vocab workshop level h unit 2 synonyms and antonyms

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solecism 2

"correct usage" essential in a cover letter

purview 3

A case of that type, which does not involve a federal law or constitutional issue, does not come within the ... of the Supreme Court

vassal 3

A the outset of World War II, Lithuania lost its sovereignty and became an unwilling ... of the Soviet Union


No matter how fantastic and far-fetched the themes of Ray Bradbury's stories may be, he seems able to achieve an extraordinary effect of ...

bibulous 2

invited all their "teetotaling" relatives

claque 3

She defended her policy of hiring a(n) .... by noting that even with a supportive audience, someone is needed to get the applause started.


Surprisingly, the white potato, which I have always associated with Ireland, is ... to the Americas


neglected to "notify" the townspeople


to "divide" voters' sympathies

bibulous 4

"The rash and ... behavior of that young hothead almost cost us the battle, to say nothing of the war," the general remarked sourly

exegesis 2

"obfuscation" of the leader's ideas


... from their Old World environments, European immigrants had difficult adjustments to make

microcosm 4

He came to realize that the inner city in which he had been raised was a(n) ... of the sufferings of impoverished people all over the world.


I am not given to undue optimism, but the preliminary results of the polls make me ... about the outcome of the election.


If you are ever to get out of this tangled mess, now is the time for action, not indulgence in ... self-pity

solecism 3

Is the expression "it is me" to be regarded as a(n) ... or as an acceptable idiomatic form?

lexicon 3

My classics professor was compiling a complete ... of the Latin language

exegesis 3

The goal of this course in world history is ...; therefore, we will carefully examine primary texts from the time periods we study

obfuscate 4

The issue is basically a simple one, and your efforts to .. it by raising endless technical objections will have no effect on us


The people of this undeserved area need a program that will "help them to help themselves"- not a form of ... that will make them completely dependent on outside aid.


The third period was marred by a bench-clearing ... that left the hockey rink littered with discarded gloves and sticks


When South Korea was invaded, the US organized a collective defense effort under the ... of the United Nations

apprise 3

Without expressing opinions, simply ... us as promptly as possible of the results of the conference


a "menial" in the royal family's service


a "model" of the entire park

polarize 3

a hard-line speech may gain the congressperson the applause of her followers, but overall it will ... sentiments throughout the country and impair national unity

vassal 2

always had to obey the "master"


an "interpretation" of Joyce's Ulysses


both sides let on that the negotiators were still miles apart, when in fact the distance that separated their opinions was ...


commits a "faux pas" at every turn


the "alcoholic" patron of the local saloon


the "hangers-on" waiting by the stage door

microcosm 2

the "universe" of the nursing profession


using the programmers' "special vocabulary"


within the "jurisdiction" of the sheriff

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