WC early humans

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Jericho (When)

8000 BC

Time period (start/end) of Neolithic Age:

8000 BC - 4000 BC


A society's belief system and its related morals and traditions.

Define revolution:

Any change that has an enormous effect on people's ways of life.

Catalhuyuk (when)

Between 6700BC and 5700BC

Jericho (Where)

Between present day Israel and Jordan called the West Bank.


Bronze Age ends

Catalhuyuk (Notable achievements)

Covered 32 acres; home to about 6,000 people Lived in simple mud-brick houses which were built very close together No doors on houses; had holes on their rooftops to enter through Had shrines (holy places) Raised sheeps, goats, and cattle that provided milk and meat Ate fish, bird eggs, fruits nuts, and dif grains Collected fish and bird eggs from marshes Farming network

Did early world farming regions grow the same crops and raise the same livestock? Why or why not? Provide evidence to support your answer.

Different people from around the world grew very different crops. Depending on where you live, you have access to different food, plants, seeds, and other farming tools than others. People in Southwest Asia began growing wheat and barley in 8000 BC. They domesticated pigs, cows, goats, and sheep. By 4000 BC, farming spread into southeastern Europe and farming was established as an economic activity in Europe. In 6000 BC, people had begun growing wheat and barley in the Nile River and further in Africa. People in Central Asia grew root crops called tubers which included yams. They also grew bananas. Wheat and barley farming moved eastward into India in between 8000 and 5000 BC. People in China were growing a food grain called millet and they were domesticating dogs and pigs in 6000 BC. By 5000 BC, farmers started growing rice in Southeast Asia. Rice began to spread into southern China. By 7000 through 5000 BC, people in Mexico and Central America were growing corny, squash, and potatoes. They domesticated chickens and dogs as well.

How did specialization affect the lives of Neolithic peoples? In your response define specialization.

During the Neolithic Age, almost everyone settled down to become farmers. People started growing crops and planting foods. At one point people became so good at farming there was too much food. People started looking for new jobs/ the act of specialization- the act of training for a particular job. People took on new jobs.

What major changes took place after the Ice Age ended? Add more/less if need be.

Earth's temp rose. Nomads moved into areas with mild climate and fertile land. People began to stay in one place to grow grains and vegetables. Farming replaced (not completely) hunting and gathering as a source of food. People started to domesticate animals.

How did humans adapt to the Ice Ages?

Enriching meals with fat in their diets. Built sturdier shelters to protect themselves from the harsh environments. Learned to make warm clothing using animal furs. Created shoes to protect their feet from the cold. Used fire to help them stay warm in the icy environment.

Jericho (Notable achievements)

Extended across many acres (much land) Sturdy house made up of sun-dried-bricks surrounded by walls


Farming begins in Egypt and China


Farming begins in Southwest Asia


Farming established in Europe

What were the benefits of a settled life? Add more/less if need be. VERY IMPORTANT IDEA!

Greater securities for harsh weather conditions. Steady food supplies- created healthier, goring populations. Specialization occurs because everyone became farmers due to all being settled. The roles of men and women changed. (detail in my other paragraph) Communities grew very rapidly causing the decrease of resources in that area. This forced people to abandon their villages.

systematic agriculture:

Growing food on a regular basis. Grew specific crops and plants depending on the climate.

What was the effect of having a better, more stable, food supply?

Having better resources for food resulted in less hunger. Farming produces food at a fast rate compared to hunting for your own. Farming would produce a constant food supply. Living near water sources would provide good soil for farming and fresh water to drink.


How a society uses its resources such as goods and money.


How the Earth's surface, climate and landscape affect lifestyle.

Whats a civilization?

Humans developed more complex cultures called civilizations. Four great river valley civilizations emerged during the Bronze Age—Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. Each of these early civilizations shared similar characteristics and it is these characteristics that make each a civilization. Look at these four river valley civilizations on the map above. Below, the first column identifies a characteristic of early civilizations. Write two or more descriptors about each of these aspects of early civilizations in the second column.

roles of Men

Hunted large animals Searched for food far away from their camps Had to learn how animals behaved and how to hunt them Developed tracking methods Used to use clubs or drove animals off cliffs to kill them but now they use weapons and tools to help them hunt.

Describe some of the Paleolithic art that's been discovered. For example, what images have modern humans found? What does it help us understand about Paleolithic people?

In 1879, Maria de Sautuola discovered cave art from thousands of years ago. Early humans drew horses, boars, bison, and deer on cave walls and ceilings. In 1940, a cave with those similar drawings was found in Lascaux, France. The early humans used crushed yellow, black, and red rocks and combined it with animal fat to create their paint. They painted their hands, sticks, and later with paint brushes made with animal hair. They painted animals and sometimes people. These paintings and cave art helps us understand the scenery of the lives of early humans. We can notice the different animals early humans knew of and maybe used for food and clothing.

Describe two ways that Paleolithic people adapted to their environment.

In the cold, humans constructed shelters with ice and snow. In the heat people lived in caves and huts. Humans constructed tents and huts of animal skins, brush, and wood. In places where wood was scarce, Paleolithic people used the large bones from dead woolly mammoths, to build frames for shelters. Then they would cover the bones with animal hides.

