WC Exam 2 Study Guide (Look at once a day)

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Outside of the Mesoamerican and Andean regions, most people living in the Americas in the pre-Columbian era: spoke a common language lived in densely populated urban centers obtained their food supply by hunting and gathering practiced an intensive form of agriculture

obtained their food supply by hunting and gathering

Outside of the Mesoamerican and Andean regions, most people living in the Americas in the pre-Columbian era: spoke a common language obtained their food supply by hunting and gathering practiced an intensive form of agriculture lived in densely populated urban centers

obtained their food supply by hunting and gathering

Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in that they both: rejected the concept of karma offered hope for final release from the cycle of rebirth promoted monotheism rejected the religious authority of the Brahmins

offered hope for final release from the cycle of rebirth

What is a jati? one of the four great class divisions of Indian civilization one of the thousands of occupationally-based groups in Indian civilization an Indian of such low caste that other Indians cannot even touch him or her the distinctive cord worn by members of the twice-born castes in Indian society

one of the thousands of occupationally-based groups in Indian civilization

When Germanic tribes entered the western part of the Roman Empire, they: produced a hybrid culture that drew on both Germanic and Roman elements were rapidly assimilated into Roman culture ensured that slaves continued to make up a large portion of society rejected all of Roman culture, instead imposing their own culture

produced a hybrid culture that drew on both Germanic and Roman elements

Which civilization is distinctive for its emphasis on ritual purity and pollution compared to other ancient civilizations? Rome India China Greece


Which of the following has been suggested as an explanation for why empires were much less prominent in India than in China? India's unparalleled cultural diversity the lack of invasions from Central Asian into the Indian subcontinent India's lack of a well-defined social structure the absence of any tradition of large states in India

India's unparalleled cultural diversity

Which of the following WAS an advantage Bantu-speaking farmers had in their encounters with hunting and gathering groups? Gunpowder formula Yam-based agriculture Horse-drawn chariots Iron-working technology

Iron-working technology

Which of the following statements is TRUE of iron-working in sub-Saharan Africa? Some regions of sub-Saharan Africa knew how to work iron, but their production was on a very small scale. Sub-Saharan Africa imported iron but did not have the technology to work it for themselves. Iron technology was not known in sub-Saharan Africa until it was introduced after 1000 CE by Muslim traders. Iron-working technology was widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, especially the Niger Valley civilizations.

Iron-working technology was widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, especially the Niger Valley civilizations.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of iron-working in sub-Saharan Africa? Sub-Saharan Africa imported iron but did not have the technology to work it for themselves. Iron technology was not known in sub-Saharan Africa until it was introduced after 1000 CE by Muslim traders. Iron-working technology was widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, especially the Niger Valley civilizations. Some regions of sub-Saharan Africa knew how to work iron, but their production was on a very small scale.

Iron-working technology was widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, especially the Niger Valley civilizations.

Which statement accurately describes the political philosophy of the Mauryan treatise called Arthashastra? It advocates careful subordination of inferiors to superiors and a sense of filial duty. It advocates that rulers ignore considerations of morality and act pragmatically to do whatever is best for the state. It advocates using the moral system of Hinduism as the basis for the Mauryan state. It advocates brotherly love and care for neighbor as the key to successful political organization.

It advocates that rulers ignore considerations of morality and act pragmatically to do whatever is best for the state.

Which statement accurately describes the political philosophy of the Mauryan treatise called Arthashastra? It advocates that rulers ignore considerations of morality and act pragmatically to do whatever is best for the state. It advocates brotherly love and care for neighbor as the key to successful political organization. It advocates using the moral system of Hinduism as the basis for the Mauryan state. It advocates careful subordination of inferiors to superiors and a sense of filial duty.

It advocates that rulers ignore considerations of morality and act pragmatically to do whatever is best for the state.

The conquests of which leader contributed to the widespread dissemination of Greek culture during the Hellenistic era? Qin Shihuangdi Caesar Augustus Alexander the Great Ashoka

Alexander the great

Which civilization practiced very strong patriarchy, believing that the yang or male principle denotes strength, rationality, and light, while the yin or female principle was associated with weakness, emotion, and darkness? Persia Greece China India


Which society of the ancient world was MOST shaped by actions of the state? China India Rome Persia


Which society of the ancient world was MOST shaped by actions of the state? India Persia Rome China


In which civilization did a "warring states" period of violence and disharmony lead a number of thinkers to create their classical cultural tradition? Chinese Persian Greek Indian


The creation of this empire was regarded as a restoration of an earlier age of unity. Roman Empire Mauryan Empire Persian Empire Chinese Empire

Chinese empire

This second-wave empire created a civil service system that provided a special education for bureaucrats, complete with examinations and selection by merit. Chinese Empire Roman Empire Greek Empire Persian Empire

Chinese empire

Which of the following statements BEST describes the civilization of the middle Niger River? A number of independent city-states developed, each ruled by a king. Cities formed in the region, but without corresponding state structures. A complex society formed, but without significant urbanization. The peoples of the Niger Valley were gathered together over time into a single unified state.

Cities formed in the region, but without corresponding state structures.

Reincarnation is a central feature of WHICH system of thought and belief? Daoism Confucianism Hinduism Zoroastrianism


What was the most important historical effect of Alexander the Great's conquests? He created a lasting empire that transformed Eurasian society. His conquest of China exposed the Chinese for the first time to European culture. His conquest allowed the widespread dissemination of Greek culture. His conquest led to a massive inflow of Persian culture into Greece.

His conquest allowed the widespread dissemination of greek culture

In 500 BCE, which of the world's empires was the largest and most impressive? Qin Empire Mauryan Empire Persian Empire Greek Empire

Persian empire

The population of the world at the beginning of the Common Era was about: 500 million 1 billion 100 million 250 million

250 million

What did the Bantu settlements in Africa have that the communities in North America east of the Mississippi lacked? social stratification a shared religion a common language agriculture

A common language

What is a Brahmin? A member of India's priestly caste A Zoroastrian priest A Buddhist priest A member of India's warrior caste

A member of India's priestly caste

Which of the following WAS a feature of the Wari state? A common culture with the state of Tiwanaku A network of roads linking cities to the capital Agriculture using the raised field system Elaborately fitted stone walls and buildings

A network of roads linking cities to the capital

Which of the following is a reason why Buddhism died out in India? A new kind of popular Hinduism developed that appealed to the masses. It had always been resented as an alien religious tradition. Buddhism had so many ritual restrictions that most people found it impossible to practice. Hindu rulers persecuted Buddhists.

A new kind of popular Hinduism developed that appealed to the masses.

What is an "untouchable"? A Hindu priest, regarded as so holy that commoners should not even touch him A very low caste category, whose members did unclean and polluting work An elite warrior who had proven himself by defeating three enemies without suffering a single wound A member of an alien religion in India, considered as ritually polluting

A very low caste category, whose members did unclean and polluting work

What was the ruling dynasty of the Persian Empire in the second wave? Seleucid Dynasty Achaemenid Dynasty Darian Dynasty Mauryan Dynasty

Achaemenid Dynasty

Which of the following statements BEST describes African contact with Eurasia in the period 600 BCE-1200 CE? Africa had frequent contact with Asia via the Indian Ocean, but rarely interacted with Europe. Africa rarely interacted with Eurasia before the early modern period. Africa had frequent interaction with both Europe and Asia. Thanks to the Mediterranean Sea, at least northern Africa had frequent contact with Europe, but Africans had little contact with Asia.

