US History Unit 2 Study Review

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Why are colonists usually not considered immigrants?

Colonists are still part of their old nation, which is expanding into a new area.

___ were entities created for the pooling of investors.


The Great Sioux War of 1876 might better be called the ___.

Great Cheyenne War


Idaho and Wyoming

Where did the two railroads join?

Promontory Point, Utah

How did technology benefit cattlemen in the American West?

Railroads provided a way for cattlemen to get their livestock to market. Barbed wire made it practical to establish large ranches.

What cabinet level position was added to the President's cabinet in 1889?

Secretary of Agriculture

_______ was preferred for making railroad tracks.


What was the name of the act that provided money for establishing experimental fields for agricultural research?

The Hatch Act

What was the name of the act that established agricultural extension services?

The Smith-Lever Act

How did the desire for wealth impact the owners' concern for workers?

The desire for wealth caused the owners to disregard the health and safety of the workers.

What actually led to the end of the nomadic lifestyle of Native Americans living on the Great Plains?

The nomadic lifestyle of Native Americans changed when the bison herds were destroyed.

What caused the range wars?

The range wars were caused by cattlemen of the open range coming into conflict with homesteaders who sought to protect their property from cattle.

Which statement best describes how advances in communication changed the world during the time of industrialization and expansion?

The result of the advances was that people could communicate around the world almost instantaneously.

If conditions were so bad in the factories, why were so many people interested in taking these jobs?

There were few jobs available, and the jobs gave the workers a better life than that of agriculture or unemployment.

Why did immigrants desire to come to the United States?

They came because they saw opportunity for a better life with jobs, food, and prosperity.


a basic and necessary food item, such as corn, wheat, or sugar


a corporation made up of other corporations, acting on behalf of all the entities


a group of people who act as one because they have a single purpose


a large, open area of land for the use of livestock

Men who invested in businesses were called ___.



caused to lose an arm or other body part


causing great harm; hurtful


rebuked for wrong actions, especially by an authority


small, poorly-built houses

Which of the communication technologies was invented in the 19th century?

telegraph telephone

What massacre of troops took place on the Bozeman Trail?

the Fetterman Massacre


the natural physical features of an area of land


to use legal means of removing people from their homes

Why were land grants important to the railroad industry?

Land grants allowed the railroad to pass through territory and to raise money through the sale of lands.

What was a good source of meat for growing Eastern cities?

Longhorn cattle

What three factors kept new immigrants from becoming assimilated into the mainstream American culture?

Many immigrants did not speak English. Many immigrants did not want to give up their native languages and culture. Many immigrants wanted to be surrounded only by people like them.

In the 1880s, huge deposits of iron ore were found around ____ ________, particularly in ___________.


The state not included in the Nez Perce reservation was ___.



Montana, Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota






New Mexico and Arizona



Why were people interested in building a transcontinental railroad?

People wanted to connect the west coast, especially California, with the eastern states for faster travel and greater business profits.

Many historians use the terms "push factors" and "pull factors" when discussing immigration. What do you think they mean by these terms?

Push factors are those which cause a person to leave his home nation. Pull factors are those which cause a person to be attracted to a new place.

What was "standard gauge"?

Standard gauge was the name for the 4 feet, 8½ inches between the inner sides of the rails, the track gauge used for the transcontinental and all major connecting railroads.

_______ was preferred for railroad tracks and the bodies of locomotives and railroad cars. However, _______was still used for many years to create the steam boilers.

Steel; iron

How did the Act in Part A help farmers?

The Act allowed each county to have an agent who kept farmers informed about current developments in agriculture.

What was the Bozeman Trail?

The Bozeman Trail was a trail leading from Colorado to Montana through several mountain passes and valleys.

What was the purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862?

The Homestead Act of 1862 allowed settlers to buy land provided they followed certain provisions.

Why was the migration of the U.S. White population to the West detrimental to Plains Indians?

The White settlers and their assumption of territory meant further displacement for Native Americans, the threat of eradication by disease, and impacted their hunting due to land treaties and the decreasing herds of bison.

What are the ways in which the land-grant programs benefited the nation at large?

The country was brought closer together by the railroads. The railroads added jobs and stimulated growth in other industries. Western states could seek statehood. The railroads changed trade relations with Asia. They helped populate the West. The mind-set of settlers was changed by the railroads.

What was the reason for varying amounts of low interest loans for each mile of track?

The loan amounts varied based upon the difficulty of laying track through the terrain.

Why did immigrants desire to leave their homelands?

They left because their homelands were in crises.

Why did many cattle ranchers go out of business?

They lost too many cattle during dry seasons.

How did the government end Sioux attacks on the Bozeman Trail?

They sent all the Sioux to a reservation in South Dakota with fixed boundaries.

Why did cattlemen build ranches in the Great Plains?

They wanted to be closer to the rail yards and cow towns.

Why did factory owners open their factories?

They wanted to make money.

What happened if workers complained about conditions or about long hours?

They were discharged and replaced.

Why did factory owners hire children?

They were trying to save money to make a larger profit.

What event caused an end to the range wars?

Two terrible winters were marked by blizzards and hard freezes.

Who administered Native American policies during war?

U.S. Army




a powerful business person who has great influence within an industry


a secondary meaning of a term, other than the term's implicit or primary meaning, created by long association and usage

What was the earliest occupation of Plains Indians?



an insufficiency of supply; shortage


arrival; the coming


being completely without ability; foolish and awkward

Bill Gates

billionaire founder of Microsoft

Mining communities, called _______, sprang up almost overnight.

boom towns

Sam Walton

built the Walmart™ chain of discount stores beginning with a single store


changes made that improve techniques, processes, or items; new ways of doing

Estee Lauder

child of immigrants who built a cosmetics empire

Big corporations often forced smaller companies out of business to eliminate ___.


