Water Supply Engineering

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banning lawn watering or car washing

An example of water rationing in a community


An increase in the number of people living in cities and the expansion of cities into rural areas


An underground layer of rock or sediment that can hold water


An underground water tank made from natural rock or concrete

How often should isolation valves be open and tested?


Water Heater

Any heating appliance or equipment that heats potable water and supplies such water to the potable hot water distribution system.

Water Pollution

Any physical or chemical change in surface water or groundwater that can harm living organisms or make water unfit for certain uses.


Anything found in water which may be harmful to human health.

Mobile water supply apparatus

Apparatus that can deliver water to fight fires in rural areas. Generally carry 1000 to 3500 gallons but may transport as much as 5000.

Super Chlorination-Dechlorination

Application of chlorine in greater concentrations that control taste and odor producing substances.

A formation of permable rock, gravel or sand holding water or allowing water to flow through it.


A measure comparing the amount of heat the fire is capable of generating versus the amount of water required for cooling the fuels below their ignition temperature.

Fire Flow Requirement

The ______ is the amount of water required for putting out the fire.

Fire Flwo Requirement (pg 210)

Pumper Outlet Nozzle

Fire hydrant outlet 4" (100 mm) in diameter or larger.

Calculated based on the history of consumption and estimates of anticipated needs

How does the municipality determine how much water the community needs for both domestic use and fire protection?

220 times

How many more times greater is seawater saltier than fresh water?

Minimum of 24 inches above and below

How much space above and below do you need to be from the hard intake strainer to function properly and avoid picking up silt and debris?

at least twice a year

How often should dry- and wet-barrel hydrants be inspected?

Test the water

How to tell if water is polluted?


Human made water storage facilities.

Dead-End Hydrant

Hydrant located at the end of a water main; receives water from only one direction.

Circulating Hydrant

Hydrant located on a secondary feeder or distributor main that receives water from two directions.

Class A Hydrant

Hydrant that flows 1000-1499 gpm

Green Hydrant

Hydrant that flows 1000-1499 gpm

Class AA Hydrant

Hydrant that flows 1500 or more gpm

Lt Blue Hydrant

Hydrant that flows 1500 or more gpm

Class B hydrant

Hydrant that flows 500-999 gpm

Orange Hydrant

Hydrant that flows 500-999 gpm

Red Hydrant

Hydrant that flows less than 500 gpm

Class C hydrant

Hydrant that flows less than 500 gpm.

Circulating feed or loop line

Hydrant that receives water from more than one direction

Circulating Feed

Hydrant that receives water from two or more directions.

Dry-Barrel Hydrant

Hydrant with its operating valve located below the frost line, water is not stored in the barrel.

Hydrants are rated by: _____ ___ ___ _____ to which they are connected _____ ____ _____ of water they will flow.

Hydrants are rated by: SIZE OF THE MAIN to which they are connected GALLONS PER MINUTE of water they will flow

Wet-barrel hydrants

Hydrants used in areas where temperatures do not drop below freezing.

Dry-barrel hydrants

Hydrants used in climates where temperatures can fall below freezing, the valve that controls the flow of water into the barrel of the hydrant is located at the base, below the frost line.

Opened and closed

Regardless of the type, all hydrants must be ______ and ______ slowly to prevent damage to firehose, hydrants, and other equipment, or possible injury to firefighters.

Can be used in situations where water source is close enough to fire scene to render water shuttles unnecessary?

Relay Pumping

The use of 2 or more pumpers to move water over a long distance by operating them in series

Relay Pumping

The pressure in a system after water has begun flowing

Residual Pressure

Available pressure not overcome by forcing water through pipes, hose, etc

Residual pressure

The pressure remaining in a distribution system at a specific location while water is flowing at a second location is called?

Residual pressure

terra sigillata

Roman pottery characterized by a red smooth glossy surface, top quality pottery used for table; produced in standard shapes and sizes, manufactured on an industrial scale and widely exported, pots often provided with stamp of producer


Thin coating of microbial cells immobolized on a pipe surface and harbor pathogenic organisms


This industry does not require water to be as clean as drinking water, but uses the most water in the world


This is added to drinking water to kill the bacteria and other microbes - 4th step in treating drinking water

The rising and falling of the surface water levels dur to the gravatational effects between the Earth and the Moon.

Tidal Changes

What is the term used for the gravatational pull on the earths water surface by the Earth and Moon.

Tidal Changes. (pg 211)

Speeding while driving the tender will not increase your ______.

Time (pg 220)

What is a supply hose used for?

To delivery water (from hydrant to engine)

What us an attack hose used for?

To discharge water (from engine to hand line)


To issue in a stream or current.


To move through the soil in solution.


To open a dry barrel hydrant and clear out any debris prior to connecting to a hose.


To recycle or make useable again.


To reserve, put away for future use. To fill supply or stock.


To save resources.

Main disadvantage of distribution system

Total dependence on pumps, subject to mechanical failure, and on electricity to run pumps

reclaimed water

Treated wastewater that is reused in some way, such as irrigation, wetland restoration, or groundwater recharge

Hydrants are designed to supply at least 1000 gpm?


Most valves in private protection systems are indicating? T or F


Partially closed control valves will greatly inhibit supply demands? T or F


Wet Barrel hydrants have a horizontal compression valve at each outlet? T or F


Hydrants must be opened and closed slowly to prevent damage? T or F

True (Water Hammer)

The ______ ______ determines the quantity of water that the facility is using for billing purposes

Water Flowmeter

A sudden surge of pressure created by the quick opening or closing of valves in a water system. The surge is capable of damaging piping and valves.

Water Hammer

A ______ ______ is a principle pipe in a system of pipes for conveying water, especially one installed underground

Water Main

What are the 4 basic components of the water supply system?

Water Source Processing or Treatment Facility- Purification Means of Moving Water- Pumps Water Distribution and Storage

Fire Hydrants allow the fire department to access the _________?

Water Supply Systems (pg 213)

The level of groundwater under the surface

Water Table

The level of water under the earths surface is the _______.

Water Table (pg 211)

Hot Water

Water at a temperature greater than or equal to 110 º F (43º C).


Water coming from an aquifer under its own pressure.

How to Palm Beach Florida conserve water?

Water conservation projects- water restrictions and rules

Potable Water

Water free from impurities present in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects and conforming to the regulations of the public health authority having jurisdiction.

Artesian water

Water from an aquifer that rises to the surface under its own pressure.

Water mains

Water is delivered from the water treatment facility to the end user and fire hydrants through a complex network of underground pipes.

Surface water

Water lying on the surface of the Earth.

Loop System

Water main arranged in a complete circuit so that water will be supplied to a given point from more than one direction.

Loop System

Water main arranged in a complete circuit so that water will be supplied to a given point from more than one direction. Also called circle system, circulating system, or belt system.

Non-potable Water

Water not safe for drinking, personal, or culinary utilization.

What is the force or energy water places on the inside of a pipe, hose, valve, nozzle, etc. and is measured in psi.?

Water pressure

Bore water

Water pumped to the surface from an underground source.

Treated Water

Water ready for consumption undergone processing such as sedementation, filteration, softening, and disinfection.

______ ______ operations involve hauling water from a supply source to the incident scene

Water shuttle

Static Water Sources

Water sources such as lakes and streams

Ground water

Water stored in the pore spaces of rocks.

Gravity System

Water supply system relying entirely on gravity.

Direct Pumping System

Water supply system supplied by pumps.

Direct Pumping System

Water supply system supplied directly by a system of pumps rather than elevated storage tanks.

Combination System

Water supply system that is a combination of both gravity and direct pumping systems. It is the most common type of municipal water supply system.

Gravity System

Water supply system that relies entirely on the force of gravity to create pressure and cause water to flow through the system. The water supply, which is often an elevated tank, is at a higher level than the system.

Combination System

Water supply system using gravity and pumps.


Water that does not percolate or soak into the ground


Water that fills the cracks and spaces in underground soil and rock layer

potable water

Water that is safe to drink

imported water

Water that originates in one area and delivered to a different area some distance away

What is ground water?

Water that percolates down through the ground from rain and other sources to the aquifer.

mechanical energy

Water turns a turbine.

Controls the flow of water?

Water valve

Through flow

Water which moves downslope through the sub soil.

Pollution and overuse

Ways water supply can be harmed?

______ is probably the greatest factor to affect water source.

Weather (pg 210)

Ground Water

Wells or springs, used in smaller water systems

The 2 major hydrant types are ______ & _______.

Wet & Dry (pg 213)

Hydrants designed to have water in the hydrant at all times. These hydrants are usually installed in warmer climates where prolonged periods of sub-freezing weather are uncommon

Wet Barrel

What are the 4 main types of hydrants?

Wet Barrel Hydrants Dry Barrel Hydrants Dry Hydrants Specialty Hydrants

Fire hydrant that has water all the way up to the discharge outlets; may have seperate valves for each discharge of one valve for all the discharges ( No danger of cold temps)

Wet-Barrel Hydrant

What are the two types of hydrants?

Wet-barrel and Dry-barrel

NFPA 1901

What NFPA standard requires that mobile water supply apparatus on level ground be capable of dumping or filling in at rates of at least 1000 gallons per minute?

NFPA 1142

What NFPA standard will show you additional info on rural water supply operations?

Steel or concrete

What are elevated gravity storage tanks usually made out of?

Calculate the water supplied in water shuttle operations by?

total gallons carried by apparatus divided by total time (includes fill, travel and dump time)

Chlorien safety program includes providing police, fire, and medical departments with

tours of facilities to locate hazardous areas and provide chlorine safety information

How do you shut off an isolation valve?

turn 90 degrees to the flow of water

fine ware and coarse ware

two different type of Roman pottery used for different purposes

chemicals, animal waste

two forms of agriculture pollution


type of coarse ware used for transporting wine, olive oil, and fish sauce

Critical factors of disinfection

type/concentrations of the chlorine forms present, pH of the water, type/density or organisms, contact time of the organisms with the chlorine, temperature of the water

sewing needles, hair pins, make up palettes, and stylus

types of bone artifacts


underground reservoirs or wells used before the aqueducts to supply the city with water

Raw water

untreated water entering the first treatment unit of a water treatment plant

500 gpm

up to how many gallons per minute can a portable pump deliver

Relay Pumping

use of two or more pumpers to move water over a long distance.

wastewater treatment plant

used in cities - plants that treat the wastewater

septic systems

used in the country - a tank containing bacteria that breaks down the wastes in water

Air Gap

used to prevent back pressure and backsiphonage

Combination System

uses elevated water tanks to boost water pressure along with pumps

Check Valve

valve installed to control water flow in one direction, typically when different systems are interconnected

Zone Valves

valves can be opened in an emergency to increase supply from upper zone to a lower zone.


very important or valuable

industrial chemicals

waste created by processes in a factory

thermal pollution

water as a coolant by power plants, high water temp decrease oxygen

Gravity System

water at higher elevation (100ft greater) than distribution system creates elevation pressure.

