Week 12_Chapter 18

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Helen's knowledge of calculus and statistics is part of her _____ memory. A. semantic B. episodic C. prospective D. implicit


_____ memory is memory without conscious recollection. A. Implicit B. Prospective C. Source D. Explicit


A Pew poll found that belief in God was higher in _____ than in any other age period. A. older adults B. young adults C. adolescents D. middle-aged adults


A recent study of older adults found that the greater the variability in their _____ attention, the more likely they were to experience falls. A. sustained B. selective C. divided D. executive


According to Denise Park and Patricia Reuter-Lorenz, neurocognitive _____ involves the use of complementary, neural circuits to protect cognitive functioning in an aging brain. A. scaffolding B. bypassing C. extension D. regeneration


According to a recent study by De Meyer and others, every one of the older adults with mild cognitive impairment who had _____ in their spinal fluid developed Alzheimer disease within five years. A. the amyloid beta B. acetylcholine C. the apolipoprotein D. oxytocin


An example of _____ attention is the ability to focus on one voice among many in a crowded room or a noisy restaurant. A. selective B. divided C. sustained D. executive


Cognitive _____ declines in old age, whereas cognitive _____ appears to remain constant or improve. A. mechanics; pragmatics B. pragmatics; mechanics C. pragmatics; reasoning D. learning; reasoning


Elder maltreatment is primarily carried out by: A. family members. B. doctors. C. nurses. D. home-care staff.


In a study conducted in 2006 of older adults who had returned to work after retirement, about _____ reported that they had done so by choice (it made them happy), and about _____ reported that they had to return to work in order to meet financial needs. A. two-thirds; one-third B. one-third; two-thirds C. three-quarters; one-quarter D. one-quarter; three-quarters


In his studies on wisdom, Paul Baltes has found all of the following EXCEPT: A. wisdom is correlated with cognitive factors such as intelligence. B. wisdom is associated with creativity, generativity, and openness to experience. C. higher levels of wisdom is achieved through certain life experiences, such as being trained and working in a field concerned with difficult life problems. D. having wisdom-enhancing mentors contribute to higher levels of wisdom.


It is estimated that _____ percent of women 85 years and older are at risk for developing dementia. A. 23 B. 17 C. 31 D. 55


Lower frequency of depressive symptoms in older adults compared with middle-aged adults was linked to all of the following EXCEPT: A. better geriatric care. B. fewer economic hardships. C. fewer negative social interchanges. D. increased religiosity.


Older adults especially perform well when decision making: A. is not constrained by time pressures. B. does not hold any meaning for them. C. involves high risks. D. requires high perceptual speed.


Senior Odyssey is a 20-week program: A. involving creative problem solving skills in older adults. B. aimed at improving motor-skills and general physical health in older adults. C. aimed at teaching adults to multitask. D. involving exposure of older adults to younger people through shared social activities.


The concept of "use it or lose it" is a significant component of the _____ model of cognitive optimization that addresses strategies to buffer age-related declines in intellectual development. A. engagement B. constructivist C. peer-to-peer D. social learning


The concept of _____ emphasizes that changes in cognitive functioning may be linked more to distance from death or cognition-related pathology than to distance from birth. A. terminal decline B. terminal slide C. cognitive shift D. cognitive slide


The retention of information about the when and where of life's happenings is called _____ memory. A. episodic B. prospective C. source D. semantic


The term Baltes uses to describe the "hardware" of the mind, meaning the neurophysiological architecture of the brain that was developed through evolution, is: A. cognitive mechanics. B. cognitive perceptions. C. crystallized pragmatics. D. crystallized intelligence.


What is an allele? A. An alternative form of a gene B. The specific location of a gene on the chromosome C. A particular chromosome in the human genome D. A sequence of DNA that caps the chromosome


Which of the following has been linked to lower cognitive performance, not only in older adults but also in young and middle-aged adults? A. Hypertension B. Arthritis C. Cancer D. Congestive heart disease


Which of the following is TRUE of memory and aging? A. Memory decline occurs primarily in explicit, episodic, and working memory. B. Successful aging means reducing the decline and adapting to it. C. Memory decline occurs primarily in implicit memory or semantic memory. D. Successful aging means eliminating memory decline altogether.