Where was the camp usually located? Why would they locate it there?

It was often near a stream or another body of water. This way, the Paleolithic people could be close to a water source and have close access to fresh water. Transportation for boats, rafts, and fishing. Shelter would be things like caves. No farming yet.

Why is it called the Stone Age?

It was the time when early humans used stone to make tools and weapons.

Why was the development of language so important?

Language helps humans pass on information and to express our feelings. To pass on knowledge, language was very important for early humans. This is an example of collective learning because humans were teaching each other new things with words. Language clarifies things and allows people to be specific and clear about what they are saying.

Define Ice Age:

Long periods of extreme cold that affected all of Earth.

roles of both

Looked for food Both searched for berries and nuts Hunted in pairs Both developed tools and weapons for hunting

How did the Bronze Age, 3000-1200 BC, earn its name?

Many people around the world use bronze over stone.

Describe the division of labor between men and women when they moved into settlements.

Men: Worked in the fields to farm and herd animals. Became responsible for growing food and protecting their villages. They emerged as family and community leaders. Women: Women bore the children and stayed in their villages. They wove the cloth they had from their sheep. They used bone needles to make clothing from clothing animal skins. Women also managed food supplies and performed other tasks.

What is the Agricultural Revolution?

People started to grow their own foods and tame their own animals. They learned how to farm and make tools to help them farm. Farming would produce a constant food supply. Nomads and other people started to settle in an area instead of constant traveling as a way of life. The settlements of the Neolithic people became communities. This all helped increase the human population. Many people consider the Agricultural Revolution the most important event in human history.

Define nomads:

People who regularly move from place to place to survive. They follow animals to get food. They traveled in groups, or bands, of around 20 or 30 members.

Catalhuyuk (where)

Present day Turkey


River valley civilizations emerge; Bronze Age begins

Describe what scientists think about how families first formed.

Some scientists believe that an equal relationship existed between Paleoithic men and women. There's a good chance that both made decisions that affect the band or group. There's some evidence that some men and women may have hunted in "monogamous" pairs. Monogamous means you're married to one person. This means that men and women worked together to find food for themselves and their children if they had any. These groupings became the first families. Possibility of ancient marriage due to the groups people mated with.

Why was fire important for the Paleolithic people? Add more/less if need be.

Stay warm in the cold caves Cook food Provided light Hunting

roles of women

Stayed close to their camps Often located near a stream or other body of water Looked after the children Searched nearby woods and meadows for berries, nuts, and grains

Describe (not just list) five examples of technology from the Paleolithic Age.

Sticks, stones, and tree branches, were used as tools Flint (sharp edges) was used to cut things like meat and other hard things to cut Used scraping tools to clean animal hides, which they would then use for clothing and shelter They crafted needles from animal bones and made nets and baskets and to sew together for clothing Made spears and arrowheads to kill larger animals

How did their methods of hunting adapt?

Switched from little weapons and tools to larger tools like arrow heads to hunt (trial-and-error learning) In warm climates

How did the land bridge between Asia and North America form? What did this land bridge allow for?

The bridge formed by ice sheets grew larger while the water level 0f the ocean lowered. The low sea levels exposed a strop of dry land connecting the continents of Asia and North America. It allowed for a natural highway that allowed people to travel from Asia into North America. That way Paleolithic people could move southward to settle in different regions.

Define Paleolithic:

The earliest part of the Stone Age. Paleolithic means "old stone" in Greek.

Politics (government)

The government and power structure of a society and who runs that society.


The lasting words and noteworthy contributions of a society.

When was the most recent Ice Age? How long did it last? When did it end?

The most recent Ice Age was about 100,000 years ago and lasted for about 90,000 years. It ended in between 9000 and 8000 B.C.

Social Structur

The organization of people into different levels or classes in a society.

Neolithic Age:

The start of a new time period of agriculture, farming, and staying in one place, not hunting, traveling, and gathering.

What caused the end of the Neolithic Age? Remember, Neolithic was Greek for "new stone."

The use of bronze became so popular that people started to use bronze over stone. Bronze was much stronger than stone.


The way of life for a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs.

What did Neolithic people look for when establishing their permanent homes?

They settled in villages near fields so people could plant, grow, and harvest their crops. People also settled near water sources for access to freshwater.

When is this period in history?

This period in history was about 2.5 million years ago and lasted from around 8000 BC.

Define domesticate:

To tame animals for human use.

Describe examples of technology from the Neolithic Age. Add more/less if need be.

Toolmakers created better farming tools. For digging soil, ickles for cutting grain,and millstones for grinding flour. Began to work with metal, including copper. They made weapons out of copper and it worked much better than the tools made of stone. People on western Asia started mixing copper and tin formed bronze. This was a technological breakthrough because bronze was stronger than copper. Bronze became widely used from 3000 BC - 1200 BC. This led us into the Bronze Age.


Tools and methods to perform tasks that were first used by the Paleolithic people.

What might cause a settlement to be abandoned?

When the population becomes too big too quickly, resources get used up rapidly. When all the resources are used up, people have no other choice but to abandon their village.

What is another word for the Neolithic Age?

also called the: "New Stone" - Greek

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