Vags test 3

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A website that executes the code below to verify that an entered user ID is in a database table of usernames

"SELECT * FROM users WHERE userName = '" + userID + "';" "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userName = 'smith';"

The Worst Data Breach Ever?

$29 Billion retail conglomerate 2500 stores worldwide, including TJMAXX and HomeGoods stores A hacker infiltrated the store's network via an insecure Wi-Fi base station Intrusion into its customer transaction management system Credit card information of 45.7 million customers were stolen TJX suffered under settlement costs, payouts from court-imposed restitution, legal fees, and more TJX's overall losses from the incident between $1.35 billion and $4.5 billion

The phrase __ refers to efforts where participants share access to products and services rather than having ownership

Collaborative Consumption: Efforts referred to as collaborative consumption, or sometimes the sharing economy, allow participants to share access to products and services rather than having ownership

Within an organization, Wikis can be vital tools for:

Collecting and leveraging knowledge that would otherwise be scattered throughout an organization Reducing geographic distance Removing boundaries between functional areas Leveling preexisting hierarchies


College students rate older drivers lower Male riders give lower ratings to female drivers who don't respond to their flirtatiousness Drivers with disabilities also experience lower ratings Black drivers have a lower acceptance rate than whites Non-black Airbnb hosts in New York City were able to charge 12 percent more than their black counterparts.


Commit the fraud Conceal the fraud Convert the proceeds

Attacks are on the rise

Five of the top ten breaches in terms of records stolen occurred in 2013!

Pop-ups; pop-unders

Floating; Expanding

E-commerce (EC): Definitions

Focus on the transaction: adding revenue streams using the web or the Internet to build/enhance relationship with clients & partners

Prevent unapproved software installation

Force file saving to backed-up, scanned, and monitored servers

Devastating technology disruptions by terrorists or military/countries. Examples:

Forcing oil refinery to overheat and explosion Attacks on smart cars

Challenges for the Sharing Economy

Insurance issues Neighbors & tenant/owner-associations Tax challenges Further driving up housing costs, congesting roads Bias & discrimination

Infomediary Model

Similar to Brokerage ; Deal with information: Edmunds.com1 2; Acxium

Email Ads

Spamming, permission marketing

Amazon Is Not Taking Profits

What Does it Do With Cash? Builds Scale

Data relevance:

What data is needed

Data governance:

What rules and processes are needed to manage data?

_____ is the idea that a group of amateur individuals collectively have more insight than a single or small group of trained professionals.

Wisdom of crowds: In the concept of the wisdom of crowds, a group of individuals (often untrained amateurs), collectively has more insight than a single or small group of trained professionals. The idea of crowd wisdom is at the heart of wikis, folksonomy tagging systems, and many other online efforts.


cost (dedicated point-to-point; VAN), inflexible, many standards, needs restructuring, long startup period

Twitter's new software development kit (SDK), Fabric,

could be the way the company captures more revenues and broadens their reach.

new domains

countries .ca .uk .tv commercial .buy .Berlin (cybersquatting is likely)

equipment connecting in colos

high speed lines form ISP's, telecom lines form large private data centers, servers hosted in colo to be closer to high speed internet connections


host name

getting where your going: the internet protocol suite

how does a web page, an e-mail, or an app actually get from a remote computer to your device

Uniform Resource locator (URL)

identifies resources on the internet along with the application protocal

Marketing and promotion targeting

identifying which customers will respond to which offers

Netflix leveraged crowdsourcing by offering one million dollars to the first team to:

improve accuracy of its movie recommendations by 10 percent. (Correct): Netflix famously offered anonymous data to any takers, along with a one-million-dollar prize to the first team that could improve the accuracy of movie recommendations by 10 percent.

coaxial cable

insulated copper cable used by television providers:

last mile problem

internet connections are the slowest part of the network


involves the changing of data into an indecipherable form prior to transmission


is the act of taking a job, traditionally performed by a designated agent, and having it done by a large group of people in the form of an open call

Back-office scanners

keep track of inventory as supplier shipments come in.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

language used to compose web pages

Inbound marketing

leveraging online channels to draw consumers to the firm with compelling content rather than conventional forms of promotion such as advertising, e-mail marketing, traditional mailings, and sales calls.


likelihood that threat will harm the system


likelihood that threat will occur

Issues in B2C

long tail of products, channel conflict, order fulfillment

A new category of e-commerce is mobile commerce

m-Commerce: The use of wireless handheld devices such as cell phones, PDAs, Smartphones, to conduct commercial transactions online


many firms connect to many other firms

Governments and well-funded lobbies resisting change

medallion system, unions will 'contract worker' classification hold? operating outside regs: e.g. safety, handicapped access

public emarketplace

multiple buyers and vendors, an open buying and selling community, buyers can source for better vendors, vendors can source for additional buyers

hft: high frequency trading

needs extremely fast connection


network transmission speeds that are expressed in some form of bits per second

Artificial intelligence:

neural network, genetic algorithm, etc.

TCP (transmission control protocol)

works at both ends of internet communication to ensure a perfect copy of a message is sent

Other Tools

(RSS, Folksonomies, Mashups, Virtual Worlds, Rich Media,GPS)

Building brands through viral sensations

(e.g. The Old Spice Man ; Susan Boyle)

Deliberate acts

(espionage, sabotage, theft)

Cash Conversion Cycle

(in Days) among Select Major Retailers


(one firm connecting to many other firms) buy side and sell side


(potential harm if threat breaks the controls and comprises the resources)

Web-Based EDI

Allows processing of electronic documents using just a web browser instead of implementing a complex EDI infrastructure

copper cables

work with transmissions sent via electricity

Stay armed

Install a full suite of security software

Be settings smart

Avoid risky settings, e.g., remember me

Social Networks

- Online community that allows users to establish a personal profile and communicate with others Discover & reinforce affiliation, identify media

Peer-to-peer supply without need for inventory

-Marketplace handles marketing, payment, website, and more -Social media fuels awareness & endorsement -Fragmented marketplaces are ripe for "roll up" with information replacing assets like inventory, staff, and real estate

Social media or user-generated content sites: Web-based efforts that foster peer production

1. Technologies that support the creation of user-generated content, as well as content editing, commenting, curation, and sharing 2. Services that support the production and sharing of social media include blogs, wikis, video sites like YouTube, and most social networks

how the internet works: if you want to communicate with another computer on the internet, your computer needs to know the answer to three questions

1. What Are you looking for (URL) 2. Where is it 3. And how do we get there

The goal is to leverage reputation of a trusted firm or friend, in order to trick a victim into performing an action or revealing information

156 million phishing email sent every day , 8 million opened, 800000 click on the link! e.g. website asking for apple IDs

The Publishing Value Chain

16 of the firm's Top 100 Titles are Exclusive to Amazon - Jeff Bezos - March 2012

UBER Growth

2015 revenues are expected to come in at around $2 billion, with Uber keeping about 20 percent of each transaction. Uber drivers in NYC make an average of $90K a year compared to 30k for regular cab drivers.


34,000 cities in 192 countries 11 million guests in 5 yrs guest to listing ration = 11 to 1 More offerings than any single hotel group Both sides pay: guests pay 6% to 12% fee, and hosts a 3% fee Two-step verification (social media & offline documents)

Social media improves security

360° ratings, profile-linked participation

Fulfillment Centers: Radically different from conventional retailers Similar items? Don't put them together!

50% more product in warehouse Unoad time reduced from 'hours' to 30 mins. Order fulfillment avg. from 1 1/2 hrs to 15 mins. Same-day delivery rolled out in 14 US cities - Spring 2015cities

Personnel betrayal

: An alleged FBI informant used insider information to mastermind the attacks

Merchant Model

: Click and Mortar (or hybrid); Pure play (or pure click)

Advertising Model

: Content Publishers/Portals; Yahoo,,


: Deny the entry or exit of specific IP addresses and other entities

Intrusion detection systems

: Monitor network use for hacking attempts and take preventive action

Prediction market

: Polling a diverse crowd and aggregating opinions in order to form a forecast of an eventual outcome e.g. Best Buy TagTrade system

Cash-out fraudsters

: Purchase assets from data harvesters to buy goods using stolen credit cards or create false accounts e.g. DarkMarket and ShadowCrew

Surf smart

: Question links, download requests,


: User and Administrator

Edward Snowden is

A US government contractor thought whistle-blower by many who released (in violation of US law) secret documents exposing state-run surveillance networks: Former CIA employee and NSA contractor, Edward Snowden gathered over 1.7 million digital documents from U.S, British and Australian agencies and began leaking them to the press. The Snowden disclosures revealed that several U.S government agencies, including the NSA and FBI, had data-monitoring efforts far more pervasive than mvany realized

Business model

A business model is the method by which a company generates revenue to sustain itself. Internet commerce gives rise to new kinds of business models Internet reinvents tried-and-true models

Data marts:

A database or databases focused on addressing the concerns of : A specific problem (e.g., increasing customer retention, improving product quality) or A Business unit (e.g., marketing, engineering)

Many social software efforts leverage what has come to be known as the wisdom of crowds

A group of individuals (the crowd), often consisting of untrained amateurs, will collectively have more insight than a single or small group of trained professionals

problem of cache

DNS Cache poisoning


A heads-up display of critical indicators that allow managers to get a graphical glance at key performance metrics E.g. Federal IT dashboard

example of data mining

A large retailer with 100,000 products and hundreds of branches. Sales are tracked by time of day and linked to spending by individual customers

Problems in Data Mining

A pattern is uncovered but determining the best choice for a response is less clear

data advantage: A/B testing

A randomized group of experiments used to collect data and compare performance among two options studied (A and B)

allow for load balancing

Distributing networking workload across multiple systems in order to avoid congestion and slow performance

Information Security

Do you think about it whenever you are entering your password

Data warehouses

A set of databases designed to support decision making in an organization Structured for fast online queries and exploration May aggregate enormous amounts of data from many different operational systems

Microblogging -

A short asynchronous messaging system; send message to followers Distribute time-sensitive info, share opinion, virally spread ideas, run contests, promotions, solicit feedback, provide customer services, track commentary,..

A(n) _____ is an online community that allows users to establish a personal profile and communicate with others.

A social network is an online community that allows users to establish a personal profile and communicate with others. The foundation of a social network is the user profile, but utility goes beyond the sort of listing found in a corporate information directory. Large public social networks include MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google's Orkut.

Data cube:

A special database used to store data in OLAP reporting


A type of short-message blogging, often made via mobile device


A website that anyone can edit directly from within the browser Collaborate on common task, create common knowledge base

SQL injection example

A website that executes the code below to verify that an entered user ID is in a database table of usernames

Poorly designed software/website

Allows hacker to easily sabotage a firm's system e.g., SQL Injection

Expert systems:

AI systems that leverage rules or examples to perform a task in a way that mimics applied human expertise

Criticisms against Wal-Mart

Accusations of sub par wages and remains a magnet for union activists Poor labor conditions at some of the firm's contract manufacturers Wal-Mart demand prices so aggressively low that suppliers end up cannibalizing their own sales at other retailers


Acquired ZipCar

Hadoop: Made up of half-dozen separate software pieces and requires the integration of these pieces to work

Advantages: Flexibility Scalability Cost effectiveness Fault tolerance

Facebook and Twitter feeds are:

All Twitter posts appear in the feeds of followers with an open Twitter app, but Facebook posts are curated and only appear in the feeds of some friends and fans. Facebook posts are curated by the firm's algorithms, and not every post is seen by people who are friends with the poster or who have "liked" a page. Twitter posts appear chronologically in the feed of any follower, so as long as followers have Twitter open, any organically shared content will appear in the feed.

Most wikis support the following key features:

All changes are attributed, so others can see who made a given edit A complete revision history is maintained so changes can be compared against prior versions and rolled back as needed There is automatic notification and monitoring of updates All the pages in a wiki are searchable Specific wiki pages can be classified under an organized tagging scheme

The process of extracting patterns from data: Statistical techniques: regression, clustering, etc. Artificial intelligence: neural network, genetic algorithm, etc.