Africa had frequent interaction with both Europe and Asia.

Which of the following statements is generally TRUE of African climate and agriculture, compared to Eurasia? Africa's climate is mostly temperate, creating growing conditions similar to those in Eurasia. Africa's climate is tropical, but its richer soils compensated agriculturally until the modern era. Africa's climate is mostly tropical, making the soil poorer and less fertile. Africa's climate is mostly tropical, making the soil richer.

Africa's climate is mostly tropical, making the soil poorer and less fertile.

Which of the following statements is generally TRUE of African climate and agriculture, compared to Eurasia? Africa's climate is mostly tropical, making the soil poorer and less fertile. Africa's climate is mostly tropical, making the soil richer. Africa's climate is mostly temperate, creating growing conditions similar to those in Eurasia. Africa's climate is tropical, but its richer soils compensated agriculturally until the modern era.

Africa's climate is mostly tropical, making the soil poorer and less fertile.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of slavery in the ancient world? Early slavery was usually restricted to men, who worked in mines and on farms. Most ancient civilizations formally granted particular rights to slaves. All of the First Civilizations practiced slavery, as did almost all later civilizations. Only a few ancient civilizations practiced slavery.

All of the First Civilizations practiced slavery, as did almost all later civilizations.

What is a consul? an elected Roman state executive a Greek priest a Hellenistic king a word for any member of the Roman aristocracy

An elected roman state executive

Which of the following refers to a feature of the conception of the divine found in Judaism? A view of heaven as a state in which individual identity is extinguished A principle of the way underlies everything and never changes An understanding of G-d as engaged in history and demanding social justice A notion that primal unitary energy creates divine reality

An understanding of G-d as engaged in history and demanding social justice

Which of the following refers to a feature of the conception of the divine found in Judaism? A view of heaven as a state in which individual identity is extinguished An understanding of G-d as engaged in history and demanding social justice A principle of the way underlies everything and never changes A notion that primal unitary energy creates divine reality

An understanding of G-d as engaged in history and demanding social justice

This society only gradually created permanent village life as agriculture was adapted to their desert environment and lived at first in pit houses that gradually grew into larger settlements. Niger Valley Civilization Batwa Mound Builders Ancestral Pueblo

Ancestral Pueblo

Which society produced an elaborate and mysterious road system consisting of hundreds of miles of roads radiating out from their center that seemed unnecessary for trade or travel? Bantu Mound Builders Wari Ancestral Pueblo

Ancestral Pueblo

Which region produced the Chavín culture? Niger Valley East Africa Andes Mesoamerica


Which ancient Greek philosopher described woman as an inadequate and infertile male who plays a passive role in reproduction and is incapable of rational thought? Aeschylus Aristotle Demosthenes Plato


Which ancient philosopher developed the idea that some people are "slaves by nature" and should be enslaved for their own good and that of society? Plato Confucius Laozi Aristotle


Which of the following statements accurately describes India's caste system? As it developed, it became impossible for an individual to rise in caste, but entire jatis could raise their standing in a variety of ways. Castes were fluid, and people could move to a lower or higher caste based on their wealth and moral behavior. The caste system was eradicated with the political reforms of the twentieth century. Members of most castes could interact together freely, including eating together; the only major restriction was on marrying together.

As it developed, it became impossible for an individual to rise in caste, but entire jatis could raise their standing in a variety of ways.

Which of the following statements accurately describes India's caste system? Members of most castes could interact together freely, including eating together; the only major restriction was on marrying together. As it developed, it became impossible for an individual to rise in caste, but entire jatis could raise their standing in a variety of ways. Castes were fluid, and people could move to a lower or higher caste based on their wealth and moral behavior. The caste system was eradicated with the political reforms of the twentieth century.

As it developed, it became impossible for an individual to rise in caste, but entire jatis could raise their standing in a variety of ways.

Which of the following statements accurately describes India's caste system? Members of most castes could interact together freely, including eating together; the only major restriction was on marrying together. The caste system was eradicated with the political reforms of the twentieth century. As it developed, it became impossible for an individual to rise in caste, but entire jatis could raise their standing in a variety of ways. Castes were fluid, and people could move to a lower or higher caste based on their wealth and moral behavior.

As it developed, it became impossible for an individual to rise in caste, but entire jatis could raise their standing in a variety of ways.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of women in early Christianity? As the religion developed, its leadership became almost exclusively male. were treated as complete equals to men. It was believed that they could not be saved because, as daughters of Eve, they had introduced sin into the world. They are not allowed to play a significant role in the new sect.

As the religion developed, its leadership became almost exclusively male.

This woman was the mistress of Athenian statesman Pericles; she is a rare example of an educated woman who played a public role in Athens. Aspasia Hypatia Lysistrata Cassandra


Which of the following factors helped improve the position of Chinese women? At least elite women brought dowries with them to marriage, which gave them some leverage in the family. Several women rulers led men to appreciate female intelligence and ability to act. They formed political action groups and even engaged in rebellions against male dominance. Confucius taught that men should love their wives and treat them well.

At least elite women brought dowries with them to marriage, which gave them some leverage in the family.

Which of the following factors helped improve the position of Chinese women? At least elite women brought dowries with them to marriage, which gave them some leverage in the family. They formed political action groups and even engaged in rebellions against male dominance. Several women rulers led men to appreciate female intelligence and ability to act. Confucius taught that men should love their wives and treat them well.

At least elite women brought dowries with them to marriage, which gave them some leverage in the family.

Which Greek state practiced the most radical form of democracy? Corinth Macedonia Athens Sparta


Christianity was firmly established in this African state in the fourth century. Niger Valley Benin Meröe Axum


A spiritually developed person who postpones entry into nirvana in order to help others is a: samsara bodhisattva buddha mahayana


Which of the following statements is TRUE of BOTH the Roman and the Chinese Empires in the early years of the Common Era?

Both empires claimed divine support to help sustain their rule

In what way were the Yellow Turban Rebellion in Han China and the Spartacus Rebellion in the Roman Empire similar? Women assumed leadership roles in both movements. Both were large-scale, violent reactions to oppressive conditions. Both succeeded in persuading the government to implement reforms. Both featured supernatural healings and collective trances.

Both were large-scale, violent reactions to oppressive conditions

How did the centuries of political fragmentation and conflict following the fall of the Han Empire affect the lives of Chinese women? Women were removed from positions as priests, nuns, and reclusive mediators in Daoist movements. Writings such as those by Ban Zhou encouraged women to be more assertive in their relationships to men. Buddhism and Daoism grew in popularity, resulting in some loosening of the strict patriarchy supported by Confucianism. Women found themselves restricted to a greater degree than ever before because of the cultural influence of the nomadic peoples who conquered much of northern China.

Buddhism and Daoism grew in popularity, resulting in some loosening of the strict patriarchy supported by Confucianism.

Which of the following MAY have played a role in the decline of Buddhism in India? Buddhism was suppressed by Emperor Ashoka. Buddhism was absorbed into a reviving Hinduism. There was too much competition from Confucianism. India failed to establish Buddhist monasteries.