Which of the following is an example of explicit memory? A. John summarizes the plot of a novel that he has just read to his friend. B. Max drives the car from his office to his home. C. Linda turns off the lights before going to bed. D. Maria types on her computer while talking to her friend.


A recent study reported by De Meyer and others revealed that _____, which is a protein fragment that forms plaques in the brain, was present in the spinal fluid of approximately 75 percent of the individuals with mild cognitive impairment. A. apolipoprotein E B. amyloid beta C. acetylcholine D. serotonin


A study reported by Lachman and others (2010) revealed that older adults with less education had _____ than those with more education. A. lower interpersonal skills B. lower cognitive abilities C. higher incidence of mental disorders D. higher distractibility


According to a study by Mahoney and others (2010), a lower level of _____ attention in older adults was linked to low blood pressure, which likely is related to reduced blood flow to the brain's frontal lobes. A. sustained B. executive C. divided D. selective


_____, which is closely linked to short-term memory, is like a place for doing mental jobs and allows children and adults to manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language. A. Working memory B. Episodic memory C. Working cognition D. Source memory


A common memory problem for older adults is _____, in which individuals cannot quite retrieve familiar information but have the feeling that they should be able to retrieve it. A. dementia B. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon C. temporary memory loss D. mental block


A gene called _____ is linked to increasing presence of plaques and tangles in the brain. A. ApoB B. ApoE C. ApoC D. ApoX


Alzheimer disease is a form of: A. major depression. B. a purely psychological decline in old age. C. paranoia. D. dementia.


Which of the following is one of the BEST predictors of job performance in older adults? A. Cognitive ability B. Educational attainment C. Distaste for retirement/complexity of work D. Being married to a working spouse


Which of the following is the main treatment for Parkinson in the earlier stages? A. Dopamine agonists B. L-dopa C. Cholinerase inhibitors D. Acetylcholine


Which of the following is the probable reason for the decline in working memory in older adults? A. Increased distractibility B. Efficient inhibition C. Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon D. Lowered implicit memory


Which of the following statements about cognitive mechanics and cognitive pragmatics is true? A. Educational qualifications and professional skills are components of cognitive pragmatics. B. Cognitive mechanics improves in late adulthood. C. Decline in cognitive pragmatics may begin as soon as early midlife. D. Knowledge about the self and life skills that help people to master or cope with life are components of cognitive mechanics.


Which of the following statements about prospective memory is NOT true? A. Older adults are more likely to forget an event-based task than a time-based task. B. Prospective memory sometimes declines with age. C. Decline of prospective memory depends on complex factors. D. Declines in prospective memory occur more in laboratory than real-life settings.


Which of the following statements about the relationship between semantic memory and aging is true? A. Episodic memory declines more than semantic memory in older adults. B. Older adults are usually unable to retrieve semantic information. C. Episodic memory and semantic memory remain unchanged in older adults. D. Older adults can retrieve semantic information from long ago but not from the recent past.


Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. This is an example of _____ attention. A. selective B. divided C. implicit D. executive


_____ care refer to services that provide temporary relief for those who are caring for individuals with disabilities, illnesses, or the elderly. A. Respite B. Hospice C. Palliative D. Home health


_____ is increasingly recognized as a risk factor for Alzheimer disease. A. Mild cognitive impairment B. Low cholesterol C. Major depression D. Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon


_____ is triggered by degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. A. Parkinson disease B. Alzheimer disease C. Huntington's disease D. Spina bifida


Adeline, aged 90, still drives her car to the senior center every Friday. Last week she tells her friends that someone they know from her church died. When they ask her for the person's name she says, "I can't remember her name. She sits near the altar and always has a hat on." Clearly Adeline has better _____ memory than _____ memory. A. explicit; implicit B. implicit; explicit C. explicit; procedural D. source; trait


All of the following are risk factors associated with Alzheimer disease EXCEPT: A. cardiovascular disease. B. clinical depression. C. high cholesterol. D. obesity.