Allows businesses to discover previously unknown statistical patterns or trends and make predictions of future events

24x7 access to shopping and online transactions from any location

Allows customers to receive relevant and detailed information much faster A customer can put review comments about a product or read others' comments before purchasing a product

Ad Spending:

Amazon spent $245 million on ads in 2012, Up from $156 million Much of it on Kindle

Which of the following is an example of a web service that enables crowdsourcing. Innocentive

Amazon's Mechanical Turk:

Neural network

An AI system that examines data and hunts down and exposes patterns, in order to build models to exploit findings

B2B E-marketplace

An e-marketplace is a location on the internet where companies can obtain or disseminate information, engage in transactions, or work together in some way

Categories of products are collaboratively consumed.

An individual takes possession of an item for a period of time and then returns it for use by others. Internet-enabled market makers. Roots in eBay and Craigslist

Social network:

An online community that allows users to establish a personal profile and communicate with others Large public social networks include Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus The most powerful feature of most social networks is the feed

Blogs -

An online journal that keeps a running chronology of entries. Share ideas, obtain feedback, mobilize a community


An update on an individual's activities that are broadcast to a member's contacts or friends

The firm's data warehouse wasn't able to foretell the rise of Target and other up-market discounters

Another major challenge - Tesco methodically attempts to take its globally honed expertise to U.S. shores


Any danger to which a system may be exposed


Application transfer protocol

Hypertext Transfer protocol (HTTP)

Application transfer protocol that allows Web browsers and web servers to communicate with each other

Challenges Abound

As a mature business, Wal-Mart faces a problem It needs to find huge markets or dramatic cost savings in order to boost profits and continue to move its stock price higher Criticisms against Wal-Mart Accusations of sub par wages and remains a magnet for union activists Poor labor conditions at some of the firm's contract manufacturers Wal-Mart demand prices so aggressively low that suppliers end up cannibalizing their own sales at other retailers

Engineering the posting of positive comments and reviews of a firm's product and services on feedback forums is known as _____

Astroturfing is the practice of lining comment and feedback forums with positive feedback. It also involves engineering posting of negative comments pertaining to a firm's competitors.

Based on type of type of the transacting parties (provider and consumer) involved in exchange

B2C (Business-to-Consumer) B2B (Business-to-Business) C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) B2E (Business-to-Employee) G2B (Government-to-Business) and G2C (Government-to-citizen

Display advertising

Banner ads, Slotting fee and behavioral targeting

Several criteria is necessary for a crowd to be "smart.": The crowd must

Be Diverse Be Decentralized Offer a collective decision Be Independent

Which of the following is not considered a criteria necessary for prediction markets to function properly:

Be related: McKinsey Quarterly, Surowiecki outlined several criteria necessary for a crowd to be "smart."[] The crowd must be diverse, so that participants are bringing different pieces of information to the table, be decentralized, so that no one at the top is dictating the crowd's answer, offer a collective verdict that summarizes participant opinions,and be independent, so that each focuses on information rather than the opinions of others.

Ch12- Rent the Runway:

Blending Tech with Fashion

Downside of blogs

Blog comments can be a hothouse for spam and the disgruntled Employee blogging can be difficult to control Public postings can live forever in the bowels of an Internet search engine or as content pasted on other Web sites

Online journal entries, usually made in reverse chronological order, are known as ___

Blogs (short for web blogs) first emerged almost a decade ago as a medium for posting online diaries and are a category of social media sites. Blogs typically provide comment mechanisms where users can post feedback for authors and other readers


Blogs are online journal entries, usually made in a reverse chronological order Blogs provide comment mechanisms where users can post feedback for authors and other readers Blogs and long-tail phenomenon

Goal of infection

Botnet (zombie network) - used for DDoS attacks Malicious adware Spyware (Keylogger, Screen Capture) Card skimmer RAM scrapping Ransomware,.....

Based on degree of digitization involved (in the nature of product, and production and delivery process), firms can be classified as:

Bricks-and-mortar e.g. A traditional grocery store, or car repair shop Clicks-and-mortar (or hybrid), (physical products) e.g. Walmart, Staples, BestBuy, Pure-play (or pure-click, pure digital or virtual) e.g. (eBooks), iTunes, Spotify, eBay

Example: Internet popularized the auction model

Broadened its applicability to a wide array of goods/services Provides an efficient infrastructure for conducting auctions Lower administrative costs Many more involved buyers and sellers Forward and Reverse Auctions


Build a model with so many variables that the solution arrived at might only work on the subset of data you've used to create it


By disgruntled employees SF incident: employee refused to disclose critical passwords

Social Media in Business

By its first birthday, workgroup productivity app Slack (aka the Email Killer) had over half a million daily active users. The fastest growing business app, ever 300 million messages each month on the platform Valued at over $1 billion after a $120 million funding round in October 2014 Raised another $160 million (April 15) Another $160 million at 3.8 billion valuation (April 16)

Can be controversial and subject to regulations

Can be blocked too!

Why do we need a Team: United Breaks Guitars

Canadian singer-songwriter Dave Carroll Witnessed baggage handlers throwing his $3,500 guitar broken guitar Follow-up ended up to a "NO" by UA A song was written calling out United Airlines service 150,000 view on the first day on YouTube #1 on the iTunes Music Store in one week Thousands of tweets, Facebook comments and blogs United Airlines stock price plunged 10% costing shareholders $180 million

General Motors

Canceled its partnership with RelayRides through OnStar

Amazon's Negative Cash Conversion Cycle

Cash Conversion Cycle: Period between distributing funds and collecting cash for a given operation. Amazon has a NEGATIVE CCC because it collects cash from customers BEFORE distributing funds to its suppliers.

Moved to the Net

Chapters / Indigo Walmart Costco Gap Nike ToysRUs BigRedMachine Etc...

Horizontal E-Marketplace

Characteristics: Every business needs MRO (maintenance, repair, operations ) inputs Simplify/streamline the purchase process for MRO products; reduce admin and product cost Access to wide variety of products, large number of suppliers, as well as support for auction mechanisms to help larger buyers (or an aggregation of small buyers) v+ Can be shipped through 3rd party logistics providers

Vertical E-Marketplace

Characteristics: Very specialized in terms of products Deep knowledge about the products and how the industry operates Using long-term contracts with written agreements; negotiated prices

B2C E-Commerce (Focuses on online sales business models)

Click and Mortar (; Pure play (

Domain Names:

Competing over domain names

Motivation for Information Security Attacks

Compromising computing assets for use in other crimes

Black hat hackers

Computer criminals who exploit a system's weakness for personal gain

Need for Information Security

Computer sabotage: Over $10 billion per year

Problem of historical consistency:

Computer-driven investment models are not very effective when the market does not behave as it has in the past

Enables organizations to reach customers outside their immediate area at minimum cost

Expanding to national and international markets with minimum capital investment

Down side:

Content flows in SN is difficult to control Embarrassing disclosures can emerge (from affiliations, political/religious views, etc.)


Control network traffic, block unauthorized traffic and permit acceptable use

Social networks have become organizational productivity tools

Corporate teams use social networks to manage internal projects. Corporate social networks have replaced the traditional employee directory (easy to update) When employees regularly work from home or client locations e.g. IBM Networks for customer engagement and mining these sites for customer ideas, innovation, and feedback e.g. Starbucks network


Created by Howard G. Cunningham in 1995 A wiki is a Web site that can be modified by anyone, from directly within a Web browser, provided that user is granted edit access.

Key issues behind SMART capabilities

Creating the social media team Establishing firm wide policies:

Sample Data Mining Applications

Customer segmentation: which customers are likely to be the most valuable Marketing and promotion targeting identifying which customers will respond to which offers Customer churn which customers are likely to leave & how to keep them Fraud detection uncovering patterns consistent with criminal activity

Data harvesters:

Cybercriminals who infiltrate systems and collect data for illegal resale

DNS cache poisoning

DNS software maps an URL address to an IP address Remap to direct users to fake sites

Artificial Intelligence

Data Mining has its roots in a branch of computer science known as artificial intelligence (AI) The goal of AI is create computer programs that are able to mimic or improve upon functions of the human brain

Big Data Business intelligence (BI) & Analytics

Data asset: how data is created, stored, accessed & leveraged Data, information, knowledge

Once a firm set visions and goals, then these issues should be addressed:

Data relevance:What data is needed Data sourcing:? Where can this data be obtained from? Data quantity and quality: How much data is needed? Is it accurate? Data hosting: Where will the systems be housed? Data governance: What rules and processes are needed to manage data?


Debts Business Reversals Difficulties with an employer Status Gaining

The phrase latency refers to

Delay: Delay (What techies call latency) can be critical for time-sensitive communications such as financial trading. If a firm lacks low latency then it may miss opportunities to exploit a trading signal or market imperfection


Delivery deal with Deliv

Online Advertising model

Delivery of digital advertisements to Internet users (e.g. audio, video, image and text)


Demand payment in return for not attacking (such as DDos) a firm's IT system or for not hacking (and exposing private/confidential) firm's data. E.g. State of Virginia

Features of a social network include support for the following:

Detailed personal profiles Affiliations with groups and with individuals Private messaging and public discussions Media sharing Discovery-fueling feeds of recent activity among members The ability to install and use third-party applications tailored to the service

Terrorism and Cyberwarfare

Devastating technology disruptions by terrorists or military/countries.

Firms may also face compliance requirements—legal or professionally binding steps

Different for health, finance, ... E.g. HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), FISMA (the Federal Information Security Management Act),


Direct/Manufacturing inputs connects buyers and sellers in a given industry - Quality, specification and delivery are important.

Reimage hard drives of end-user PCs

Disable boot capability of removable media

Domain name: Top level Domain

Managing social media engagement and response

Don't be silent!

web hosting services

Firm that provides hardware and services to run the web sites of others

Importantly, a large percentage of employees regularly work from home or client locations

Firms are setting up social networks for customer engagement and mining these sites for customer ideas, innovation, and feedback

B2C E-Commerce Based on the level of transactions-related features available on seller's website, a seller's website can be classified as

E-Brochure: Billboard/catalog; Up-to-Date Information E-Promotion: Product Information; Consumer Services E-Sales: Orders and Full Transactions

Most transactional databases are not set up to be simultaneously accessed for reporting and analysis

E.g. TPS systems vs. analytics

Stealing personal or financial data

E.g. identity theft


E.g., set off rumors that could have widespread repercussions (trolls) E.g. Holiday Inn incident

________ are promotions that are not paid for or owned but rather grow organically from customer efforts or other favorable publicity. Examples include positive tweets, referring Facebook posts, and pins on Pinterest.

Earned media are promotions that are not paid for or owned but rather grow organically from customer efforts or other favorable publicity. Social media can be a key driver of earned media (think positive tweets, referring Facebook posts, and pins on Pinterest). Other forms of earned media include unsolicited positive press and positive customer word of mouth. View unsolicited praise of Starbucks in your Twitter feed by folks you follow? That's earned media.

Several key features which are common to most blogs:

Ease of use Reverse chronology Comment threads Persistence Searchability Tags Trackbacks

Taking Action as an Organization

Education, audit, and enforcement

Largest retailer in the world. Source of competitive advantage is scale.

Efficiency starts with a proprietary system called Retail Link.

Tech-powered marketplaces

Efficient matching of supply and demand


Efforts to listen into or record conversations, transmissions, or keystrokes.

Spear phishing attacks specifically target a given organization or group of users.

Employees of a medical center received e-mails purportedly from the center itself, indicating that the recipient was being laid off and offering a link to job counseling resources

Driven by data

Employs mathematicians with PhDs in nuclear physics, astrophysics and computational biology.

Data mining helps the firm tighten operational forecasts.

Enables prediction.