Buddhism was absorbed into a reviving Hinduism

What was the dominant center of the Mississippi Valley Mound Builder culture? Chaco Cahokia Tiwanaku Hopewell


What was the dominant center of the Mississippi Valley Mound Builder culture? Tiwanaku Hopewell Chaco Cahokia


Which ideology became so dominant in China that it was almost synonymous with Chinese culture? Confucianism Daoism Legalism Buddhism


Which of the following classical religions and philosophies focused more on affairs of this world than on the realm of the divine and its relationship to human life? Christianity Zoroastrianism Buddhism Confucianism


Which cultural tradition that emerged in the classical period emphasized education as the key to moral improvement? Legalism Buddhism Confucianism Judaism


This classical philosophy stressed complementarity and balance between the sexes. Greek Confucianism Legalism Daoism


This classical philosophy stressed complementarity and balance between the sexes. Greek Daoism Legalism Confucianism


This cultural tradition, born during the Second Wave, urged withdrawal into the world of nature as the best response to disorder in society. Daoism Confucianism Buddhism Legalism


Which of the following inspired the Yellow Turban Rebellion of 184-204 CE? Daoism Zoroastrianism Buddhism Legalism


Although the practice of patriarchy varied in the classical civilizations, they all: conceptualized women's essential nature in terms of ritual purity defined women's roles in reproductive terms prohibited women of all classes from entering public spaces challenged the assumption that female inferiority was natural

Defined women's roles in reproductive terms

Although the practice of patriarchy varied in the classical civilizations, they all: defined women's roles in reproductive terms prohibited women of all classes from entering public spaces challenged the assumption that female inferiority was natural conceptualized women's essential nature in terms of ritual purity

Defined women's roles in reproductive terms

Which of the following statements concerning China's state bureaucracy is FALSE? Civil servants were expected to be educated in history, literature, art, mathematics, and Confucian teachings. In theory access to the elite scholar-gentry system through civil service was open to all Chinese men, but in practice the system favored those wealthy enough to receive the education that helped them pass the civil service exams. The imperial academy training China's civil service bureaucrats was established in 124 BCE by Emperor Wudi. Despite China's highly complex civil service system, it was not the world's first professional civil service.

Despite China's highly complex civil service system, it was not the world's first professional civil service.

Which of the following statements about early Christianity is TRUE? Christianity did not reach India until the modern era. During the first six centuries of Christianity's existence, most followers of Jesus lived in southwest Asia and Africa. Early Christianity was a European-centered religion. Early Christianity did not become the state religion of any African kingdom or empire.

During the first six centuries of Christianity's existence, most followers of Jesus lived in southwest Asia and Africa.

In general, when were patriarchies LEAST restrictive for women? during times of upheaval late in civilizations, when states were firmly established and warrior skills were less necessary patriarchies were always restrictive to about the same degree during times of peace

During times of upheaval

What ended the Roman Empire's intermittent persecution of Christians in the early fourth century CE? Emperor Theodosius banned all pagan worship. Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made the religion legal. A philosophical shift in Roman thinking made it unacceptable to persecute people for having different beliefs. Christianity had by that point become the majority religion of the empire.

Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made the religion legal.

What ended the Roman Empire's intermittent persecution of Christians in the early fourth century CE? Emperor Theodosius banned all pagan worship. A philosophical shift in Roman thinking made it unacceptable to persecute people for having different beliefs. Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made the religion legal. Christianity had by that point become the majority religion of the empire.

Emperor constantine converted to christianity and made the religion legal

Which of the following statements about Oceania is FALSE? Gender roles from island chain to island chain were identical; women never gained high status because they were deemed polluting. The islands of Oceania were linked both to Asia and to the Americas. Networks of exchange and communication, both regional and longer distance, allowed for trade and interaction among the peoples of Oceania, as signified by the spread of Lapita pottery and obsidian. Religious life in Oceania found expression in two concepts: the spiritual energy or power called mana and the ritual restrictions of tapu.

Gender roles from island chain to island chain were identical; women never gained high status because they were deemed polluting.

Which of the following statements about Oceania is FALSE? Gender roles from island chain to island chain were identical; women never gained high status because they were deemed polluting. The islands of Oceania were linked both to Asia and to the Americas. Religious life in Oceania found expression in two concepts: the spiritual energy or power called mana and the ritual restrictions of tapu. Networks of exchange and communication, both regional and longer distance, allowed for trade and interaction among the peoples of Oceania, as signified by the spread of Lapita pottery and obsidian.

Gender roles from island chain to island chain were identical; women never gained high status because they were deemed polluting.

Athens' leadership in which event launched Athens on a path to establish its dominance over other city-states in the region? Peloponnesian Wars the Macedonian invasion of Greece Greco-Persian Wars Pax Romana

Greco-Persian Wars

Which of the following ancient civilizations practiced slavery to such a great extent that their society can be said to have been based on slavery? Indian civilization Chinese civilization Persian civilization Greco-Roman civilization

Greco-roman civilization

Which of the following classical cultural traditions focused more on the affairs of THIS world rather than on the relationship of the divine to human life? Jewish Indian Greek Persian


Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were associated with: the Vedas Greek rationalism Legalism Zoroastrianism

Greek Rationalism

Slavery in which ancient civilization was relatively small-scale and restrained, providing religious and legal protections for slaves and encouraging masters to free slaves? Greece Rome China India


Which of the following statements about the ancient Greek concept of citizenship is TRUE? Group of answer choices Citizenship was only open to the wealthy, giving both elite men and women the right to speak and vote on public business. The rights of citizens were most developed in Greece's overseas colonies. Citizenship was only open to wealthy men. Greek ideas of citizenship varied over time and place, but on the whole, the Greeks gave an extraordinary public role to their citizens.

Greek ideas of citizenship varied over time and place, but on the whole, the Greeks gave an extraordinary public role to their citizens.

Which of the following represents a way that Greek scholarship influenced the world? Greek texts were translated into Arabic and stimulated Muslim intellectuals. Greek knowledge became a central element in an emerging 'Eastern' philosophy. Greek ideas entered India and were absorbed into Hinduism. Greek learning was incorporated into Confucianism, creating a hybrid philosophy.

Greek texts were translated into Arabic and stimulated Muslim intellectuals.

In contrast to the Roman Empire, the process of empire formation in China: took centuries to complete was less dependent on military force had precedents to follow involved the absorption of a foreign religious tradition

Had precedents to follow

This Chinese dynasty established the political patterns that continued to govern China until the twentieth century. Zhou Qin T'ang Han


Why is Solon so important to ancient history? He was the great reformer of the Roman state. He created the Persian Empire. He reformed the Athenian political system. He was the first Chinese emperor.

He reformed the athenian political system

Why is Ashoka important to world history? He was a Mauryan emperor, an enlightened ruler who tried to govern in accord with Hindu and Buddhist religious values and began the spread of Buddhism outside India. He was the last ruler of the Persian Empire. He was the Han emperor of China who created China's civil service system. He was a Central Asian military leader whose invasion brought down China's Han dynasty.

He was a Mauryan emperor, an enlightened ruler who tried to govern in accord with Hindu and Buddhist religious values and began the spread of Buddhism outside India.

Why is Siddartha Gautama important to world history? He was the founder of Zoroastrianism. He was the founder of Buddhism. He was the author of the Upanishads. He was the founder of Daoism.

He was the founder of buddhism

The inequalities of the caste system received support from: Buddhism notions of nirvana and enlightenment Daoist notions of the supernatural and immortality Hindu notions of karma, dharma, and rebirth Confucian notions of propriety and ritual

Hindu notions of karma, dharma, and rebirth

What is the proper chronological order of these civilizations? Hopewell, Tiwanaku, Cahokia Meröe, Cahokia, Axum Axum, Meröe, Nubia Tiwanaku, Hopewell, Chavín

Hopewell, Tiwanaku, Cahokia

Which of the following statements about Oceania is FALSE? Despite the relatively small population of Oceania, its peoples have spoken hundreds of different languages. In political and social life, Oceanic societies were generally organized as chiefdoms, but there was considerable variation from island chain to island chain. Human settlers on the islands of Oceania integrated smoothly into their new environments, causing minimal impact on the islands' ecosystems. The most densely-populated islands had both significant urbanization and considerable social complexity.

