Vocabulary Workshop Level C Unit 2 Definitions, Synonyms, And Antonyms

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(adj.) described in well-known stories (legends) rather than in real life S: mythical, fabulous, famous, celebrated


(adj.) economical, avoiding waste and luxury; scanty, poor, meager S: thrifty, skimpy A: wasteful, improvident, lavish, extravagant


(adj.) energetic, willing and able to start something new; showing boldness and imagination S: vigorous, ambitious, aggressive, audacious A: lazy, indolent, timid, diffident


(adj.) giving freely, generous; plentiful, given abundantly S: liberal, abundant, copious A: scarce, scanty, in short supply


(adj.) reckless; heartless, unjustifiable; loose in morals; (n.) a spoiled, pampered person; one with low morals S: rash, malicious, spiteful, unprovoked A: justified, morally strict, responsible


(adj.) slanting or sloping; not straightforward or direct S: diagonal, inderect A: direct, straight to the point


(adj.) sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed; lasting for a long time (n. pl.) consumer goods used repeatedly over a series of years S: long-lasting, enduring A: fragile, perishable, fleeting, ephemeral


(adj., adv.) in a disguised state, under an assumed name or identity; (n.) the state of being disguised; a person in disguise S: disguised A: undisguised


(adj., adv.) with extreme care or caution S: cautiously, warily, circumspectly A: firmly, confidently, aggressively


(adj., part.) declared openly and without shame, acknowledged S: admitted, sworn A: unacknowledged, undisclosed


(adj., part.) overcrowded, filled or occupied to excess S: jammed, packed, choked A: uncluttered, unimpeded


(n. pl.) ridiculous and unpredictable behavior or actions S: pranks, shenanigans A: predictable behavior


(n.) harm or loss; injury, damage; a disadvantage; a cause of harm, injury, loss, or damage S: hindrance, liability A: advantage, help, plus


(v.) to change direction or course suddenly, turn aside, shift, swerve S: change direction suddenly, turn aside, shift, swerve


(v.) to cripple, disable, injure, mar, disfigure, mutilate S: cripple, disable, injure, mar, disfigure, mutilate


(v.) to exchange playful remarks, tease; (n.) talk that is playful and teasing S: joking, raillery A: serious talk


(v.) to make as small as possible, make the least of; to make smaller than before S: belittle, downplay, underrate A: magnify, enlarge, exaggerate


(v.) to make valueless, take away all force or effect S: cancel, annul, disapprove, discredit A: support, confirm, back up, legalize


(v.) to provide more than is needed or wanted; to feed or fill to the point of overstuffing (n.) an oversupply S: flood, inundate, surplus, plethora A: shortage, scarcity, dearth, paucity


(v.) to regard with reverence, look up to with great respect S: worship, revere, idolize A: despise, detest, ridicule, deride

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