Ground water

water below the water table, where saturated water exists

colorado aqueduct

water conveyance in southern ca takes water from colorado river one of primary sources of water for socal


water filtering down through bedrock is


water in the saturated subsurface region. moves from areas of high to low concentration

Means of moving water

water pumps

off-stream use

water removed from its source for use; returned to source after use

Chemical Pollutants

water soluble inorganic materials that are toxic (ie. lead)


water that people can drink


water treatment process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid


water without salt that comes from lakes, streams etc NOT ocean water


what happens with water in a communnity during times of drought - also known as limiting

cloth industry

what industry dominated Florentia during Roman age?

information on chronology, trade, and technology

what kind of information does pottery provide?

everyday objects such as pottery

what objects were found at the former rectory of San Giovanni?

both literary and archeological, funerary reliefs and inscriptions serve as both literary and archeological

what type of sources do we have for burial areas?

within amphora, alla cappuccina, bustum sepulcrum

what types of burials were found beneath the monastery of San Apollonia?

opus caementicium - waterproof concrete

what was Florentia's aqueduct constructed out of?

portrait of emperor that issued them

what was on the obverse of a Roman coin?

symbols, deities, and symbolic objects that related to glory of emperors or power of Rome as well as the mark of the Mint

what was on the reverse of a Roman coin?


when groundwater withdrawal from wells exceeds natural inflow. can lead to damage to river ecosystems and land subsidence

running water

when there is a water supply in a building; indoor plumbing


when there isn't enough rainfall


when water is evaporated salts are left behind - from irrigation or from saltwater intrusion

started in hills in La Chiusa and ended in Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore

where did the aqueduct of Florentia start and end?

started at rear of Piazza della Repubblica and ended in Via delle Terme/Via di Capaccio

where did the route of the water throughout the city start and end?


where most of earth's freshwater is at


where rivers entering the ocean widen & are influenced by tides

beneath Monastery of San Apollonia on Via San Gallo

where was Florentia's burial area/necropolis?

former Canonica di San Giovanni

where was the Roman fullonica located in Florentia?

Piazza della Repubblia, flight of stairs into small room with marble relief of personification of Arno as a god

where was the public well located in Florentia?

by either a private citizen or an emperor

who financed the building of an aqueduct?

they were used in long distance transport on ships to facilitate pouring and stacking

why did amphoras feature a narrow mouth, 2 opposed handles and especially a tapering base?

to indicate the name of the workshop, the name of the producer of goods it was carrying, and the weight of the container

why were amphoras often marked with many stamps?

Chlorine disinfectant is a

widely used procedure for the routine disinfection of water

alla Cappuccina

tombs for lower classes that were covered with double weathered bricks


too many people

surface runoff

The net amount of water which joins the surface streams in a catchment, is

Pressure Vacuum Breakers

* Only protects against backsiphonage, NOT BACK PRESSURE * agricultural and industrial applications

Blue Water

The open sea, deepwater.

new deal water policies

-water projects became a way to jumpstart the economy -10 large dams built a year in the next 50 years -also flood control programs

Outside Stem and Yoke Valve

A type of control valve for a sprinkler system in which the position of the center screw indicates whether the valve is open or closed

Elevated water storage towers

An above ground water storage tank that is designed to maintain pressure on a water distribution system.

An adequate water supply must be in place _____ and last for the _____ of the incident.

An adequate water supply must be in place QUICKLY and last for the DURATION of the incident.

Portable pump

An alternative for areas that are inaccessible to fire apparatus. Can deliver as much as 500 gallons per minute.

Where should you stand when opening a hydrant

Behind it


Chemical or physical process that kills microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.

Block Ice Samples

Chip outer layer, collect portion of internal layer but not core.

Free Available Chlorine - FAC

Chlorine available after chlorine demand has been satisfied.

Combined Available Chlorine - CAC

Chlorine products formed by the reaction of equilibrium products of ammonia.

NFPA 291 states the hydrant should be what colors?

Chrome or Yellow

Fire hydrant that receives water from two or more directions

Circulating Feed

A hydrant that receives water from more than one direction

Circulating Hydrant

Fire hydrant that is lcoated on a secondary feeder of distributor main that reveives water from two directions

Circulating Hydrant

Water received in more than one direction is called what?

Circulating feed

Circulating feed hydrants _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.


An underground water tank made from natural rock or concrete.


Bottled Water

Classified as a food product in accordance with Federal Law and DoD regulation.


Climatic condition where water loss due to evapotranspiration is greater than water inputs through precipitation.

Which of the following organisms are most resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions and indicate past or possible intermittent pollution?

Clostridium sporulates

Total Coliforms

Coliform bacteria to include fecal coliforms

Two types of portable water tanks?

Collapsible or folding Self supporting with floating collar Typically hold 1,000 gallons

Portable Water Tanks

Collapsible or inflatable temporary tanks for the storage of water that is dumped from tankers or tenders. Usually carried by the tender to set up a dump site

Natural Bathing Area

Collect 25 feet from shore in water at least 2.5 feet deep but in the same manner for swimming pools.

Presence/Absence Analysis - Negative

Colorless, no E Coli or total coliforms

Most communities are ran on what type of system?


Most communities use ______ ______ that consist of both gravity tanks and the direct pumping process to provide adequate pressure

Combination systems

Water is the most _______ extinguishing agent.

Common (pg 210)

Water is the most _________ fire extinguishing agent used by firefighters.

Common (pg 221)

Step #10 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Communicate findings (Prepare final report, don't use names of patients, follow SOP on distribution)

On a dry barrel hydrant, you must ensure that the hydrant is _________ opened and closed to prevent undermining.

Completely (pg 215)

Sanitary Defects

Conditions that may cause contamination of a water supply system before or after treatment.

Butterfly Valve

Control valve that uses a flat circular plate in a pipe that rotates 90 degrees across the cross section of the pipe to control the flow of water

Gate Valve

Control valve with a solid plate operated by a handle and screw mechanism. Rotating the handle moves the plate into or out of the waterway.

Gate Valve

Control valve with a solid plate operated by a handle and screw mechanism; rotating the handles moves the plate into or out of the waterway

Access to the water system for most residential is gained through?

Control valves or meters

Potable Water Surveillance Program

Coordinate liaison for routine and emergency communication with Public Works/Water Purveyor.

In an area where there is no water distribution system exist, one must be _______.

Created (pg 210)

In testing for residual chlorine; what determines free available chlorine with minimal interference from combined chlorine, iron, nitrates, and nitrites?

DPD- colormetric method

Sodium Thiosulfate

De-chlorinating agent used for bacteriological analysis

Dead end hydrants _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.


Fire hydrant located on a dead-end main that receives water from only one direction

Dead-End Hydrant

A fire hydrant that receives water from only one direction is known as a:

Dead-end hydrant

What type of hydrant has a limited supply?

Dead-end-hydrant also has limited water pressure due to not having grid layout attached to it

Step #4 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Define and identify cases (Attemp additional cases, confirm outbreak)

Step #5 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Describe and orient data such as time, place, and person.


Destruction or loss of forests

What is the first step in evaluating the safety of a potential water system?

Detailed sanitary survey of the water supply

Step #6 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Develop hypothesis

Evironmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Developed and enforces the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The system for moving water in which a pump is placed near the water source or treatment plant to create the required pressure within the system

Direct Pumping System

3 methods of moving water in a system

Direct pump Gravity Both or combination

In Dayton a combination of _____pumping and _____is used

Direct, Gravity

What shuttle operations should be considered when?

Distances greater than 1/2 mile or outstretches supply hoselines

What does a Secondary feeder do?

Distribute water to a smaller area

rapid gravity filter

Distribution of wash water is provided in

Receives water from pumping station and delivers it to service area?

Distribution system

Small lines serving individual hydrants?


Small water mains that serve individual fire hydrants and commercial and residential customers


Distributors: Further divide the supply system into smaller grids ___ - ___ _____ _____ used for supplying hydrants

Distributors: Further divide the supply system into smaller grids 4" - 12" PRIMARY LINES used for supplying hydrants

What are the two different types of hose construction?

Double-jacket or Rubber-jacket

The pumping of water from a static source by taking advantage of atmospheric pressure to force water from the source to the pump.


What is the most dependable source of water and is less likely to become contaminated?

Drilled well

Potable water

Drinking water

Types of hydrants

Dry (only 3 in city) Wet Wharf Style Flush (Airport)

Hydrants designed for use in climates that have freezing temperatures. The main control valve for this type of hydrant is located at the base of the hydrant underground below the frost line

Dry Barrel

A piping system for drafting from a static water source with the fire department connection at one end and a strainer at the water end.

Dry Hydrant

Installed at static water sources to increase the water supply available for fire firefighting are what type of hydrant?

Dry barrel

Dry hydrants are also known as _____ _____.

Dry hydrants are also known as DRAFTING HYDRANTS.

Fire hydrant that has its operating valve located at the base or foot of the hydrant rather than in the barrel of the hydrant. When operating correctly, there is no water in the barrel of the hydrant when it is not in use (designed for places with cold temps)

Dry-Barrel Hydrant

The area where the tenders are unloaded or their load dumped.

Dump Site

What are the three components of water shuttle operations?

Dump site at fire Fill site at water source Mobil water supply apparatus to transport


Elements that are highly reactive, harmful, and lethal to biological organisms. (Flourine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Astatine)

Dump valve

Enables tankers to off-load as much as 3000 gallons of water in 1 minute into a portable tank.

Define water pressure.

Energy level measured in PSI


Ensure sterility, comes with or without sodium thiosulfate, needs no autoclave, ready to use from factory

Pulblic Works Officer (USN) and Maintenance Officer(USMC)

Ensure water supply is free of disease-producing organisms, hazardous toxic materials, and objectionable color/odor/taste in coordination with installation medical authority.

OPNAV Instruction 5090.1 Series

Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual

Step #2 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Establish the existence of an outbreak (Receive complaints - Local medical dept usually initiates alert)

Army Surgeon General

Establish, determine, test bulk, conduct, assist in the development of potable and nonpotable water quality standards.

Step #7 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Evaluate hypothesis

Fire hydrants are spaced how far away from each other in a residential area?

Every 500 ft

Rechlorination for defects/hazards should be at a level sufficient to produce a

FAC residual of 0.2 ppm after 60 minutes of contact time

- Types of building construction - Types of occupancies - Building densities - Size of water mains - Required fire flows for occupancies within a given area

Factors that affect hydrant location and spacing

Hydrant testing is not the responsibility of fire department personnel? T or F


Hydrants are always colored appropriately? T or F


What is a requirement of water shuttles?

Fast fill and dump sites to be effective

clean water act

Federal Law setting a national goal of making all natural surface water fit for fishing and swimming by 1972, banned polluted discharge into surface water and required the metals be removed from waste

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)

Federal law that regulates the publics drinking water supply signed into law on Dec 16, 1974.

The area where tenders are filled or attain their water.

Fill Site

The area where tenders area loaded is called ______ and the area where they are ______ is called?

Fill Site / Dump Site

The amount of water available or amount that the water distribution system is capable of flowing.

Fire Flow Capacity

Water supply dictates the __________ or possible fire flow.

Fire Flow Capacity (pg 210)

Where is the pitot tube blade held when testing the hydrant?

Held half the diameter of the orifice when testing

Plate Count Agar

High nutrient agar, used when expecting low colony count, pour and spread plate methods(standard plate counts)

m-HPC Agar and/or Broth

High nutrient medium, membrane filter only

20 feet

How close a fire engine must be able to get to a static water source to be able to draft directly from it.

flanged joined

In pumping stations, the type of joint generally used, is

Water Distribution System

Includes pumps, storage tanks, resevoirs, and other necessary components to ensure a required volume of water can be delivered where and when it is needed.

Valves are divided into 2 broad categories. What are they?

Indicating Non-indicating

Gate Valve

Indicating or nonindicating valve that is opened and closed to control water flow

Water supply systems contain valves to interrupt water flow to?