Human settlers on the islands of Oceania integrated smoothly into their new environments, causing minimal impact on the islands' ecosystems.

Which of the following statements about Oceania is FALSE? Despite the relatively small population of Oceania, its peoples have spoken hundreds of different languages. The most densely-populated islands had both significant urbanization and considerable social complexity. In political and social life, Oceanic societies were generally organized as chiefdoms, but there was considerable variation from island chain to island chain. Human settlers on the islands of Oceania integrated smoothly into their new environments, causing minimal impact on the islands' ecosystems.

Human settlers on the islands of Oceania integrated smoothly into their new environments, causing minimal impact on the islands' ecosystems.

Where was the civilization of Meröe? in the upper Nile Valley along the Niger River in the northeastern part of North America in the high Andes

In the upper nile valley

What was distinctive about the conception of G-d that evolved in Judaism? It believed that G-d demanded only war and sacrifice, having no care for social justice or moral righteousness. It believed that G-d was an impersonal conception of ultimate reality with which humans could not actively communicate. It believed that the material world was only an illusion and could not reveal anything of the divine mystery. It believed that G-d was a powerful deity who demanded absolutely loyalty, offering divine favor to followers in exchange for their sole devotion and obedience to G-d's laws.

It believed that G-d was a powerful deity who demanded absolutely loyalty, offering divine favor to followers in exchange for their sole devotion and obedience to G-d's laws.

Which of the following BEST describes ancient Greece?

It consisted of many city-states that were in frequent conflict but united by a common religion and language.

What effect did Spartacus's rebellion have on Rome? It led to a new philosophical questioning of the morality of slavery. It led to free men rather than slaves fighting as gladiators, as Roman slave owners came to fear giving military training to slaves. It created fear in the minds of slave owners but did not affect the institution of slavery. It led to strict regulations limiting the number of slaves a single master could own.

It created fear in the minds of slave owners but did not affect the institution of slavery.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of Roman citizenship in the imperial period? It was given only to people who had adopted Latin and other elements of Roman culture. The number of citizens gradually declined as Italians tried to maintain their privileges among the large number of non-Italians in the empire. It remained restricted to the people of Italy and only a few special allies of the Roman state. It gave legal status but did not mark cultural assimilation.

It gave legal status but did not mark cultural assimilation

Which of the following is TRUE of Hinduism? It was created in about 500 BCE, at about the same time as other great classical cultural traditions. It was founded by the prophet Zarathustra, sometime around 1500 BCE. It grew up over many centuries and had no historical founder. It was a missionary religion that actively sought converts throughout the Indian subcontinent and beyond.

It grew up over many centuries and had no historical founder.

Which of the following statements about second-wave Indian civilization is TRUE? It is both politically fragmented and culturally diverse. Through history, it has usually been united both politically and culturally. It is culturally diverse but has usually united politically. It has often been politically fragmented by is united by a common culture.

It is both politically fragmented and culturally diverse

Which of the following was an effect that the caste system had on India's civilization? It made it easy to accommodate new peoples who arrived on the subcontinent. Since so many people were excluded from the caste system, it created a massive class of the unprotected and destitute. It encouraged rebellion, since the lowest ranks of society felt they had no hope of winning a better position by peaceful means. It encouraged unification, because caste membership went far beyond the confines of particular villages or regions.

It made it easy to accommodate new peoples who arrived on the subcontinent.

Which of the following statements about China's Qin dynasty is TRUE? It united China and ruled for about four centuries. It united China, but its rule was so brutal that the dynasty lasted less than twenty years. It ruled for a short time and then passed peacefully to the Han dynasty. It united China by creating a loose overlordship that tolerated diversity among its subjects.

It united China, but its rule was so brutal that the dynasty lasted less than twenty years.

Which statement BEST describes the Chavín Phenomenon? It was an imperial system. It was a federation of Andean cities. It was a religious movement that did not include political control. It was a religious movement that was spread forcibly by conquest.

It was a religious movement that did not include political control.

How did ancient Greece come to be unified? It was defeated by Macedonian king Philip II. Sparta defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian War. The Greek states joined together voluntarily to fight the Persian threat. Greece was only unified when the Romans conquered it.

It was defeated by Macedonian king Philip II.

Which of the following statements BEST describes India's bhakti religious movement? It taught that people could win release from suffering and the cycle of reincarnation by living a modest life and practicing meditation. It focused on sacrifices made to the gods by Brahmin priests. It taught that people should retreat from the world and seek oneness with nature. It was the adoration of and identification with a particular god or goddess.

It was the adoration of and identification with a particular god or goddess.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the Christian world of about 500 CE? It had theological squabbles but did not divide into distinct sects. It was theologically very diverse and fragmented. Christianity was unified; divisions on matters of doctrine only appeared later. It had mild divisions but no clear-cut distinction between right and wrong belief.

It was theologically very diverse and fragmented.

Discuss the ways Judaism and Zoroastrianism differed from other faiths in the second-wave world. Then contrast Greek Rationalism with that explanation.

Judaism and Zoroastrianism differ from other faiths in the second wave world in a couple of different ways. First, most of the religions during this time are polytheistic and worship multiple Gods and Goddesses, or they have no deities at all. Judaism and Zoroastrianism are both monotheistic and worshiped only one God. Second, the meaning in life in other religions put emphasis on things like fulfilling your role to be rebirthed to a better life, meditating to reach enlightenment, or worshipping and practicing one's faith to reach everlasting life. Judaism and Zoroastrianism instead put more emphasis on people's actions as they should live ethically and constantly do the right thing in all facets of life. Third, the other religions outside of christianity, never held they were the creator of life and the things experienced within it. Judaism and Zoroastrianism hold their Gods were the creator of the universe and sources for things experienced within life like truth, goodness, and consequences. These ways are all contrasted by Greek Rationalism as they abandoned the mythological framework of Gods and Goddesses, but instead implemented an ideology of rationality, which said that the world was a physical reality governed by natural laws instead of religious individuals. This meant that these Greek rationalist believed things in life were happening naturally as opposed to being influenced by a religious figure. Instead of calling for individuals to live an ethical life, Greek Rationalism calls for people to instead live a life of engaging in argument, logic, and the questioning of wisdom. This means that they want to figure out the rational explanation for different aspects of life.

Which of India's four ranked classes (varna) was the warrior and governing class? Kshatriya Sudra Brahmin Vaisya


Explain the importance of Lapita pottery, obsidian, and/or the sweet potato to understanding human activity in Oceania through end of the Second Wave.

Lapita pottery allows us to understand human activity in oceania in multiple different ways. The spread of Lapita pottery throughout Melanesia and as far as samoa suggest a very large and wide spread pattern of exchange. This can be understood from the different characteristics of the pottery itself. Most of these pieces of pottery were handmade and encompassed a large variety of diversity. The more diversity presented, determined the location within the oceanic culture it was made and the more highly decorated pottery pieces were passed along communities. The variety of pottery helps us piece together how human activity looked. Obsidian from the island of new britian also contributed to this as it was distributed over 4,000 miles. With such a large distance, it makes it very easy to pin point human activity and see how they interacted and moved to certain locations.