In 2013, in the United States, the average age of retirement was _____ for men and _____ for women. A. 65; 67 B. 64; 62 C. 66; 64 D. 70; 72


Jonas is being tested for decline in cognitive functioning. The test involves assessing his ability to action planning, allocating attention to goals, detecting errors, monitoring progress on tasks, and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances. The researchers are testing Jonas' _____ attention. A. sustained B. executive C. divided D. selective


Older adults have more difficulty determining the time required to step on the brakes when a traffic light suddenly turns red. This is because they have: A. a decline in explicit memory. B. slower perceptual speed. C. inferior semantic memory. D. lost the ability to use their episodic memory.


One study reported by Gillum and others revealed that religious attendance at least weekly compared with never was linked to a: A. higher risk of mortality. B. lower risk of mortality. C. lower risk of Alzheimer disease. D. higher risk of depression.


Phyllis Moen described seven paths that individuals in their sixties usually follow. Which of the following is NOT one of those paths? A. Some retire from career work and take up a new and different job. B. Some go to work for the first time after being homemakers. C. Some move to a disability status due to poor health. D. Some who are laid off define their status as "retirement."


Recent research indicates that the greater distractibility of older adults is associated with less effective functioning in neural networks running through the _____ of the brain, which are involved in cognitive control. A. occipital and temporal lobes B. frontal and parietal lobes C. cerebellum D. medulla


Studies conducted in 2006 revealed that approximately _____ million retired Americans return to work after they have retired. A. 1 B. 7 C. 15 D. 25


The brain messenger chemical _____ plays an important role in memory. A. serotonin B. acetylcholine C. noradrenaline D. oxytocin


The cost of caring for older adults with mental health disorders is estimated to be more than _____ per year in the United States. A. $100 billion B. $40 billion C. $100 million D. $50 million


The most common predictors of depression in older adults include all of the following EXCEPT: A. poor health. B. lack of disability. C. low social support. D. death of a spouse or other loss events.


The term _____ refers to the ability to focus on a specific aspect of experience that is relevant while ignoring others that are irrelevant. A. divided attention B. selective attention C. attention deficit D. sustained attention


The transitional state between the cognitive changes of normal aging and very early Alzheimer disease and other dementias is called: A. confusion. B. mild cognitive impairment. C. attention deficit disorder. D. neurosis.


Venette recounts a funny story that she had recently heard to her friend Clarice. Clarice tells her that she has heard the story before, and, in fact, she had been the one to originally tell the story to Venette. Venette is having a failure of her _____ memory. A. prospective B. source C. fluid D. procedural


Which of the following concepts have distinctions similar to the ones between cognitive mechanics and cognitive pragmatics? A. Gross and fine motor skills B. Fluid and crystallized intelligence C. Physiological and psychological control D. Generativity and stagnation


Which of the following factors are most likely to contribute to the decline in fluid mechanics in late adulthood? A. Decline in writing skills B. Decline in processing speed C. Decline in language comprehension D. Decline in life skills


Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for depression? A. Overlooking insomnia B. Increase in social support C. Increase in self-critical thinking D. Curtailment of daily activities


Which of the following is TRUE of decision-making and aging? A. Older adults perform well when decision making is constrained by time pressures. B. Older adults are far more inconsistent with their choices as compared to younger adults. C. Older adults perform well when decisions involve high risks. D. Older adults' decision-making skills are more likely to be unaffected by age-related decreases in memory.


Which of the following is a similarity between Alzheimer and Parkinson disease? A. Both are triggered by a deficiency of the important brain messenger chemical acetylcholine. B. Both are progressive in nature. C. Both affect only the elderly. D. Both are easily managed with medication.


Which of the following is an example of implicit memory? A. Being at a grocery store and remembering what an individual wanted to buy B. Typing on a computer while talking to a friend C. Being able to name the capital of Illinois D. Recounting the events of a movie an individual has seen


Which of the following is one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer disease? A. Increased irritability and aggressiveness B. Word-finding/generating difficulties C. Decrease in ability to produce well-formed sentences D. Decreased hand-eye coordination


Which of the following is true about attention? A. The more difficult the competing tasks are, the more effectively older adults divide attention than younger adults. B. When the two competing tasks are reasonably easy, age differences among adults are minimal or nonexistent. C. On simple tasks involving a search for a feature, age differences are dramatic even when individuals are given sufficient practice. D. Generally, older adults are more adept at selective attention than younger adults are.