Monitoring activity inside and outside the firm

Establishing the social media presence

Many organizations are data rich but information poor

Factors holding back information advantage Legacy systems: Older information systems that are often incompatible with other systems, technologies, and ways of conducting business E.g. M&A (merger and acquisition) Most transactional databases are not set up to be simultaneously accessed for reporting and analysis E.g. TPS systems vs. analytics

Sharing public profile information has helped crowdsourcing firms remove bias associated with factors such as race, gender and disability

False: Allegations in an Uber driver forum suggest that college students rate older drivers lower; male riders give lower ratings to female drivers who dont respond to their flirtatiousness; drivers with disabilities experience lower ratings: and black drivers have a lower acceptance rate than white drivers: Another study reports biases in AirBnB, claiming that nonblack Air bnb hosts were able to charge 12 percent more than their black counterparts

Corporations will want to be cautious about what is posted to wikis since wikis can be accessed by anyone.

False: In addition to the hundreds of public wikis, there are many thousand more that are hidden away behind firewalls, used as proprietary internal tools for organizational collaboration.

While blogs are effective for communicating with the public, Firms shouldn't use blogs for internal communication since everyone can see them

False: Like any webpage, blogs can be public or isolated for internal use via a corporate wall or password protection

Don't confuse blogs with conventional search engine results. Blogs are very important, but they do not influence the content that appears in searches through Google or Bing.

False: Material deemed useful is likely to gain more Web links and cause firm-affiliated content to rise in SEO rankings, making your firm easy to find, pushing your firm higher in search results than your rivals, and solidifying perception of your firm as an expert.

Twitter hash tags are used to organize "tweets" on a given topic

Firms leverage Twitter in a variety of ways:

Uber has attracted legions of customers in part because it keeps rates constant, while traditional cab drivers raise rates when demand is high, like during concerts, bad weather and other major events

False: Uber pricing operates on a supply and demand scale. If there is a big event in town or some other condition where driver supply doesn't meet demand, Uber will raise prices using a "surge pricing" multiple

Bloggers and other users of social media often refer to the MSM. This phrase stands for Media Social methods

False: corporate blogs can be directly published to the public, skipping what bloggers call the mainstream media (MSM) and presenting their words without a journalist filtering their comments or an editor cutting out key points they'd hope to make

Network affects have helped Uber dominate the united states, but the firm has struggled to expand internationally,

False: just four years after its founding, Uber was operating in 128 cities in 37 countries worldwide.

Pioneered by Facebook but now adopted by most services, _____ provide a timely list of the activities of and public messages from people, groups, and organizations that an individual has an association with.

Feeds provide a timely list of the activities of and public messages from people, groups, and organizations that an individual has an association with.


File (Case sensitive)


Find web servers, E-mail servers, and more (like a phonebook) The domain name system also remembers whats done

Industry consortium

Formed by a collaboration of firms that also participate in the marketplace; may have funding and governance issues

Private e-Marketplaces

Formed by a single company to trade with its business partners (buyers and/or suppliers)

ISO 27000 series

Frameworks, Standards, Compliance Security frameworks aim to take all measures to ensure security of firm for its customers

Legal Issues Specific to E-Commerce

Fraud on the Internet, domain names, domain tasting, cybersquatting, taxes and other fees, copyright

Fraud on the Internet: encouraged by anonymity?

Fraudulent information on stocks, fraud in auctions, email scams, etc.

3G standards can be narrowed down to

GSM: Global system for mobile communications (Verizon) CDMA: Code division multiple access (at&t)

Born on the Net

Google Yahoo eBay YouTube Facebook Expedia Wikipedia Etc...

Large firm involvement

Google: Substantial investor in Uber Conde Nast: Invested in Rent the Runway Walgreens: Task Rabbit partnership IBM: Delivery deal with Deliv General Motors: Canceled its partnership with RelayRides through OnStar Avis: Acquired ZipCar

Technically-weak personnel trained in a prior era's crime fighting techniques

Governments rarely match pay scale and stock bonuses offered by private industry

Public e-Marketplaces

Greater liquidity (ease, speed, and volume of transactions) Reduces marketplace friction

More efficient resource use

Greater reach and services which was not unavailable before


Hacking into a system to make a political point (hacktivism

Large data warehouses can cost millions and take years to build

Hadoop open source project (provides Flexibility, Scalability, Cost effectiveness, Fault tolerance

E-Sales Websites

Handle orders and Full Transactions

Taxes and other Fees

Hard to determine jurisdiction - seller vs. server location?

Most mobile cell phone services have to license spectrum.

High-stakes regional bidding wars whenever governments put new spectrum up for license

As Spammers get better, their emails look more genuine.

How do you tell if it's a scam and phishing for personal information? How to detect phishing attempts?

Data quantity and quality

How much data is needed? Is it accurate?

Unintentional acts

Human Errors (shoulder surfing, tailgating), Quality of service from service providers, Environmental Hazard Social and reverse social engineering


I was just borrowing the money! Everybody does it! I didn't take it for myself!

problem of IP addresses

IPv4 handles near 4billion IP (232) and we're out!

Internet content providers worry that without strong neutrality rules

ISPs may block content or favor their own offerings above rivals

Production of 3 large US networks over about 60 years

If they had broadcasted 24h/day, 7d/week: 3 networks X 60 years X 365 days X 24 hours = over 1.5 million hour of programs YouTube produced more in 6 months, without producers, with just regular users.

Blogs for firms

Immediate unfiltered distribution of ideas

Record-breaking Target's 2013 attack

In late 2013, hackers managed to install malware in Target's security and payments system For more than two weeks hackers vacuumed up records on roughly one third of US consumers (1797 stores). Two alerts from security software were ignored. 40 million cards used were stolen and additional personal information on 70 million customers was exposed. Investigations only started when law enforcement intervened. The malware used was described by one security expert as "absolutely unsophisticated and uninteresting." The total cost? as much as $4 billion CEO got fired shortly after!

Three factors driving online ad growth trends:

Increased user time online Improved measurement and accountability Targeting

Larger in scope, harder to control

Increasing collaboration and information sharing IT outsourcing

Data as an asset: Value of Information

Information as a Raw Material and/or capital

Decreases cost of creating, processing, distributing, storing and retrieving paper-based information

Information is digitized


Information or applications that spread rapidly between users

Skills for Data Mining

Information technology, Statistics, Business knowledge

Firms that have used crowdsourcing successfully:

InnoCentive for scientific R&D TopCoder for programming tasks Waze fro traffic Amazon's Mechanical Turk for general work

Conde Nast

Invested in Rent the Runway

What did Waze offer Google?

Israeli firm Waze has used crowdsourcing to build a better map. The firm's growing community of over 50 million users shares anonymous, live driving data by default. This helps build extremely accurate maps of real-time traffic flow. Another 70,000 plus in the Waze community actively edit maps for increased accuracy.

Channel conflict

Issues such as disintermediation, cannibalization

As a mature business, Wal-Mart faces a problem

It needs to find huge markets or dramatic cost savings in order to boost profits and continue to move its stock price higher

Wal-Mart custom builds large portions of its information systems to keep competitors off its trail

Other aspects of the firm's technology remain under wraps

buy side

Key mechanism: reverse auctions, group purchasing


Key mechanisms: electronic catalogs and forward auctions


Keylogger, Screen Capture

The winner in 4G technologies is:

LTE - Long Term Evolution


Lack of universally accepted security, standards Insufficient telecommunications bandwidth, Expensive accessibility

Data Marts and warehouses may contain huge volumes of data

Large data warehouses can cost millions and take years to build

A wiki is a Web site that can be modified by anyone, from directly within a Web browser, provided that user is granted edit access.

Largest and most popular wiki: Wikipedia Wikis can have open (e.g. ) or close access (Disney Wiki).

Walmart: Data-Driven Value Chain

Largest retailer in the world. Source of competitive advantage is scale. Efficiency starts with a proprietary system called Retail Link. Retail Link: Records a sale and automatically triggers inventory reordering, scheduling, and delivery. Inventory turnover ratio: Ratio of a company's annual sales to its inventory. Back-office scanners keep track of inventory as supplier shipments come in.

Problems especially arise during the peak (holiday) season.

Late deliveries Delivering wrong items High delivery cost Compensation to unhappy customers

First residential satellite services were only used for downloads.

Later some services were based on satellites in geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO).

Bad guys are many and good guys are under resourced

Law enforcement agencies dealing with computer crime are increasingly outnumbered, outskilled, and underfunded

examples of peer production

Leveraged to create open source software Collaborative consumption: Participants share access to products and services, rather than having ownership E.g. Zipcar, UBER, Airbnb (Ch10-Sharing Economy) Crowdsourcing: groups of users band together to solve problems, create code, and develop services... Wisdom of crowd

Machine learning

Leverages massive amounts of data so that computers can act and improve on their own without additional programming Neural networks and other types of AI play a role in machine learning, but what's special is that computers themselves examine data, find insights, and improve. Example: Self-driving car

Twitter ads are billed on pay per performance when there is a retweet, follow, buy, or other engagement with a promotion.

Like Google, these ads are billed on pay per performance. Advertisers pay only when users engage by clicking on a tweet, retweeting a promotion, replying, favoriting, or following.

Technology's Role

Lock down networks

Cannibalization (conflict within own distribution channels)

Logistic services, pricing (e.g. Netflix) Separate offline and online businesses or adopt multi-channeling strategy

Shoulder surfing

Looking over someone's shoulder to glean a password or see other proprietary information that might be displayed on a worker's screen.

Supplier/consumer pooling

Lower costs

Engage: Four "Ms" of Social Media: Four Roles of Corporate Social Media Presence

Magnet (inbound from customer) Megaphone (outbound to customer) Monitor (outbound listening to customers, competitors, and 'best practice' role models) Mediate (customer & community dialog)

Web 2.0: The rising security threat from users

Malware can send messages that seem to come from trusted "friends."

Disintermediation (conflict with channel partners)

Manufacturers disintermediate their channel partners by selling their products directly to consumers on net. Often replaces one intermediary (retailer) with another (FedEx or UPS) Alienates channel partners (e.g., Ford)

Ripe Economic Conditions (e.g. recession, stagnant wages

Many suppliers have (underutilized) inventory & skills

Applications of Data Mining:

Marketing: direct, catalogue Finance: fraud detection, credit-risk evaluation HR: recruiting Sale: segmentation, and more.

Brokerage Model (market-makers)

Marketplace Exchange: Auction Broker: Payment or Transaction Broker:; apple pay Demand Collection System (Name-your-price): Virtual Marketplace: Yahoo and Google Stores

It is vital to know how internet works

Mastery of the Internet infrastructure could be critically important for competitive advantage (e.g. financial companies)

Delivery of digital advertisements to Internet users (e.g. audio, video, image and text)

Media rich, dynamic, and interactive ads

Utility Model :

Metered Usage;, cell phone plans

Malware (malicious software)

Methods of infection

_____ is a type of short-message posting service, often made via mobile device, designed to provide rapid notification to a user's readership.

Microblogging: Microblogs are designed to provide rapid notification to their readership (e.g., a news flash, an update on one's activities), rather than detailed or in-depth comments. Twitter is the most popular microblogging service.

Allows reduced inventories and overhead

Minimizing supply chain inefficiencies (excessive inventories or delivery delays).


Mobile (e.g. via MMS, website, games, apps)


Mobile wireless service from cell phone access providers is delivered via cell towers, Providers require a wireless spectrum.

Genetic algorithms:

Model building techniques where computers examine many potential solutions to a problem, iteratively modifying various mathematical models, and comparing the mutated models to search for a best alternative

Which of the following is "not" considered one of the four "Ms" of social media engagement:

Monetize: The four "Ms" of social media are the megaphone (outbound communication), magnet (drawing others into the conversation), and monitoring and mediating online conversations.


Monitor things like request denials. To prevent drivers from denying rides to minority neighborhoods, many ride-sharing firms also don't share passenger destinations until the passenger has accepted the ride or even is in the vehicle.

