A "stricter" version of HTML called XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language), which based on and associated with XML.
Client-Side Caching
Browsers often cache (save on disk) recently viewed web pages for quick reloading.
Server-Side Scripting
Programmers have more flexibility Have wider range of programmatic capabilities because it allows them to generate custom responses for clients
Client-side programming
Technologies used to build web pages and applications that are run on the client (i.e., in the browser on the user's device). (using HTML5, CSS 3)
Server-side programming:
The applications that respond to requests from client-side web browsers, such as searching, checking, bidding, etc. ). (using PHP, ASP.NET, Java Server Faces)
World Wide Web
allows users to execute web-based applications and to locate and view multimedia-based documents on any subject over the Internet.
Semantic Web
computers learning to understand the meaning of the data on the web
Middle tier> Business logic
enforces business rules and ensures that data is reliable before the application updates a database or presents data to users.
Web 1.0
focused on small number of companies and advertisers producing content for users to access ("brochure web")
Top tier User interface or client tier (applications clients)
gathers input and displays output Users interact directly with the application through the user interface(web browser or a mobile device) client tier interacts with the middle tier to make requests and to retrieve data from the information tier.
Middle tier Business logical tier
implements business logic, controller logic and presentation logic to control interactions between and act as intermediary for the application's clients and its data
Web 2.0
involves the users—not only do they often create content, but they help organize it, share it, remix it, critique it, update it, etc
Java Scripts
language that helps you build dynamic web pages and computer applications. It enables the client-side programming of web applications.
Domain Name System (DNS) server
maintains a database of hostnames and their corresponding IP addresses and performs the translations automatically.
Bottom tier Data tier or Information tier
maintains the application's data, stores it in a RDBMS
GET method
or obtain a resource or information from server to the client (ex, HTML document, image, search result
Middle tier> presentation logic
processes data from the information tier and presents the content to the client Web applications present data to clients as HTML documents.
Middle tier> controller logic
processes client requests (view a product catalog) and retrieves data from the database
POST method
sends data from client to a server (ex, send form data or documents
Client-Side Scripting
used to validate user input, to interact with the browser, to enhance web pages, and to add client/server communication between a browser and a web server.