Individual hydrants and properties Distribution lines Secondary Feeders Primary Feeders Entire Water Systems

Fire hydrants near the incident

Initial source of water that firefighters use is the water tank on our pumper, the most dependable source comes from

Wet barrel hydrants

Installed in warmer climates. Hydrant barrel is always filled with water.

Dry barrel hydrants

Installed where weather is extremely cold

Pitot Tube

Instrument that is inserted into a flowing fluid (such as a stream of water) to measure the velocity pressure of the stream; commonly used to measure flow. A pitot tube functions by converting the velocity energy to pressure energy that can then be measured by a pressure gauge.

Pilot tube

Instrument that measures the flow of water


Intersection of an aquifer thats not always of good microbiological quality


Involving water.


Is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution.

______ ______ are used to isolate sections for maintenance and repair, to replace hydrants or to make new connections to the system

Isolation Valves

How is the reclaimed water used?

It is sent to wetlands and used to water golf courses, parks, and homes

A device that speeds the process of transfering water from one tank to another.

Jet Siphon

A device that speeds up the process of dumping a load of water from a tank/tender.

Jet Siphon

Colilert Reminders

Keep away from light, stored between 2-30 deg C, dry/free-flowing/white to off white in color, when incubation exceeds 28 hrs only negative samples are valid, shelf life @ 12 months from manufacturing date.

Emergency Standby Supply

Lafayette and Lake Chabot (emergency use only)

What examples of a static water source?

Lake, pond, pool, oceans

What is surface water?

Lakes, ponds, oceans and seas.


Land based mobile water supply apparatus (hose carrying support apparatus)


Land sinks as result of over pumping an aquifer

Steamer Connection

Large diameter outlet, usually 4.5" (115 mm) at a hydrant or base of an elevated storage container.

Primary feeders

Large mains, that carry large quantities of water to a section of the town or city.

Primary feeders

Large water mains with widespread spacing. Distribute water to secondary feeders

Surface Water

Large-scale water supply systems include rivers, lakes, and streams.


Latin meaning for clay bearing little images

Clean Water Act

Law that protects our water supply

Water Service

The pipe from the water main or other supply to the water-distributing pipes.


The point where the water vapour in the atmosphere is at its maximum level for the existing temperature.

Residual pressure

The pressure in a system after water has begun flowing

Flow pressure

The pressure of the water coming out of the hydrant opening.

Pressure Head

The pressure of water at a given point in a pipe arising from the pressure in it.

Gravity systems are effective when?

The primary water source is located more than 100 feet higher than the highest point in the water distribution system.


The principal pipe artery to which branches are connected.


The process by which nutrients in a lake build up over time and cause an increase in the growth of algea


The process of water being passed through filters that remove smaller particles from the water - 3rd step in treating drinking water


The process that removes salt and minerals from saline water.

The apparatus with the greatest pumping capacity should be located at?

The pump site/water supply


The pumping of water from a static source by taking advantage of atmospheric pressure to force water from the source into the pump

Water Tender

The term given to land-based water supply apparatus


The type of pattern water mains follow in a well designed water distribution system.

Static water source

The type of water source a dry hydrant provides access to

Water table

The upper level of ground water.


The water and human wastes that are washed down sinks, toilets, and showers

yield of drainage basin

The yearly run off in cm depth over the catchment


Mostly used coagulant, is


Movement of water through rock.

Water is obtained from what two sources?

Municipal water systems & Static water sources

What is violet often used for on hydrant markings?

NON-Potable Water

What are factors that could lead to the disruption of the water supply?

Natural Disaster Mechanical breakdown loss of power Fire

Coliform Bacteria

Natural bacteria of the gastrointestinal system of warm-blooded animals.

Primary salinity

Naturally occurring soil salinity.


Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

Secondary feeders

Network of intermediate sized mains that subdivide the grid within the primary feeders


Nitrogen-oxygen chemical units which combine with various organic and inorganic compounds.

What is the ideal spacing of hydrants?

No more than 300 ft apart

The minimum supply line in residential areas is what diameter?

No smaller than 6"

A valve that does not have any means of telling if it is open or closed is called a ________? A fire hydrant is an example of this type valve.

Non-indicating (pg 217)

Regular domestic consumption?

Normal Pressure

The pressure water places on a distribution system during normal consumption demands is called?

Normal operating pressure

Static pressure

Normal pressure that exists before water is released from a hydrant.

Ideal spacing for hydrants in high-value districts is how far?

Not spaced more than 300 feet


Number of processes required to treat drinking water

The ______ ______ has a yoke on the outside with a threaded stem that opens or closes the gate inside the valve. The threaded portion of the stem is visible when the valve is open and not visible when the valve is closed

OS&Y (Outside stem and yoke) Valve

A valve installed to control water flow in ______ direction, typically when different systems are interconnected.


Hydrant at a dead end street receives water from how many directions?

Only one

Outside stem and yoke should be chained in what position?


When the stem on an OS&Y is up, it is in what position?



Organism not found in the gastrointestinal system of warm-blooded animals

Heterotrophic Bacteria

Organism requiring organic source of energy, utilizes nutrients in water and biofilm to grow


Organism requiring oxygen for growth


Organism that causes disease


Organism that grows without oxygen


Outside stem & yoke valve. Sprinkler system valve where the center screw position tells you if the valve is open or closed.

OS&Y Valve

Outside stem and yoke valve; a type of control valve for a sprinkler system in which the position of the center screw indicates whether the valve is open or closed.

Water Storage - Sanitary Standards

Overflows 6" above grade, located 50 ft from and higher than sewer systems also overflow/drain pipes not connected to sewers.

Surface run off

Overland flow of excess water that can't be absorbed by the ground as infiltration.

Dissolved Oxygen

Oxygen dissolved in water, dissolved oxygen is important for fish and other aquatic animals.

Private Isolation valve types

PIV (Post indicator valve) OS&Y (Outside stem and yoke)

Double Check with Intermediate Atmospheric Vent

PROTECTS AGAINST BACKPRESSURE! * typical use: residential boiler supply line

Water pressure is measured using what measure?

PSI (Pounds per square inch

What material has less friction then others?

PVC- All materials cause water pressure to decrease some, however PVC is one that creates less friction.


Part of a self expanding portable tank that firefighters may need to hold onto while the tank is being filled.

zeolite process

Permanent hardness of water can be removed by

Air Gap

Physical separation to prevent backflow, distance is equal to twice the diameter of the outlet but never less than 1".

Dry Hydrant

Pipe with a strainer on one end and a connection for a hard suction hose on the other end to provide quick and reliable access to a static water source.

The water distribution system consists of a network of?

Pipes Storage Tanks Isolation and Control Valves Hydrants

Swimming Pool Sample

Plunge bottle 6" below the surface water and at a 45 degree angle.

A specially modified hydrant cap with a male 1/2 inch quick couple

Pneumatic hydrant pump

What SLC policy covers Hydrant Testing and Inspection

Policy 07-02

Point Source

Pollutants discharged from a single identifiable location (e.g., pipes, ditches, channels, sewers, tunnels, containers of various types).

Point source

Pollution that enter water at just one point

Non-point source

Pollution that enters water from multiple places

Storage tank used during a relay or shuttle operation to hold water from water tanks or hydrants

Portable Tank

Collapsiable or inflatiable temporary tanks for the storage of water that is dumped from tankers or tenders. Usually carried by the tender to set up a dump site.

Portable Water Tanks

Presence/Absence Analysis - Yellow and Flourescence Equal or Greater Than Comparator

Positive for E Coli

Presence/Absence Analysis - Yellow Equal or Greater Than Comparator

Positive for coliforms

The ______ ______ is a hollow metal post that houses a valve stem, with a plate attached inside with the words OPEN and SHUT printed on it as to show the position of the valve is shown

Post Indicator Valve

PIV stands for what?

Post indicator valve

What are the type of indicating valves?

Post indicator valve, OS&Y (Outside stem and yoke)


Post indicator valve. Used to control underground water

Treatment facilities remove contaminants to make water suitable for drinking/cooking. What is this water called?


What does PSI stand for?

Pounds Per Square Inch

Disposal Procedures - Negative

Pour in sink and flush with plenty of water

Ozone (O3)

Powerful disinfectant leaves no residual and not effective in controlling biological contaminants.

Step #1 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Prepare for field work (Assemble materials - stool kits, investigative forms)


Preservation and protection of resources.

The force or weight of a substance, usually water measured over an area.


What is the force or weight of a substance measured over an area?


Residual pressure

Pressure at the hydrant while water is flowing. It represents the pressure remaining in the water supply.

NFPA 291

Recommended Practice for Fire Flow Testing & Markng of Hydrants : tested every 5 years and inspected at least twice a year.

Hydrant Cap Colors

Red= 0 to 50 psi White= 52 to 119 psi Green= +120 psi

Hydrant Top Colors

Red= 0 to 500 GPM Orange= 501 to 999 GPM Green= 1000 to 1499 GPM Blue= +1500 GPM

Step #8 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Refine hypothesis

Portable Tank

Storage tank used during a relay or shuttle operations to hold water from tanks/hydrants. Can supply attack aparatus.

What stores water for emergencies/peak consumption and may be above or below ground?

Storage tanks

The _______ is placed on the end of a dry hrdrant to prevent rocks or other debris from being sucked into the pump.

Strainer (pg 216)

Waterborne Disease Outbreak (WBDO)

When 2 or more people experience a similar illness, single case of chemical poisoning, or a single case of amebic meningoencephalitis from water.


When air spaces in soil are filled with water.


When chemicals are added to untreated water to cause solids to clump together - 1st step in treating drinking water


When chlorine is added to water to kill bacteria and other microbes

Physical water scarcity

When more than 75% of a country or regions river flow is being used.


When placing you hand over the steamer outlet of a dry barrel hydrant you feel for _____ to determine if the barrel is draining.

Salt water intrusion

When salt water is drawn into an aquifer and increases its salinity.

Water scarcity

When the annual supply of water per person falls below 1000m3.

Water stress

When the annual supply of water per person falls below 1700m3.

Water stress

When the demand for water exceeds its supply for a period of time, leading to shortages.

Economic water scarcity

When the development of blue water flow scorches is limited by human and financial capacity.

gravitational system

When the reduced level of the water source is higher than the reduced level of the consumer's place, water is generally supplied


Where clumped solids in water sink to the bottom of the water - 2nd step in treating drinking water

near the coastline

Where is most pollution at in the ocean

Industry, agriculture and municipal sources

Where most water pollution comes from

It must go through the water treatment plant

Where must water go before entering the water supply distribution system?

storm drain

Where runoff leaves streets and is directed the closest creek

Near the water source

Where should the apparatus be that has the greatest pumping capacity?

Elevation pressure

The amount of pressure created by gravity, also called head pressure.

Normal Operating Pressure

The amount of pressure in a water distribution system durring a time of normal usage.

Fire Flow Capacity

The amount of water available or amount that the water distribution system is capable of flowing


The amount of water which joins the stream from the underground water

Green Water

The area from the outer edge of brown water to a few hundred miles off shore past continental shelves and islands.

riparian zone

The area of land adjacent to a body of water, stream, river, marsh, or shoreline. These areas form the transition between the aquatic and the terrestrial environment.

Fill Site

The area where tenders are filled or attain their water

Dump Site

The area where tenders are unloaded or their load dumped


The coefficient of permeability of soils, is generally expressed in

NFPA 291 Practice for Fire Flow Testing and Marking of Hydrants

The colors of the tops and discahrge caps on public hydrants should be painted as required by what NFPA standard?

