration of Independence refers to the Quartering Act of 1774, which was enacted by Parliament in response to A)the Boston Massacre. B)the Intolerable Acts. C)the Boston Tea Party. D)the Committees of Correspondence.

C)the Boston Tea Party. The The Declaration of Independence is filled with references to events that lead to the separation of the colonies from Great Britain. This line refers to the Boston Tea Party (1773). After colonists there destroyed a huge amount of British tea, Parliament wanted to make sure no further shenanigans were being planned by the colonists. They passed a new version of the Quartering Act, which required colonists to give housing and food to British soldiers should if asked to do so. This Quartering Act was one of a series of laws the colonists referred to as "The Intolerable Acts."

Loyalty to WHICH governing model was displaced by ideas advanced in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S Constitution? A)the dictatorship, or rule by one person with total power B)the oligarchy, or control by a small number of people C)the monarchy, or rule by divine right of a king D)the democracy, or government by the people

C)the monarchy, or rule by divine right of a king The monarchy, or rule by divine right of a king, was displaced by the ideas advanced in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution asserted the people's right to govern themselves in opposition to the divine right of kings on which the monarchy was based.

The Founding Fathers believed that all people are born with "natural rights." Which line from the Declaration of Independence BEST represents the idea of "natural rights"? A) "... we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." B) "... that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States..." C) " is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." D) "... all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

D) "... all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." The phrase "... all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." refers to the concept of "natural rights." This was not a new concept in 1776, but it was one that was becoming more and more popular. Natural rights means that all people- regardless of their wealth or power- have certain rights that are given to them at birth cannot be taken away.

The British policy of enforcing the writs of assistance on colonial citizens resulted in the passage of which amendment in the Bill of Rights? A)First B)Second C)Third D)Fourth Hint: This amendment prevents illegal searches and seizures without a search warrant

D) Fourth The writs of assistance allowed British officers to arbitrarily search colonial homes for evidence, without documentation. American citizens later insisted on the inclusion of the Fourth Amendment to prevent illegal searches and seizures without a search warrant by officers.

What event led to the creation of the English Bill of Rights? A)War of the Roses B)English Civil War C)American Revolution D)Glorious Revolution of 1688

D) Glorious Revolution of 1688 The Glorious Revolution of 1688 led to the creation of the English Bill of Rights. This act of Parliament guaranteed the rights of the English from the power of the monarchy and crown

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. -The Declaration of Independence In this passage from the Declaration of Independence, the primary complaint of the colonists is centered around Parliament's passage of the A) Tea Act. B) Stamp Act. C) Sugar Act. D) Quartering Act.

D) Quartering Act. The Quartering Act required colonial families to house and feed British soldiers. This was a significant hardship on colonial families and, they believed, a violation of the rights of a British citizen.

The Articles of Confederation represented the Americans' distrust of A)the British. B)states rights. C)any governing authority. D)a strong central government.

D) a strong central government. The very reason the Articles of Confederation were made with a weak federal government was because the framers of it feared a strong central government. This enabled to states to have so much authority that the safety of the country was put at risk.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 is significant because it A)guaranteed universal suffrage. B)gave free land to all settlers. C)balanced the number of free and slave states in the Union. D)included provisions for territorial growth and the admission of new states.

D) included provisions for territorial growth and the admission of new states. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 is significant because it included provisions for territorial growth and the admission of new states. Six future states were created from this act.

During the colonial era, the American south developed very few urban areas, which resulted in a A)system of slavery and forced labor. B)poverty stricken region of peasants. C)strong network of roads that connected isolated areas. D)low instance of banking, finance, and law-related professions.

D) low instance of banking, finance, and law-related professions. - During the colonial era, the south developed very few urban areas, which resulted in a low instance of banking, finance, and law-related professions. Such occupations tend to be found in large cities, as in the northern colonies. There was much wealth in the region, though, and, while slavery existed, the lack of urban areas was not the dominant cause of that. Also, the lack of urban centers did not cause or "result in" slavery.

Which goods did Great Britain pass a direct tax on that led to boycotts and a group of delegates to meet to determine how to protest it? A)tea and syrup B)weapons and bullets C)sugar, rum, and molasses D)newspapers, wills, and licenses

D) newspapers, wills, and licenses The goods that Great Britain passed a direct tax on that led to boycotts and a group of delegates to meet to determine how to protest it were stamped goods such as newspapers, wills and licenses. Delegates formed the Stamp Act Congress to demand that Parliament get rid of the tax. This led to more division between the colonists and the British before the Revolution.

The Virginia Plan would have granted more power to A)industrial states. B)agricultural states. C)states with small population. D)states with large population.

D) states with large population. The Virginia Plan would have granted more power to states with large population. It was the New Jersey plan which would have given increased power to states with smaller populations.

