vocabulary list group 1

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Labyrinthine (antonyms)

(antonyms) blunt, candid, straight-forward

Enigma (antonyms)

(antonyms) clearness, clarity, discernment

Harbingers (antonyms)

(antonyms) hide, withhold quell

Benighted (antonyms)

(antonyms) learned, literate, civilized

Coddle (antonyms)

(antonyms) neglect, ignore, turn away

Excruciating (antonyms)

(antonyms) painless, tolerable, sustainable

Blasphemy (antonyms)

(antonyms) piety, reverence

Reprehensible (antonyms)

(antonyms) praiseworthy, admirable, commendable

Absolution (antonyms)

(antonyms) punishment, condemnation

Plaudit (antonyms)

(antonyms) reproach, disparagement, denunciation

Ethereal (antonyms)

(antonyms) substantial, earthly

Tawdry (antonyms)

(antonyms) tasteful, sophisticated, classy

Wanton (antonyms)

(antonyms) warm-hearted, benign, compassionate

Plaudit (synonyms)

(synonyms) acclaim, commendation, accolades

Excruciating (synonyms)

(synonyms) agonizing, unendurable, searing

Clime (synonyms)

(synonyms) ambient, context, environs

Labyrinthine (synonyms)

(synonyms) complicated, intricate, convoluted

Ethereal (synonyms)

(synonyms) delicate, dainty, elegant

Reprehensible (synonyms)

(synonyms) deplorable, disgraceful, despicable

Harbingers (synonyms)

(synonyms) forewarning, presage, portent

Tawdry (synonyms)

(synonyms) gaudy, shoddy, chintzy

Wanton (synonyms)

(synonyms) malicious, spiteful, gratuitous

Enigma (synonyms)

(synonyms) mystery, conundrum, quandary

Coddle (synonyms)

(synonyms) pamper, spoil, indulge

Absolution (synonyms)

(synonyms) pardon, exoneration, clemency

Blasphemy (synonyms)

(synonyms) profanity, sacrilege, irreverence

Benighted (synonyms)

(synonyms) uncivilized, uncultured, primitive


a region defined by its climate or in regard to its weather


describes a cruel or violent action that is deliberate and unprovoked


describes something that has many part and is therefore confusing


indicators, bringers of warnings, especially something bad

Abrogate (antonyms)

institute, introduce


looking bright and attractive but in fact cheap and low of quality


of the heavens; delicate in a way that seems to perfect for this world

Abrogate (synonyms)

revoke, rescind, annul


shameful, very bad


something that is mysterious and seems impossible to understand


statement giving strong praise


to end a law, agreement or custom formally


to free someone from guilt, blame, or responsibility for something (especially in law or religion)


to protect someone or something too much; indulge; fuss over


to use words showing a lack of respect for God or religion; to swear


unbearably painful; agonizing


unenlightened; ignorant: in a state of intellectual or moral ignorance

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