NFPA 291

The colors of the tops and discharge caps on public hydrants should be painted as required by what NFPA number?

water cycle

The continuous process by which water moves from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back again

Shuttle Operation

The cycle in which mobile water supply apparatus is dumped, moves to fill a site for refilling, and is returned to the dump site

water quality

The degree of purity of water, determined by measuring substances in water besides water molecules

Water Quality

The degree of purity of water, determined by measuring the substance in water, besides water molecules.

water table

The depth to groundwater

Hydrant Body Colors

White= EBMUD Yellow= Military / Private Green= Airport (Salt water or Regional Parks) Red= EBMUD ( Suction or Private hydrant)

Water department personnel

Who determines the location, spacing, and distribution of fire hydrants?

the water department

Who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of fire hydrants?

Conserve water

Why rationing is done in a community

Chlorine (Cl)

Widely used for routine disinfection of water; Calcium Hypochlorite(comes in granular for and corrosive); Sodium Hypochlorite(household bleach).

Without _____ _____....there is no _____ _____.


The term plug is a throw back to days when firefighters drilled a hole in _______ water mains.

Wooden (pg213)

Hose Bibb Vacuum Breakers

* garden hoses, slop sink hoses , spray outlets. * consists of a spring loaded check valve that seals against an atmospheric outlet when water supply pressure is tuned on.

Double Check Valve

* protects against backsiphoning and back pressure conditions

Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker

* used only for backsiphonage * cannot be tested once installed

los angeles aqueduct

-Brought water from Owens River to Los Angeles -William Mulholland spearheaded the controversial project -Negative impact on Owens Valley and Mono Lake

klamath water crisis

-klamath basin wetlands drained, dams and reservoirs constructed to develop agriculture -thought all this good water was going to waste wetlands had no value

aquifer depletion

-mining of water, recharge slow from rainfall -too much extracted honeycombed rock collapses and no longer recharges


be able to live


contamination: fertilizer, pesticide, toxic waste

potentiometric map

contour map of hydraulic head in a confined aquifer

water table map

contour map of hydraulic head in an unconfined aquifer


hard suction hose used with strainer having a radius of 24 inches clearance all around

mercury, lead, arsenic

harmful substances that industry my add to water


high capacity to absorb/store heat, universal solvent, high service tension, solid from is lighter than liquid

conflicts with off-stream use:

how much water can be used without damaging the streams ecosystem.

3 sources of pollution

human wastes, industrial wastes, chemical runoff

Criteria for wetlands

hydrology(wetness), type of vegetation & type of soil


ice crystals grow by riming; contain air pockets and has a spongy texture

Isolation Valves (shut off valves)

maximum spacing 500ft in high risk areas and 800ft in in other areas. Types: gated valves, butterfly valves,


means head of the pipes, where main distribution basin was located

pH of water

measurement of how acidic or basic the water is

pH Scale

measurement system used to indicate the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in solution; ranges from 0 to 14

intrinsic permeability

measures the ability of the sediment to transmit a fluid, independent of fluid properties. a property of porous medium, independent of fluid properties. measured in darcy or cm^2


mechanically deliver pre-measured amounts of chlorine gas, ammonia or hypochlorites automatically to a known flow rate of water


movement of water through the soil.

Adequate Water system

must be capable of supplying water needed for fire protection in addition to domestic needs.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency developed what 2 regulations

national primary drinking water and national secondary drinking water

natural levees

natural sediments deposited by the river as it floods.

National Secondary Drinking Water Regulation enforced by

not federally enforceable but is intended to be used as a guideline for the stated and may be incorporated into state law and enforced by the respective state

Barometric Loop

not to be used for back pressure

radioactive wastes

nuclear power plants waste, medical wastes

oil lamp

object used to product light continuously for a period of time using an oil based fuel source used for household lighting as well as funerary and votive purposes

97% of earths waters are:


Persian qanat

older middle eastern water conveying systems that inspired Roman aqueducts

Isolation valves should be tested (opened and closed) at least ______ to ensure that they are in good working condition

once a year

inhumation only

only burial practice from 4th century AD on

Dead end hydrants

only receives water from one direction and has limited water supply.


open or shut indicator sign


overuse; to use too much

Types of disinfectants

ozone, chlorine (calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite), chloramines

pH is acidic

pH of 6.8

pH is neutral

pH of 7.0

pH is basic

pH of 7.2


passive transport in which particles are removed from water by passage through a pourous membrane

Calcium hypochlorite (HTH) is a potential

personnel and fire hazard due to its corrosiveness and chemically active nature

discharge zones

places where groundwater flows or seep out of the surface, like a spring


plants grown by people; corn, wheat, rice etc.



non point source pollution

pollution that comes from many sources

point source pollution

pollution that enters water from a known source

thermal pollution

pollution that raises the temperature of water (factories that us water to cool machines)

Wetland soils

poor drainage and lack of oxygen

vadose zone

pore spaces (empty spaces between soil particles or rock fractures) in the soil and rock

coarse ware

pottery used for kitchen functions or used in storage and transportation

fine ware

pottery used for table functions

Potable water standards for chemical quality

presence/absence of constituents, interaction between constituents, pH, hardness/softness


presenting danger or risk

What is the purpose of the main valve being located below the frost line?

prevent freezing

how agriculture can conserve water:

price agriculture to encourage conservation, used lined canals to reduce seepage, irrigate at times evaporation is minimal

Chlorine safety program includes written rules and specific

procedures and checklists


process of passing water through a series of screens that removes solids

Preventive Medicine Authority plays an advisory role and provides

public health related consultant assistance as needed

Processing/ Treatment facilities

purification or desalination plant

Well: driven

pushed forward

indirect cremation/ustrinum

pyre is arranged in another part of the necropolis, afterward ashes were buried into jars or urns

Circulating hydrants

receive water from more than one direction ( circulating feed/ looped system)

progressive water policy

reclamation act of 1902 - the preservation and expansion of rural life and rural values, local democracy and a landed middle class

function of dams

recreation, generating electricity, provide flood control and ensuring a more stable water supply

3 ways to conserve water

reducing water use, recycling water, reusing water

testing samples

regular tests are needed to show that the water quality remains good

how domestic water use can be reduced

replace lawns with decorative gravel & native plants, more efficient bathroom fixtures, fix leaks quickly, & don't wash sidewalks with water.

Conflicts with in-stream water use

requires different conditions to prevent damage & requirements for shipping and boating

Regional Environmental Coordinators (REC) assists claimants with

resolution of issues and communications with CNO as well as Federal, State and local regulators

petroleum products

road runoff, leaking storage tanks (old gas stations)

pesticides & fertilizers

runoff from fields and golf courses.

reiteration of these is the hardest

salt marshes

urban runoff

sediment toxic chemicals from cars pesticides from lawns viruses bacteria from pet waste


sediment (solid matter) settling to the bottom of a water.

Check valve

self closing device which is designed to allow the flow of fluids in one direction and to close if there is a reversal of flow

water table

separates the saturated zone from unsaturated zone

air gap

serves to prevent wastewater from contaminating potable supplies

safe drinking water act

set maximum contaminant levels for pollutants that may have adverse effects on human health.


show changes in flow based on time and depth

kesterson reservoir

-water table rise from irrigation in San J Valley -reservoir started becoming more saline and high selenium conc. -resulted in a large scale bird and fish die off and livestock deformity

water withdrawal vs water consumption

-withdrawal is amount removed from source and often returned to source -consumption is amount removed and not returned to its source

Which of the following is not a primary consideration when locating a ground


Class A Hydrant

1 000 - 1 499 gpm (3 785 - 5 675 L/min). Green top and nozzles.

Class AA Hydrant

1 500 gpm (5 680 L/min) or greater. Light blue top and nozzles.

Some areas have drafting hydrants attached to the water source, typically capable of producing how many gpm?


Class A

1,000 to 1,499 gpm Barrel color - chrome yellow Top nozzle color - Green 20 psi

Class AA

1,500 gpm or greater Barrel color - chrome yellow Top nozzle color - blue 20 psi

Name 3 natural sources of water.

1-Ponds (pg 211) 2-Rivers 3-Lakes

Name 3 man made sources of water

1-Ponds (pg 211) 2-reservoirs 3-pools

Describe the common weights and measurements of water.

1. 8.33 lb per gallon 2. 7.48 gallon per cubic foot 3. 62.4 lb per cubic foot

Municipal water supplies move water by one of 3 ways. What are the 3 ways?

1. Gravity feed 2. Direct pumping 3. Combination gravity and pump

Water is the most common extinguishing agent because: 1. It is readily available through _____ _____ and by _____. 2. _____ 3. _____ __ _____ large _____ __ _____.

1. It is readily available through STATIC SOURCES and by PUMPING. 2. ABUNDANT 3. CAPABLE OF ABSORBING large QUANTITIES OF HEAT.

Physical properties of water; 1. _____ 2. Capable of being a _____, _____ or _____. (Not a true gas) 3. Molecular weight of _____ ___ or ___.

1. NON-COMPRESSIBLE 2. Capable of being a SOLID, LIQUID or VAPOR 3. Molecular weight of 18 AMU or MOL

Name the 5 components of a water distribution grid.

1. Primary feeders 2. Secondary feeders 3. Distributors 4. Valves 5. Hydrants

Name 7 alternative water supplies

1. Reservoirs 2. Ponds 3. Cisterns 4. Pools 5. Airport sites 6. Mobile supplies Water tenders/Water Tankers 7. Skid Pumps 2 pumps capable of flowing 500 gpm/Stored at stations 10 and 6

Name the 6 components of a municipal water supply system.

1. Source of water 2. Means of moving water 3. Treatment and storage facilities 4. Distribution system 5. Valves 6. Hydrants

What are the three components of a municipal water system?

1. Source of water 2.Treatment of water 3.Distribution of water

What are examples of systems that use gravity water pressure?

1. gravity feed system 2. elevated water storage towers

What are the different components of a the grid system?

1.primary feeders 2. secondary feeders 3.distributors

If you are within _____ feet of the waters edge you should have a life vest?

10 feet

Portable tanks are a minimum of how many gallons?

1000 gallons

GPM flow rate range for a hydrant with a green top cap


Distribution mains are typically how deep in WA?


Secondary Feeders

12" to 14"

Atmospheric Pressure - The pressure exerted by the atmosphere, which for earth is _______ pounds per square inch at sea level.


Make at least __ revolutions before deciding you have a defective hydrant


The amount of color in water should be less than:

15 color units

GPM flow rate range for a hydrant with a light blue top cap


The Safe Drinking Water Act signed into law on

16 December 1974

Primary Feeder

16" or larger

cal state water projects

1960 bond measure, largest system of aqueducts and res - led to the creation of the California Bay-Delta Authority or CALFED in 1994


2 hours minimum @ 170 degrees C in oven (preferable method) or autoclave @ 121 degrees C for 15 minutes at 15 PSI

The minimum pressure when pumping from a hrdrant as it relates to residual pressure is _______ psi.

20 (pg 221)

Oakland Transmission Mains

20", 24" 30" and 36"

Water is ____% heavier than gasoline.

20% (pg 212)

It is estimated that at any given time, there is /are ____ times more water stored underground than in all the surface streams and lakes

20-30 times as much

What psi pressure is the min for hydrants output?


When drafting the intake strainer should have a minimum of what clearance all around?


Pressure Zones


Showers and baths

2nd biggest use of water in a home

When must EBMUD respond to a fire?