Both John Locke and Thomas Jefferson wrote about the natural rights of man. In what document are these "unalienable rights" specifically mentioned? A)the Bill of Rights B)the Mayflower Compact C)the Preamble to the Constitution D)the Declaration of Independence

D) the Declaration of Independence In the Declaration of Independence these "unalienable rights" are specifically mentioned.Specifically, The Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Which sentence describes the power to tax given to the U.S. Congress by the Articles of Confederation? A)Congress could pass a tax with Presidential approval. B)34 of Congress had to agree on passing a tax. C)All of Congress had to agree on passing a tax. D)Congress could not tax.

D)Congress could not tax. A major weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that Congress could not tax. Congress could only request that taxes be submitted. This is a big weakness because tax money IS needed to do things like fund a military and provide much-needed services for the country.

How did the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and the Intolerable Acts encourage American colonists to consider revolution against British rule? A)by representing an effort in Britain to end the slave trade in the colonies B)by increasing conflict between the colonists and neighboring Indian tribes. C)by revealing the British plan to expand the American colonies farther west on the continent D)by raising taxes in the American colonies without granting the colonies any representation in Parliament

D)by raising taxes in the American colonies without granting the colonies any representation in Parliament By raising taxes in the American colonies without granting the colonies any representation in Parliament (or "Taxation Without Representation is Tyranny"), the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and the Intolerable Acts convinced many Americans that continued loyalty to Britain might not be logical. A few years later, Thomas Paine's Common Sense convince most others of that fact.

The Articles of Confederation was important MAINLY because they A)named the country "The United States of America." B)protected the rights and liberties of American citizens. C)forbade states to enter into treaties without approval from Congress. D)held the country together prior to the implementation of the Constitution.

D)held the country together prior to the implementation of the Constitution. The main importance of the Articles was that they held the country together prior to the implementation of the Constitution.. The laws of the country were rewritten in the Constitution, but the Articles of Confederation were helpful in keeping order before the Constitution.

Which of these was one of the few successes of the United States Government under the Articles of Confederation? A)a well armed and well trained military force B)financial and military assistance from France C)substantial industrial production of armaments D)settling conflicts associated with the settlement of western lands

D)settling conflicts associated with the settlement of western lands One of the main accomplishments of the Congress under the Articles of Confederation was passage of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 organizing the settlement of the Northwest Territories. The United States Government succeeded in settling conflicts associated with the settlement of western lands.

The ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence were MOST influenced by A)Absolute Monarchy. B)the Federal System. C)anti-Authoritarianism. D)the Social Contract Theory.

D)the Social Contract Theory The ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence were MOST influenced by the Social Contract Theory. The work of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu all played major roles in the thoughts expressed by Thomas Jefferson in his foundational document.

Virginia Company

English joint-stock company that received a charter from King James I that allowed it to found the Virginia colony. - The Virginia Company was formed both to bring profit to its shareholders and to establish an English colony in the New World. - join-stock company: a company whose stock is owned jointly by the shareholders.

John Hancock

He was a leader of the Continental Congress, a governor of Massachusetts, an Anti-federalist, and the person with the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence.

John Adams

He was one of the writers and signers of the Declaration of Independence, the first Vice President, and the Second U.S. President.

Thomas Jefferson

He was the third president of the United States, a founding father, and the author of the Declaration of Independence.

Laissez Fair Economy

Literally from the French: "allow [them] to do." An economy in which individual people and firms pursue their own self-interest without any central direction or regulation.

Mid-Atlantic Colonies

New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania - The "Mid-Atlantic" colonies were characterized by fertile land and eventually became major trade centers

· religious dissenters · belief in hard work · social conformity · New England


Puritan work ethic

Puritans' belief that hard work leads to success and salvation

Jamestown, Virginia

The first permanent British settlement in North America - In 1607 (the beginning of the 17th century), John Smith led the group of colonists to found the colony for King James I.

Sons of Liberty 1765

This group of Patriots was formed in 1765 and urged colonial resistance to the Stamp Act using any means available... even violence

Independence Hall, Philadelphia

This is the place in Philadelphia that was home to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in July of 1776.

Sugar Act

This law - passed by Parliament in 1764- gained England much-needed revenue but was heavily resented by the American colonists.

Salutary Neglect

This refers to the unofficial British policy of enforcing few of the restrictions legally placed on their North American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries.

John Locke

This was a British philosopher is widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism" and that the mind was a blank slate or "tabula rasa."

House of Burgesses

This was the first representative government in North America located in Virginia, but the Virginia Company had to approve any laws it passed.

Southern Colonies

Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

Intolerable Acts

in response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts passed in 1774, Port of Boston closed, reduced power of assemblies in colonies, permitted royal officers to be tried elsewhere, provided for quartering of troop's in barns and empty houses

The mid-Atlantic colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn PRIMARILY because of his

wish to found a logical, well-planned, religiously tolerant colony. - He was a Quaker so he knew all about people's desire to worship freely

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