In contrast to what followed after the collapse of the Han dynasty in China, the collapse of the Roman Empire: produced a culturally homogeneous civilization led to the emergence of highly decentralized political systems caused an increase in population growth ushered in a new phase of stability

Led to the emergence of highly decentralized political systems

What classical philosophy was based on the belief that human society needs clear rules, strictly enforced, since most people are stupid and short-sighted? Confucianism Legalism Zoroastrianism Daoism


Which of the following systems of thought provided inspiration for the harsh reunification of China under Qin Shihuangdi? Legalism Daoism Confucianism Buddhism


Persian Political officials included which of the following features?

Lower - level officials drawn from local authorities

Which of the following statements accurately reflects Roman cultural attitudes? Romans displayed a cultural arrogance that assumed that everything non-Roman was "barbarian." Romans prided themselves on their warlike nature and largely dismissed literature, art, and other elements of high culture as effeminate. Many elite Romans regarded Greek culture as superior to their own. Romans actively sought to impose their culture on their subjects.

Many elite Romans regarded Greek culture as superior to their own.

Unlike most civilizations, this kingdom had a substantial number of female rulers who appear to have held equal power and prominence to their male colleagues. Meröe Pueblo Maya Chavín


Which of the following American states was governed by warrior-priests? Moche Maya Pueblo Chavín


Which of the following American states was governed by warrior-priests? Pueblo Maya Chavín Moche


Jenne-jeno was a major center of which civilization? Maya Pueblo Axum Niger Valley

Niger Valley

Discuss several key characteristics of North American societies during the Second Wave. Then explain how these societies differed from second-wave civilizations in Central and South America.

North American societies like the Hopewell and Mississippi had very elaborate and large mounds that were the focus of elaborate burial rituals. Many elites in the mississippi shared the same artifacts, ceremonies, and styles among one another as things like horned serpents and other animal Gods were seen in common amongst them. There was an expanding trade network emerging as well as from the Mississippian culture that grew to interact with the Hopewell culture. Although nothing emerged from this interaction, it shows a measure of exchange across a large region. This region also consisted of mainly hunter and gathering societies, before growing things like squash, beans, and corn (Chaco, Hopewell, and mississippi had the corn). These societies differed from the civilizations of central and south america. In central and south america they constructed large temples instead of mounds. These civilizations also engaged in frequent trade with one another, whereas in north america, interaction between societies was only beginning. These civilizations were also much more advanced in farming as they were terracing hillsides, using irrigation systems, and resivoirs, while this differs from North American societies who could not rely on agriculture alone for food.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the movement of Bantu-speaking peoples in sub-Saharan Africa? It involved the movement mostly of traders, who gradually had a cultural impact on the regions they reached. People moved over the period of about one century. The Bantu-speaking peoples expanded by conquering new territories and establishing states. People moved gradually to new regions over many centuries.

People moved gradually to new regions over many centuries.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the movement of Bantu-speaking peoples in sub-Saharan Africa? The Bantu-speaking peoples expanded by conquering new territories and establishing states. People moved gradually to new regions over many centuries. People moved over the period of about one century. It involved the movement mostly of traders, who gradually had a cultural impact on the regions they reached.

People moved gradually to new regions over many centuries.

Zoroastrianism won state support in which country in the classical era? Assyria Persia India China


Zoroastrianism won state support in which country in the classical era? China Assyria India Persia


Zoroastrianism won state support in which country in the classical era? China India Persia Assyria


Of what empire was it said that "there is no nation which so readily adopts foreign customs"?


The god Ahura Mazda gave authority to the rulers of which empire? Mauryan Roman Persian Qin


How did the environmental features of Africa affect the continent? The lack of rainfall meant that agriculture was completely dependent upon irrigation. The network of rivers running throughout the continent facilitated the emergence of large empires that encompassed most of the continent's people. Persistent warm temperatures accelerated the decomposition of humus, resulting in a less productive agriculture. The scarcity of raw materials prevented the development of iron tools and weapons.

Persistent warm temperatures accelerated the decomposition of humus, resulting in a less productive agriculture.

Which Greek philosopher argued that simple, unchanging mathematical order lay beneath the chaos and complexity of the visible world? Thales Socrates Pythagoras Hippocrates


This empire-builder's chosen name actually means "first emperor." Augustus Chandragupta Maurya Qin Shihuangdi Cyrus

Qin Shihuangdi

What name is given to the Greek philosophical view that the world is a physical reality governed by natural laws that humans can understand? Legalism Rationalism Confucianism Daoism


Explain the ways that religion influenced social structures during the Second Wave. Illustrate your points using specific examples from any second-wave civilizations. Then explain how this influence determined who was able to exercise political power.

Religion influenced social structures during the second wave as it was used to justify the reason why people were placed in certain social statuses. It was thought that their God intended everyone to be in a certain social class for a reason and they were to do the best with the situation. If these people were to object or not like their current social status, they would then be objecting to their God. This can be seen in India as they used the caste system, which used religion to influence society. The caste system was ordered by God to place people in permanent social classes from birth. God placed people in certain classes due to the good or bad actions of their previous life. These classes ranged from people being extremely wealthy and powerful, to being very poor and looked down upon. At the top of the Caste was the Brahmins as these were priests who performed rituals and sacrifices. This component of society were the only ones who could hold power. In the lower castes, also known as the "untouchables", people did unwanted jobs like cremate corpses. These people were forbidden to come in contact with people of higher castes as they could be ritually unclean. Women were also experiencing inequality as women in higher castes could cover their breasts, while women in the lower castes could not as this was a sign they were inferior. This shows there was a great deal of inequality taking place within the caste system. People were encouraged to live a selfless life to move up to another caste in the next life. People however could not complain about these inequalities as that would be disagreeing with God. All these inequalities were justified as being religious and ordained by God.

This second-wave empire for centuries maintained an "empire in disguise" that kept the appearance of government by the people while in reality being controlled by a single emperor. Roman Empire Persian Empire Chinese Empire Mauryan Empire

Roman empire

It is estimated that in the heartland of this ancient civilization, between 33 and 44 percent of the population were slaves. Rome Maya China Teotihuacán


Who fought the Punic Wars? Group of answer choices Persia and Carthage Rome and Carthage Persia and Rome Greece and Persia

Rome and carthage

Which of the following WAS a reason why Rome was transformed from being a republic to the rule of an emperor? A charismatic leader rose whose conquests won so much territory that Rome made him emperor to govern it all. The senate, unable to govern Rome's large territory, chose an emperor from among themselves. The last consul of Rome simply failed to step down after his term of office ended, becoming emperor. Rome had acquired so much territory that republic-style government could no longer function.

Rome had acquired so much territory that republic-style government could no longer function.

Which of the following concerning second-wave empires is FALSE? Second-wave empires have provided inspiration for new imperial ventures in the modern world. Second-wave empires have shown very little connection to modern states and societies. Second-wave empires have offered justification for the actions of recent states and political figures. Second-wave empires have provided warnings for those who would criticize more recent empires.

Second-wave empires have shown very little connection to modern states and societies

Who was the Athenian philosopher whose method was to constantly question the assumptions and logic of others, which helped lead to his execution for corrupting the youth of the city? Sophocles Socrates Aristotle Plato


This state created a highly militaristic regime in which boys were removed from their families at the age of seven and raised in military camps, where they remained until age thirty. Assyria Sparta Rome Athens


Which of the following led a major slave rebellion against Rome? Augustine Cicero Crassus Spartacus


Which of the following statements concerning first- and second-wave civilizations is FALSE? Cultural developments during the Second Wave created moral and spiritual frameworks that persist today. Though states of the Second Wave continued to be ruled by monarchs, the structures of both state and society grew increasingly elaborate. States and empires in the Second Wave were, in every detail, completely different from the peoples of the First Wave. The Second Wave did not experience any technological or economic breakthroughs that could create a new kind of society, the way the development of agriculture did during the First Wave.