3 alarm or greater or 2 Alarm fires in the hills.

soaping, rinsing, and finishing

3 main phases of producing cloth


3% of Earth's water supply is _____

On some hydrants the wrench will rotate _to_ times before any resistance is felt

3, 5

When the distance exceeds _______ to _________ intermediate hydrants should be used?

350' to 400'

33 zones supplied via?

4 gravity 8 regulator valves 21 pumps

Oakland Distribution Pipelines

4" to 16"


A body of porous and permeable rock capable of storing and yielding large quantities of water.


A channel built by people to move water long distances through mountains and across rivers.


A characteristic of materials, such as clay and granite, through which water does not easily pass


A characteristic of materials, such as sand and gravel, through which water easily passes

Backflow Preventer

A check valve that prevents water from flowing back into a system and contaminating it.


A chemical intended to kill insects and other organisms that damage crops.


A compound that changes color in the presence of an acid or a base.

decanting well

small basins for cleaning or to decrease velocity of water flow

Hydropneumatic or pressure-tank water systems are suitable for:

small communities, housing developments, private homes and estates, camps, food service operations, and hotels

Water Main

A principle pipe in a water supply system.


something done for fun; a hobby or game

Municipality, region, or single property

A private water supply system may provide water under contract to what 3 recipients?

Private water system

A privately owned water system that operates separately from municipal water systems.


A process of removing salt from ocean water


A process of removing salt from ocean water to make potable water


A process that separates a solid from the liquid in a heterogeneous mixture


A quantitative measure of the amount of solute in a solution.


A ridge of land that separates one watershed from another


something that has a lot of nutrients and good for growing things ex: fertile land is good for growing crops

Water treatment

A series of processes that remove unwanted substances from water and make it safe to return to the natural environment or to the human water water supply


A species that is especially sensitive to ecological change and thus can serve as an indicator of environmental conditions.

Gravity-feed system

A storage facility, and water treatment facility located high above the end user.


A stream or smaller river that feeds into a main river


the state of being very poor

water table

the upper surface of ground water; the surface below which all the pore space in rocks in saturated with water.

in-stream use

the use of rivers for navigation, hydroelectric power generation, fish and wildlife habitats, and recreation


A substance such as nitrogen or phosphorus that enables plants and algae to grow


A substance that is harmful to the environment.

Water Hammer

A sudden surge of pressure created by the quick opening or closing of valves in a water system.

What is water hammer?

A surge in pressure caused by a sudden stop in the flow of a water stream

Grid system

A system that provides circulating feed from all directions

Municipal water systems

A system to furnish water under pressure through fire hydrants.

The limitation of the lift capability of the centrifugal pump is based on :

the weight of the atmosphere


the whole business that involves making, shipping, and selling goods made in factories.

power plants and factories

thermal pollution source


this type of pollution raises the temperature of water


threaded portion of stem is visible when valve is open and not visible when closed.

use less water, treat polluted water, reduce pollution going into water

three ways people can reduce water pollution

peripheral canal

-proposed diversion to divert water from Sacramento river through the SJ delta to the south -first rejected major water project -helped transfer water south avoiding saltwater intrusion that occurred in delta -signed by jerry brown

time of concentration

time taken for the storm water to travel from the most remote point to the drain.

Static Pressure

(1) Potential energy that is available to force water through pipes and fittings, fire hose, and adapters. (2) Pressure at a given point in a water system when no water is flowing.

There are approximately how many hydrants in the city of Dayton


Standard 3 way hydrants consist of?

5 in Pumping outlet attached to a 6" water main

Sodium hypochlorite is what percent chlorine?

5% or 10% (household bleach)

Gravity Tank capacity range from _______-_______?

5,000 Gallons to over a million

Water tenders/tankers can carry up to how many gallons?

5,000 gallons

Sewers or sewage disposal systems must be located at least ________ from water storage tanks

50 feet

How much of US wetlands have disappeared


Class B Hydrant

500 - 999 gpm (1 900 - 3 780 L/min). Orange top and nozzles.

Class C Hydrant

500 gpm (1 900 L/min) or less. Red top and nozzles.

Class C

500 gpm or less Barrel color - chrome yellow Top nozzle color - red 20 psi

GPM flow rate range for a hydrant with a red top cap

500 or less

What the maximum spacing of isolation valves for high value districts and other areas as recommended by commercial risk services.

500' and 800'

GPM flow rate range for a hydrant with an orange top cap


Class B

500-999 gpm Barrel color - chrome yellow Top nozzle color - orange 20 psi

Wildcat Aqueduct

54" supplies Webster Rate Control Station which fills Claremont Reservoir

The overflows must be located with their tops ______ above grade

6 inches

Hydrants typically have ____" connecting pipes and should not be more than ______' apart?

6" 300'

Distributors (individual services)

6" to 8" that service fire hydrants, residential consumers, and commercial businesses.

The average water distribution system pressures in the U.S. is between ______ & ______ psi.

65 & 80 (pg 221)

Calcium hypochlorite (HTH) is what percent chlorine?


___% of the world's surface is covered by water.


Regulator Zones


The bottom of the tank must be higher that the water table or flood water, designed for a minimum of _______

8 feet

What size piping is often the minimum size used?



97% of Earth's water supply is where

Ground salinity

A description of the levels of salt within the soil.

Plumbing Fixture

A device that is connected to the water distribution system and demands a supply of water; discharges wastewater, liquid-borne waste material, or sewage to the drainage system; or requires both a water supply connection and a discharge to the drainage system.

Jet Dump

A device that speeds the process of dumping a load of water from a tanker/tender

Jet Siphon

A device that speeds the process of transferring water from one tank to another


A feature in hydrant caps that should be checked during routine inspections, extras should be carried on the truck.


A fitting that is used to control the flow of fluid or gas.


A fixture that is designed for washing hands and face, usually found in a bathroom.

Water mains follow what king of layout system?

A grid system

Bore hole

A hole in the Earth's surface down to an underground water source.


A lake that stores water for human use (usually created by humans)


A land area that is covered with a shallow layer of water during some or all of the year.


A layer of rock that is both porous and permeable, containing water.


A long period of abnormally lower than normal rainfall


A long period of dry weather.


A long ridge formed by deposits of sediments alongside a river channel (Often made by humans)


A mainly aquatic organism contain chlorophyll and lacking true stems, roots and leaves.

Fire Flow Requirement

A measure comparing the amount of heat the fire is capable of generating vs. the amount of water required for cooling the fuels below their ignition point.


A measure of how clear water is.

Water Distributing Pipe

A pipe that carries water from the service to the point of use.

Dry Hydrant

A piping system for drafting from a static water source with a fire department connection at one end and a strainer at the water end


A poisonous substance often used to exterminate insects or rodent.

Outside Stem and Yoke (OS&Y) Valve

A type of control valve for a sprinkler system in which the position of the centre screw indicates whether the valve is open or shut. Picture: http://cdn.balkanplumbing.com/wp-content/uploads/open-OSY-valve.jpg

Post Indicator Valve (PIV)

A type of valve used to control underground water mains that provides a visual indication of whether the valve is open or closed. Picture: http://jerman.com/fire-sprinkler.com/ipost.jpg

Post Indicator Valve (PIV)

A type of valve used to control underground water mains that provides a visual means for indicating "open" or "shut" position; found on the supply main of installed fire protection systems.

Post Indicator Valve

A type of valve used to control underground water mains that provides a visual means for indicating open or shut position; found on the supply main of installed fire protection systems


A water channel supported above the ground over trestles, is generally called

Dead end

A water main that only supplys water from one direction.

Water Closet

A water-flushing plumbing fixture, such as a toilet, that is designed to receive and discharge human excrement.


A way of supplying water to an area of land

Color markings on hydrants?

AA Blue 1,500+ A Green 1,000-1,500 B Orange 500-1000 C Red 500 or less


Absorbing water into a body or substance.

Spread Plate Method

Accommodates 0.1ml-0.5ml volume or diluted samples, colonies grow faster, and colonies produces are distinct. Uses 100x15 or 90x15mm sterile petri dish.

Pour Plate Method

Accommodates 0.1ml-2.0ml volume or diluted samples, produces small colonies, and colonies grow slow. Uses 100x15 or 90x15mm sterile petri dish.

Disposal Procedures - Positive

Add household bleach to top of tubes, cap tightly and mix/let stand for 20 mins, pour down sink and flush with water or autoclave for 20 mins @ 121 deg C in biobag and discard properly.


Addition of ammonia to water that contains free chlorine and controls coliforms.

Name 2 advantages and disadvantages of wet barrel hydrants.


Name 2 advantages and 1 disadvantage of dry barrel hydrants.


Preventive Medicine Authority

Advisory role and provides public health related consultant assistance as needed.

Water Treatment Steps

Aeration= sprayed into air to release gases Coagulation=added coagulants neutralizes particles Flocculation=particles combine Sedimentation=85% of suspended matter Filtration= removal of matter via anthracite and sand Disinfection=Chlorine , Ammonia which later forms chloramine Ozonation=ozone for disinfection and taste and odor control Fluoridation=dental health Corrosion Control=CaOH, NaOH makes water slightly alkaline to prevent corrosion.

Most direct pumping systems are found where?

Agricultural and industrial settings

All of the _____, _____ and _____ in the world will not extinguish a large fire without enough _____ to supply them.

All of the APPLIANCES, HOSES and NOZZLES in the world will not extinguish a large fire without enough WATER to supply them.

- Water supply sources - Processing or treatment facilities - Means of moving the water - Water distribution and storage systems

All water supply systems, whether public or private, follow the same basic components which are....

What do control valves do?

Allow sections to be shut down and isolated

Dry Hydrant

Also called drafting hydrants


Also called mobile water supply apparatus or tenders.

Residual Pressure

Amount of pressure that remains in the system when water is flowing. Should be no less than 20 psi to prevent damage to pipes and pumps.

AR 200-1

Army Policy on Environmental Protection and Enhancement

AR 40-5

Army Policy on Preventive Medicine

TB MED 577

Army Policy on Sanitary Control and Surveillance of Field Water Supplies

TB MED 576

Army Policy on Sanitary Control and Surveillance of Water Supplies at Fixed Installations

TB MED 575

Army Policy on Swimming Pools and Bathing Faclilities

Regional Environmental Coordinators (REC)

Assists claimants with issues and communications CNO, Federal, State, and local regulators.

How often should hydrants be tested?

At least once a year

The pressure exerted by the atmosphere, which for the Earth is 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level

Atmospheric Pressure

What is the pressure exerted by the earths atmospheric at any given point?

Atmospheric Pressure

Media Preperation

Autoclave 121 deg C for 15 mins, pH should be at 7.0 (+/-) 0.2 after autoclaving, media ready in 13-18 mins after melting, and maintain water bath between 44-66 deg C no more than 3 hours

Distribution lines also have what to prevent water from coming back into the system from the anticipated rout of travel?

Back flow valves to prevent contamination

A check valve or set of valves used to prevent a back flow of wtaer from one system into another.

Backflow Preventers


Backflow resulting from negative pressures in the distribution pipes

Which of the following methods of backsiphonage is least effective? a. Barometric loop b. vaccuum breakers c. air gap separation d. backpressure units

Barometric loop

How does a community know how much water it needs?

Based on Data: Previous History usage amounts Growth within the area Tracking average and maximum daily water consumption

What is it necessary to have duplicate pumps in direct pumping systems?

Because they are subject to mechanical failure and dependent on pumps and electricity.