Which of the following statements about language skills of older adults is NOT true? A. The vocabulary of individuals often continues to increase throughout most of the adult years. B. Older adults seldom report difficulty in retrieving words to use in conversation. C. Understanding spoken language in certain contexts is a common complaint for older adults. D. In less than ideal listening conditions, older adults can have difficulty in understanding speech.


Which of the following statements about retirement in America is true? A. Approximately 20 million retired Americans return to work after they have retired. B. When retired adults return to the labor force, it occurs on average four years after retirement. C. A majority of former retirees report that they were forced to go back to work to meet financial needs. D. Very few retirees who return to work report that they were happy to have done so.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the cholinesterase inhibitor drugs used to treat Alzheimer disease? A. They slow down the progression of the disease. B. They reverse the effects of the disease. C. They have not yet been approved by the Federal Drug Administration for the treatment of MCI. D. They improve memory and other cognitive functions.


Who is most likely to abuse the elderly? A. Their children B. Their spouse C. Their health care workers D. Their neighbors


Why are older adults more likely to forget what items they wanted to buy at a grocery store (unless they write them down on a list and take it with them) than they are to forget how to drive a car? A. Perceptual speed declines with aging. B. Implicit memory is less likely to be adversely affected by aging than explicit memory. C. Source memory is more likely to decline with aging than prospective memory. D. Explicit memory declines more rapidly with aging than implicit memory.


_____ attention is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or some other aspect of the environment. A. Selective B. Sustained C. Divided D. Executive


_____ is expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits practical judgment about important matters. A. Enlightenment B. Wisdom C. Proficiency D. Competence


_____ is the global term for any neurological disorder in which the primary symptoms involve a deterioration of mental functioning. A. Paranoia B. Dementia C. Schizophrenia D. Alzheimer disease


According to research by Baltes and his colleagues, the time frame of _____ is the main age window for wisdom to emerge. A. early midlife and late midlife B. midlife and late adulthood C. late adolescence and early adulthood D. young-old and oldest-old


All of the following are symptoms of major depression EXCEPT: A. boredom. B. feeling demoralized. C. paranoia. D. listlessness.


Although Alicia has a great memory for trivia, she has difficulty remembering important events in her life. Alicia has good _____ memory but poor _____ memory. A. episodic; procedural B. procedural; semantic C. semantic; episodic D. explicit; implicit


Alzheimer disease involves a deficiency in an important brain messenger chemical: A. dopamine. B. serotonin. C. acetylcholine. D. oxytocin.


As a result of aging, which of the following is NOT likely to deteriorate? A. Visual discrimination B. Comparison C. Language comprehension D. Categorization


Estimates indicate that as many as _____ percent of individuals 65 years of age and older have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). A. 40 to 50 B. 30 to 40 C. 10 to 20 D. 50 to 60


Explicit memory is also called _____ memory. A. collective B. procedural C. declarative D. false


Frank, aged 67, recites a poem that he learned in grade school, much to the amazement of his grandchildren. This is an example of Frank's _____ memory. A. procedural B. implicit C. semantic D. functional


In 2013, an estimated _____ million adults in the United States had Alzheimer disease. A. 1 B. 2.6 C. 5.2 D. 8.8


Mae is 87 years old. She is most likely to have difficulty understanding a person when he or she: A. speaks slowly. B. has a face-to-face conversation with her. C. calls her on the phone. D. picks a quiet place to have a conversation.


Many psychotherapists prefer not to work with older patients, labeling them as: A. YAVISes. B. OPLAs. C. QUOIDs. D. NUIPs.