States and empires in the Second Wave were, in every detail, completely different from the peoples of the First Wave.

At what period in Chinese history did patriarchy weaken, giving females some property rights and giving women a growing role in both Daoism and Buddhism? T'ang dynasty Han dynasty Qin dynasty Song dynasty

T'ang dynasty

This city had streets laid out in a grid pattern and a large ritual center where archaeologists have found evidence of human sacrifice. Tikal Cahokia Teotihuacán Tiwanaku


VacuoleWhich of the following statements best describes Teotihuacán? Teotihuacán was the most important urban center of the Maya civilization. Teotihuacán was the center of a major Andean urban network. Teotihuacán was a major center of the Hopewell Culture. Teotihuacán was a Mesoamerican city but not part of Maya civilization.

Teotihuacán was a Mesoamerican city but not part of Maya civilization.

Which of the following is the CENTRAL teaching of Buddhism? That the cause of human suffering is desire for individual fulfillment, which should be purged to achieve serenity That a good god and an evil god fight for control of the cosmos and humans must choose to support the good god to be saved That humans should flee worldly matters and retreat to nature That a single god rules both heaven and earth and humans should submit to his will

That the cause of human suffering is desire for individual fulfillment, which should be purged to achieve serenity

Discuss the origins of Christianity and of Buddhism. Then explain how Christianity and Buddhism were reactions to the societies and cultures in which they arose.

The Buddhism's origins started when Siddhartha Gautama wanted to find the cause of sufferings like illness or death and see if there was a way to fix this. Gautama then left his luxurious life as a prince and went on a quest for enlightenment. After intense meditation under the enlightenment tree, Gautama was able to reach spiritual realization. He then began teaching people what he had learned setting in motion the religion of buddhism. Christianities origins started when Jesus of Nazareth traveled around Palestine teaching about the kingdom of God and working miracles on people. Jesus was arrested for being a threat to religious order and crucified on the cross. Jesus then resurrected from the dead, leading him to be named the messiah and this is when christianity began. Buddhism was the reaction to the caste system as it appealed as a popular alternative to hinduism. Buddhism challenged the inequalities of the caste system, allowing any caste position or gender to reach enlightenment. This meant that people could control their own life experiences and reach enlightenment in their current life instead of being reborn. Christianity was the reaction of the atmosphere in Rome. During this time there was lots of epidemics, famines, and suffering from authorities. Many believed that God would oust the romans, start a kingdom of justice, and leave a Messiah to rule. When Jesus resurrected, people believed Jesus was the awaited messiah and started following his teachings.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a legacy of second-wave civilizations? The Chinese leader, Mao Zedong, denying any connection between communist China and the brutal rule of Qin Shihuangdi The use of an image of Ashoka's Pillar on the currency of independent India after 1947 Parallels drawn between the "civilizing" effect of the Roman Empire on Britain and the "civilizing" effect of British imperialism on Africans and Asians Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini declaring Italy's expansion during the 1930s and 1940s to be the creation of a new Roman Empire

The Chinese leader, Mao Zedong, denying any connection between communist China and the brutal rule of Qin Shihuangdi

The builders of the mounds of North America 4000 BCE to 400 CE are commonly called: The Ohioan Culture The Mississippi Chiefdom Culture The Anasazi Culture The Hopewell Culture

The Hopewell culture

Which of the following expresses the basic DIFFERENCE between what the Roman Empire and the Han dynasty believed was the key to good government? Group of answer choices The Roman Empire emphasized good laws while the Han dynasty emphasized good men. The Roman Empire empowered the bureaucracy while the Han dynasty empowered its people. The Roman Empire believed in the separation of church and state while the Han dynasty made religion the basis of government. The Roman Empire depended on a merit-based system of political recruitment while the Han dynasty limited political office to the aristocracy.

The The Roman Empire emphasized good laws while the Han dynasty emphasized good men.

How did one become a state bureaucrat in China's Han Empire and later? The candidate had to be the son of a state bureaucrat. The candidate had to be trained as a scholar and then pass a series of written examinations. The candidate had to purchase office. The candidate was chosen directly by the ruler from among the state slaves.

The candidate had to be trained as a scholar and then pass a series of written examinations.

How did one become a state bureaucrat in China's Han Empire and later? The candidate had to purchase office. The candidate had to be the son of a state bureaucrat. The candidate had to be trained as a scholar and then pass a series of written examinations. The candidate was chosen directly by the ruler from among the state slaves.

The candidate had to be trained as a scholar and then pass a series of written examinations.

In the 1,200 years between 600 BCE and 600 CE: The development of civilization was becoming a global process The overall pattern of human history demonstrated that civilization is a failed concept The empires and states of human civilization showed themselves to be entirely new entities, sharing nothing with the kingdoms and societies of the prior wave Interactions between civilizations and hunter-gatherer societies ceased

The development of civilization was becoming a global process

Explain several factors that distinguish the Second Wave from the First Wave.

The first factor that distinguishes the second wave from the first wave is the types of governments being ran. In first wave civilizations, there was a variety of different governments including chiefdoms, small republics, and even monarchies. Since there is a variety of different governments, this means a variety of people also held power like Pharaohs, chiefs, priests, kings, and warrior chiefs. In second wave civilizations, the consistent forms of government are monarchies and empires. This results in mostly kings and emperors holding power during the second wave. The second factor that distinguishes is the difference in geographic size. In the first civilizations, they covered less than 500,000 square miles combined. In second wave civilizations, they grow to be much bigger ranging from 1.2 million to over 50 million square miles for individual civilizations. The third factor that is the difference in population size between the first and second wave. In the first wave civilizations, the combined population was around 15 million. In the second wave, individual civilizations ranged in population from 2 million all the way to 65 million. The fourth factor that distinguishes is the social traits. In the first wave, slavery was prevelent and women were considerd inferior to men in almost all the civilizations. In the second wave, some civilizations gave women more freedom, like for example in Rome, women could own land if they were wealthy enough. However, in other civilizations women were still seen as equal to a man. Slavery was also less prevelant in some of these second wave civilizations like Hellenistic Greece and China, but they were still prevelent in all the other civilizations.

Which of the following observations about the Bantu-speaking world 600 BCE to 1200 CE is FALSE? Bantu religious practice generally placed more emphasis on ancestral or nature spirits rather than on a High or Creator god, and belief in magic, evil witches, and healing diviners was widespread. Bantu religious practice was based on the possibility of constantly receiving new messages from the world beyond through dream, visions, or trance states. The gender systems of the Bantu-speaking world were at least as patriarchal as those of established urbanized civilizations, and often more so. Among the Luba of Central Africa, male rulers operated in alliance with powerful women, particularly spirit mediums who were thought to contain the spirit of the king.

The gender systems of the Bantu-speaking world were at least as patriarchal as those of established urbanized civilizations, and often more so.