Water Storage Tanks - Disinfection

Before putting into operation, whenever entered, and when bacterial evidence shows contamination.

The internal of a hydrant are made of?


What factors affect hydrant location?

Building construction Occupancy Numbers Building density size of water main required fire flow for area

A valve with a disk that rotates 90 degrees from fully open to fully closed?

Butterfly valve

calcium bicarbonate

By boiling water, hardness can be removed if it is due to

Tanker shuttle

Can be used to deliver water from a fill site to the fire scene. Used when a large volume of water is needed for an extended period of time.

What does a Primary feeder do?

Carry large quantities of water to a section of a town or city

What do Distributors do?

Carry water to the user and hydrants on individual streets

Hydrant bonnets, barrels and foot pieces are made of?

Cast Iron

Hydrants are made of what?

Cast Iron

Pressure Zones layouts

Central zone = largest and serves area below 100' Berkeley to San Lorenzo is supplied via gravity Aqueduct Zone= a gravity supplied zone from 100'to 200' Central-South Zone= below the 100' contour line from 98th southward.

Valve installed to control water flow in one direction, typically when different systems are interconnected.

Check Valve

Drybarel hydrant valves can be tested by?

Check for suction with your hand over the discharge

Dry-Barrel Hydrant

Fire hydrant that has its operating valve at the water main rather than in the barrel of the hydrant. When operating properly, there is no water in the barrel of the hydrant when it is not in use. These hydrants are used in areas where freezing could occur.

Wet-Barrel Hydrant

Fire hydrant that has water all the way up to the discharge outlets. The hydrant may have separate valves for each discharge or one valve for all the discharges. This type of hydrant is only used in areas where there is no danger of freezing weather conditions.

6 inch connecting pipes

Fire hydrants are located along all portions of the water distribution system and are generally connected at specified intervals by ________.

300 feet

Fire hydrants generally should'nt be spaced more than ______ in high value districts.

anadromous fish

Fish that spend most of their lives in salt water but must migrate to freshwater tributaries to spawn. The various salmons species are examples

Butterfly Valve

Flat circular plate in a pipe that rotates 90 degrees across the cross section of the pipe to control the flow of water. Picture: http://www.dezurik.com/products/dezurik-resilient-on-center-seated-butterfly-valves-bos-cl.JPG

What are the colored markings on hydrants used for?

Flow capacity


Flow of non-potable water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances in the potable water system.

Forward velocity pressure at a discharge opening while water is flowing?

Flow pressure

The pressure created by the rate of flow of the water coming from a discharge opening is?

Flow pressure

Army Chief of Engineers (COE)

Formulate policies, comply with Clean Water Act; Construct, maintain, and operate permanent/semi-permanent water systems associated with "Force Provider" support sites.

Wet barrel hydrants have water in the barrel up to the valves making it subject to ________.

Freezing (pg 214)

59th St Aqueduct

From Claremont Tunnel on 59th to Genoa St. 54" ends at Genoa Rate Control Stations

Sequoia Aqueduct

From Claremont Tunnel to 82nd Ave. 54" and 48" paralleling MacArthur Blvd

What does GPM stand for?

Gallons Per Minute

Indicating or non-indicating valve that is opened and closed to control the water flow.

Gate Valve

Open Right Valves

Gate valves= open clockwise OFD can only operate white gate pot cover for hydrants

The geophysical methods used to identify and investigate the extent of characteristics of ground water and pollution include:

Geomagnetics, electromagnetics, electrical resistivity.

Methods of moving water

Gravity Direct pumping Combination system

What are the three methods of moving water?

Gravity Direct Pumping Combination

In a water distribution system water is supplied in 3 ways, __________ & ___________ & ____________.

Gravity Fed (pg 212) Direct Pump Combination Gravity-Pumped

A ______ ______ delivers water from the source or the treatment plant to the distribution system without pumping equipment

Gravity System

Oakland Water Mains Supplied via?

Gravity from Reservoirs or Pumps

Three methods for moving water through a system

Gravity, Direct Pumping, Combination

What is the recommended distance of when to implement a water shuttle?

Greater than ½ mile

A distribution system that provides circulating feed from all directions is called a ______ system


A distribution system that provides circulating feed from all directions

Grid system

What terms are used in reference to the interlocking network of water mains that compose the water distribution system.

Gridiron Grid

Artesian basin

Ground water accumulating in large rock structures underground.

What are the 2 types of fresh water?

Groundwater Surface water

Most of the earths freshwater supply is _______.

Groundwater (pg 211)

What is used to properly seal a drilled well to prevent contamination of the water supply?


Gate valve

Has a solid plate operated by a handle & screw mechanism. Controls water flow.

Wet-Barrel Hydrant

Has water all the way up to the discharge barrel. (water stored in the barrel) Only used in warm climates where freezing is not an issue.

Water shuttles

Hauling water from a static source to portable tanks.

The pressure created by a column of water is called?

Head pressure

Water has the ability to absorb large quanatities of _____.

Heat (pg 210)

Step #9 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Implement control and prevention measures (Priority during each investigation, controls measures)

negative pressure

In a rapid sand filter, air binding is caused due to excessive

Army Commanders of Engineer Units

Locate and develop water resources

Shut-off valve

Located at connection points where the underground mains meets the distributer pipe used to control the flow of water to individual customers or hydrants.

Water main arranged in a complete circuit so that water will be supplied to a given point from more than one direction

Loop System

Define friction loss.

Loss of pressure as water moves through a hose or pipe

R2A Agar

Low nutrient agar, used for pour plate, spread plate and membrane filters

Zone Hydrants

Lower Zone= Red Upper Zones= White 14 locations Pump from lower to upper or from red to white.


Managing vital resources carefully to meet the needs of people and nature.

Presence/Absence Analysis - Less Yellow Than Comparator

May be incubated for an additional 4 more hours but not more than 28 hours total

Main fire department concern of water treatment facility

Mechanical breakdown, natural disaster, loss of power, fire disabling pumps


Mechanical device installed in a a discharge line that senses the amount of water flowing.

Water Shuttle Operation

Method of water supply by which mobile supply aparatus continuously transport water between a fill site and the dump site located near the emergency scene.

Water Shuttle Operation

Method of water supply by which tenders/tankers continuously transport water between a fill site and the dump site located near the emergency scene.

Faculative Anaerobes

Microorganisms that don't require oxygen for growth but do better with it.

Sample Bottle

Minimum capacity of 120 ml

If a vehicle has a tank over 1000 gallons and is primarily used to transport water it is considered a _________.

Mobile water supply apparatus (pg 211)

Watershed feeding Oakland

Mokelumne water shed provides 90% of Oaklands water.


Most commonly used section in grade aqueducts, is

Residual Pressure

Pressure at the test hydrant while water is flowing. It represents the pressure remaining in the water supply system while the test water is flowing and is that part of the total pressure that is not used to overcome friction or gravity while forcing water through fire hose, pipe, fittings, and adapters.

Flow Pressure

Pressure created by the rate of flow or velocity of water coming from a discharge opening.

Define normal operating pressure.

Pressure during a period of normal consumption

Static Pressure

Pressure in a system when the water is not moving.

Define static pressure.

Pressure in the system when water is not moving

Static Head

Pressure of a fluid due to the head of fluid above some reference point.

Types of control valves

Pressure reducing, Pressure sustaining, Pressure relief, Flow-control, Throttling, Float, Check

Control Valves are used for?

Pressure reducing, sustaining and relief Flow control Throttle valves

Large mains that convey large quantities of water to various points in the distribution system and supply smaller secondary feeder mains

Primary Feeders

What are the three types of water mains, their place in the system and size?

Primary Feeders or arterial mains supply large amounts of water in piping ranging from 16-72" in diameter or greater Fire hydrants are rarely attached to them. Secondary Feeders are used to make a grid and range from 12-14" in diameter control valves are used to isolate each feeder. Distribution or small mains are 6-8" in diameter and serve individual fire hydrants and commercial and residential consumers.

Relatively widespread large, high capacity pipes?

Primary feeder

Primary feeders are: ___ - ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Primary feeders are: 16" - 48" Wide Spaced Hydrants not typically connected


Process for removing particulate matter by passage through porous media.


Process of acquiring water from a static source (lake, river, pond, etc) and transferring it into a pump that is above the source's level.


Process of acquiring water from a static source and transferring it into a pump that is above the source's level; atmospheric pressure on the water surface forces the water into the pump where a partial vacuum was created.


Process of drawing water from a static source to supply a pumper.


Process of drying out or losing moisture


Process that eliminates most microorganisms, usually chlorine

Grid Systems are designed to?

Provide constant flow Control areas with minimum interruption of water supply

Army Deputy Chief of Staff (G-4/DCS)

Provide online data on the location, quantity, and quality of land-based water resources to DoD.

Municipal water systems provide water to who?

Public and Fire fighters

Two basic types of water supply systems in North America

Public and Private

What are the two types of water supply systems in North America?

Public which are functions of local government and have a elected board Private which will take many forms such as industrial, residential subdivision, refinery, and may supply water under contract.

Control valves are located between ______ water supply distribution systems and ______ water supply distribution systems

Public; Private

Direct Pumping System

Pump placed near water source to create adequate pressure.

Hydrants have two components?

Pumping outlet 4"+ 2- Hose outlets 2 1/2 couplings

Pressure is usually produced by what?


Define flow.

Quantity of water flowing through a pipe or hose

Flow pressure

Quantity of water flowing through an opening durring a hydrant test.

ROGB stands for what?

RED (0-499) Orange (500-999) Green (1000-1499) Blue 1500+ GPM

Acid Rain

Rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) combine with water.

Dead-end hydrant

Receives water from only one direction

Where are wall hydrants found?

SLC Airport, Temple Square and Delta Center

Acronym used to remember factors that affect hydrant flow rate

SLIP: Size of Main, Length of Main, Internal condition of main, Pressure within the main

Salt Lake City uses a _____ _____ and _____ water movement system.

Salt Lake City uses a COMBINATION GRAVITY and PUMP water movement system.

US estuary modified the most

San Francisco bay

Oakland Water System Reservoirs

San Leandro, San Pablo, Briones terminal reservoirs

What is the atmospheric pressure measured at sea level and at Salt Lake City?

Sea level 14.7 Salt Lake City 12.5

Intermediate pipes that interconnect with the primary feeder lines to create a grid

Secondary Feeders

Intermediate capacity pipes running between high capacity pipes are what?

Secondary feeder

Secondary feeders are: ___ - ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Often _____ to _____ _____ _____

Secondary feeders are: 12" - 24" Used to reinforce the grid with varying loops Often USED to SUPPLY FIRE HYDRANTS

Check Valve

Self-closing device that allows the flow of fluids in one direction.

galvanized iron pipes

Service connections to consumers houses, are generally provided with

Almost _____% of the earths surface is covered by water.

Seventy Five (pg 211)

What do shut off valves do?

Shut off water flow to individual customers or fire hydrants

The cycle in which mobile water supply apparatus is dumped, moves to a fill site for refilling, and is returned to the dump site.

Shuttle Operation


Single biggest use of water for fun?

Toilet flushing

Single biggest use of water in the home

What is the acronym SLIP and whats it used for?

Size of main (diameter) Length of the main (distance between hydrants) Internal Connection (Roughness caused by age or sediment) Pressure within the main (color)

Anytime a valve on a hydrant is opened or closed it should be done _______ to prevent water hammer.

Slowly (pg 215)


Small, spineless creatures that are visible with the unaided eye; they include organisms such as crustaceans, mollusks, worms, and insects.

