Vocab Unit 4

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Overweening (adj.) SEN; She was so overweening, she didn't realize what was happening in the world around her.

DEF; conceited, presumptuous; excessive RW; -over- (English) excessive SYN; arrogant, egotistical, brash ANT; restrained, modest, unassuming

Sumptuous (adj.) SEN; He was very sumptuous while owning his mansion.

DEF; costly, rich, magnificent RW; -sump- (Latin) take, use SYN; lavish, opulent, beautiful ANT; skimpy, frugal, bad

Mundane (adj.) SEN; The explaination was very mundane and put everyone to sleep.

DEF; earthly, worldly, relating to practical and material affairs RW; -mund- (latin) world SYN; routine, everyday, banal ANT; heavenly, abnomal, uncommon

Ignominy (n.) SEN; Her mother made an ignominy towards her because she was not listening.

DEF; Shame and disgrace RW; -nomen- (Latin) name SYN; humiliation, disreput, bareness ANT; honor, esteem, highness

Figment (n.) SEN; I am a figment of Brittney's imagination.

DEF; a fabrication of the mind; an arbitrary notion RW; -fig (Latin) to mold, pretend SYN; invention, illusion, fiction ANT; reality, certainty, non-fiction

Idiosyncrasy (n.) SEN; There was an idiosyncrasy in the way she was acting towards her friends.

DEF; a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify RW; -idios- (Greek) own, private SYN; quirk, mannerism, unusualness ANT; usualness, commonality, normality

Penchant (n.) SEN; I have a penchant for all animals, I just want to take care of them all.

DEF; a strong attraction or inclination RW; from the French word "pencher" to lean, recline SYN; proclivity, tendency, affection ANT; disinclination, aversion, hate

Nuance (n.) SEN; With careful attention, he captured the nuances of the presentation.

DEF; a subtle or slight variation (in color, meaning, quality) a shade of difference RW; Latin word "nubes" clouds SYN; shade, refinement, distiction ANT; major, difference, light

Reputed (adj.) SEN; He was reputed to have kept a cool head during battle and wasn't easily intimidated.

DEF; according to reputation or general belief; having widespread acceptance; alleged RW; re- (latin) over SYN; regarded, considered, alleged ANT; proven, corroborated, real

Fiat (n.) SEN; My mother's fiat to me is always to do my chores.

DEF; an arbitrary order or decree, a command or act of will or consciousness RW; fiat (Latin) let it be done SYN; authorization, decree, restriction ANT; disapproval, opposition, option

Fecund (adj.) SEN; My fruitful tree is very fecund

DEF; fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive RW; fe- (Latin) produce, yield SYN; fertile, prolific, productive ANT; infertile, barren, unoroductive

Esoteric (adj.) SEN; My friends and I have a few esoteric jokes that only we will ever understand.

DEF; intended or understood by only a select few, private, secret RW; -esoter- (Greek) inner SYN; cryptic, private, secret ANT; accessible, common, public

Depraved (adj.) SEN; Many people who had depraved childhoods end up turning their lives around.

DEF; marked by evil and corruption, devoid of moral principles RW; -prav- (Anglo-French) corrupt SYN; viscous, wicked, nefarious ANT; decent, moral, civil

Ubiquitous (adj.) SEN; Air is ubiquitous on Earth.

DEF; present or existing everywhere RW; -ubi- (Latin) where SYN; universal, persuasive, everywhere ANT; restricted, limited, rare

Sophistry (n.) SEN; She used a sophistry when she made her argument against the court of law.

DEF; reasoning that seems plausible but is actually unsound; a fallacy RW; -soph- (Latin) wise SYN; inconsistency, fallacy, trickery ANT; certainty, reason, proof

Acuity (n.) SEN; When I go on a trail ride, I have great acuity to what is around me.

DEF; sharpness (particularly of the mind or sense) RW; -acu- (Latin) for sharp SYN; awareness, insight, instinct ANT; dullness, ignorance, stupidity

Garner (v.) SEN; In school I garner knowledge from my teachers.

DEF; to aquire as the result of effort; to gather and story away, for future use RW; "granary"- a place to store grain SYN; collect, accumulate, hoard ANT; squander, scatter, disperse

Delineate (v.) SEN; The only witness helped the police delineate the suspect.

DEF; to portray, sketch, or describe in accurate and vivid detail RW; -line- (Latin) to mark with lines SYN; picture, render, make clear ANT; distort, confuse, make unclear

Hallow (v.) SEN; Halloween hallows demons and the dead.

DEF; to set apart as holy or sacred; to honor greatly RW; "Halgian" (Old English) to honor as holy SYN; sanctify, revere, praise ANT; defile, condemn, damn

Enervate (v.) SEN; The result of being thrown off of my horse enervated me when I wanted to get back on.

DEF; to weaken or lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor of RW; -nerv- (Latin) weak, sinew SYN; impair, cripple, damage ANT; invigorate, strengthen, repair

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