Website Terminology

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-Short for web-log. An web-based journal.


A computer that stores and serves web pages over the Web. Most people rent web space for their website from specialist 'Hosting' providers.

Search Engine

A web based database used to find websites. Work on the basis of a websites relevance to a search phrase.


A world wide grid of inter-linked (networked) computers.

World Wide Web (www)

An international protocol (http:) used as a common means to communicate via the Internet.


Generally, a computer that stores and provides access to websites. Web pages are said to be 'served' to a client application, i.e. a Web Browser.


Hardware and software systems designed to create a security barrier between networks. These can be configured to allow decisions to be made on what can and can not be accessed. Used to detect and block illegal access attempts.


Hyper Text Mark-Up Language. Standard Mark-Up coding language for creating web pages. It is the source code that the computer reads to create the page. See: HTTP


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Standard protocol for addressing Hyper Text web pages on the web. See: HTML

IP Address or Number

Internet Protocol. Every computer that accesses the Internet must have a unique identifying number. IP numbers can be assigned temporarily only whilst a computer is 'on-line'. Each active Domain Name will have a IP number assigned to it.


Internet Service Provider. Companies that provide a means for their users to access the Internet.


Search Engine Optimisation. A technique for making a website Search Engine 'friendly'.


Sophisticated programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Used often on the Web because, unlike other languages (C++), it is not system or platform dependent. (i.e. Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix).


Special software designed to read web pages. Often referred to as a Web Browser. Popular browsers include Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Mozilla's Firefox, Netscape's Navigator and Opera. Most browsers are offered for free.


The default entry page to a website. If a user only inputs a Domain Name in a Browser, the Browser will begin downloading the Homepage. The most common way to indicate which page is to be your Homepage, is to name it; index.htm.

Domain Name

The unique name that identifies an Internet based website. Example:


Two or more computers connected together that can share information, data, software, etc.


Uniform Resource Locator. At its simplest, URL can be seen to be synonymous with a 'web address'.


a collection of Web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that is hosted on one or several Web server(s), usually accessible via the Internet, cell phone or a LAN.

Web Server

a computer that is only used to display websites and webpages.

Web page

a document, typically written in HTML, which is almost always accessible via HTTP, a protocol that transfers information from the Web server to display in the user's Web browser.

Web host

the computer that has the ability to display the website on the World Wide Web so that everyone can see it worldwide. The web host is a computer, just like you have at home, except that all it does is display websites on the World Wide Web. Web hosting is the service that provides you with the ability to display your website.

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