Secondary Feeder

Smaller mains that distribute water to a smaller area.


Smaller water mains serving single fire hydrants and blocks of consumers


Smallest pipes, carry water to the users and hydrants along individual streets.

Secondary salinity

Soil salinity (saltiness) that results from human activity.

Acid Sulfate Soil

Soils formed when sulfide minerals combine with oxygen in the air.

Gate Valve

Solid plate that moves into or out of the waterway. Picture: http://www.ctgclean.com/tech-blog/wp-content/uploads/gate-valve3.jpg


Something put into a system or expended in its operation to achieve an output.


Something with many air spaces.

Factors to consider when outbreak occurs thought to involve a water system

Source of water, water treatment method, recent problems with system, recent water testing results, recent repairs/alternations, and recent power outages/water disruptions.

Fecal Coliforms

Specific organisms developed on media incubated @ 44.5 deg C

NFPA 1901

Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus: requires filling and dumping on level ground at a minimum of 1000GPM

NFPA 1963

Standard for Fire Hose Connections: requires the following 1 Steamer connection: 4" or 4.5" 2 Hose outlet nozzles for 2.5" couplings


Standard for the installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances.

BUMED Instruction 6240.10 Series

Standards for Potable Water

NFPA 1142

Standards on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting.

Dry hydrants are used for drafting from a _______ water source.

Static (pg 213 & 214)

Stored potential energy?

Static pressure

The pressure of water at rest is called?

Static pressure

What is a hydrant made of?

Steel casing

Isolation valves are also know as an come in two types?

Stop or shut off gated or butterfly

To ensure constant pressure, water distribution systems may have elevated ______ ______ located throughout the system to create pressure through gravity

Storage Tanks

Portable Tank

Storage tank used during a relay or shuttle operation to hold water from water tanks or hydrants. This water can then be used to supply attack apparatus. Also called Catch Basin, Fold-a-Tank, Portable Basin, or Porta-Tank.

to have access

to be able to get or go to something

Where are dry barrels installed?

Subfreezing weather are common

Two water supply sources

Surface water and ground water

Surface water is the world's _____ _____ source of water.

Surface water is the world's MOST COMMON source of water.

The term given to a aircraft capable of carrying and dropping water or fire retardant. Some departments still use the term to do describe land based water apparatus.


An aircraft used to transport water is called a _________?

Tanker (pg 211)

Portable tanks

Tanks typically holding 600 to 5000 gallons of water, and are carried on fire apparatus can be quickly set up at a fire scene.

Water absorbs such large quanatities of heat from the fire that it cools the fuel below the ignition _______.

Tempature. (pg 210)

The abbreviated term for Water Tender. A water tender is defined as a land based mobile water supply apparatus. Some Departments still use the term tender to describe a hose carrying support apparatus.


The term given to land-based water supply apparatus.


What are the two names for mobile water supply apparatus?

Tender & Tanker

Army Commanders of Quartermaster Units

Test, treat, store, and distribute potable water.

capacity; elevation (PIPING)

The ability of a water system to deliver a sufficient quantity of water at adequate pressure depends upon the _____ and _____ of the storage tanks and the condition and carrying capacity of the systems network of pipes.

capacity of the system's network of pipes

The ability to deliver adequate quantities of water under pressure depends on the ________.


The act of production (an amount produced during a certain time).


to clean up or make safe to drink

prior appropriation rights

The first person to use a quantity of water from source has the right to use that quantity freely for that purpose. Others can use the remaining water as long as it does not impinge on previous users. "use it or lose it"


The force, or weight, of a substance usually water, measured over an area


The land area that supplies water to a river system


The level of calcium & magnesium in water.

Water Table

The level of groundwater under the surface

on the top level of dead storage

The lowest outlet sluice in a dam is provided


The minimum accepted interval between hydrant inspections.


The minimum distance between the center of a fire hydrant hose outlet and the finished grade of the ground around the hydrant.

sodium sulphite

The most commonly used chemical for dechlorination of water, is

20 psi

The realistic minimum usable residual pressure in psi, when conducting firefighting operations from a water distribution system.

20 psi

The recommended minimum pressure, in psi, for water coming from a hydrant.

Fire protection needs

The required size of a water main is based upon the amount of water needed for normal consumption and....

Tidal Changes

The rising and falling of the surface water levels due to the gravitational effects between the earth and the moon


The slow passage of water down through the soil

Total Available Chlorine

The sum of the chlorine forms present as free available chlorine and combined available chlorine.


The term for the large discharge opening on a fire hydrant


The term given to aircraft capable of carrying and dropping water or fire retardant

Butterfly Valve

Type of control valve that uses a flat circular plate in the pipe which rotates ninety degrees across the cross section of the pipe to control flow.

What causes friction loss and what does it do?

Type of pipe construction Sediment and mineral build up Causes lose in pressure and volume

When are alternate water supplies assest?

Typically during pre-incident surveys



Ground water

Underground water that's in caves, underground streams or or stored in rock pores.

Raw Water

Untreated water before entering a treatment unit such as streams, lakes, and ponds.

Relay Pumping

Use of two or more pumpers to move water over a long distance by operating them in series. The aparatus with the greatest pumping capacity should be located at the water source.

Butterfly valve

Used a flat circular plate in the pipe which rotates 90 degrees across the cross section of the pipe.

Potable Water Storage - Distribution Reservoirs

Used for fire fighting, satisfy peak demands, support uniform water pressure, meet industrial demands, avoid continuous pumping, and provide emergency water reserve.

Membrane Filter Method

Used in swimming pools, accommodates large volumes of water, expensive to use(47mm gridded), uses 50x90 mm petri dish.

Pitot Gauge

Used to measure the flow pressure in psi and to calculate the flow in gallons per minute.

Relay operation

Using 2 or more pumpers to move water over a long distance.

Relay Operation

Using two or more pumpers to move water over a long distance by operating them in series. Water discharged from one pumper flows through hoses to the inlet of the next pumper, and so on. Also called Relay Pumping.

How are the location of fire hydrants determined?

Usually made by water department personnel based on recommendations from fire department

Valves: Located throughout the supply system Most are _____ ___ ___ _____ _____ Can be closed to isolate a specific area of the system Generally are spaced every ___ - ___

Valves: Located throughout the supply system Most are LEFT IN THE OPEN POSITION. Can be closed to isolate a specific area of the system Generally are spaced every 500'-800'

Step #3 in solving a Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Verify diagnosis (Collect clinical specimans)

Name 3 kinds of specialty hydrants.

Wall hydrants Flush mount hydrants High pressure hydrants

Oakland Water System Treatment Plants

Walnut Creek, Lafayette and Orinda Water Treament Plants

SLIP - Size of the main (Diameter) - Length of the main (distance between hydrants) - Internal condition of the main (Roughness caused by age or sediment - Pressure within the main (Flow pressure from the hydrant)

What are the factors that affect hydrant flow rate?

- Primary feeders (Large pipes) - Secondary feeders - connect with primary feeder to create grid (Intermediate pipes) - Distributors (Small water mains)

What are the three types of water mains in a water distribution system?

aqequate water supply and distribution system

What are the two things needed that are essential for firefightings controlling and extinguishing fire?

Lakes, reservoirs, ponds, rivers, wells, springs

What are the water sources public and private water supply systems use?

- Gravity - Direct Pumping - a combination of both

What are three methods for moving water through the distribution system?

- cast iron - ductile iron - asbestos cement - steel - Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic - concrete

What are water mains usually made out of?

Small particles

What does filtration remove from water

Water supply system that is a combination of both gravity and direct pumping systems. It is the most common type of municipal water supply system

What is a combination system using gravity and direct pumping?

Water supply system supplied directly by a system of pumps rather than elevated storage tanks

What is a direct pumping system?

water supply system that relies entirely on the force of gravity to create pressure and cause water to flow through the system. The water supply, which is often an elevated tank, is at a higher level than the system

What is a gravity system?

a principal pipe in a system of pipes for conveying water

What is a water main?

Fast fill and fast dump

What is critical to efficient water shuttle operations?

provide sanitary water that is safe for human use

What is the job of the local water department?

- Provide water through hoses for fire suppression - Flow water to flush sediment - Perform periodic inspections - Ensure proper operation of valves and caps - Assist in flow tests

You must know hot to operate fire hydrants in order to do what following tasks?


a change that makes something better; often used to describe taking a natural place and building on it

Backflow preventers

a check valve or set of valves used to prevent a backflow of water from one system to another

Three Gorges dam

a dam in china by the Yangtze river. Problems: drowned cities, farm fields, important archeological finds, displaced 2 million people, more earthquake damage, dolphin habitat damaged. Benefits: more electricity

water hammer arrester

a device designed to provide protection against hydraulic shock in the building water supply system

vacuum relief valve

a device that prevents excessive vacuum in a pressure vessel


a difficult or dangerous situation that needs attention


a formation of permeable rock, gravel, or sand holding water or allowing water to flow through it


a formation that contains significant amount of water, but doesnt transmit it well; clay


a geologic formation that contains and transmit a significant amount of water. composed of unconsolidated materials, mainly gravel and sand, unconsolidated rock


to remove the salt from seawater

cutting down trees

a human action that can help bring on drought


a long period of little rainfall


a man-made lake


a measure of fluids resistance to flow


a method of landscaping that uses plants that are well adapted to the local area and are drought resistant.


a period of unusually low rainfall

yoke vent

a pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack to a vent stack for the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the stacks

durham system

a soil or waste system in which all piping is threaded pipe, tubing or other such rigid construction, using recessed drainage fittings to correspond to the types of piping


a substance used for building that is made by mixing sand, small stones,cement, and water


a substances used by farmers to help plants grow

flash flood

a sudden violent flood that occurs within a few hours or even minutes of a storm


a technology to remove salt from water


a u-shaped tube in which both legs water rises to same level: law of communicating vessles, placed when valley were too deep and detour was impossible

Nonpoint Source

a widely spread source of pollution that is difficult to link to a specific point of origin, Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution, unlike pollution from industrial and sewage treatment plants, comes from many diffuse sources. NPS pollution is caused by rainfall or snowmelt moving over and through the ground. As the runoff moves, it picks up and carries away natural and human-made pollutants, finally depositing them into lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal waters, and even our underground sources of drinking water


ability to use or get something

aeration & additional treatment

air is forced through the water to remove bad tastes and smells

water supply

all the water that is fit for human consumption

Colorado Compact of 1922

allocated water for environmental purposes as the concept of sustainable water management wasn't considered

Wet Barrel Hydrant

always has water, found in warmer climates

Chloramine disinfection, select the point of

ammonia addition downstream of the primary disinfection with free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, or ozone and minimize the amount of free ammonia leaving the treatment plant and entering the distribution system

The control of corrosion in piping would not include:

an increase in water velocity

consumptive use

an off-stream use; water is used by plants and animals or used in industrial processes. The water enters human tissues or products or evaporates during use and is returned back to the source


an underground zone or body of earth material from which groundwater can be obtained at a useful rate. (good aquifers: loose gravel or sand with lots of pore space between grains or rocks)

thin walled pottery

another distinctive type of pottery that was used for the table, came in the shapes of flagons, drinking beakers, and bowls

Cross connection

any actual or potential connection between the public water supply and a source of contamination or pollution


anything found in water which may be harmful to human health such as microorganisms, minerals and chemicals

Super chlorination-dechlorination

application of chlorine in greater concentrations than are needed to afford acceptable bactericidal efficiency