In time, most mining claims belonged to mining _______.



destroyed a large proportion


destroyed completely so that no trace remains


destroyed completely so that no trace remains


disfigured by removing a body part or parts

What two types of power made a difference in the late 19th century?

electric; steam

The railroads did not cause all the new growth, but they ________ it.


The Dawes Act provided that ___.

every Native American couple would receive 160 acres from the reservation every unmarried Native American would receive 40 acres the unclaimed reservation lands would be sold to settlers


exceptional skill or ability

Miners who came to Colorado for the gold strike in 1858 were called "________."


_______ mining involved digging deep into ore-bearing rock.

hard rock


having the result of complete destruction


having to do with the source of food and other necessities, especially the minimum required

Crazy Horse died when ___.

he was bayoneted while resisting being placed in prison

What were three distinguishing characteristics of the Bureau of Indian Affairs?

ineptitude, inefficiency, and corruption

The two main natural resources needed for iron and steel production are ______ and ______.

iron ore; coal

What were some innovations in farming techniques that led to great productivity?

irrigation pest control crop rotation uses for grain products inorganic fertilizers

Miners had a strong sense of ________ and formed committees to maintain ______.

justice; order

What two sources of land were available to settlers?

land purchased from the railroads land through the Homestead Act

The regulations passed by citizen committees became the foundation for _______ in the western states.

mining codes


money that is put to work in starting or financing a business

Some businesses established practical ___ of a business sector and controlled prices, wages, and transportation rates.


The Nez Perce's Chief Joseph vowed ___.

never to fight again


not shared; reserved for the use of one

What was done to punish those who had participated in the massacre?



ordinary; not special; common


placed together into one entity

Much of the growth in American cities can be attributed to the _______.


What were the three distinct but confused positions of the federal policy toward Native Americans?

relocation, eradication, and assimilation

The discovery of gold, _______, and other minerals brought thousands of miners to the West.


Where did longhorn cattle originate?



spoke evil of; ruined the reputation of

What were some innovations in farm machinery that led to improved results in agriculture in the Great Plains?

steam-powered reaper (combine) grain drill Steel plow tractor twine binder

In 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that ___.

the U.S. occupation of the Black Hills was illegal


the act of destroying completely


the act of removing differences, such as cultural backgrounds, to bring into the mainstream of society


the act of using force or the threat of force to gain compliance or agreement

free enterprise

the economic theory that business will regulate itself by the law of supply and demand if allowed to operate free of government interference


the killing of large numbers of people, especially defenseless or innocent people


the principle of starting an enterprise to meet a perceived need, especially if doing so requires vision and risk


the return of a portion of a payment, usually in return for the promise of future business


those who commit an evil, immoral, or illegal act


to give back evil for evil; to get even for wrongdoing by doing wrong in return


treated the sacred with no respect; profaned

The Sherman Antitrust Act was an attempt to break up ___ and restore a competitive market.


Forcing competitors out of business was ___.


Carnegie used the strategy of _______ organization to make his business profitable.


The battle at Little Bighorn ___.

was lost because General Custer showed poor judgment and was outnumbered

What two immigrant groups provided large numbers of laborers for the first transcontinental railroad?

western section: Chinese; eastern section: Irish

What crop became popular in the northern part of the Great Plains, especially along the rivers?


What federal act nearly stopped the flow of Chinese immigrants?

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Who led a shameful massacre by militia at Sand Creek?

Colonel John Chivington



What were the cities with important rail yards for cattle in the 19th century?

Dodge City, Kansas Abilene, Kansas Ellsworth, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri (or Kansas) Cheyenne, Wyoming Denver, Colorado Topeka, Kansas Wichita, Kansas

The Sioux people turned to their ancient ways and performed the ___ in hopes of getting help from the spirits.

Ghost Dance

​​​​​The Great Plains region was once called the _______.

Great American Desert

Select the nations from which immigrants came after the Civil War.

Great Britain, Poland, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, Greece

Lional Sosa

Hispanic-American owner of a large advertising agency

What was introduced that was important to Plains Indians to herd bison and become more effective hunters?


What are the differences between the old-style artisanship and the new division of labor techniques?

In artisanship, one master craftsman learned and performed all the steps necessary to make an item. In the division of labor, the steps required to make an item were divided into small tasks. Each person in the assembly line needed to master only one or two steps.

The greatest oil tycoon was ___.

John D. Rockefeller

The ______ process involved blasting iron with hot air.


The Sioux had taken land in South Dakota from the ___.



able to survive


given assistance; helped with money

The Sioux would not stand by and watch the ___ be desecrated by miners.

Black Hills

Who administered Native American policies during peace time?

Bureau of Indian Affairs

In what two years did America's economy experience a downturn?

1873 and 1890

The majority of American workers are employed by small businesses with fewer than ___ employees.


Which events were part of the Plains Indian Wars?

A massacre at Wounded Knee left 200 Sioux dead and ended armed resistance by Native Americans. After a long conflict, the Nez Perce were allowed to return to a reservation in northern Idaho. The Great Sioux War of 1876 included the defeat of the U.S. 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn.

What group of immigrants, generally speaking, did not come to the United States by choice?


What is a working definition of the word "immigrant?"

An immigrant is someone who leaves their homeland and moves to a new country.

The most famous of the steel tycoons was ______.

Andrew Carnegie

What two companies began building railroads that would join to complete a transcontinental route?

Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad

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