us history chapter 10

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An amendment requires ratification by individual states

The 26 Amendment Why did it take some time before the provision lowering the voting age would apply nationwide?

were aligned with neither French troops in Vietnam

The term third world was originally coined to refer to countries that?

Many troops stationed there before 1965 wee volunteers, while many of those after were drafted into the service

What best describes the main difference between American troops stationed in Vietnam before 1965 and those stationed there after that date?

The Vietnamization of combat operation

what military strategy did President Nixon employ in Vietnam early on in his Presidency?

African Americans are dying in disproportionate numbers to whites and although blacks and whites die together in war, blacks are still discriminated against at home

What is the best summary of this statement by Martin Luther King Jr. about the Vietnam War?

Committing are troops and train a more active role in combat activities

What strategy did President Johnson's advisors Robert McNamara and General Westmoreland insist was necessary to winning the war in Vietnam?

Having American forces take on a more active role in the Vietnam War

Which of these best describe the Americanization strategy recommend by Robert McNamara and William Westmoreland?

It resulted in recruitment of people from poor or working class backgrounds

Why. was the selective system criticized as another example of social justice?

Made up disproportionately high number of casualties

During the Vietnam War, African American soldiers

The French could no longer hold on to Vietnam

Dien Bien Phu showed that

He believed that if the North Vietnamese wore the American forces down enough they would eventually leave

Ho Chi Minh's military doctrine hinged on fighting only when victory was assured, which meant never fighting on his opponents; term. What did Ho Chi Minh believe this stagey would ultimately accomplish against the American military?

The War Powers Act forced the President to consult with Congress before all military actions

How did the President's ability to conduct military operations change following the end of war in Vietnam?

Its emphasis on public service and volunteering

How was the Peace Corps different from other foreign aid initiatives such as the alliance for progress?

The U.S was generally in favor of decolonization

In what way was the United States' decision to support the French n Indochina a departure from its usual foreign policy

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