Michael's mother always forgets to take her heart medication. So, every night Michael calls her after dinner to remind her about her medicines. This demonstrates that Michael's mother is experiencing a decline in _____ memory. A. source B. episodic C. prospective D. implicit


Nearly _____ percent of individuals who commit suicide in the United States are 65 years of age or older. A. 2 B. 10 C. 25 D. 40


On average, today's workers in the United States will spend _____ to _____ of their lives in retirement. A. 1 percent; 5 percent B. 5 percent; 10 percent C. 10 percent; 15 percent D. 15 percent; 20 percent


One study found that following six months of _____ older adults showed improvement on reaction time tasks. A. eating a macrobiotic diet B. cognitive behavioral therapy C. aerobic exercise D. attending regular religious services


Perceptual speed shows considerable decline in late adulthood and is strongly linked with declines in: A. selective attention. B. semantic memory. C. working memory. D. divided attention.


Remembering how to ride a bike without having to consciously think about it is a part of an individual's _____ memory. A. declarative B. prospective C. implicit D. explicit


Selective attention is _____, whereas divided attention is _____. A. vigilance; focusing on a specific event B. paying attention only occasionally; constantly paying attention C. focusing on one thing; focusing on many things D. paying attention to detail; paying attention to significant events


Speed and accuracy of the processes involved in sensory input, attention, visual and motor memory, discrimination, comparison, and categorization are components of: A. cognitive perceptions. B. cognitive pragmatics. C. cognitive mechanics. D. cognitive intelligence.


Which of the following can be attributed to giving Americans the option to retire? A. The Age Discrimination Act of 1967 B. The deletion of mandatory retirement in 1986 C. Establishment of the Social Security system in 1935 D. The extension of the mandatory retirement age in 1978


Which of the following changes in the brain has NOT been associated with Alzheimer disease? A. Shrinkage of the brain B. Formation of amyloid plaques C. A series of mini-strokes D. Formation of neurofibrillary tangles


Which of the following constitute dense deposits of protein that accumulate in the blood vessels? A. Cholinesterase inhibitors B. Neurofibrillary tangles C. Amyloid plaques D. Apolipoproteins


Which of the following is a drug that is used in the treatment of Parkinson disease? A. ACE inhibitors B. Cholinerase inhibitors C. L-dopa D. Serotonin


Which of the following is a term used to describe sustained attention? A. Executive functioning B. Transitivity C. Vigilance D. Multitasking


Which of the following is the effect of the drug treatment given to patients with Alzheimer disease? A. It increases the amount of amyloid beta in spinal fluid. B. It treats mild cognitive impairment. C. It increases levels of acetylcholine in the brain. D. It activates the apolipoprotein E gene.


Which of the following is true about implicit memory? A. It is also known as declarative memory. B. It is more likely to be adversely affected by aging than explicit memory. C. It involves skills and routine procedures that are automatically performed. D. It is memory of facts and experiences that individuals consciously know and can state.


Which of the following is true of the influence of education on the cognitive functioning of older adults? A. Today's older adults were less likely to go to college when they were young adults as compared to their parents or grandparents. B. Fewer older adults are returning to college today to further their education than in past generations. C. For older adults with less education, frequently engaging in cognitive activities improved their episodic memory. D. Educational experiences have no impact or are negatively correlated with scores on intelligence tests and information-processing tasks.


Which of the following statements about retirement is true? A. Men spend less time planning for retirement than women do. B. Older adults with a long work history adjust to retirement more easily than those who have been in the workforce for a shorter period of time. C. Higher levels of financial assets and job satisfaction were more strongly linked to men's higher psychological well-being in retirement. D. Preretirement social contacts were more strongly related to men's psychological well-being in retirement than women's.


_____ attention involves concentrating on more than one activity at the same time. A. Sustained B. Selective C. Divided D. Executive


_____ refers to a progressive, irreversible brain disorder that is characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and eventually, physical function. A. Huntington's disease B. Parkinson disease C. Alzheimer disease D. Clinical depression


_____ refers to extended verbal expression in speech or writing. A. Narrative B. Embellishing C. Discourse D. Characterization


A person with _____ does not feel well, loses stamina easily, has a poor appetite, and is listless and unmotivated. A. obsessive compulsive disorder B. schizophrenia C. dementia D. major depression


A person's knowledge about the world is called _____ memory. A. schematic B. functional C. normative D. semantic


According to research by Baltes and his colleagues, which of the following statements about wisdom is TRUE? A. Wisdom does not require experience, practice, or complex skills. B. Wisdom increases dramatically from midlife to late adulthood. C. Cognitive factors are better predictors of wisdom than personality-related factors. D. High levels of wisdom are rare.