Benefits of E-commerce to Consumers

More choices, and in some cases quicker delivery of products (e.g. digitized products) More options to compare and select the cheaper and better option

Order fulfillment

More complicated in B2C e-commerce as compared to B2B commerce Smaller transactions , but larger in number (e.g. eBay)

Order fulfillment

More difficult in B2C as compared to B2B

Senior executives use their blogs for purposes that include a combination of marketing, sharing ideas, gathering feedback, press response, and image shaping

Most mainstream news outlets supplement their content with blogs that can offer greater depth, more detail, and deadline-free timeliness e.g.NYTimes blogs (Tom Friedman)

Prevent Wi-Fi use and require VPN encryption for network transmissions

Move everything to cloud

Artificial Intelligence

Neural network: An AI system that examines data and hunts down and exposes patterns, in order to build models to exploit findings Expert systems: AI systems that leverage rules or examples to perform a task in a way that mimics applied human expertise Genetic algorithms: Model building techniques where computers examine many potential solutions to a problem, iteratively modifying various mathematical models, and comparing the mutated models to search for a best alternative

Leverages massive amounts of data so that computers can act and improve on their own without additional programming

Neural networks and other types of AI play a role in machine learning, but what's special is that computers themselves examine data, find insights, and improve. Example: Self-driving car

NAT helps delay the impact of IP address drought

New IPv6 with theoretical limit of 2128 addresses, but slow transition!

Kindle on Fire

New distribution channels that are changing the economics of media publishing Channel Pressure

Some of unique properties available on uber

Now in: 300+ cities in 58 countries over $1B in rides in '13, $10B expected in '15 keeping about 20% $1.2B fundraising round in Spring 2014 was the biggest single amount ever raised by any privately held tech start-up, valuing firm at more than $18 billion Sep 2015 another $1.2B at $51B for China Growth is minting over 50,000 new jobs a month Driver background check, only late model cars, must be Uber-inspected

3G & 4G

Offer access speeds usually less than 2 Mbps

Technology allows product and service providers to connect with consumers.

Offers far greater reach and efficiency than traditional markets.

These characteristics distinctly set "Web 2.0" efforts apart from the static, transaction-oriented Web sites of "Web 1.0"

Often applied to web sites and Internet services that foster social media or other sorts of peer production

Legacy systems

Older information systems that are often incompatible with other systems, technologies, and ways of conducting business E.g. M&A (merger and acquisition)


Operating/MRO input connects buyers and sellers across many industries- Price, delivery and ease of ordering are primary considerations.

Internet service provider (ISP)

Organization or firm that provides access to the internet (connect to one other, exchanging traffic, ensure that messages can get to any other computer that's online and willing to communicate)

twitter filter

Organizations are advised to monitor Twitter activity related to the firm

___ are media from communicating channels that an organization controls. These can include firm-run blogs and web sites, any firm distributed corporate mobile web site or app, and organization accounts on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest,

Owned Media: Owned media are communication channels that an organization controls. These can include firm run blogs and web sites any firm distributed corporate mobile Web site or app, and organization accounts on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. Visit the Starbucks Web site? That's media owned by Starbucks.

Third Party/ Neutral:

Owned and operated by one or more independent third parties (neutral) who host the public exchange/marketplace

________ refers to efforts where an organization pays to leverage a channel or promote a message. Paid media efforts include things such as advertisement and sponsorships.

Paid media refers to efforts where an organization pays to leverage a channel or promote a message. Paid media efforts include things such as advertisement and sponsorships. See a Starbucks ad online? That's paid media.

Constant vigilance regarding security needs to be:

Part of one's individual skill set A key component in an organization's culture

Affiliate Model

Pay-per-click; Pay-per-action/sale (e.g.,, Twitter)

The Phrase __ is used to refer to situations in which users collaboratively work to create contents, products, and services. Examples include social media as well as services like Skype and Bittorent

Peer production: Peer production includes social media sites, open source software, and peer produced services, such as Skype and Bittorent. The participation of these users provide the infrastructure and computational resources that enable the service


Perception that EC is unsecure Unresolved legal issues Lacks a critical mass of sellers and buyers in many areas Psychological issues involved - touch/feel; face-to-face. Many goods cannot be purchased online e.g. Milk, popsicle


Permit communication only with approved entities or in an approved manner

Cloud - AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Personal Corporate Biz fundamentals & why Amazon 'plays' here

Factors that can amplify a firm's vulnerability of a breach:

Personnel issues Technology problems Procedural factors Operational issues

Dumpster diving

Sifting through trash in an effort to uncover valuable data or insights that can be stolen or used to launch a security attack

Compromising Web sites

Poorly designed software/website

Lock down hardware

Prevent unapproved software installation Force file saving to backed-up, scanned, and monitored servers Reimage hard drives of end-user PCs Disable boot capability of removable media Prevent Wi-Fi use and require VPN encryption for network transmissions Move everything to cloud

Net Neutrality

Principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally

Better Pricing through Better Margins

Private-label brands no middleman pressure to suppliers to grant best price, payment terms, and complete product line access.

Problems in Data Mining

Problems associated with the use of bad data: Wrong estimates from bad data leaves the firm overexposed to risk Problem of historical consistency: Computer-driven investment models are not very effective when the market does not behave as it has in the past Over-engineer Build a model with so many variables that the solution arrived at might only work on the subset of data you've used to create it A pattern is uncovered but determining the best choice for a response is less clear

Generation of 'citizen suppliers

Product owners become providers of rentals. New class of micro-entrepreneurs providing personal services

E-Promotion Websites

Product/Service Information Consumer Services (recipes/coupons)

Long Tail of products

Products that are in low demand or have low sales volume can collectively make up a market share that exceeds the relatively few current bestsellers/blockbusters Lower inventory storage and distribution cost of B2C ecommerce creates long tail

Application programming interfaces (APIs):

Programming hooks, or guidelines published by firms that tell other programs how to get a service to perform a task such as send or receive data.

Firms leverage Twitter in a variety of ways:

Promotion Customer response Gathering feedback Time-sensitive communication


Protecting copyright on Internet is difficult

Open Wi-fi access point

Provide easy entry to firm's computer system; can intercept network communication TJX example

People in less developed countries and rural areas have access to products and services that otherwise are unavailable

Public services can be delivered at a reduced cost and improved quality e.g. health care, education, social services

Agency Pricing

Publisher sets the price and the retailer gets a percentage.

e-commerce (EC): Classification

Pure vs. Partial E-commerce


PwC US Cybercrime Survey

The Business Intelligence Toolkit

Query and reporting tools

Fulfillment Centers:

Radically different from conventional retailers Similar items? Don't put them together!

Inventory turnover ratio

Ratio of a company's annual sales to its inventory.

Don't Take the Bait

Recognizing the "Phish Hooks"

Retail Link:

Records a sale and automatically triggers inventory reordering, scheduling, and delivery.


Reduces the handling costs of manually processing of paper documents, reduces errors, reduces cycle times


Register domain name to profit from goodwill or trademark of someone else, then maybe resell it to proper owner e.g., Madonna vs. Dan Parisi for

Domain Tasting

Register names imitating popular sites, cram with AdSense ads for 5 days then get full refund Typosquatting

Uber Future?

Regulatory concerns and maintenance of quality service Looking to expand into shipping and logistics Competition grows too


Removing an organization from the distribution channel.

Data drives the organization.

Reports form the basis of sales meetings and executive strategy sessions.

Canned reports:

Reports that provide regular summaries of information in a predetermined format

Wholesale Pricing:

Retailer purchases titles, then resells them at whatever price it wishes.

As an example, here is what the email said:

Return-path: <[email protected]> From: "PayPal"<[email protected]> Subject: You have 1 new Security Message Alert ! Note that they even give advice in the right column about security

Bad Apples

Rogue employees can steal secrets, install malware, etc.

Vandalism is a problem on Wikipedia

Roll back: The ability to revert a wiki page to a prior version. This is useful for restoring earlier work in the event of a posting error, inaccuracy, or vandalism

Account theft and illegal funds transfer

Roughly costs 100bn / year for US and 300b globally Some hackers steal data for personal use Data harvesters sell to cash-out fraudster

Uses of twitter

SDK, API, free rider

amazon fresh

Same day or early AM delivery of fresh groceries, incl. produce, dairy, meat, seafood & alcohol Thousands of best-selling items can be included in grocery order

Programs written using __ can be interpreted within their applications, rather than compiled to run directly by a microprocessor

Scripted languages are interpreted within their applications, rather than compiled to run directly by a microprocessor

Frameworks, Standards, Compliance

Security frameworks aim to take all measures to ensure security of firm for its customers, employees, shareholders, and others

Compromising computing assets for use in other crimes

Sending spam for thousands of accounts Launch click fraud efforts (like phishing) Stage distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks

DDoS attacks

Shutting down or slowing websites with thousands of seemingly legitimate requests

Social networks are a hothouse for "_________" media, where enthusiast-consumers can help spread the word about products and services.

Social networks are a hothouse for "earned" media, where enthusiast-consumers can help spread the word about products and services.

_____ refers to a false online persona created to promote a particular point of view often in praise of a firm, product, or individual.

Sock Puppet: A sock puppet refers to a false online persona created to promote a particular point of view often in praise of a firm, product, or individual.

Github and stack overflow are websites that are especially useful for students and professionals focusing in on the _____ industries

Software development: The websites stack overflow and Github have emerged as critically important software developer learning tools and effective ways to establish and strengthen one's reputation

The staff optimizes algorithms to determine number of drivers, where demand is, dynamic pricing

Software system shows maps, cars, locations of customers.


Software updates that plug existing holes Many firms are lagging

More individuals can work at home

Some merchandise can be sold at lower prices, allowing less affluent people to buy more and increase their standard of living.

Hacker: good or bad?

Someone who breaks into computer systems

Problems/Anomalies with unstructured data & Normalization

Sources of data (inside or outside of the company)

Search advertising

Sponsored Search Contextual Search Paid Inclusion Site optimization

sample analysis of data mining

Spot that some regions have not accepted new products as fast as others. Is it because: of inadequate promotion unsuitability of the new products or some areas are always slower to accept new products.

Wi-Fi: Wireless local-area networking devices

Stands for wireless fidelity. To connect to the Internet, a device needs to be within range of a base station or hotspot (300ft).

Intellectual property theft

Stealing copyrighted materials e.g. patents, songs, books,...

Computer-aided fraud and scams

Stealing security codes, credit card numbers Stealing intellectual property and trade secrets

Corporate espionage

Stealing trade secrets by the copying, recording or removal of confidential or valuable information in a company for use by a competitor By insiders, rivals, or even foreign governments

Long Tail of products

Strategy about selling less of more; diversification of products The digital advantage (physical vs. hybrid vs. digital) Both the ends of the sales curve are important


Substantial investor in Uber

Questions: Which of the following factors did not contribute to the rise of the sharing economy

Successful protests by cab companies and hotel chains: A prolonged, worldwide economic recession and stagnant wages have boosted the sharing economy, as have a pool of suppliers with goods to rent and skills to provide services-for-hire. Supplier ratings and consumer awareness from social media helps build trust

environmentally friendly, more parking, fewer DUIs, city visits more appealing (trustworthy), better jobs

Surge pricing to match supply & demand balance two-sided market

Share of online advertising is on the rise

Surpassed any other media $58 billion in 2015 with 7 % annual growth


Surreptitiously infiltrated computers, linked and controlled remotely

Online analytical processing (OLAP) Systems:

Systems that are designed to handle the queries required to discover trends and critical factors and provide analysis and queries efficiently Perform manual exploration and analysis of enterprise summary and detailed information. Data is usually sourced from standard relational databases, but it's calculated and summarized in advance, across multiple dimensions and stored in a special database (data cube)

the internet protocol suite

TCP is a perfectionist, and is essential for web transmissions, email, and application downloads (But not always needed)

Procedural gaffe

TJX had received an extension on the rollout of mechanisms that might have discovered and plugged the hole before the hackers got in.

Technology lapse

TJX used WEP, a less-secure wireless security technology known to be trivially compromised.

Key terms:

Table (fields and records) Key (primary and foreign)

Lessons ?