The builders of the mounds of North America 4000 BCE to 400 CE are commonly called: The Anasazi Culture The Ohioan Culture The Hopewell Culture The Mississippi Chiefdom Culture

The hopewell culture

Which of the following was a unique feature of a political life in classical Greece? representative democracy the idea of free male citizens running the affairs of state the granting of limited political rights to slaves the universal right to vote for all men and women above the age of sixteen

The idea of free male citizens running the affairs of state

Which of the following was a unique feature of a political life in classical Greece? the granting of limited political rights to slaves representative democracy the idea of free male citizens running the affairs of state the universal right to vote for all men and women above the age of sixteen

The idea of free male citizens running the affairs of state

Which of the following statements about the Axial Age concept is FALSE? The idea of the Axial Age emphasizes how the new religious and intellectual traditions of the Second Wave shared a broad array of traits. The idea of the Axial Age has earned consistent acceptance by scholars. The idea of the Axial Age has been criticized as overestimating the uniqueness of the Second Wave's intellectual search for answers. The idea of the Axial Age has been criticized as answering the concerns and desires of a post-World-War-II world rather than explaining the events of the Second Wave.

The idea of the Axial Age has earned consistent acceptance by scholars.

Which of the following WAS an important reason for the decline of Meröe? The kingdom suffered severe deforestation because so much wood was used to smelt iron. The kingdom suffered a massive drought that led to large-scale famine. Meröe was conquered by Egypt. Meröe failed to adopt the iron culture of its neighbors and thus could not compete economically.

The kingdom suffered severe deforestation because so much wood was used to smelt iron.

Which of the following statements was NOT a characteristic of Mayan civilization? A highly urbanized society based on city-states and regional kingdoms dependent on warfare and the sacrifice of significant numbers of prisoners The most elaborate writing system in the world An agricultural system characterized by a highly engineered landscape, including drained swamps, terraced hillsides, flattened ridgetops, and elaborate irrigation A mathematical system that included the concept of zero

The most elaborate writing system in the world

Which statement BEST describes the Confucian attitude toward the past? The past was a golden age that modern people should strive to restore. People should live in the present rather than paying attention to the past. The world goes through cycles, so the past will literally come again. History teaches valuable moral lessons, but for the most part people should look toward the future rather than the past.

The past was a golden age that modern people should strive to restore.

Explain the difficulties with studying sub-Saharan African societies prior to the Third Wave.

There are multiple reasons why studying sub-saharan africa is difficult. The first is that in the small societies, there is very rarely any written documents. Without written documents, it is hard to understand a society completely and are forced to make inferences off the little pieces of evidence that are found. There are also limitations of things like archeology and local oral traditions within these societies. When the archeology and oral traditions become limited, things like culture and other parts of life become lost. There are also problems with the external reports of these societies as well. When the french created these reports, they were very dated and problematic, creating much bias in them. Finally european historians throughout the 19th and 20th century viewed africans as being outside of time and unimportant. When something is viewed as being unimportant, it is not considered a priority and usually forgotten about.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the sense of common African culture in pre-modern times? North Africans had a sense of common culture, united by Islam and their Berber heritage. There was no common identity among the people of the continent as Africans. Sub-Saharan Africa had a sense of common identity created by sharing a common Bantu language, but it did not include North Africa. East Africa had a sense of common identity, thanks to its common culture of Indian Ocean trade, but it did not include other parts of Africa.

There was no common identity among the people of the continent as Africans.

What did buddhism and christianity have in common?

They both started out as an effort to reform the religions from they which they had come, but soon emerged as separate religions.

Which of the following was TRUE of both Jesus and Siddartha Gautama? They were both born to poor families. They both stressed that their followers should practice kindness. They were both intensely concerned with social justice. They were both great miracle workers.

They both stressed that their followers should practice kindness

Which of the following was TRUE of both Jesus and Siddartha Gautama? They were both great miracle workers. They both stressed that their followers should practice kindness. They were both born to poor families. They were both intensely concerned with social justice.

They both stressed that their followers should practice kindness.

Which of the following statements about second-wave empires is TRUE? They stimulated the exchange of ideas and cultures. They tended to coalesce peacefully among people who shared common cultures. They hindered economic development by devastating large territories. They imposed cultural uniformity on their subjects.

They stimulated the exchange of ideas and cultures

Which of the following statements about second-wave empires is TRUE? They imposed cultural uniformity on their subjects. They tended to coalesce peacefully among people who shared common cultures. They stimulated the exchange of ideas and cultures. They hindered economic development by devastating large territories.

They stimulated the exchange of ideas and cultures.

What did Confucius, Zarathustra, and Siddartha Gautama share in common? Their teachings had a sharp social and political edge. They were all historical founders of philosophical or religious traditions. They criticized the hypocrisies of the powerful. They all came from lower-class backgrounds and spoke on behalf of the poor and oppressed.

They were all historical founders of philosophical or religious traditions

Which of the following statements about the Hellenistic successor states is TRUE? Group of answer choices They quickly adopted the bureaucratic systems and languages of the regions they ruled. They spread and furthered the democratic principles of Greece. They lasted only briefly before being swallowed up. They were monarchies whose rulers rejected democracy.

They were monarchies whose rulers rejucted democracy

Which of the following statements about women in early Buddhism is TRUE? They were not treated as equals but still found more freedom and independence than was available elsewhere in Indian society. The Buddha taught that they could not achieve enlightenment until after they had reincarnated as men. They were accepted as equal members of the monastic order that the Buddha created. They were not allowed to take part in the monastic life.

They were not treated as equals but still found more freedom and independence than was available elsewhere in Indian society.

What was the attitude of the Chinese ruling elite toward merchants? They were encouraged because merchants provided important luxury goods for the elite. They were regarded as an unproductive threat to society. They were regarded as a pool from which to draw state bureaucrats. They were regarded as the most useful sector of society, since the wealth they generated funded the state.

They were regarded as an unproductive threat to society.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the peoples who inhabited the eastern woodlands of what is now the United States? They formed a significant urban civilization. They were hunters and gatherers. They practiced intensive agriculture, especially of corn and squash. They were semi-sedentary, practicing light agriculture and building mounds that served as ritual centers.

They were semi-sedentary, practicing light agriculture and building mounds that served as ritual centers.

Wari and what other state flourished in the Andes in the period 400-1000 CE? Tikal Tiwanaku Timbuktu Teotihuacán


Which of the following was NOT a social class in second-wave China? The scholar-gentry landlord class Merchants Varna Peasants


What is the name of India's earliest sacred texts? Vedas Ramayana Upanishads Kamasutra


What do the remains of the Moche civilization suggest was important to its rulers? war and ceremony nature and farming peace and meditation education and democracy

War and Ceremony

Which of the following statements BEST describes the position of women in ancient Athens? Men played such an active role in warfare that women undertook important tasks to run families and businesses. Women were subordinate to men, but had the right to own property and conduct legal matters. Women suffered great limitations, and were not allowed to take part in legal matters or the city's political life. Women were the legal equals of men.

Women suffered great limitations, and were not allowed to take part in legal matters or the city's political life.