An example of _____ attention is making a decision about which stimuli to attend to when making a left turn at an intersection. A. executive B. divided C. sustained D. selective


As many as _____ percent of older adults with depressive symptoms receive no treatment at all. A. 10 B. 25 C. 60 D. 80


Cognitive _____ are the culture-based "software programs" of the mind. A. functions B. perceptions C. mechanics D. pragmatics


Cognitive neuroscience has uncovered some important links between aging, the brain, and cognitive functioning. Which of the following is NOT one of them? A. Decline in neural circuits is linked to poorer performance by older adults on complex reasoning tasks. B. Older adults are more likely than younger adults to use both hemispheres of the brain. C. Older adults show greater activity in the frontal and parietal regions while engaging in simple tasks. D. In older adults, the functioning of the hippocampus declines more than the functioning of the frontal lobes.


Eighty-year-old Lucia has difficulty remembering to call her son every Sunday at noon. This is most likely due to a decline in her ________ memory. A. source B. episodic C. implicit D. prospective


It is estimated that _____ percent of men 85 years and older are at risk for developing dementia. A. 23 B. 55 C. 31 D. 17


Mr. Dalton has been complaining of irregular and involuntary movement in the right part of his body. The doctors noticed that Mr. Dalton has been showing signs of slow movement and partial facial paralysis. The chronic and progressive nature of the illness was revealed in the pathological findings. Which of the following conditions does Mr. Dalton most likely suffer from? A. Alzheimer disease B. Multi-infarct syndrome C. Lewy body dementia D. Parkinson disease


One of the most common language difficulties that older adults experience is: A. expressive aphasia. B. stuttering. C. making up new words that other people do not understand. D. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.


Remembering the name of a person's favorite toy from years ago when he or she was a child is an example of _____ memory. A. prospective B. implicit C. semantic D. episodic


Remembering where a person went on vacation last summer is an example of _____ memory. A. situational B. semantic C. prospective D. episodic


Senior Odyssey participants showed increased _____ that involves generating new ideas, being open to new information, and being aware of multiple perspectives. A. openness to diversity B. other-centeredness C. multitasking D. mindfulness


The concept of _____ emphasizes that changes in cognitive activity patterns might result in disuse and consequent atrophy of cognitive skills. A. multiple intelligence B. "mind over matter" C. terminal decline D. "use it or lose it"


Travis, who is 25 years old, knows that Beijing is the capital of China, but he cannot remember when or where he learned this. This is an example of how semantic memory: A. improves with age. B. is closely linked to an individual's personal identity with the past. C. begins to decline in early adulthood. D. is independent of an individual's personal identity with the past.


Which of the following is NOT a component of cognitive pragmatics? A. Language comprehension B. Knowledge about the self C. Life skills D. Comparison and categorization


Which of the following is a drug used to treat Alzheimer disease? A. Ritalin B. L-dopa C. ACE inhibitors D. Cholinesterase inhibitors


Which of the following is a treatment for advanced Parkinson disease? A. Cholinerase inhibitors B. Electroconvulsive therapy C. Dopamine agonists D. Deep brain stimulation


Which of the following is called the "common cold" of mental disorders? A. Schizophrenia B. Alzheimer disease C. Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon D. Major depression


Which of the following statements about older workers is true? A. Older workers have more accidents than younger workers. B. Older workers have higher rates of absenteeism than younger workers. C. Older workers are of considerably less value to a company than younger workers. D. Older workers experience more job satisfaction than younger workers.


_____ is a cognitive resource that involves the ability to perform tasks such as deciding whether pairs of two-digit or two-letter strings are the same or different or determining the time required to step on the brakes when the car directly ahead stops. A. Sustained attention B. Executive attention C. Episodic memory D. Perceptual speed


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