Target, Sony and TJX breaches show that security must be a top organizational priority


Task Rabbit partnership

Law enforcement agencies dealing with computer crime are increasingly outnumbered, outskilled, and underfunded

Technically-weak personnel trained in a prior era's crime fighting techniques Governments rarely match pay scale and stock bonuses offered by private industry

Data Asset in Action

Technology and the Rise of Wal-Mart

Satellite Wireless

Terrestrial wireless: provided by earth-bound base stations like cell phone towers. Possible via satellite.

roll back

The ability to revert a wiki page to a prior version. This is useful for restoring earlier work in the event of a posting error, inaccuracy, or vandalism

Prediction Markets and the Wisdom of Crowds

The crowd isn't always right, but a large, group may bring collective insight to problem solving that one smart guy or a professional committee lacks.

Challenges Abound

The firm's data warehouse wasn't able to foretell the rise of Target and other up-market discounters Another major challenge - Tesco methodically attempts to take its globally honed expertise to U.S. shores

Despite its rapid growth and impact, significant questions remain regarding

The firm's durability Revenue prospects Enduring appeal to initial users Competitors offered similar services

Data Mining has its roots in a branch of computer science known as artificial intelligence (AI)

The goal of AI is create computer programs that are able to mimic or improve upon functions of the human brain

Buying & selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet

The marketing, buying, selling and support of products and services via computer networks, generally the Internet

Motivation for Information Security Attack

The motivations of computer criminals are varied.

The BI Toolkit: Data Mining

The process of extracting patterns from data: Statistical techniques: regression, clustering, etc. Artificial intelligence: neural network, genetic algorithm, etc.

The Flywheel

Three pillars driving growth: Selection Low Prices Customer Experience (convenience)

3G is being replaced by high-bandwidth 4G

The winner in 4G technologies is:

Wi-Fi base stations used in the home are usually bought by end users.

They are then connected to a cable, DSL, or fiber provider.

How has google managed to integrate with services as diverse as open table, united airlines, trip advisor, and hyatt hotels?

They share the same venture firms: one way of making Uber appear as if its everywhere in the physical world is embedding Uber everywhere in the digital world: Uber offers API: (Application program interface) that is essentially a published guideline on how other developers can embed Uber into their own apps. The service launched with 11 partners, including open table, united airlines, trip advisor, and Hyatt hotels

Electronic data interchange (EDI)

To simplify transaction most businesses use EDI which is the transfer of structured data, by agreed message standards, from one computer system to another (e.g. Walmart and its suppliers)

Wal-Mart mines its data to get its product mix right under all sorts of varying environmental conditions, protecting the firm from a retailer's twin nightmares:

Too much inventory Too little inventory

Ad hoc reporting tools:

Tools that put users in control so that they can create custom reports on an as-needed basis by selecting fields, ranges, summary conditions, and other parameters

Twitter has been used to send commands to zombie computers

Top secret information could be shared on social media: A member of the House Intelligence Committee reveals his locale on a secret trip

watching the packet path :


___ are links in a blog post that refer readers back to cited sources

Trackbacks: allow a blogger to see which and how many other bloggers are referring to their content. A "Trackback" field is supported by most blog software. While it is not required to enter a trackback when citing another post, it is considered good "netiquette" to do so

B2B e-Marketplaces

Trading platform for conducting business among many buyers, sellers and trading partners Without complications or significant costs - the infrastructure of the internet provides the platform Allows real time transactions, allowing participants to communicate immediately, frequently and accurately E.g.,

Wikis can be effective for group work and team meetings, since they can be used for everything from posting an agenda in advance, to prompting users to share documents before face-to-face brainstorming and feedback.

True: At Disney's Pixar, wikis are used to improve meeting efficiency, with agendas and key materials distributed in advance.

Blogging can be an effective tool for firms to share opinions directly with the public without communication being filtered by a journalist or narrowed by the editor of a third party publication

True: Corporate blogs can be published directly to the public, skipping what bloggers call the mainstream media (MSM) and presenting their words without a journalist filtering their comments or an editor cutting out key points they hoped to make

The version history and roll back features of wikis is considered to be more clear, allowing users to be able to see who made what edits, than collaborating simultaneously in a tool such as Google Docs or Office365

True: Many users find the version history and roll back features of wikis to be more clear than collaborating simultaneously in a tool such as Google Docs or Office365

Many wikis also serve as knowledge management systems that act as a sort of collective corporate memory that's vital for sharing skills, learning, and preserving expertise when employees leave the firm.

True: Many wikis also serve as knowledge management systems that act as a sort of collective corporate memory which is vital for sharing skills, learning, and preserving expertise when employees leave the firm.

All of the top ten most used apps worldwide are social

True: Six of the top ten apps used globally are messaging apps and all of the top ten most used apps worldwide are social: The three remaining apps are Facebook, Instagram and twitter. And while Clash of Clans isn't what one would call conventional social media, it is a social game

Twitter offers a free set of tools to app developers, allowing them to track crashes in products, measure app analytics, and use a phone number for universal sign-in.

True: Twitter's new software development kit (SDK), Fabric, could be the way the company captures more revenues and broadens its reach. The set of mobile developer tools offer a highly useful set of products for those building apps (e.g. bug reporting, usage monitoring, easy sign-on, etc).

Stay updated

Turn on software update features (OS and App)

Turnover 16 times / year avg. book in house 22 days avg. 28 days of float / title Inventory all warehouse stock few returns

barnes and noble

Turnover 3 times / year avg. book in store 121 days Book on shelf 68+ days after paying suppliers Inventory shelf & warehouse stock 30% returns

Twitter's default setting allows for asymmetrical following, unlike Facebook

Twitter has served as an early warning mechanism in disasters, terror, and other events

Twitter and the Rise of Microblogging

Twitter is a microblogging service that allows users to post 140 character messages (tweets) via the Web, SMS, or a variety of third-party desktop and smartphone applications

Which of the following is one of the differences between Twitter and Facebook?

Twitter settings allow asymmetrical following, unlike Facebook: Unlike Facebook, where most users must approve "friends" before they can see status updates, Twitter's default setting allows for asymmetrical following (although it is possible to set up private Twitter accounts and to block followers).

Competitive advantage from

Two-sided network effects (buyers/sellers) Switching Costs (reviews/rep)

LTE - Long Term Evolution

US average download speeds above 40Mbps and upload speeds near 20Mbps are now common.

Customers regularly complain of surge pricing:

Uber raises prices where supply doesn't meet demand to encourage drivers to work. They cap surging during emergencies at a price that is below the three highest-priced non-emergency days during the preceding two months.

White hat hackers:

Uncovers computer weaknesses without exploiting them Improve system security and work as consultant

API to increase distribution & experience

United, TripAdvisor, Hyatt, OpenTable, Spotify

Amazon Prime

Unlimited 2-day shipping first choice destination brand strengthener (convenience, efficiency) no need to aggregate purchases to reach super-saver discount Don't create a "shopping list", one-click & forget it! Additional benefits free media!

Passwords (weak; easily compromised

Use the same password for different accounts. Make only minor tweaks in passwords. Write passwords down. Save passwords in personal email accounts

Web 1.0 did not allow Web users to add or modify information contained in Web sites.

Users only had the ability to use Web sites to gather information.

What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is a loose collection of information technologies and applications, and the websites that use them: that simply foster collaboration and information sharing.

Web 2.0 and peer production

Web 2.0's most powerful feature Peer production: When users collaboratively work to create content, products, and services (Examples?) Leveraged to create open source software Collaborative consumption: Participants share access to products and services, rather than having ownership E.g. Zipcar, UBER, Airbnb (Ch10-Sharing Economy) Crowdsourcing: groups of users band together to solve problems, create code, and develop services... Wisdom of crowd

Subscription Model

WSJ, Spotify

Wal-Mart shares sales data only with relevant suppliers

Wal-Mart has stopped sharing data with information brokers.

Data Mining Prowess

Wal-Mart mines its data to get its product mix right under all sorts of varying environmental conditions, protecting the firm from a retailer's twin nightmares: Too much inventory Too little inventory Data mining helps the firm tighten operational forecasts. Enables prediction. Data drives the organization. Reports form the basis of sales meetings and executive strategy sessions.

Sharing Data, Keeping Secrets

Wal-Mart shares sales data only with relevant suppliers Wal-Mart has stopped sharing data with information brokers. Wal-Mart custom builds large portions of its information systems to keep competitors off its trail Other aspects of the firm's technology remain under wraps

Shipping Stuff

Warehouse efficiency Negative Cash Conversion Cycle Network Effects, Brand, Scale, the Long Tail, and creating a destination of "first choice"

Free rider problem

When others take advantage of a user or service without providing any sort of reciprocal benefit.

Peer production:

When users collaboratively work to create content, products, and services

Data sourcing:?

Where can this data be obtained from?

Data hosting:

Where will the systems be housed?

Information Security

Why Is This Happening? Who Is Doing It? And What's Their Motivation?

Wi-Fi and Other Hotspots

Wi-Fi: Wireless local-area networking devices

Which of the following online efforts has crowd wisdom as its underlying principle?

Wiki : In the wisdom of the crowds concept, a group of individuals (often untrained amateurs), collectively has more insight than a single or small group of trained professionals. The idea of crowd wisdom is at the heart of wikis, folksonomy tagging systems, and many other online efforts.

A Web site anyone can edit directly within a Web browser is known as a _______.

Wiki: A Web site anyone can edit directly within a Web browser is a wiki. Wikis can be one of the speediest ways to collaboratively create content online. Many popular online wikis serve as a shared knowledge repository in some domain.

Wikis can be used for collaborative effort—from meeting planning to project management.

Wikis support what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) editing What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG): A phrase used to describe graphical editing tools, such as those found in a wiki, page layout program, or other design tool

Be disposal smart

Wipe hard drives before recycle, donation

Problems associated with the use of bad data

Wrong estimates from bad data leaves the firm overexposed to risk

Polling a diverse crowd and aggregating opinions, in order to form a forecast of an eventual outcome to leverage the wisdom of crowds, is known as _____.

a prediction market : The crowd isn't always right, but in many cases where topics are complex, problems are large, and outcomes are uncertain, a large, diverse group may bring collective insight to problem solving that one smart guy or a professional committee lacks. Prediction markets are used in such situations to leverage the wisdom of crowds.


a standard for short-range wireless connectivity, typically meant to eliminate cabling used for things like speakers, printers, cameras, etc...

Stay vigilant

against phishing attacks, social engineering

coaxial cable has shielding that reduces electrical interference

allows cable signals to travel longer distances without degrading and with less chance of interference

Uber's massive data haul allows it to cut prices

and attract drivers to power continued growth and expansion.

Audits include real-time monitoring of usage,

announced audits, and surprise spot checks


application transfer protocol that is used to copy files from one computer to another

path name and file name

are both case sensitive

fault tolerant

are capable of continuing operation even if a component fails

all internet transmissions

are divided into packets


are often thought of as a solution to the password problem.

Social Engineering

art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information Criminals trick employees into revealing information

peering takes place

at neutral sights called internet exchange points (IXP's)

Offline vs. Online Retail Efficiencies

barnes & noble and

Employees need to know a firm's policies,

be regularly trained, and understand the penalties if they fail

Media firms find the Internet

both threatening and empowering.

bits per second


digital subscriber line (DSL)

broadband technology that uses the wires of a local telephone, speeds vary depending on the technology deployed

you don't always see path name or file name

but they are always there (e.g.:

tech and index.html

case sensitive

The Web 2.0 environment allows Web site visitors to make contributions

change the existing Web content and interact with other members of those Web sites

Owned media

communication channels that an organization controls. Includes firm-run blogs and Web sites, apps, and organization accounts on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram.


computing device that connects networks and exchanges data between them


cons executed through technology

NAT (networking address translation)

conserves IP addresses by mapping devices on a private network to a single internet connected devices that acts on their behalf

The act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent and outsourcing it to an undefined generally large group of people in the form of an open call is known as _____.

crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing builds off the idea of the wisdom of crowds and allows for firms to harness great ideas in order to improve their business.