The major revolt that led to the fall of China's Han dynasty is known as the: Group of answer choices Taiping Rebellion Great Slave Rebellion Great Buddhist Rebellion Yellow Turban Rebellion

Yellow Turban Rebellion

The Prophet Zarathustra's teachings were the basis of what religion? Zoroastrianism Hinduism Judaism Buddhism


Which classical religion was the source of many Jewish ideas including the belief in a conflict between G-d and Satan, a Last Judgment, and the eventual arrival of a savior? Hinduism Zoroastrianism Buddhism Jainism


What is "gender parallelism"? a gender system in which women carry on trades for women, and men for men a "separate but equal" definition of gender roles a gender system that strictly subordinates women to men a system in which men and women live separately, married couples only coming together occasionally

a "separate but equal" definition of gender roles

What was a helot? a member of the Spartan military class a conquered, semi-enslaved subject of Sparta a Greek courtesan a lover of Greek culture

a conquered, semi-enslaved subject of sparta

What do scholars regard as the leading reason for the collapse of much of Maya civilization in the ninth century CE? invasion by their northern neighbors, the Aztecs soil exhaustion after centuries of extensive agriculture catastrophic flooding a long-term drought

a long-term drought

What is a Brahmin? A Zoroastrian priest A member of India's warrior caste A Buddhist priest A member of India's priestly caste

a member of indias priestly caste

Archaeological evidence suggests that the village located at Chavín was the center for: a slave-based economy the study of science and medicine a religious movement that spread throughout much of the Andes political experiments with democracy

a religious movement that spread throughout much of the Andes

Archaeological evidence suggests that the village located at Chavín was the center for: the study of science and medicine a religious movement that spread throughout much of the Andes a slave-based economy political experiments with democracy

a religious movement that spread throughout much of the Andes

Once the system of jatis in India was established: marriage with jatis became taboo individual jatis were locked into an unchanging hierarchy in relation to other jatis an individual within a jati could switch to another jati by paying a fee an individual jati could solely raise its standing in relation to other jatis in the local hierarchy by acquiring land or wealth

an individual jati could solely raise its standing in relation to other jatis in the local hierarchy by acquiring land or wealth

Which ancient Greek philosopher described woman as an inadequate and infertile male who plays a passive role in reproduction and is incapable of rational thought? Aeschylus Demosthenes Plato Aristotle


Both the Buddha and Jesus: allied themselves with religious authorities in their regions came to be seen as gods by subsequent generations of their followers actively sought to found new religions during their lifetimes actively opposed Zoroastrianism

came to be seen as gods by subsequent generations of their followers

In which civilization did the state demand not just taxes from peasants, but also labor service and two years of military service? Greece China Rome India


Which of the following classical religions and philosophies focused more on affairs of this world than on the realm of the divine and its relationship to human life? Confucianism Buddhism Zoroastrianism Christianity


In general, when were patriarchies LEAST restrictive for women? late in civilizations, when states were firmly established and warrior skills were less necessary during times of upheaval during times of peace patriarchies were always restrictive to about the same degree

during times of upheaval

What were the Batwa? foraging people who lived in the rain forest region of Central Africa raised beds for agriculture in the Andes ritual ball courts in Mesoamerica Bantu-speaking peoples who settled in East Africa

foraging people who lived in the rain forest region of Central Africa

Wang Mang's reform program following his seizure of the Chinese throne in 8 CE included: official recognition for the practice of private slavery government loans to peasant families the creation and promotion of large private estates oversight of government officials by local landlords

government loans to peasant families

Wang Mang's reform program following his seizure of the Chinese throne in 8 CE included: the creation and promotion of large private estates oversight of government officials by local landlords official recognition for the practice of private slavery government loans to peasant families

government loans to peasent families

In general, patriarchal systems that restricted women's lives were weakest: during long periods of peace and stability in the early years of a civilization's development when states adopted ideologies that linked female inferiority to the workings of the universe in urban-based civilizations at the height of their power

in the early years of a civilization's development

Slavery in which ancient civilization was relatively small-scale and restrained, providing religious and legal protections for slaves and encouraging masters to free slaves? Greece Rome India China


China was unique in the ancient world in the extent to which: its social organization was shaped by the actions of the state slaveholding defined the society women were allowed a role in public life the caste system defined its social structure

its social organization was shaped by the actions of the state

The Persian Empire and the Mauryan dynasty were similar in that BOTH: controlled parts of eastern China ultimately evolved into republican governments relied on imperial spies to keep tabs on distant provinces defined the right of the emperor to rule through the Mandate of Heaven

relied on imperial spies to keep tabs on distant provinces

India and China during the second-wave era were similar in that both societies: social prestige was primarily attained through service to the state sharp distinctions and great inequalities characterized the social order it was easy for people to improve their social status through hard work birth had no place in determining the social status of most people

sharp distinctions and great inequalities characterized the social order

What victory over the Persians in 490 BCE was touted as a great victory of Greek freedoms over Asian despotism? the Battle of Issus the Battle of Marathon the Battle of Thermopylae the Battle of Actium

the battle of marathon

In their political organization, the Maya were MOST like: the civilization of the Niger Valley the kingdom of Axum the imperial state of Rome the city-states of classical Greece

the city-states of classical Greece

Which of the following reflects a Zoroastrian idea that can be found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? the concepts of heaven and hell the notion of reincarnation the idea of Brahman (World Soul) the united of opposites

the concepts of heaven and hell

In second-wave Athens: a slave who was freed by his or her master became a citizen of the city-state slavery was criticized by the greatest of the Greek philosophers including Aristotle, and was ultimately outlawed in society as a whole the growth of democracy was accompanied by the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale slaves made up no more than three percent of the total population

the growth of democracy was accompanied by the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale

In second-wave Athens: a slave who was freed by his or her master became a citizen of the city-state slaves made up no more than three percent of the total population slavery was criticized by the greatest of the Greek philosophers including Aristotle, and was ultimately outlawed in society as a whole the growth of democracy was accompanied by the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale

the growth of democracy was accompanied by the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale

In second-wave Athens: slaves made up no more than three percent of the total population a slave who was freed by his or her master became a citizen of the city-state the growth of democracy was accompanied by the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale slavery was criticized by the greatest of the Greek philosophers including Aristotle, and was ultimately outlawed in society as a whole

the growth of democracy was accompanied by the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale

The growth of democracy in second-wave Athens was accompanied by: the abolition of slavery the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale the association of slave status with race harsh criticism from Greek intellectuals like Aristotle

the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale

During the second-wave era, slaves comprised more than one-third of the total population in: China the Persian Empire India the Roman Empire

the roman empire

The growth of democracy in second-wave Athens was accompanied by: the association of slave status with race harsh criticism from Greek intellectuals like Aristotle the abolition of slavery the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale

the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale

A major development that occurred during the Hellenistic era was: Group of answer choices Sparta's defeat of Athens in the Peloponnesian War the spread of Greek culture throughout most of the ancient world the Mongol conquest of Europe the expansion of the Roman Empire to its greatest height

the spread of Greek culture throughout most of the ancient world

What was the attitude of the Chinese ruling elite toward merchants? They were regarded as the most useful sector of society, since the wealth they generated funded the state. They were regarded as an unproductive threat to society. They were encouraged because merchants provided important luxury goods for the elite. They were regarded as a pool from which to draw state bureaucrats.

the were regarded as an uproductive threat to society

Which Chinese emperor ruled from 8-23 CE, who divided up the great private estates of the landlord class and gave them to small peasant farmers? Wang Mang Qin Shihuangdi Po Chu-I Wu Di

wang mang

Both the cultures that took shape in the Chaco canyon region and those that took shape in the Mississippi River valley: were founded by pastoralists build large cities that rivaled those of Mesoamerica hosted independent agricultural revolutions were based on corn-based agriculture introduced from Mesoamerica

were based on corn-based agriculture introduced from Mesoamerica

Mesoamerican and Andean cultures were SIMILAR in that both: used iron tools extensively tried by failed to develop regional or long-distance trade networks were profoundly impacted by the emergence of the Chavín cult were dominated by cities or regional states rather than a single empire

were dominated by cities or regional states rather than a single empire

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