Marginal chlorination

application of chlorine to produce the desired total chlorine residual without reference to the amounts of free or combined chlorine present

perched aquifers

are generally found below the surface of the ground but above water table

air lift pumps

are generally used for pumping water from deep wells

jet pumps

are generally used for pumping water from small wells

rotary pumps

are provided cams which rotate in opposite direction

sluice valve

are used to regulate flow of water in pipes, and are usually placed at the summit; it is spaced about 5 km apart


areas of underground moisture

disease causing organisms

bacteria or viruses affects the quality of water

water budget

balances the inputs, outputs, and storage of water in a system (consider annual precipitation and runoff patterns)

dam removal

benefits: fish can migrate problems: lots of sediment

unconfined aquifer

bounded on the top by the aquifer. aquifer in which there is no impermeable layer restricting the upper surface of the zone of saturation

3 ways to control flooding

building dams, natural levees, man-made levees

opus signinum

building material made of tiles broken up with small pieces, mixed with mortar, and beaten down with rammer - waterproof lining for cisterns

Batch chlorinating

calculated amount of hypochlorite is added to a known volume of water (must make sure granules do not enter finished product)

Chlorine safety program includes maintenance and

calibration programs for all safety devices/equipment

diversion of waters

can increase the concentration of dissolved chemicals & deplete groundwater resources or change its quality

Pumping of groundwater

can reduce stream flow, lower lake levels, or change the quality of surface waters.


careful use of resources so they are not wasted


channel or pipe line to transport water over a greater distances from water source to its destination


chemical or physical process that kills microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa


chemicals are added to cause sticky globs called flocs to form. These sink to the bottom

Chloramine disinfection, maintain an adequate

chloramine residual within the distribution system taking into consideration chloramines are weaker disinfectants than free chlorine

Free available chlorine

chlorine available (after chlorine demand has been satisfied) in the forms of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions


chlorine is added to the water to kill any bacteria that may be harmful to people

Break-point chlorinating

chlorine is applied to produce a chlorine residual composed of predominantly FAC with little or no combined chlorine

Chlorine safety program includes emergency procedures for

chlorine leaks and first aid

Chloromine (Combined Available Chlorine)

chlorine products formed by the reaction of equilibrium products of ammonia with the equilibrium products of chlorine to form chloramines


city boundaries


cloth workshops

Used as an indicator for quality

coliform testing


collective grave consisting of hypogean chambers composed of numerous niches with the funerary urns and at the bottom the engraved inscriptions of names of dead

Potable water standards for physical quality

color, odor, turbidity, temperature

Chloromine power

combined available chlorine has significantly less disinfecting power than chlorine


combined level of two minerals: calcium & magnesium in water


commonest burial practice from 2nd century AD on


commonest burial practice from 3rd century BC to 1st century AD

Well: jetted

compressed air and hot gases forced through jet nozzles

National Secondary Drinking Water Regulation

concerned with contaminants that may adversely affect the aesthetic quality of drinking water

damnatio memoriae

condemnation of memory, happened to Emperors who were not favored, their names were erased and their statues reworked due to a Senate decree that they be erased from history

Wells are classified according to their

construction method

clear water waste

cooling water and condensate drainage from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; cooled condensate from steam heating systems; cooled boiler blowndown water


created by the addition of ammonia to water that contains free chlorine successfully used throughout the United States as a secondary disinfectant reduce disinfection by product levels provide a lasting disinfectant residual in the distribution system controls coliforms in accordance with Primary Agency and Federal regulations reduces the chlorine taste in water

building dams

creates a barrier between property and flood

overdraft can cause:

damage to river ecosystems, land subsidence

Colorado river Ecosystems

damaged and the delta has been reduced in size

Super chlorination-dechlorination: surplus chlorine is removed by

dechlorination with sulfur dioxide, aeration, or activated carbon before the water enters the distribution system

castellum aquae

distribution basin where aqueduct water was gathered and distributed via lead pipes

man made problems with supply

diversions, salinization, aquifer depletion

Well: drilled

drilled holes

natural problems with supply

drought, flooding, affected by global climate change

Well: dug

dug with a shovel

Well: bored

earth augurs cut with a sharp point

hydroelectric power

electricity produced by the kinetic energy of water moving over a waterfall or dam

potential energy

energy that is stored and waiting to be used

Navy Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM) provides

engineering, contracting, and legal assistance, upon request, to major claimants and installations


enough or more than enough

darcy's law

equation t calculate flow through a porous medium. specific discharge in a porous medium is in direction of decreasing head and directly proportional to the hydraulic gradient.

undermining hydrant

erosion of the soil around the hydrant due to valve inside

Coliform bacteria group

escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumonia, enterobacter aerogenosa

Problems with desalinization

expensive, increase salinity of bays which kills plants and animals, fluctuations in salt content cause damage to ecosystems.

National Primary Drinking Water Regulation enforced by


Double check detector check

fire line installations

Coastal wetlands of southern louisiana formed by

flooding of the mississippi river

poiseuille's law

flow of a viscous liquid through a capillary tube

toxic chemicals

form of industry pollutions


form of municipal or community pollution

Chlorine safety program includes an established

formal safety program


formation of relatively low permeability. can include both aquiclude and aquifuge; sandy clay


formation that neither contains nor transmits significant quantities of water

cone of depression

formed when water is pumped from an aquifer


fraction of material that is void space (void space volume/ total volume)


from factories and waste disposal sites


globular vessels employed mainly on farms for storage function, used to hold goods such as wine, grape husk, olive oil, and grains, put underground


goes down below the surface

The term ______ or ______ describes the interlocking network of water mains that compose a water distribution system

grid; gridiron

Chlorine safety program includes periodic

hands-on training using the following safety equipment leak detection equipment, SCBA, and atmospheric monitoring devices

riparian water rights

if you have land along the river you have rights to that water


important to life


in general 80% of aqueducts were...


infant tombs that were buried within amphoras to resemble mother's womb

Marginal chlorinating

initial chlorine demand has been satisfied, but some oxidizable substances remain

Springs are formed at the

intersection of an aquifer with the ground surface

chlorination only

iron and manganese present in the polluted water is removed by:


is a fitting or device supplied with water or other fluid under positive pressure that passes through an integral orifice or constriction, causing vacuum

Specific yield (drainable porosity)

is a ratio, less than or equal to the effective porosity, indicating the volumetric fraction of the bulk aquifer volume that a given aquifer will yield when all the water is allowed to drain out of it under the forces of gravity

influent stream

is entirely above the water table and flows only in direct response to precipitation. water from this stream seeps down into the subsurface.Ephemeral because it doesn't flow all year.

Chlorination under normal conditions

is the most widely used method

Storativity (storage coefficient)

is the volume of water released from storage per unit decline in hydraulic head in the aquifer, per unit area of the aquifer


kind of benefaction if a citizen wanted to be elected in town council, he made a financial contribution to construction of public building

Water Supply

lakes, reservoirs, ponds, rivers, wells, springs


landforms such as salt marshes, swamps, bogs, prairie potholes, and vernal pools. Wet at least part of the year


large in size or amount


leakage of seal water around the packaging on a centrifugal pump is required because it acts as a

National Primary Drinking Water Regulation

legislation that has been adopted by individual states and is concerned with public water systems from a health standpoint

Earth's water supply available and suitable for human use:

less than 1%

man-made levees

levees made by man to keep out nearby water

Army Commanders of engineer units responsibilities

locate and develop water resources provide construction support necessary to establish water well sites and construct, maintain, and operate permanent and semi permanent water utility systems in the theater of operations

Recharge zone:

locations where surface waters move into, or infiltrate, the ground.

environmental effects of dams

loss of land, cultural resources, & biological resources, serious flood hazard, traps soils and sediments reducing water storage capacities, fragment ecosystems

Water Mains

made of cast iron, ductile iron, asbestos cement, steel, PVC or concrete.


magnificent structures in Roman empire that supplied the cities with water

Chloramine disinfection, it is recommended to

maintain a total chlorine residual of 2 mg/L


mark of the Mint on a Roman coin

Dead End Hydrants in Oakland

marked with and arrow, if a dead end hydrant is used ahead of another hydrant in will rob the latter hydrant of its supply. Last dead end hydrant is marked with a vertical line ahead of the arrow.

aqueducts made out of stone while lead or terracotta pipes were used for water distribution within towns

materials used in aqueducts

Water source selection factors that need to be considered

sources of pollution, hydrological studies, proposed intake location, and water uses identified for the particular water source by responsible governmental agencies

Natural services provided by wetlands

sponge for water, fish nursery, natural filter, groundwater recharge or discharge, nutrients and chemicals are naturally cycled, buffer to storms and high waves, storage site for organic carbon, & aesthetically pleasing

Dry Barrel Hydrant

stem nut on top of hydrant and has a small drain valve and hole at bottom.

first step was to find a good water source to provide enough water during all seasons, then surveyors set out a trace in which as few as possible expensive works would have to be built like tunnels and bridges

steps in building an aqueduct

water distribution & storage

storage tanks, control valves, piping systems and hydrants

perennial stream

stream that flows all year because they constantly receive groundwater

Mississippi wetlands are lost because

submergence rates exceed rates of accretion

Total available chlorine

sum of the chlorine forms present as free available chlorine and combined available chlorine

to guard against water hammer

surge tanks are used

Super chlorination-dechlorination gives control over

taste and odor producing substances as well as control of bacteria

hydraulic head

tbe total mechanical energy per unit weight of fluid. this is what drives the flow of groundwater


tending to use much more than necessary

Army Commanders of quartermaster units responsibilities

test, treat, store, and distribute potable water establish and operate water points for direct support/general support of units participate in FORSCOM unit-level tactical water support training


the PLACE or type of place where a plant or animal is normally found


the act of using less water


the amount of one substance in a certain volume of another substance

residence time

the average time for a molecule to be in one reservoir before it moves to another reservoir. T=L/V


the business of making products, especially in factories

water conservation

the careful use and protection of water resources


the carrying of goods from one area to another


the commonest form of iron and manganese found in ground water as pollutant is in the form of their:

hydraulic conductivity

the ease with which water flows thru a porous material, based on properties of the fluid and medium. small pores have greater surface area therefore water flows more freely

potentiometric surface

the elevation to which water will rise based on hydraulic properties in a confined aquifer

effluent stream

the flow is maintained during the dry season by groundwater seepage into the stream channel from the subsurface

kinetic energy

the form of energy that an object has when its moving


the head on a weir should be measured at a distance behind the weir of not less than __ times the head of the weir

bath complexes and ornamental fountains, became an expression of power and wealth of a city

the introduction of aqueducts made it possible to build what?


the measurement of depths of water in oceans, seas and lakes


the process by which plants, and some other organisms, capture light energy and use it to make food from carbon dioxide and water


the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid


the process of obtaining fresh water from salt water by removing the salt. You can freeze, filter it, and boil it


the process of removing salt from salt water


the process of supplying water to land to grow crops

indicates burial place, transmitting to descendants the memory of the deceased, communicates the social and economic status of the dead

the purposes of the monumental graves of patricians

Direct cremation/bustum sepulchrum

the pyre is prepared in same place where the burial is located


the raising of crops and animals for human use

specific yield

the ratio of the head drop per unit area (the volume of water release from storage)


the single biggest use of water


work together

hydraulic ram

works on the principle of water hammer



viminea cavea

woven basket where cloth was hung to finish


zeolite process is used to remove the ___ of the water

vadose zone

zone of unsaturated flow that exists above the water table and below the soil surface

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