Natural disasters

damage to physical facilities

Encryption must be accompanied by decryption

decryption: changing the unreadable text back into its original form

Access providers have wanted to offer varying coverage

depending on the service used and bandwidth consumed.

broadband over power line technology has been available for years

deployments are few because it is considered to be pricier and less practical than alternatives

Domain Name Service (DNS)

distributed database that looks up host and domain names and returns the actual IP address for them


distributed denial of service


does not equal security

Physical threats can facilitate fraud, theft, and damage

dumpster diving, shoulder surfing, eavesdropping

Paid media

efforts where an organization pays to leverage a channel or promote a message. Paid media efforts include things such as advertisement and sponsorships.

Wireless spectrum

electromagnetic frequencies used for communicatio

B2B E-Commerce

electronic transaction between companies (i.e., both buyers and sellers are organizations). Largest sector of e-commerce Most complex

A(n) _____ to social media refers to an established online presence where customers can reach and interact with a firm.

embassy approach: An embassy approach to social media refers to an established online presence where customers can reach and interact with a firm.


enables communication by defining the format of data and rules for exchange


encrypted communication


environmentally friendly, more parking, fewer DUIs, city visits more appealing (trustworthy), better jobs Surge pricing to match supply & demand balance two-sided market API to increase distribution & experience United, TripAdvisor, Hyatt, OpenTable, Spotify

Motivation for Information Security Attacks

extortion, intellectual property theft, corporate espionage

Despite the potential impact of crowdsourcing, very few big brands are taking advantage of this method.

false: Nine of the world's top ten brands have engaged in some form of crowdsourcing.

All communication handled & monitored through

firms platforms


forcing Iran's nuclear facilities and centrifuges to spin so fast that they effectively destroyed themselves.

Forming security teams that include employees

from all departments

Colo provides a place where

gear from multiple firms can come together, peering of internet traffic can take place

fiber optic lines

glass lined cables that transmit light

DNS resolver

got it its xxx-xxx-xxx


grew to 50 million users in under 18 months and was acquired by Facebook for $1 billion.


hardware failure is more likely than hacking!


hardware, software, network

With only seven full-time employees and an operating budget of less than $1 million, Wikipedia

has become the fifth most visited site on the Internet.


has created a "community wiki" that encourages the sharing of experience and knowledge


has emerged as a major force that can break news and shape public opinion.


has handled over 27 billion text, image, and video messages a day, recently acquired by Facebook for $19 billion (FB owns top four social apps).

internet backbone

high speed data lines that interconnect and collectively form the core of the internet (100GBs/S)


high speed internet connections (US ranked 31st in the world)

Mandated for Wikipedia contributions, this editorial style is free of bias and opinion:

neutral point of view: Firms that overreach and try to influence an entry outside of Wikipedia's mandated neutral point of view (NPOV), risk a backlash and public exposure. Version tracking means the wiki sees all.

Last-mile technologies and issues of Net neutrality

neutrality will expose threats and create opportunity.

Which of the following is not a way in which uber leverages "big data"

none of the above- uber leverages big data in all of these ways: Uber uses data to determine how many drivers the firm needs and how to alert drivers of projected demand to set dynamic pricing, and to inform the firm on potential demand when considering locations for expansion

ICANN (Internet corporation for assigning names and numbers)

nonprofit organization responsible for managing the internet's domain and numbering

owning a domain

one can register a domain name, paying for a renewable right to use that domain name

private emarketplace

one or few buyers and vendors, form a private buying and selling community, buyers retain control of database of multiple vendors, buyers and vendors experience efficiencies of procurement experience

Viral Marketing (or advertising)

online "word of mouth" marketing Hotmail placed a link in the body of every message Not always successful: Facebook Beacon

UDP (user datagram protocol)

operates instead of a TCP in applications where delivery speed is more important and quality can be sacrificed

A hash tag allows twitter users to

organize tweets by prefixing key words with the "#" symbol or "Hash" symbol . Allowing others to quickly find related tweets (e.g: #Iranelection #mumbai #swanflu

Technology's Role

patches and lock down hardware


path (Case sensitive)

path name and file name

paths map to a folder location where the file is stored on the server

Sermo is an example of an online community that focuses on which group of professional users.

physicians: Doctors are using tools like Sermo to tap into the wisdom of crowds to gain insights, advice, expertise, and to challenge or verify their assumptions.

The "Fraud Triangle" Donald Cressey

pressure, opportunity, rationalization

Big companies on both sides

pro and against

Earned media

promotions that grow organically from customer efforts or other favorable publicity. Social media can be a key driver of earned media (think positive tweets, referring Facebook posts, and pins on Pinterest).

E-MarketPlace: Nature of Ownership

public and private


public services offered by that organization

last mile: faster speeds, broader access

refers to technologies that connect end users to the internet

Intuit has created a "community wiki" that encourages the sharing of experience and knowledge

regarding Intuit products or other broader topics its customers may be interested in, such as industry-specific issue or small business tips

Statistical techniques

regression, clustering, etc.


repeatedly sends a cluster of three packets starting at the first router connected to a computer, builds out the path that packets take to their destination, built into all major desktop operating systems, several web sites will run it between location, next way to explore how the internet works

The "three Rs" emphasized in the social media policy guidelines of most organizations relate to:

representation, responsibility, and respect: The "three Rs" emphasized in the social media policy guidelines of most organizations relate to representation, responsibility, and respect. (1) Representation - Employees need clear and explicit guidelines on expectations for social media engagement, (2) Responsibility - Employees need to take responsibility for their online actions, and (3) Respect - Employees must honor differences and act ethically and responsibly when dealing with customers.

domain name

represents an organization

limitation of coaxial cable

requires customers to share bandwith with neighbors

3 Rs

responsibility, responsibility, respect

The roll back feature of a wiki page allows:

restoration of the wiki page to a prior version.The roll back feature of wikis is useful for restoring earlier work in the event of a posting error, inaccuracy, or vandalism.

what connects the router and the computer

routers are connected wirelessly by cables

IP (internet protocol)

routing protocol that is in charge of forwarding packets on the internet

Worms -

scan the network and infect vulnerable computers (without human intervention)


scrambles data, making it essentially unreadable to any program that does not have the descrambling password

Amazon: Topics Covered

shipping stuff, kindle on fire, cloud- AWS (amazon web services)

Web 2.0 deeply impactful!

wikipedia, twitter, whats app,


simple mail transfer protocol: server to hold e-mail

Ceaser cipher

simplest and most widely known encryption techniques

Now, a hacker type this into the website's userID field

smith'; DROP TABLE users; DELETE * FROM users WHERE 't' = 't

Technical failures

software bug, hardware crash

IS controls to protect system

software, devices, procedures

O3b has already begun to provide fiber-quality wireless service to more than 150 countries

specifically targeting underserved nations.


spread by attaching to a program; need to run the program to spread infection

Large-scale data analytics projects should

start with a clear vision with business-focused objectives

Colocation Facility (Colo)

stock and currency trades now happen via systems that make trading decisions without any human intervention

Amdahl law

systems speed is determined by its slowest component

Sony's PlayStation

team uses wikis to regularly maintain one-page overviews on the status of various projects.


temporary storage space used to speed computing tasks


the descrambling password

how the internet works

the internet is a network of millions of networks

Channel conflict

the outcome of developing additional channels between the producer and consumer (often direct in terms of using the web) that targets the same group of consumers.

A number of factors led to and amplified

the severity of the TJX breach.

Collecting and leveraging knowledge that would otherwise be scattered throughout an organization Reducing geographic distance Removing boundaries between functional areas Leveling preexisting hierarchies

the world is becoming more flat

That second statement says delete all data in the users table for records where 't' = 't'

this last part, 't' = 't,' is always true,

If network providers move away from flat-rate pricing toward usage-based pricing,

this may limit innovation.

Wi-Fi equipped mobile devices also offer an opportunity

to act as a personal hotspot.

Helps small businesses

to compete with larger companies

Enables consumers

to get customized products/services.

Organized crime networks now have their own R&D labs and are engaged in sophisticated development efforts

to piece together methods to thwart current security measures.

Be password savvy

tools such as 1Password or LastPass help

VOIP (Voice over internet protocol)

transmission technologies that enable voice communications to take place over the internet and private packet switched networks

Some networks are curating user feeds, so it's not guaranteed that what you're posting on social networks will even be seen

true: Some networks are curating user feeds, so it's not guaranteed that what you're posting on social networks will even be seen.

Fraud detection

uncovering patterns consistent with criminal activity.

packets or datagrams

unit of data forwarded by a network

Botnet (zombie network)

used for DDoS attacks


users tricked into downloading a software which has concealed malware; may allow hacker to remotely access hacked computer.

limitation of DSL

uses standard copper telephone wiring that lacks the shielding used by the cable

cable broadband

uses thick copper wire to offer broadband access


uses wikis to get over the problem of poorly planned meeting.

IP Address

value used to identify a device that is connected to the internet, can be used to identify a users physical location

E-Marketplace: Nature of Product

vertical and horizontal

Feeds are inherently viral


your computer

whats the IP address for


when separate ISP's link their network to swap traffic on the internet

Customer segmentation:

which customers are likely to be the most valuable

Customer churn

which customers are likely to leave & how to keep them

Although the attack on Target was one of the largest credit card breaches in US business history, the software that executed the attack was not considered to be especially sophisticated

(TRUE) The Malware used to breach target was described by one security expert as "Absolutely unsophisticated and uninteresting"

___ Refer to protesters seeking to make a political point by leveraging technology tools, often through system infiltration, defacement, or damage

Hacktivists: They target firms, Web Sites or even users as a protest measure

Firmware is used to refer to

A devices control programs stored on nonvolatile chip memory: Control programs stored on chips are sometimes referred to as firmware. Firmware is software stored on ROM: [Read Only Memory]: or other nonvolatile memory chips (as opposed to being stored on devices such as hard drives or removable disks . Despite this seemingly permanent nature of firmware, many products allow for firmware to be upgraded online or by connecting to another device

___ Are hordes of surreptitiously infiltrated computers linked and controlled remotely, and are also known as zombie networks

Botnets: Botnets or Zombie computers are networks of infiltrated and comprised machines controlled by a central command and are used for all sorts of nefarious activities

The temporary storage space used to speed up computing tasks like accessing Web Sites is called a

Cache: The computer system remembers what it's done, so the next time the IP address of a host already looked up is needed, the computer pulls this out of storage space is called a cache, avoiding name-server visits. Caches are periodically refreshed, to insure that you're always pointed to where you need to go

Rails, Django, Angular JS, and are examples of

Programming frameworks: examples of popular frameworks used to develop websites include rails (for rugby) Django (for python) Angular JS (for Javascript) and

In order to jumpstart network affects, Lyft initially attracted drivers by providing minimum hourly fee

True: Lyft had subsidized the driver side of the market by providing a minimum hourly fee even if drivers didnt pick up any customers

Which of the following factors is thought to have been at work during the target security breach: Notifications from security software were ignored

(All of the above): Security software notification went off shortly after unauthorized software began collecting data inside Target's network, but Target ignored the warning. While the area where credit card transactions are processed is supposed to be walled off from other areas of the Target Network, hackers found holes and eventually nestled their code in a sweet spot for grabbing customer data, disguising the code with the label "BladeLogic" the name of a legitimate data center management product. The firm's security software has an option to automatically delete malware as it's detected but Target;s security team had turned that function off

A White hat hacker looks for weaknesses in security mechanisms, with a view to help plug the holes that might be exploited by cybercriminals

(True): White hats are the good guys who probe for weaknesses, but don't exploit them. Instead, they share their knowledge in hopes that the holes they've found will be plugged and security will be improved. Many firms hire consultants to conduct "White Hat" Hacking expeditions on their own assets as part of their auditing and security process. "Black Hats" Are the bad guys

Net neutrality is the principle that:

All Internet traffic should be treated equally: Net neutrality is the principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally. Sometimes access providers have wanted to offer varying (Some Say "Discriminatory" coverage), depending on the service used and bandwidth consumed. This has sparked debate over how much control broadband carriers can exert on their subscribers' online activity

Which of the following is not true about potential benefits to firms that create platforms

All of the above are correct: Firms that create platforms have the potential to make their products and services more useful, widen their reach, create switching costs, and enhance network affects

A(n) __ Is a software that houses and serves business logic for use by distributed systems

Application server: An application server is software that houses and serves business logic for use (and reuse) by a distributed system. Individual web services served up by the app server are programmed to perform different tasks: Returning a calculation, accessing a database program, or even making a request to another server in another organization

A Process improvement approach that can assist in assessing the maturity, quality, and development of certain organizational business processes, and suggest steps for their business processes is known as

Capability maturity model integration: managers need to understand the complexity involved in their technology investments: and that achieving success rarely lies with the strength of the technology alone. Information system organizations can work to implement procedures like those suggested by capability maturity model integration (CMMI) to improve their overall quality of their development practices

Question: Instead of buying products outright, new business models are enabling individuals takes possession of an item for a period of time, then return it for use by others. This category of business is known as

Collaborative Consumption: Firms are moving whole categories of products from something an individual owns outright to something that is "collaboratively consumed", wherein an individual takes possession of an item for a period of time, then returns it for use by others

An organization is said to be ___ if its systems operate within required legal constraints , and industry and organizational obligations

Compliant: An organization is said to be compliant if its systems operate within required legal constraints and industry and organizational obligations. Firms need to constantly engage in a host of activities to support its system which may include providing training, end user support, collecting and relaying comments for system improvements, and auditing systems to ensure compliance

______ IS the term used to represent the physical components of information technology

Computer Hardware: Computer Hardware can include the computer itself plus peripherals such as storage devices, input devices like the mouse and keyboard, output devices like the monitors and printers, networking equipment

An Attack in which a firms computer systems are flooded with thousands of seemingly legitimate requests, the sheer volume of which will slow or shut down the site, is known as

Distributed Denial of Service: DDoS: Distributed Denial of service: Attacks involve effectively shutting down Web Sites by overwhelming them with a crushing load of seemingly legitimate requests sent simultaneously by thousands of machines

___ Is a form of computing where systems in different locations communicate and collaborate to complete a task

Distributed computing: Distributed computing is a form of computing where systems in different locations communicate and collaborate to complete a task: It can yield enormous efficiencies in speed, error reduction, and cost savings

Mistyping path or file names may result in a 404 error, which means:

Document not found: Path and file names are case sensitive. Mistyping the capital letters after the capital letters after the domain name might get a 404 error-a Web server error code that means document not found

The _______ is a distributed database that looks up the host and domain names that a user enters, and returns the actual IP address for the computer that the user wants to communicate with

Domain Name Service: Typing individual IP addresses in web browsers to access Web sites is a tough task, as IP addresses are hard to remember. In these cases, the domain name service looks up the host and domain names a user enters and returns the actual IP address for the computer that the user wants to communicate with, It's kind of like a big, hierarchical set of phone books capable of finding Web servers, e-mail servers and more.

____ is a set of standards for exchanging messages containing formatted data between computer applications

Electronic data interchange: EDI (electronic data interchange) is a set of standards for exchanging information between computer applications. EDI is most often used as a way to send the electronic equivalent of structured documents between different organizations

___ refers to applications that address the needs of multiple simultaneous users in an organization or work group

Enterprise Software: Most companies run various forms of enterprise software programs to keep track of their inventory, record sales, manage payments to suppliers, cut employee paychecks, and handle other functions

Most sharing economy firms consider workers to be full time employees and not independent contractors, allowing them to radically lower costs when compared to agencies that employ freelancers

False: Another major concern for firms in the sharing economy is uncertainty around the ability of these firms to continue to consider their workers independent contractors and not employees. A reclassification could raise wages by 20 percent and add upwards of 14 percent more on for workers compensation premiums that employers are required to pay. Additionally, employers will to provide healthcare contributors

Social profiles don't offer much security since they are very easy to fake

False: By linking social media accounts: (Facebook, Linkedin, Yelp, TripAdvisor) the payments firm Wepay, which specializes in payment processing for marketplaces, can gain a fast read on whether founders and businesses are legitimate. It's extremely difficult to fake any history accrued over time

Chegg and rent the runway have largely eliminated inventory costs by acting as middlemen that match renters with consumers interests in renting goods they already own

False: Chegg and rent the runway own inventory provided to consumers in order to ensure quality and gain more control over the customer experience

The Citizen Supplier at work in the so called sharing economy are creating alternatives to taxis (uber), car ownership (RelayRides), and hotel stays (Air bnb) among others. While many industries have been disrupted, U.S Financial services are one area immune to such disruption; largely due to protection from existing regulations

False: Consumers are even collaborating as financiers, pooling capital to back projects (KickStarter, GofundMe , Indiegogo and provide loans (Lending club, Kiva)

We need a new standard for internet addresses since the IPv6 format is nearly at its max

False: IPv5 increases the possible address space from the 232 (4,294,967,296) addresses used in the current system called IPv4; to a new theoretical limit of 2128 addresses. That's enough for every gram of matter on the earth to have its own IPv6 address

Internet services that run at download speeds of a minimum of 25 kbps and upload speeds of three kbps are called broadband

False: Internet services that run at download speeds of a minimum of 25 mbps and upload speeds of three mbps are called broadband(Note, kbps refer to thousands bits per second while mbps are a million bits second).

While settlement of Financial Trades occurs over high-speed telecommunication lines, regulatory restrictions and security concerns require that the majority of worldwide stock and currency trading be done by humans selecting and executing trades

False: Over half of all U.S stock trades and a quarter of worldwide currency trades now happen via programs that make trading decisions without any human intervention

VPN Software should only be used on an organization's internal network. Never use VPN software in a public wireless network, as this could give hackers an entryway from your computer into your organizations secure network

False: Public wireless connections pose significant security threats. The use of VPN (Virtual private network) software can reduce threats by making internet transmissions unreadable if they are intercepted. VPN networks use encryption to scramble data, making it difficult for hackers to access

ZipCar is bigger than any conventional rental car service

False: The market for hourly car sharing services (e.g: ZipCar, RelayRides) is thought to be just 1/60 the size of the market for traditional car rentals(e.g: Hertz, enterprise, ZipCar, Parent Avis)

Students are discouraged from using over-the-internet backup services since these are known sources for security vulnerability

False: The most likely threat to your data doesn't come from hackers; it comes from hardware failure. Yet most users still don't regularly back up their systems. Internet backup services can provide off-site storage and access if disaster strikes

You can think of the host as the name of the network you're trying to connect to, and think of the domain name as the computer you're looking for on that network

False: Think of the domain name as the name of the network you're trying to connect to, and think of the host as the computer you're looking for on that network

One criticism of FTTH (Fiber to the Home) IS that This capacity Has to be shared, so if your neighbors are high bandwith users, they may reduce your Internet transmission speeds

False: This is considered a weakness of cable broadband technology. Many residential providers of cable broadband use a system that requires customers to share bandwith with neighbors. If the guy next door is a BitTorrent-using bandwith hog, your traffic could suffer

The encryption math behind Open SSL is so solid and would require such an extensive amount of computing power to execute a brute-force attack, that Open SSL had (as of the writing of the textbook) never been compromised

False: While encryption math is quite strong, that does not mean that all software using this math can't have other bugs that create vulnerabilities. The Heart-bleed bug, a weakness in the Open SSL security software, may have created a vulnerability in software used by two-thirds of Web Sites and which is embedded into all sorts of Internet connected products

One example of sharing economy concerns are the struggles of Rent the runway, where the business continues to be constrained because most designers are concerned that rentals will cannibalize sales

False: While some designers were originally worried that the service would cannibalize sales, many now realize that Rent the Runway has opened up a whole new tier of customers

The dominance of U.S internet industry worldwide is a direct result of United States consistent appearance at the top of speed and cost ranking for consumer last mile broadband access

False: With the pivotal role the United States has played in the creation of the Internet, pioneering software, hardware and telecommunications industries, one might expect the U.S to lead the world in last-mile broadband access. However, that is not true. A recent study ranked the U.S 26th in download speeds, while others have ranked the U.S. far behind in speed, availability and price

Public key encryption is considered far weaker than private key encryption, so most websites avoid using public key systems

False:: Most web sites that deal with financial transactions (e.g., banks, online stores) secure transmissions using a method called public key Encryption . The system works with two-keys- A public key and a private key. The public key can "lock" or encrypt data, but it can't unlock it: that can only be performed by the private key. So a web site that wants you to transmit secure information will send you a public key- you use this to lock the data, and no one that intercepts that transmission can break in unless they've got the private key. If the Web site does its job, it will keep the private key out of reach of all potentially prying eyes

______ Refers to a broadband service provided via light transmitting fiber-optic cables

Fiber to the home technology: Fiber to the home technology refers to broadband service provided via light-transmitting fiber-optic cables. It is the fastest last mile technology around.

which of the following is true regarding enterprise systems

For many firms, installing and deploying enterprise systems have been difficult; with some firms experiencing loss or even bankruptcy from botched efforts

Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) systems

Have a higher latency than LEO systems: GEO satellites circle the earth in a fixed or stationary, orbit above a given spot on the globe, but to do so they must be positioned at a distance that is roughly equivalent to the planet's circumference. The "Last Mile" Became the last 88,0000 miles for a round trip to and from the earth's surface, and all that travel means higher latency (more delay)

A security tool that is deployed by firms as a phony target to lure or distract attackers and gain information about them is known as a

Honeypot: Some firms deploy honeypotsbogus offerings meant to distract attackers. If attackers take the honeypot bait, firms may gain an opportunity to recognize the hacker's exploits, identify the IP address of intrusion, and take action to block further attacks and alert authorities

The __ defines the rules for communication between Web browsers and Web servers

Hypertext transfer protocol (http) defines how web browsers and web servers communicate and is designed to be hardware and operating system independent. It doesn't matter if messages come from a PC, a Mac, or a huge mainframe; if a device speaks to another using a common protocol then it will be heard and understood

The ___ framework represents a series of standards for best practices in implementing, maintaining and improving organizational security.

ISO 27000: There are several frameworks, but perhaps the best known of these efforts comes from the international organization for Standards (ISO), and is broadly referred to as ISO27K or the ISO 27000 series. According to, this evolving set of standards provides "a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, reviewing, and improving an Information Security Management System

Which of the following is a valid observation regarding security information

Information Security isn't just a technology problem: A host of personnel and procedural factors can create and amplify a firm's vulnerability

A ___ is an application for programmers, which includes a text editor, a debugger for sleuthing out errors, and other useful programming tools

Integrated development environment: Most professional programmers use an integrated development environment (IDE) to write their code. The IDE includes a text editor, a debugger for sleuthing out errors and other useful programming tools

Operating systems are designed to give programmers a common set of commands to consistently interact with the hardware. These Commands make a programmers job easier by

Making it faster to write software while minimizing the possibility of errors in a code: operating systems are designed to give programmers a common set of commands to consistently interact with hardware. These commands make a programmer's job easier by reducing program complexity and making it faster to write software while minimizing the possibility of errors in a code

Telecom firms seeking to provide mobile phone and mobile data service

Must license the right to use wireless spectrum: Mobile wireless service from cell phone access providers is delivered via cell towers. While these providers don't need to secure space for cell towers, connect the the towers to a backbone network, and license the wireless spectrum (or airwave frequency space) for transmission

A(N) ____ is software that controls computer hardware and establishes standards for developing and executing applications

Operating System: An operating system is the collection of programs that control the hardware. Windows, Mac OS X, The Linux are operating systems

A(n) ______ refers ti a unit of data forwarded by a network

Packet: A packet refers to a unit of data forwarded by a network. The packets are like little envelopes containing part of the entire transmission-they're labeled with a destination address (where it's going) and a source address (where it came from)

Sharing economy firm Task Rabbit demonstrated the value of partnering with well established firms when the firm:

Partnered with Walgreens to provide deliveries to customer stores: Larger firms have stepped up with investment, partnerships and experiments of their own, underscoring a broad belief in the power and importance of the space

When Different ISPs connect their networking equipment together to share traffic, it is called:

Peering: Internet service providers come in all sizes, from smaller to regional players to sprawling international firms. When different ISPs connect their networking equipment together to share traffic it is called peering

Cons executed through technology and that often try to leverage the reputation of a trusted firm or friend to trick the victim into performing an action or revealing information constitute

Phishing: Phishing refers to cons executed through technology, Many have masqueraded as a security alert from a bank or e-commerce site, a message from an employer, or even notice from the government. Sophisticated con artists will lift logos, mimic standard layouts, and copy official language from legitimate Web Sites or prior emails

Firms that invite other organizations to integrate with their systems via web services and APIs are often thought of as turning their products into

Platforms: Firms that invite other organizations to integrate with their systems via Web services and APIs are often thought of as turning their products into platforms

Products and services that allow for the development and integration of software products and other complementary goods are known as

Platforms: platforms are products and services that allow for the development and integration of software products and other complementary goods

The limited cell coverage in the United States can often be attributed to a lack of towers resulting from:

Public opposition to clouding of landscapes: Cell coverage is often limited in the United States because of a lack of towers, and that's a result of the 'not in my backyard' problem. No one wants an 80 ft. to 400 ft., unsightly tower clouding their local landscapes, even if it will give their neighborhood better cell phone coverage

The relaying of data packets between the two ends of a communication over The Internet is carried out through special computers called

Routers: It is the job of IP (Internet Protocol) To Route The Packets to their final destination, and those packets might have to travel over several networks to get where they're going. The Relay Work Is done Via Special Computers called routers, and these routers speak to each other and to other computers using Internet Protocol

_____ Is an Example of an Exploit in which hackers target security vulnerabilities caused by Software developers not validating user input

SQL Injection technique: Some exploits, like the SQL injection technique, directly target poorly designed and programmed Web Sites, zeroing in on sloppy programming practice where software developers don;t validate user input

Organizations that have created a robust set of Web Services around their processes and procedures are said to have

Service oriented architecture: Organizations that have created a robust set of Web services around their processes and procedures are said to have a service-oriented architecture (SOA): Organizing systems like this, with separate applications in charge of client presentation, business logic, and database makes systems more flexible

Con Games that trick employees into revealing information or performing other tasks that compromise a firm are known as ________ in security circles

Social Engineering: Con games that trick employees into revealing information or performing other tasks that compromise a firm are known as social engineering in security circles

The Term ____ Refers to frequencies used for wireless communication

Spectrum: Spectrum refers to frequencies used for wireless communication. Most mobile cell phone services have to license spectrum. Some technologies such as Wi-fi use unlicensed public spectrum

____ systems help a firm manage aspects of its value chain from the flow of raw materials into the firm through delivery of finished products, and services at the point of consumption

Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems help a firm manage aspects of its value chain, from the flow of raw materials into the firm, through delivery of finished products and services at the point of consumption

wireless systems provided by earth-bound base stations like cel phone towers are referred to as

Terrestrial wireless: Mobile wireless service from cell phone access providers is delivered via cell towers: Wireless systems provided by earth-bound base stations like cell phone towers are referred to as terrestrial wireless

True platform independence can be defined as

The ability for developers to write code that can be run everywhere: Java's platform independence- the ability for developers to "write once, run everywhere" - is its biggest selling point. Without Java, application developers have to write and compile software to execute natively by a specific operating system/ microprocessor combination (Windows, Intel, Linux, Power PC, Mac/Intel, and linex/ intel)

LTE refers to

The dominant worldwide 4G wireless transmission technology: 3G is being replaced by high-bandwidth 4G (Fourth generation) Mobile networks, and the winner in 4G technologies is LTE (Long term evolution)

The Nest thermostat or app-controlled lighting and door locks by smart things are part of a category known as

The internet of things: Using microprocessors and embedded software to enable commonly encountered devices to communicate with one another (think of the nest-thermostat or app-controlled lighting and door locks by SmartThings) is sometimes referred to as the internet of things

User Interface refers to

The mechanism through which users interact with a computing device

The term software is used to refer to

The set of instructions that tells hardware what to do: Software is a precise set of instructions that tells hardware what to do. Without software, a PC would be a heap of silicon wrapped wires encased in plastic and metal. But it is the software code that drives the limitless possibility of information technology

The Phrase _ refers to security schemes that automatically send one-time use representations of a credit card which can be received and processed by banking and transaction firms at the time of the payment. They are used in Apple Pay and Android Wallet

Tokenization: A scheme called tokenization sends one-time use representations of a credit card over the internet. While these tokens will buy your stuff, if stolen then can't be reused by bad guys

The costs associated with the design, development, testing, implementation, documentation, training and maintenance of a software system are collectively referred to as

Total cost of ownership: Firms spend 70 to 80 percent of their information systems (IS) budgets just to keep their systems running: the price tag and the complexity of these tasks can push some managers to think of technology as being a cost sink rather than a strategic source. Understanding the total cost of ownership (TCO) is critical when making technology investment decisions

The __ protocol works at both the start and endpoint of an internet communication between two computers to ensure perfect copies of messages are sent and received

Transmission control: The transmission control protocol (TCP) manages the division of Web pages into smaller chunks, called packets, at the transmission end and receives these packets at the other end. It also ensures that packets are not damaged or corrupt, requests for replacements if needed, and synchronizes the correct receiving order of packets

Exploits that attempt to infiltrate a computer system by masquerading as something that they are not are called

Trojans: Trojans are exploits that, like the mythical Trojan Horse, try to sneak in by masquerading as something they're not. The payload is released when the user is duped into downloading and installing the malware cargo, oftentimes via phishing exploits

Airbnb has more properties available for rent than any single hotel chain has in 4. total rooms

True: Air bnb has more properties listings than hilton: the biggest hotel chain on earth, has hotel rooms

Airbnb's offering are an example of a firm building a business from a long tail of offerings

True: Airbnb has rallied the sharing economy to produce the longest accommodations tale in the lodging industry. According to founders, the firm's listings include over 600 castles, dozens of yurts, caves, tepees, water towers, clock towers, private islands, light houses, trains, environmentally friendly "green" homes, igloos, glass houses and more

Airbnb's CEO lived out of Airbnb rentals full time to gather more field intelligence

True: Chesky has lived out of AirBnb rentals full time to gather more field intelligence

Even specialty devices like Ipods, video game consoles, and television set-top boxes run some form of OS

True: Even Specialty devices like Ipods, video game consoles, and television set top boxes run some form of IOS

The terms web services and APIs are often used interchangeably, and refer to code and request/response standards used by this code so that other programs can call these services to perform a task

True: For managerial purposes, you can think of Web services and APIs as doing pretty much the same thing: they refer to pieces of code and the request/response standards so that this code be summoned by other programs to perform a task: The term API is more vogue today, so expect to hear that more

Two Factor or Multi Factor authentication systems can slow consumers down, leading to consumer annoyance and dissatisfaction.

True: For most consumer applications, slowing down users with a two-factor authentication system would be an impractical mandate

Host and domain names are not case sensitive, but path names in URLs are

True: Host and domain names are not case sensitive. Path and file names are case sensitive- is considered to be different from

Local governments can benefit from Air Bnb when the firms additional capacity brings more spending visitors to a region, especially if hotels are booked to capacity at times of large events and festivals

True: In fact, this idea led to the founding of AirBnb. The firms founders offered capacity in their apartment when an industrial design conference in town had hotels book solid. Today AirBnb helps increase capacity for political conventions, festivals, inaugurations, olympics and more

Java code that runs through the JVM interpreter is slower than the code compiled for the native operating system and processor that make up a platform

True: Java is also not popular for desktop applications. Since Java isn't optimized to take advantage of interface elements specific to the Mac or Windows, most Java desktop applications look chunky and unnatural

Many firms with similar procedures for accounting, finance, and human resources functions might buy a software package rather than develop their own code. This is usually considered fine since these functions are often not strategic

True: Since many firms have similar procedures for accounting, finance, inventory management, and human resources functions, it often makes sense to buy a software package (A software product offered commercially by a third party) to support some of these functions

Concern about potential lawsuits over sharing economy firms' use of independent contractors (and not full-time employees) was claimed as a reason why cleaning firm HomeJoy struggled to raise capital and eventually shut down

True: The CEO of HomeJoy shut down the sharing economy home cleaning firm, claiming that pending lawsuits had made it difficult for his firm to raise additional capital (The firm had already raised $40 million from investors, including google ventures)

One of the problems with the IPv6 rollout is that it is not backward compatible with the existing Ipv4 standard

True: Unfortunately, IPv6 isn't backward compatible with IPv4, and the transition to the new standard has been painfully slow. This gives us the equivalent of many islands of IPv6 in a sea of IPv4, with translation between the two schemes happening when these networks come together

Many of the listings of AirBnb are actually listed in violation of municipal law

True: in many areas where AirBnb operates, providers of the service are breaking the law. Many municipalities prohibit people from running a business, hostel, or hotel in a residential area or property not zoned for business. Health and safety laws governing hotels usually require things like sprinkler systems, exit signs and clean towels. And of course, many Airbnb rentals exchange services outside the conventional lodging taxes that hotel guests pay

Customer ratings help lower search costs

True: lots of suppliers in a traditional market mean customer search costs are high. But ratings in sharing economy marketplaces help customers quickly size up high quality providers and make a lower risk choice

Why Have US Technology firms complained that US Government surveillance techniques put them at a disadvantage relative to foreign firms?

U.S Firms complain that the actions of surveillance agencies have put them at a disadvantage by damaging their reputation

URl, the address one types into a web browser, stands for:

Uniform Resource locator: When users type an address into a Web browser (sometimes called a URL for uniform resource locator), they are telling the browser what they are looking for

Programs that use ____ are highly restrictive, permitting communication only with pre-approved entities

Whitelists: Whitelists are highly restrictive security tools that permit communication only with approved entities like Specific IP addresses, products, and Internet domains in an approved manner

The key difference between viruses and worms is that

Worms do not need an executable to spread, unlike viruses: Viruses infect other software and files and require an executable (running program) to spread, attaching to other executables. Worms exploit security vulnerability to automatically spread, but do not need an executable

Amdahl's low states that a system's speed is

determined by its slowest component: Amdahl's law states speed is determined by its slowest component. More often that not that bottleneck isn't the backbone; it's the so-called last mile, the connections that customers use to get online

One possible solution that can provide improved wireless performance when a home otherwise suffers from poor cellular connectivity is

femtocell technology (To overcome reception and availability problems, mobile telecom services firms have begun offering femtocells. These devices are usually smaller than a box of cereal and can sell for $150 dollars or less ( Some are free with specific service contracts). Plug a femtocell into a high speed internet connection like an in home capable or fiber service and you can get "five-bar" coverage in a roughly 5,000 square foot print

Question: which of the following factors does not contribute to the potential to hinder the advancement of the sharing economy

none of the above: all of the factors above have the potential to hinder growth of the sharing economy: Sharing economy participants face additional insurance regulation. Hotel unions fear the growth of non union jobs. Most large cities benefit from taxes and regulatory fees that new sharing economy models threaten. Cab firms that have spent big money on "medallion rights" to operate in a city don't want to see new competitors that avoid similar expense.

Malware ____ are sort of electronic fingerprint often used to recognize malicious code

signatures: The malware signature is a sort of electronic fingerprint often used to recognize malicious code. Recent Malware has become polymorphic, meaning different versions are created and deployed in a way that their signature is slightly altered

The Term ______ refers to forging or disguising the origin or identity

spoof: Spoofed is a term used in security to refer to forging or disguising the origin or identity. It's possible that the e-mail address has been spoofed (faked) or that it was sent via a colleague's compromised account

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